How come Slavs are so good at chess? Some of the strongest players ever, such as Karpov, Kasparov...

How come Slavs are so good at chess? Some of the strongest players ever, such as Karpov, Kasparov, Botvinnik and Spaskki all came from Russia. Even today, 11 of the world's top 20 chess players are from Slavic countries.

Are Slavs the intellectual master race?

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slavs are autistic

They're high IQ Jews, or genetic Jews whose families passed as/became Christian at some point.

Because Russians switched to Tri D chess a long time ago

>not (((Garik Kimovich Weinstein)))

>(((Mikhail Moiseyevich Botvinnik)))

The Soviets had a state subsidized chess program, which picked out talent from a young age and trained them to become professional players. There's not much money to be made from chess unless you're a top 5 player, so in the West it's not a good career choice. Today there are far fewer top players from the former Soviet Union, besides some of the old brass who grew up in the waning days of Soviet chess, like Kramnik and Ivanchuk. The top 10 players now include jist 3 players from former Soviet countries.

They've been jewed so many times. They're evolving.

Slavs are the master race
my germano/celtic genes can NEVER compete

Chess is the Dota2 of ancient times.

government funding

it is said that to be good at chess, you need a sadistic mind. most russian/slav/all that shit are just brutal motherfuckers. not surprised at all why they are at the top.


Kasparov is not Russian/Slavic

>mate in 3, mofo
>cyka blyat

jews are good at chess and happened to live in russia. half of wcc's are jews. as for why russia has so many chess players, it's too fucking cold outside so the slavs sit inside all day playing a game.

Medžuslovjanski jest język, ktory Slovjani iz råznyh narodov koristajųt, že by komunikovali medžu sobojų. To jest možno, ibo slovjanske języki sųt shodna i srodna grupa. Znanje jednogo języka obyčno jest dostatočno, že by imělo sę priblizno pojmanje, o čem jest tekst na kakom-nebųď drugom slovjanskom języku. Črěz věki, Slovjani sųt naučili dogovarjati sę s svojimi sųsědami posrědstvom prostyh, improvizovanyh narěčij. Jednočasno, medžusobna shodnosť vsěh slovjanskih językov jest nadyhala językoznavcev i drugih k tvorjenju generičnogo slovjanskogo języka, råzumlivogo vsěm Slovjanam. Srěd nih nahodęt sę slavny starocŕkovnoslovjanski język iz 9. stolětja, kako i mnoge ine projekty, publikovane od 16. stolětja do dneś pod imenami kako «vseslovjanski», «medžuslovjanski», «novoslovjanski», «obćeslovjanski» ili prosto «slovjanski», vse osnovane na těhže prědpoloženjah, čto čini ih blizko identičnymi.

They're jews, mate.

Meджycлoвјaнcки јecт јeзык, ктopы Cлoвјaни из paзных нapoдoв кopиcтaјyт, жe бы кoмyникoвaли мeджy coбoјy. To јecт мoжнo, ибo cлoвјaнcкe јeзыки cyт cхoднa и cpoднa гpyпa. Знaнјe јeднoгo јeзыкa oбычнo јecт дocтaтoчнo, жe бы имeлo ce пpиблизнo пoјмaнјe, o чeм јecт тeкcт нa кaкoм-нeбyдь дpyгoм cлoвјaнcкoм јeзыкy. Чpeз вeки, Cлoвјaни cyт нayчили дoгoвapьaти ce c cвoјими cyceдaми пocpeдcтвoм пpocтых, импpoвизoвaных нapeчиј. Jeднoчacнo, мeджycoбнa cхoднocть вceх cлoвјaнcких јeзыкoв јecт нaдыхaлa јeзыкoзнaвцeв и дpyгих к твopјeнјy гeнepичнoгo cлoвјaнcкoгo јeзыкa, paзyмливoгo вceм Cлoвјaнaм. Cpeд них нaхoдeт ce cлaвны cтapoцpкoвнocлoвјaнcки јeзык из 9. cтoлeтјa, кaкo и мнoгe инe пpoјeкты, пyбликoвaнe oд 16. cтoлeтјa дo днec пoд имeнaми кaкo «вcecлoвјaнcки», «мeджycлoвјaнcки», «нoвocлoвјaнcки», «oбчecлoвјaнcки» или пpocтo «cлoвјaнcки», вce ocнoвaнe нa тeхжe пpeдпoлoжeнјaх, чтo чини их близкo идeнтичными.

Postin top tier Slav music


the soviets made a cult out of sports and the most highly supported was chess, like every class had some boys who attended chess clubs

nice, i didnt know such a project existed

The simple rules are easy for their minds to grasp.

Holly crap. It's working!

it's an old experiment and I'm sure you have all experienced improvised communication when visiting foreign slavlands, they get 50% of what you're saying, you get 50% of what they're saying, bam you're at 100%

Alter the october revolution chess were used as a part of social experiment

After gaining power, Bolsheviks stood against the challenge of educating the population for the favour of Marxism - the economical and political theory fundamenal for existence of USSR. Popularisation of chess had to inculate in crowd a basics of rational thinking and weaking the influence of orthodox church, winch is considered as enemy of comunism.

Lenin was a fervent chess player. The further spreading was helped by Nikolai Krylenko, a War Commisar in first soviet goverment. Soon in whole state, in factories and schools the chess clubs begin to live. Young, promising and gifted players gained the conditions to intense training process. Ambitious plan of Krylenko's gave the magnificient succes. In 1936 Unions Championship provided 700.000 participants. At the beginning of 70' there were 4.000.000 of chess players registered.

>dota 2

kill yourself

they have nothing else to do

Cтpaннo, нo я вce пoнял.
Гдe я мoгy пpoчecть oб этoм пpoeктe и yзнaть бoльшe?

кopиcтaйyт этo чтo?

here you go, drug:

Neither botvinnik



Guys, sorry for cyrillis but this thing is just to awesome.

They aren't slavs they are jews and they are the best because of nepotism.

Alexander Alekhine was ethnic Russian tho

Interslavic language, oхyeть.

Thank you very much brother!

this sums it up

pls explain to us non slavic gentlemen

Let's do it Sup Forums

This. Alehkin probably is the only purely Russian, and Karpov mostly Russian with some jewish blood

Real question is why Fins are usually asking about that. When I was in Finland I heard that question couple, one time from a drunk girl in Kuopio bar, once she learned I am Russian. Though usually people would open dialogue with another stereotype about Russians which is vodka. Probably, to start with 'chess' stereotype is ingratiatingly rather than with vodka one.

On original question answer is yes, chess is jewish game and they have higher IQ. Many are Russian\Soviet Jews, that's because of popularity of the game in Soviet Union.

The emergence of champions from a movement that powerful was natural conseqence. First huge internarional victory was made by Michail Botwinnik, who won the famous championship of Nottingham in 1936. On the pages of "Pravda" Botwinnik gave a dedication for Stalin, "a beloved teacher and leader", for giving him an inspiration and efficient game - at USSR chess and politics walked hand with hand.

In 1948 to 1972 every champion of world was a Soviet Union player. Every next successes were based on previous. Botwinnik erected the chess school based on his metodical and scientific approach to game, to winch amongst others Kasparow and Karpow attended.

speaking of chess, RIP Vesna Rožič
fucking cancer took her at 16, her rating was 2260

Guy just bring an interslavic language project which can be easily understandable by every slavic nation. Holy shit, its awesome.
Like esperanto.

basically an amalgamation of Slavic language characteristics that is intelligible to all in content, syntax and grammar

Also, determining a chess move is an algorithm. The right thought process has to be worked through EVERY time, providing there is time. That takes a certain type of character, which suits Russians.
You'll never see many chess champions from hot blooded people.


sounds good
i wish latin languages were mutually intelligible like that
in my experience only italian / spanish /portuguese works this way

what is interlingua
>Interlingua se ha distachate ab le movimento pro le disveloppamento e le introduction de un lingua universal pro tote le humanitate. Si o non on crede que un lingua pro tote le humanitate es possibile, si o non on crede que interlingua va devenir un tal lingua es totalmente indifferente ab le puncto de vista de interlingua mesme. Le sol facto que importa (ab le puncto de vista de interlingua mesme) es que interlingua, gratias a su ambition de reflecter le homogeneitate cultural e ergo linguistic del occidente, es capace de render servicios tangibile a iste precise momento del historia del mundo. Il es per su contributiones actual e non per le promissas de su adherentes que interlingua vole esser judicate.

Because Russians don't have much money and chess is a cheap, unending game.

French was heavily muddled by Germanic influences, and Romanian by Slavic influences, unfortunately.

Apparently Scandinavian languages have the same phenomenon, and I imagine continental Germanic languages would to.

I'll also claim to have held a proper conversation speaking English with an exchange student speaking German, but the caveat is that the were both very, very drunk.

i was a national chess champion when i was 10 and i remember her, rip

bretty intelligible/10

Russians have impeccable technique in just about everything except warfare and engineering: physics/math, music, painting

>only 1000 elo

How do I get better, gentlemen?

the fat smug kid always makes me laugh


What helped me improve at 1000 was playing 15-20 minutes per side and focusing on really using all of my time.

Kurva to je neaka magia, alebo co?!


That probably would help a lot. I immediately catch myself making really stupid moves all the time. I don't know why but I'm always rushing things.


This is what I needed. Moravaci su zvierata!

First time I entered a tournament (I had played for years online) I used every minute of my G90 + 30 time control (which is 90 minutes per side, and 30 seconds per move). Drew a 2100 player as an unrated tournament scrub and he was upset, lol.

Also do a lot of tactics problems. Tactics are the most important thing to learn until you're ~~2000

>Znanje jednogo języka obyčno jest dostatočno
There's so many words that go again through the languages so I'm not really surprised this text thing "works".

Being good in chess means you are good in chess. And pretty much that's it. Look at Kasparov, he is complete idiot.

it means you have good memory and organising skills

It is because the smartest slavs play chess and do nothing else. In most other countries, the smartest become lawyers, engineers, doctors, and scientists. In Russia, their best play chess. Which is why their country full of stupid people is good at nothing but chess.

>he is complete idiot.
Yes, he talks shit


Good job working
also Czeched

Extremely high IQ (135++) in about 10% of the ethnic Russian population (and to be fair some Jews as well). We prop up the other 90% of knuckle dragger across this country that lower our average to around 97. Still higher than Ireland though.

Fuck Ireland (92. IQ)

Scandinavian depends on amount of potato in your mouth
>speak Norwegian with a potato in your mouth - you're speaking Swedish
>speak Swedish with a potato in your mouth - you're speaking Danish
>speak Danish with a potato in your mouth - you're speaking Dutch


Yeesh, that was a lot of mistakes, guys.

You gotta admit the windmill was sick


>speak Swedish with a Khan's cock in your mouth - you're speaking Finnish

shes kill :(

pfft, i messed that guy up severely, winning by 6 pawns in a king and pawn endgame is pretty decisive lol

That early attack that took away my castle fucked me all up. The computer never does that.

They know far better than most how the pieces move, because they've spent so much of their history being pawns.

Turk isn't wrong.

Muh chess schools. Muh stupid career choice.

Salvs are cheess master race. End of discussion.

>speak Swedish with a Khan's cock in your mouth - you're speaking English

I'll get him now

And you lost about 8 more pieces than you needed to.
That should have been a cakewalk.

Chess has almost nothing to do with intellect. It's all just memory, analyctic thinking and experience. They're not thinking intelligent thoughts when they're deciding moves, they are just thinking a fuckton of thoughts. That's a big difference.

Just figured out Kasparov is not slavic but khazar. Garik Kimovich Weinstein

Fuck chess

Starcraft is where you show off your skills at.

> Chess
> Intelligence

Is this an Australia reference?


This man kills the Slav.

Dixie men are the best at chess

because no one else cares about chess


>was always +10
>simplified to +6 pawn endgame
>not a cakewalk


It's not the most common surname in Britain for no reason.

>Dumb Amerishart talking about being a pawn

Chess is 100% memorization and 0% thinking. Contrast with go which is 10% memorization and 90% thinking.

yes because board games are the pinnacle example of intelligence.