It's Happening (France)

Kebab lit up trying to rape Mona Lisa

Other urls found in this thread:

Stupid mudshit monkeys.

The Louvre is such a beautiful building, I never understood why they ruined it with the ugly ass glass pyramid entrance. They should wipe this progressive architecture away and start anew.

ALSO -> he had two backpacks with explosives mentioned quizzically or almost shamefully and perhaps trying to hide it by the reporter...

And a ministry here in Brazil wants to take refugees. No one of my leftist friends dont understand why I dont mind gays or black people, but can't into musln refugees. Hell, the actual brazillian arabs may hate the Allahu Ackbar dudes.

The terrorist is a CIA puppet activated by Trump's administration
Trump needs to justify his Muslim ban
Great timing muricans

>mona lisa

Mates, let's jump in my car and let's go!
Get the fuck in!

>pic related

I thought the police chief said there weren't any explosives found

t. toulouse or bordeaux fag

>normie BBC news network
>"Marine le Pen is leading in the polls"

Holy fuck I thought France was the most leftist black hole in Europe. Sort of in between Germany and Britain on the cuck-o-meter. I'm more surprised about Le Pen leading than anything else in the article.


>between Germany and Britain

Fun fact:
>Germany has 82 million people, citizens and non-citizens
>76 million are white christians/atheists/pagans
>5-6 million are non-white and muslim

Now compare that with the UK percentage wise.
The UK is the most cucked by far, yeah they left the EU now, but demographic wise, super cucked.
Even France is more white and less cucked.

She's definitely leading on the first round of the election, but deemed to lose on the second.

That being said, any day that passes with the wonders of diversity make her scores go higher.

France is a long, long way down the rabbit hole now.

Remember the French system isn't like yours, though. It's much easier for people to unite against a candidate here. She's still predicted to lose overall.

You should take them and just dump them in the favelas.

The problem will solve itself in short order.

is Fillon deliberately being destroyed so a more cucked candidate can win Round 2? Globalists are salivating about Macron now.

t. Ahmed

Hard to say, because Macron is a literal nobody who was totally unknown two years ago, even with the power of the media it's hard to believe that he can team up a movement from nothing, have no programme at all (yet) and gather 20% of the votes in margin of the two major parties.

t. Igor

fucking lol frenchcuck

Just don't

>be yuropoor
>get raped
when will this meme end? who can we publicly execute as responsible for this? angela merkel? i want a guilty party to blame other than kikes who´s in power at yurop

I'm from bordeaux.

What did you mean by this?

Ireland is that you.

My wife is french (Champagne & Lorraine parents)
and i spent alot of time in several regions of France. Bordeaux is full of antifa-fags and communists as well as SJWs.
Should be bombed, just like Berlin in Germany should be bombed

Carcassonne is the only nice place down there
>pic related


Praise Kek. what i wrote about Bordeaux and Berlin shall happen!

>The threat of terrorism is here to stay.










(((Martin Schulz))) said the same about Germany and Europe in general. But unlike Hollande, he's actually jewish

>random muzzie fucker get shot for being retarded
>muh terrorism threat
>to ensure safety, state of emergency will remain until further notice :^)
>btw we are now allowed to spy on citizens to prevent terrorism
>most important topic of upcoming election is now immigration
>what economic growth ? sorry we only talk about muzzies nao

th.. thanks

Best solution here

Every German poster repeats these demographic statistics as if they've even done proper headcounts on these parasites. This is new to nobody on Sup Forums who has posted for a week. I should have used Sweden as my example for being ultra-cucked since Germans strike me as being pro-status quo/order/stability than anything. The status quo in this case being the center-left government that ruled over comfy times from the 60s to 00s but is an anachronism now.

France at least seems to be interested in starting chemo. Meme all you like, but you're completely fucking blind if you think everything's okay.

Brexit is a good start for the Brits but they still have a long way to go. Even we're completely fucked if Trump's agenda is a four year blip and he gets voted out.

Holland shouldve called for a travel ban from egypt.


>implying i think things are okay

No, i'm just annoyed by americans everyday asking me if our girls can leave the house at night
Or my favourite:
>Germany being overrun by Muslims, very soon more muslims than germans

I blame RebelMedia and InfoWars for that bullshit though. I think many americans don't know how many people live in Germany in comparison to the UK or Sweden, both countries having little population. So they have it worse naturally.

Also you forget something important we Germans have to deal with
>constant WW2 shaming, including by US republicans

Unlike France, UK etc. when a german is patriotic, you have international media going
>german nationalism on the rise

We have a harder road ahead than others because of this. Which is why i assume we will be the last to go further right sadly

Look what the truck dragged in


>what economic growth ? sorry we only talk about muzzies nao
Enjoy being rich in a country where you can't walk the streets... Economics is not a priority, if people have a good life they are more productive, not the other way around.


Who? Can I get a rundown? A quick one?

>society in crisis
>cultural makeup and national security of France in total jeopardy
>must act now
>children may live in an entirely different country
>"excusez moi, but will I get €0.02 more on mon paycheque? c'est important!"
>"le just fuck my country up XD"

criminally underrated

What is with all these European leaders acting like this shit is normal?

>worth more than gold


you shouldn't be afraid of terrorist attacks because suddenly it's all the medias can talk about
you're not more insecure now that this retard thought it's be a nice idea to attack the louvres with a machette than you were before

like are you now afraid to be assaulted by machette wielding muslims when you walk on the street ? wtf

If they admit shit is wrong, they will make RT and Breitbart look more reliable than any mainstream european news outlet, including state-owned media.
They already start making panic that the Russians will actually hack the votes in Germany, Netherlands, France etc.

At the end of the day it's not like anyone can or would really intervene if German nationalism was on the rise so long as that doesn't involve invading Poland. These feelings of emasculated pride aren't really anyone's fault but the German peoples'.

The (((international media))) clearly hates everything about Trump and what he's doing. See if I care!

Just wait a generation or 2 when Muslims are the majority in many European countries and they start getting more and more government power.

Priceless, historical Christian and European artifacts such as the Mona Lisa will be burned in the streets with issued court orders.


>Unlike France, UK etc. when a german is patriotic, you have international media going "German nationalism on the rise"

In France too, except that it's not the international media but the national media that howl at Vichy France being back.

I cant wait till shit finally boils over there. It well over needed

It's always the same stat thrown around. Comparing a landlocked country with barely a blip on the Empire scale to a country which ruled the world for 300 years, had the largest Empire known to man and allowed all it's citizens to come to the country.

Yes we have non-whites in this country; but you'd expect us to. The fact you keep throwing around this meme stat (which is wrong btw) from 2011 census won't trick anybody.

Mighty nice perimeter, Satan

Did they turn him into a ferrero rocher?

That's everywhere.

Just look at the USA. We've been known for our nationalism and patriotism since 1776, yet liberals and the media now try to paint American nationalism as nazism.

It would be nice to live in a country where comfort, expression and love don't have to be stifled because a minority of sandniggers have to be kept in check.

Flying, for instance, is pretty much completely safe but is it not a fucking drag? If muslims were eliminated everyone's quality of life would improve. Until then the law has to operate democratically and fuck your shit up. Next thing you know you're Britain 2.0 and you can't have a machete at all.

Think hard. How much has life changed since muslims started moving in? Has security ramped up dramatically or stayed about the same?

Do you really believe we have a feeling of emasculated pride? We just learned to keep it private and only to our friends, family and other people we trust.

I don't even know anyone who isn't at least conservative. We are proud of our history, but in public many of us will pretend we are not because we don't have freedom of speech.
For example when BBC asked me on the street about my opinion on Trumps muslim remarks in December 2015 i told them how horrible this is for him to say.

You think i actually meant that? Yeah most of us Germans are like this, don't worry.


You do know that the most emasculated and easily offended people are the Poles though right?
A polish friend explained to me that it is like that because they were fucked by Germany and Russia, so if you tell them something like
>"Not many people were in the polish resistance"
>"Many people in the polish resistance were anti-semitic like us Germans"

they will go absolutely batshit. Just try it in any forum, twitter or here and you will see.

Did you order some fried kebab miss Lisa?

in before
>it was a gas leak.


>nice perimeter satan



It's not about terrorism you autist, it's about the general sense of insecurity and well-being. Who wants to live in the 93 now? Who wants to work there? And there are more and more place like that. And don't tell me it's an economic problem, we gave them billions since years to fix their shits and it's always worse...

t. algerian, not french

I got you friend.
-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

France has had the strongest right wing presence in Europe for a long time now, the problem is their election system makes it hard for rapid change.

The plus side is, when FN finally gets in, it will be from an absolute majority vote and the pendulum will swing hard as fuck

Hopefully they don't blow it up before I can finally visit it
t. Poorfag


She represents 25 to 30%.
The remaining 70% are leftists and liberals and Marine's economic program is actually leftist.

lol not yet, he's still alive. (in bad condition though) Brother polight

Didn't mean to get you all triggered over Poland. I could have said "annex the Sudetenland" or something.

Whether you're all secretly red pilled or not means nothing to me. If hating German nationalism is the conformist thing to do and none of their objectives are pursued then who cares. If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it did it really happen? If a German secretly loves his country and gives it over to Turks and Syrians does he really love it?

You idiotic fuck tard. When old babyboomers will die out the only thing left will be you and the turks

The Pyramide looks rather good desu


just get an education, a job and don't go live in litteral pleb places wtf would you ever do that
security "issue" is fud aimed at catering impresionable media consumers out of real issues

Yeah that's just in your country.
Israeli, US and UK newspapers or the french LeMonde constantly bash Germany for the littlest things.
When we had the Worldcup here the Haaretz and Foxnews talked about how Germans being so open about waving their flag brings back bad memories.

Mate, it's the stats from October 2016, refugees included. It's in the german Statistik report.
But as i said, we will be the last to go further right because of these other causes. But it isn't nearly as bad here as RebelMedia etc. would tell you.
I have to drive 2 hours to Frankfurt if i wanna see a mosque and there aren't muslims or refugees anywhere near here. We got italians though, and croats. But they're based.

Macron shills are as bad at this as ctr

Macron is a meme pushed by the media. He's a Rothshild bankster, I don't think he will get a significant score

I bet you think this looks good too.


That shit was an obvious troll, I don't get how leftists fell for this meme


Mate, we are proud of invading Poland that quickly, also we don't hide our history or anti-semitism as the Poles do.

Why would you think any German wanted that huge immigrant flow though? Merkel literally did a 180° turn from what she said when we re-elected her for a third time. She was pretty based the first 2 times we elected her.

I live in Bavaria though, we have the more right-wing version of Merkels Party, the "CSU" and right now our politicians here in Bavaria are getting friendly with the AFD while getting distant from the CDU.
We give nothing to anyone, we just don't have freedom of speech, so we can only help eachother with community, money and mutual trust, which is what we do.

We almost got migrants in an old hotel here, but one of our rich guys here bought it before Berlin could buy it. So now it's good and those are the only ways we can fight it legally.

My point is, people freak out way too much, not being a completly crazy nut doesn't mean we don't care. We are well aware in how much shit we are.
Which is why the CSU thinks about getting together with the AFD here in Bavaria.
The Media is already freaking out over it and i love it

Video has 2 people, both nig nogs. France kys

Macron has the sames chances to win as Marine le Pen.

What's with that jewish communist? I forgot his name. Melech-something. Does he get anything significant?

My wife is french and she actually has a childhood friend who's gonna vote for him.
My wife hides her power level though, she votes LePen

I just have no idea why you're expecting globalist or foreign media approval for German nationalism. There's plenty of Germanophiles in the US because of soccer and whatnot. The net effect of it could have been incredible for German nationalist propaganda purposes. Although I'm sure they happened because apparently you're all so fucking sensitive now, I don't recall any of those news reports.

Its fucked up that anytime a German sounds too conservative they become a boogeyman, or at least get people thinking about the inception of the Nazis.
There are definitely things to be proud of in German history, it just gets overshadowed by the go-to cartoon villain image of the SS

>don't go live in litteral pleb places
Sorry but I would like to have the possibility to live anywhere in my country. And if we follow your state of mind the "litteral pleb places" will extend like mold, maybe you're too young to realize but this is an exponential movement, some places in Paris (and elsewhere) have become unliveable in less than 10 years.

based macron

We don't expect it, it's the last thing we expect. But you probably don't know how it is to grow up like this 24/7. It makes you only talk your mind in private and with people you're sure about you can trust.
You americans should really really hold on to your 1st amandment, they already try to make it look like that "hate speech" isn't covered under the 1st amandment, they def. wanna change it just like they did here back in the 1950s and continued to do so.

I think we are just annoyed by this, so we germans often will seem too serious, not getting jokes/banter etc.
Families like mine have it even worse because i had someone in my family who was considered a war-criminal. So you grow up with journalists actually wanting to contact you and of course lying about your relative in their book or report.
It makes you grow thick skin but it's stressful.

The pyramid looks awesome imo
Very succesful mix of modern/old architecture
It's like you need art to be like 500 years old to be good, that's retarded

Mélenchon is not really a communist, he cucked the communists into supporting him. He's a former PS guy who saw he had a chance to become relevant if he quitted the party. He's actually quite smart. He managed to more or less unify all the leftists, which is quite an achievment.
His program is terrible. He mixes socialism, social democracy, ecologism, populism. Pue helicopter-ride material.
He may beat the PS if he performs good during the campain, that would be hilarious. I don't think he can make it to the 2nd round though

How can you look at that beautiful museum and think it needs that disgusting glass modernist bullshit pyramid right in the middle? It looks moldy too.
absolutely degenerate. what happened to your Catholic shame mon frere?

Exactly, see: A journalist from Canada once wrote that my relative was so so evil, his kids and grandkids must have genetically become the same.

Funny enough, if you hear this so often when growing up you become very cynical and of course, also right-wing. Not NS as the journalists think, but you'll be far away from being leftwing

>pic unrelated

Because kikes.

satan trips
kek has spoken

>he's quiet smart
My wife told me that her mother apparently liked some of his "stuff". She's voting Le Pen too though, so i guess she meant his populism or probably something that is anti-neocon since her mother is very pro-palestine.
I guess he's pro palestine?

>pic related: from my private collection you might find interesting to read

mon negre