What sort of mental gymnastics does it take to convince yourself that an economic system not rooted in Marxism can work...

What sort of mental gymnastics does it take to convince yourself that an economic system not rooted in Marxism can work without widespread poverty/inequality?

I'm genuinely curious.

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omg i love sonic


What sort of mental gymnastics does it take to convince yourself that communism is a perfect government system?

poverty and inequality are part of life

Some live good
Some live bad

I shouldn't have to lower my standard of living cause you fucks are too stupid to be successful

Maybe the fact that equality is BUILT IN to the underlying system, and isn't just an afterthought?

There's no way. Non-marxist people are autistic, borderline or simply retarded
When the unemployment reach the 95% thanks to their "free" (capitalist) market.
They are not libertarians they are bourgeois ethics and political correctness totalitarians and reactionaries

Name one successful communist state that didn't at any point slaughter a sizeable percentage of their populace.

Soviet Union and China

What gives you the illusion that equality is the goal?

What gives you the idea that people are the same?

What entitles you to the labor of more effective individuals?


Forced equality is false equality. The top people in government become the elites. Marxism is idealism that goes against human nature.

diversity =!= equality


Poor people and rich people are just a part of life. That's not necessarily a bad thing.

*and sonik :DDD


Equality is impossible and contrary to natural law. Gas all commies.

>The most autistic political theory overlaps with the most autistic video game fanbase

Like pottery.

It does not work, OP.

It's time to accept that.

And so on

chegg out's my deviandard gomrads :DDD


Sonic is a Communist? The reason Why SEGA loves with so much. Terrorists.

It's astounding how people can be brainwashed by sheer repetition of a single word.



What sort of mental gymnastics do you have to do to think that a concentration of power in the government and their allies will not lead to a concentration of wealth in the government and their allies?

I don't. Without competition stagnation is inevitable.

kek'd and checkert

People are not born equal. In a free society inequality will exist. In an equal society freedom doesn't exist. In a Marxist society Goyim are stripped of both freedom and equality while the Ruling Elite live a life of decadence above the law.

you realize you enslave everyone through the blanket of "equality", right? on top of that, those who enforce "equality" have more power than the people that need "equality", creating inequality again

There are so many problems with this lens.

First of all, you are arguing from tradition; i.e. just because something HAS always been this way, means that it SHOULD always be this way.

Second, by saying that economic inequality is just part of life implies that there is not active and conscious exploitation of the poor and working classes by the capitalist class and the rich. Do you think that it is just that someone like Warren Buffett rakes in billions a year by sitting on his ass and moving numbers around? He doesn't even manage his companies (not that management necessarily deserves any higher wage than the laborers, but that is an entirely different can of worms).

Third, you are arguing from immutability. You think that this state of affairs can not be changed. But let me assure you friend, it most definitely can be.

Pic -very- much related.

>Sup Forums is being raiwd by /cow/

A better system already worked

What the incentive too work?



What sort of mental gymnastics does it take to convince yourself that Marxism can work?

Why do you gotta be such a fag and love equality so much? Do you want all dick sizes equal too ?


>What sort of mental gymnastics does it take to convince yourself that anyone actually cares about this garbage?

Marxism is shit.

Tell me that's a joke.

>China never slaughtered its own population

>Marxist people are autistic

killing 130-160 million people isn't genocide as long as the government didn't do it in a racist way

gr8 b8 m8




why should I be equal with someone inferior?

Competition requires that there must be losers. Stop identifying with losers.

>working class
Do a bunch of liberal arts majors see themselves as the working class now?


Daily reminder that Stalinism and Maoism are authoritarian perversions of Communism. So fucking sick of this tired meme. The sooner it dies, the sooner we can have real dialogue imo.

>god exists because a book told me
>equality is good because a book told me

Primitivism -> Slavery -> Feudalism -> Capitalism -> Marxism

-> collapse -> capitalism
i fixed your list, it was unfinished

Fuck off, everyone knows you aren't legitimate.

Communism is like a cordyceps fungus. It's a parasite that tries to subvert and then destroy a host country for its' own gain.

And it should be cleansed with fire, like any other parasite.

Bretty gud.. ..oh wait, ids gommunism wat the fug :DD

Primitivism -> Slavery -> Feudalism -> Capitalism -> Marxism -> Capitalism -> Marxism -> Capitalism -> Marxism -> Capitalism -> Marxism -> Capitalism -> Marxism etc.

FTFY. Capitalism isn't perfect but it isn't consciously murderous. Capitalism doesn't starve millions of people to death.

Not sure if get.

not intentionally at least

Why are you assuming everyone in this thread is a capitalist? Sup Forums is a mostly NatSoc board, and Hitler and his Reich despised capitalism and dismissed it as the other side of the coin labeled Communism---both were accused of being Jewish creations. One oppresses the poor, the other oppresses all and starves them to death. Pol is a National Socialist board, and National Socialism was the answer to capitalism and communism's failures.

>people are equal
I don't know man, back in school some kids were more successful than me. I don't think deducting intelligence, efficiency, sociability from an individual is very fare.

Also, if you look at it in a graph, to be able to make everything equal.. You actually need to deduct score from one person and give it to somebody else. Wouldn't that cause inequality since one guy gets -120, while other people who are less efficient get +50, +30, +40. If you graph the deductions you get a zigzag just like in the beginning.

Thats a lot of autism in one post.

Yeah, because I'm going to take seriously the "opinion" of someone flying a cringe-worthy Ancap flag. Even Sup Forums shits on Ancap, you do know that right?

Can you give me an example of communism that wasn't an authoritarian perversion?

Does it agitate your autism when things aren't in equal proportions? Sort of like when mommy doesn't cut the crust off of your sandwiches?


Humans are not equal, they adhere to hierarchies, competitive growth, and territory. Even chimpanzees do that. It's in our nature, and any attempt to restrain the free unfolding of such results in corruption from the top down or revolution from the bottom up. Inequality is artificially maximized through socialist interventionism.

I was responding to a specific poster, not the attitudes of the board in general.


Typical communist. You don't even know your enemy. How can you hope to win?

DON'T WASTE TIME replying to shill thread and if you must ALWAYS put sage in the Options field.

Shills create threads to slide important ones (((them))) or they useful idiots don't want discussed.

One more step. Just get rid if authoritarianism and be a centrist

Yeah, but no one who sells food wants people to starve because then they can't buy your food, or anything else for that matter.

That's the good thing about capitalism: it scales really well as it can work just as well as a woodsman selling the logs he fells in some bumfuck village, and as a modern sky-scraping office building.

>Was not real communism
Was real communisn and didn't kill anyone.
10875560 trillions of dead people is not a fact, it's an opinion

Naw dude. It really doesn't. Even during the great depression people didn't starve to death en masse. They got by.

Faggy thread. Faggy to the extreme.

I actually learned about just how shit commies are from a video game.

Youre not even worth the (you) stupid euro mexican

Cannabilism will keep you alive sure but do you call that optimal?

Sure: Cuba, certain Indian provinces, Yugoslavia might have been the best example but of course the Western powers didn't let that go on for too long, and the NDFP in the Phillipines has a pretty compelling Marxist platform.

>inb4 muh Cuban hospitals
While there is a lot of cherrypicking of data around this topic, I will admit that the healthcare in Cuba could have been much better were it not for the ridiculously punitive EMBARGOES levied against the Cuban people by the USA and other states.

But it's a good thing there is inequality you humongous faggot. Do you think a man who has worked his whole life is equal to a worthless wellfare leech? And poverty? It's your fault you are poor. If you aren't a lazy piece of shit, you can make enough money for living.
My country has gone through communism. We were all equal and poor in our shared misery.

>cannibalism happened during the great depression
lmao. Source?

And of course early Communist movements in Russia and China yielded some of the best human living conditions before the takeover of dictators, something future communists states need to keep their guard up against, if it's possible to learn from history at all (hard to say with the recent U.S. election but that's another topic entirely).

Someone please post the screen cap about how Commissar Cletus and Jamal are going to put a bullet in this idiots head after the "revolution" is over.

This looks terrible fag

>euro mexican
>american education
>keksimus maximus

To be honest, there was an ancient Chinese siege where 200,000 civilians were cannibalized to keep the defenders alive. They still lost, but they bought time for their allies to gain strength and win the war.

>implying feudalism was bad

>It's okay to commit genocide as long as living conditions are nice afterwards
>Communism totally isn't an ideology of thugs, thieves and criminals guys

Becauae it has never worked. Then it just get rebranded as "Leninism" or "Stalinism"

When in reality it's all fuckin Communism.

and it all blows big ol dick my guy. communism will never work, it's flawed from the start


equity =/= equality


Use google you fucking spoonfed dumbass

>name a successful communist country that didn't slaughter millions of people
>China and the Soviet Union
>but they did slaughter millions of people
>not real communism!

commies belong in a fucking gas chamber

But was it optimal?

You, sir, are a dumbass, but I will admit that I chuckled at that picture.

Reread my post, and notice were I placed the word "before." I won't hold my breath on you figuring out how to process grammar, though.

Marxism-Leninism refers to Communism as almost all Communists see it. Even Mao and Stalin labeled themselves "Marxist-Leninist" even though they were not, because it's a beautiful ideology, and they were able to exploit it's "brand" power.

Marxism is the underlying philosophy of Communism, while Leninism deals with the implementation of said philosophy. Hope that clears it up for you.

The "No true Scotsman" fallacy could be renamed to "The Communist's Dilemma"

That isnt how it works faggot

>makes a claim
>asks for source

You provide sources to your claims, or you are a liar, simple as that

>It's not like our peaceful worker's revolution massacred the royal family in their own home or anything
>It's not like our peaceful worker's revolution purged the military of any dissent through mass murder or anything
>It's not like our peaceful worker's revolution betrayed the Black Army as useful idiots when the Tsarists were defeated or anything

Except they did.