Can't afford medication

>can't afford medication
>gives sand niggers across the globe surgery

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Good job there Ontario. Make sure to kill yourself quicker so more muslims can move there.

i'm pretty sure we already have most of them. picked my cousins kids up from school today and was shocked to see pretty much nothing but brown. i literally only saw like 10 white kids and a bunch of white mothers were picking up brown kids. we're pretty much fucked, the white genocide is very real

I went to the Eaton centre recently, I haven't been downtown in 5 years I was the only white there not even joking, I was shocked because my area is still nearly all white Toronto is definitely below 50% White now

London is the same. i don't go to the city often and go to the malls even less but when i do it's like me and 3 other whites in the entire place. i feel so fucking out of place going there, it's almost as if i suddenly teleported to another country

My family is from a former soviet country, and they're saying everyday we're getting closer and closer to becoming a communist country

mostly all developed countries are drowned in debt

i just don't understand why we can put so much effort into helping everyone but ourselves. we have millions of our own people that could use all those resources yet we just tell them to go fuck themselves

Ontario is reaching the point of no return. debt is at an unsustainable level and still rising. government keeps raising and creating new taxes bleeding the population dry but none of that extra income actually goes to paying down the debt or even reducing the deficit. this province is on an irreversible path to bankruptcy within 50 years

Is the rake even necessary at this point? That "muh free healthcare" is all you had but apparently only sand niggers get that now.

nah we'll destroy ourselves soon enough. honestly wish you would just fucking annex us

Why do Canadians ignore posts like this?


Maybe Ontario can just declare bankrupcy?

Our government is obscenely fucking corrupt and nothing short of revolution is gonna fix it. My dad a few weeks ago said the he thinks the USSR was less corrupt than this shit.

Ontario will collapse
We have a communist dyke running this province

Nothing like the disaster that is Ontario.
One of my buddies' mother is from Serbia. He family visited last year and they thought they had landed in the wrong country when they saw the creatures that called Toronto home.

i know our healthcare has fallen apart but has anyone else noticed that their city doesnt spend almost no money on clearing/icing the roads? where the fuck is all the money for our infrastructure?

Why? Are the medical students moving to the US once they finish education?

>money for our infrastructure?

Some cities seem ok some are garbage. Used to live in peterborough for school and that city was really shit at clearing snow, in owen sound now and they are a bit better we also get much more than normal up here because of the lake thing

In our premier and politicians fat fucking wallets. Tory wants to put a tax on restaurant patio's to help pay for "programs" now.

And he's supposed to be the conservative

Might as well give up, nobody gives a shit about fiscal responsibility or long term planning in this province. Though they pretend to with non-sense policies like "green" energy.

>shut down coal plants
>hydro goes up
>we'll fix that
>cancels construction of nuclear plant and pockets billions of dollars
>hydro goes up
>we'll fix that
>places taxes destroying our industry especially the oil sands

Wait. What? How the fuck does one tax a patio at a restaurant?

"Don't worry fellow Canadians, we can stop paying for oil, gas and uranium since sun light and wind are infinite resources and by 2020 power will be practically free!"

t. Every dumb ass Liberal in existence

If you have a patio, you pay taxes, so I guess restaurants will just close them down and sidewalks will be wider and the city will talk about what a success it is that pedestrian foot traffic is so much better now

Ah, I'm following now.

That's super fucked man. "let's tax a business for providing extra eating options for their customers, because fuck our citizens" . I feel for you guys.

It's also illegal to smoke on patios now, so instead you just walk in front of the fence and have your smoke and talk to your friend across the fence

Reminds me of a lot of places here in Melbourne

Hell, I'm not even white (just assimilated into the host culture) and I still feel really fucking out of place
Parts of Melbourne no longer feel like Australia
It's fucking China in a lot of these places

The dumb fucks just can't wait until they get to that magic number of 5%. 5% muslim population and you get.. France.

torontofags are ruining this cuntry

>Toronto used to be known as an extremely boring, religious Protestant country where even tobogganing on Sundays was illegal
>it's nickname was Toronto the good
What happened

I meant city but I guess that applies to Canada as well

You need to get the fuck out of the cities. The people are stupid, they're packed with greaseball shitskins who don't feel normal unless they can depend on having their nose 6 inches from another mans asshole at least 5x per day. Houses are jammed together so close you can barely get a fucking lawn mower between them now. Property taxes have never been higher and yet they basically extort you for lump sum payments whenever they resurface the roads and side walks... plowing snow? Forget about that.

If there are any America bros in this thread,

Is Texas comfy?

> Be Ontario
> a shithole
> invite hordes
> become beacon of virtue signaling and world's largest refugee camp
> still a shithole
> ???
> Soros profit

Canada is fucking debt land at this point. Feds, provinces and citizens all addicted to borrowing. All economic/fiscal common sense thrown out the window

ehem, i fucking hate you americans. *frys vocals* racist nazis. you're all white trash. you know how rich i am, you poor assholes? i'm so fucking rich that i can afford a cashmere beanie, one that looks identical to beanie of that hobo over there, but expensive. **vocal fry superiorly* yeah man. * so fuck you fly over states, especially that one, what is it called? british columbia? yeah fuck you guys, man. now get some fucking culture, you trailer park hick. *smokes a bowl* have you seen this new oscar winning movie called generic oppressed negro movie #9? no, of course not, no-culture rednecks.

>Quebec is given a trillion dollars by the government
>still in debt

Big state with a choice for any lifestyle you choose.

Toronto here because, can confirm. We're definitely fucked. I would suggest learning spanish and moving south.

Sorry quarter trillion
>Canadians have given Quebec a quarter of a trillion dollars in equalization payments since 1957, half of all the money the program has handed out. Over that span of more than 50 years, Quebec has always been the biggest beneficiary, and has never been a net contributor to equalization.

I'm entitled to Hungarian citizenship because of my family
I've thought of Europe but I think they're worse than us.

Yeah I've tried protesting against the gov't, but now that all three major parties look exactly the same, I've made plans to move to Alberta within the next year and a half.


I had surgery for a non-life threatening condition in Ontario within a few months.

Not Hungary though. If you can learn that terrible language, I wish you godspeed.

Yeah this shit really depresses the hell out of my. I was born and raised in this province. It's a beautiful place that used to have a culture and landmarks to be proud of. Now, everything smells like piss and the city's completely crowded with minorities. I'm the only white on the TTC, especially on the Yonge line, and my friends who live outside of Toronto all have to pay $30,000 a year (worst case is about $30,000 in HALF A YEAR) in hydro delivery fees, just so the libs can continue their payoffs to longtime friends.


meanwhile we only have decent weather like this for like 2 months

>Like Alberta will be any different.
Good luck. That place is falling apart faster than any other province in Canada. Once the oil is gone, you can expect some serious bullshit to spawn out of that black hole.

Canada is worse. The memes claim Europe is worse but honestly Canada is the worst.

The main reason is because in Quebec a different system is used to measure debt. It makes us seem worst off then we actually are.

If we used the same formula as the rest of the country for calculating provincial debt, we'd be about two thirds, maybe three quarters of Ontario's level.

>blanket statement on the entire province of ontario

so you never travel too far from toronto eh

>that guy from cottage country who's cool with sacrificing our largest city on the altar of white guilt

fuck off

so no you don't leave toronto

>tfw cuk

With Manitoba being abo central, Saskatchewan being the middle of nowhere, and BC having $50,000,000 homes for sale and full of chinese, is there really anywhere good left to go?

>I want the answer to be yes, but I just can't think of anything

I go up your way in the summer to get drunk and piss in your lakes. That's about all it's good for until we're totally overrun with shitskins.

The funny thing is that you've always hate white quebecers but gladly take muslim cock in the ass.

Well, I guess you don't care as long as you're not called racist, right?

That depends on what you're willing to give up. Ask yourself, do you need all your shit? Or are you willing to trade it all in for a simpler life? If you're not wanting to pay out your ass, then why bother? Save up money and become a freeloading, free living, bacteria RV lifer. Yeah, it costs money, but when you're living in the middle of fuck knows where who do you gotta pay? Gas... possibly rent at camp sites where you can work, cleaning and keeping it all good. Become bacteria. Let the rest of the world fall apart without you. Live in an RV.

In my experience, Quebec hates anglos more than Ontario hates francophones. Maybe it's just leftover resentment from before I was born?

We'll need another wall now.

I've got noticeably more shitskins and the lot in my small town too. I was walking to the gym the other night and I came across a whole pack of muslims, about six. I thought I was going to be aloha snackbar'd for sure. They were speaking arabic and everything.

>That's about all it's good for
that and, you know, living a quiet life in the country and raising a family and all that other shit that you've convinced yourself you're not ready for yet

Get this man his wall.

This can be sorted out with a universal basic income.

who L O N D O N here?

They've decided that London will be a sanctuary city. I'm not giving sandnigger criminals my fucking tax money. I'm actually going to fucking leave this country. where do I go bros

That better be a joke

Does this money come from cutting all other forms of social welfare?

>where do I go bros

To the afterlife, you traitor.


No see we will double down on all forms of welfare and then also give everyone more free money and then all our problems will go away

The government can just print more money and give that to the poor, hungry folks you fucking retarded conservatives.

How can you be a traitor to a non country

we're just a chink/pooinloo/sandnigger colony

I'm in BC but feel the exact same...I just don't know where I can go since I have a old criminal record. I could get Irish citizenship based on my mother being born there but I don't really want to live there.

There's nowhere to go, but more people are redpilled every day, eventually somewhere will start kicking nonwhites out

The entire world is fucking doomed when you think of it

>90% of Western countries are cucked by globalists who want mass immigration
>U.S is on the brink of a civil war or at least a huge civil unrest
>Russia is just waiting to annex the Ukraine once NATO funding is cut
>Latinos will make up a majority in the United States before the end of the century
>Japan's population is going under
>Australia is being squeezed by the Chinese who buy up their land
>Middle East is completely destabilized

There's literally no where left to run
Just hope a World War breaks out in the near time future

You aren't even trying buddy. At least make it worth our time.

And who's gonna provide that? Cuckdeu? The libtards of Canada? Yeah right. The only thing our government is good at is lying, and crumbling for the approval of other countries. I look at the Burger government and I see progress. They might have a Orange as a President, but that damn fruit is actually getting shit done. Universal income is a pipe dream for now. But if it ever comes around, I'm all for it. Then maybe I can actually get off my ass, and stop being a lazy waste of resources caused by unemployment!

Unifag here. Majority nonwhites in all my classes, and since the surrounding area is low income, fucking muzzies with a dozen kids everywhere. There's a mosque just down the road and there was a whole crowd of whites with (((Coexist))) signs in the middle of weekday just after that shooting. I need more local rightwing friends... :(


Goddamn. At this rate, Brazil/Sweden will be just up the border instead of another country!

Those are definitely all great things, but to say we should abandon 10% of Canada's GDP (Toronto) and leave it to the immigrants is just cuck speak

Too big to fail.

This. Save your shekels and buy a gun

I dunno why we didn see one single dollars of this things ....

our road are shit our medical care are pure shit we two fkn governement how can you be more cucked than that if you think we have it easy here you fool yourself .

Yes, because treating a handful of critically sick children is what's going to destroy this country.

Czech Republic:
>have guns

no no. Fuck off, its YOUR FUCKING PROVINCE that is the problem. Fix your own goddamn shit asshat

is it UW?

because you fuckheads squander it on stupid shit!

How do we fix it? I've never voted lib once. It's the toronto fags that won't stop electing wynne.

Just GTA my shit up senpai

If you personally have a skill, get out of ontario. Do NOT contribute your talent to such a scum sucking province. Starve them

>Been on Sup Forums for over 11 years

>Seen the intellectual discourse, trolling, banter, political awareness, common sense, etc.. of younger Canadians drop significantly twice, roughly every five years

>All of my fears are coming true: Our youth are a bunch of retarded, politically apathetic, Energydrink-Sticker-applying mouth breathers obsessed with the top 40 pop music scene while generally being dickheads

Each nation and province gets the government it deserves. When Mcguinty ran Ontario into the ground he didn't serve a day in prison or get a single cut to his wages- in fact, he retired with full benefits. The former OPG CEO retired with a $300k-a-year retirement package and sued the Ontario government for MORE retirement money, claiming she was not being fairly compensated for the less-than-half-a-decade she served in the company. Ironically, as she was sueing, she was an Anglican Priest in a northern Ontario parish. She should instead be in a fucking synagogue. Billions were wasted cancelling coal plants, natural-gas plants, the E-Health Scandal that cost $5 billion, and what did Mcguinty do? He handed power over to a fucking lesbian moron that subverted democracy by, as a non-elected official, sacking an elected municipal offical (Rob Ford) and replacing him with the deputy mayor (another non-elected official)

Ontario Liberal Party:

-Sunk this province into debt further than Bob Rae could have ever hoped to achieve
-Gutted and ruined life for anyone not living in a large municipality (Or about 50% of the Ontarian population got fucked)
-Gutted and ruined our power industry
-Casually sells off Crown-controlled assets for handfuls of pocket-change and short-term goals
-Has absolutely no tangible policy other than Metropolitan Appeasement.

Ontarians, it's pretty fucking simple to fix this issue: You walk down to Queens Park and you tell the Liberal Party to fuck itself in the next election.

that's what I plan to do. If I manage to get into med school and graduate, I'm getting out of here ASAP

and people mock the electoral college.

founders were just too smart.

Get other people to do the same. A small fraction of people do the majority of the productive work, once they realize they are getting ass pounded by govt crooks they'll leave and the brain drain will come back to haunt the retarded politicians that abused their own citizens

Like I said to another user, what do we do about toronto? It wins the province for the liberal party.

you just have to somehow convince the top talent they are better off somewhere else in canada (or in the us if necessary). You will never win with ""the majority""