Whats your fucking problem?

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It looks like the guy who did the Time covers found a new gig.

The Jews.

After Trump refused to mention Jews in his holocaust memorial speech, Jews have admitted that they faked that there were 5 million non Jews killed in the holocaust and made the number up so people would feel sorry for the Jews. THIS IS FROM THEIR OWN MOUTH.

“I said to him, ‘Simon, you are telling a lie,’” Bauer recalled in an interview Tuesday. “He said, ‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”

Bauer and other historians who knew Wiesenthal said the Nazi hunter told them that he chose the 5 million number carefully: He wanted a number large enough to attract the attention of non-Jews who might not otherwise care about Jewish suffering, but not larger than the actual number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, 6 million.

How many Jews existed in Europe before the war and how many got reparations after the war, goy

I think it's time that we give Israel our Statue of Liberty. They need it more than us right now. If you disagree, then you're just a rabid anti-Semite.

the same thing that is wrong with your CNN
in short: jews

why are you blaming Germany for tihs?

What German poster is responsible for an invasive agenda-driven media company imposing their propaganda on the German people?

Well Germany is a Muslim country now, they're pretty used to seeing beheadings.

>der Spiegel
Lmao m8

>der spiegelei

"(((Der Spiegel)))" is Germanys printed CNN

>Deborah Lipstadt, a professor of Holocaust studies at Emory University in Atlanta, wrote in 2011 how the number continues to dog her efforts to teach about the Holocaust.

The don't like it when you infringe on their trademark on human suffering.

Augstein ist aber Antisemit

>be white male

>get blamed for mayor Reker and Mutti sucking muslim dick


A batshit crazy mudslime woman literally paraded a child's head like that in Moscow. I know the parents are to blame for hiring an illegal immigrant mudslime, but the thought of the bitch left at tender mercies of our psychatriasts brings joy to my heart. She is going to be a complete fucking vegetable capable of nothing but pain and suffering by the end of first year. And this is what lying leftist media like Spiegel deserve too, for portraying Trump as aggressor instead of Antifa retards protesting democracy and free speech.

That can't be real?

>Be continental Europe
>Receive all military protection from the USA
>Decide to bite the hand that feeds you for no real reason

>tender mercies of our psychatriasts
>She is going to be a complete fucking vegetable capable of nothing but pain and suffering by the end of first year.

Psychiatrist means something different in Russia than it does here apparently.

I kinda wanna know more.
Our Justice system is totally fucked. She would get a cozy cell and 3 hot meals a day, hell a jury could even let her go because of islamaphobia.

Our psychatrists are leftover torturers from the Soviet era when they used medication, soft torture like lastochka or light beatings, freezing blankets and good old abuse to turn dissidents into husks of former selves. No sleep, drugs which will sap your IQ, inhuman treatment for selected VIP guests. I've had a friend dodging army trying to pass as mentally ill a few years back, guy didn't eat any pills (they fed them to real psychos) and still almost went crazy from the loony bin. Escaped using a door handle, some stolen clothes and a ride from a friend, hid for half a year before hospital called his family and told that they signed him of as cured because he wasn't dangerous so cops won't give a shit anyway.

Shit. That's terrifying but based as hell. I hope your friend is okay.

He's fine, I've heard and seen weirder shit than what does down the asylums. I sometimes feel that not enough real sickos are locked down there, Heh.

>Whats your fucking problem?