USA lifts some sanctions on Russia

Fuck the USA, traitor scum.

>hurr overthrow putin friendly dictator! we will help you
couple of years later
>hurr why did you do that ukraine now we have to give putin half your country

This has taught me to never trust an American.

>all presidents are the same

Maybe you should have thought that through before you poked the bear. Hopefully Putin annexes the rest of you.

You don't have many options. Russia or America; pick your bedfellow.

>poked the bear by having the audacity to ask not to be invaded

we picked america and you stabbed us in the back

Why doesn't OP have a flag?

Isn't the Crimean peninsula like 80% ethnic Russian anyway?

>This has taught me to never trust an American.
about time people started to understand this

Hohols can't even NatSoc correctly, sides with EU. Can't even get into EU.



Nothing personnel, kid.

Collateral damage in exchange for russia's part in destroying hilldawg

He's not from a country :(.

Gimme the fucking quick rundown, Ukraine faggot!

I don't want to sit here and throw knifes in the dark!

Ukraine belongs to Poland and Russia.

Yes it is, so is most of Eastern Ukraine. The only "Ukrainian" bit is an area around Kiev. The rest is Polish and Hungarian

There haven't actually been any people called "Ukrainians" since the late 800s or so when Prince Oleg established Rus' starting in Kiev. That's right - Ukraine has been Russian for 1200 years. The only reason that the "country" is separate from its homeland right now is so that eventually NATO can stealth-invade Russia. Except you're too much of a pussy bitch to survive on your own for even a few weeks against glorious Russia. Your parents were Russians, and so were your grandparents, and their grandparents, and THEIR grandparents. Cuck.

Poland belongs to Germany and Russia.

You shouldve learned that years ago

Just build nukes, unless your people are too fucking stupid. The weak should fear the strong.

my ancestors fought for austria-hungary and then germany against russia, so go fuck yourself.

Germany belongs to Turkey

>he trusted are jew.
serve you right.
Now, prepare anal lube boi.

Bandera Clown, thats what you get for working with Soros

You trusted George Soros. We did too back in 2008. We learned our lesson and turned away. You still can too.

No, you picked the EU.

stop buying putin propaganda

no we didn't. the us government came over here, people like mccain and clinton and biden and said, you rebel and we will help you defend your country from the russians.

Stop sniping your own people

>we picked america

what you picked was a group of globalist central bankers who were trying to provoke a war with russia so they could make a power grab, people who did not represent our country whatsofuckingever.

Fuck off hohol your "country" deserves to die.

russian soldiers are not our people

>people like mccain and clinton and biden and said

Well, there's your problem.

your president and congress does not represent america now?

Looks like you'il have to clean some toilets in Pooland

I'm talking about Obama of course, Trump is the first non puppet president our country has had since JFK was taken out in a globalist coup.

No, because they have a new one.

To be fair, overthrowing your government was your decision.

the congress has the same people in it who promised us support

we wouldn't have done it without your support

>people like mccain and clinton and biden

You sided with pure evil

We east slavs are not very nazi smart, you got ukranian passport you are of ukranian ethnicity, you get annexed you suddenly feel very russian.
heck 80% of Ukraine thinks in russian but reports ukranian as basic language in surveys because they think it would be correct answer because their passport say Ukraine on it.
I blame bolsheviks trying to weaken russian nationalism by creating all these quasi-national republics. Who would have thought they'd be independent one day?


You didn't pick America, America picked you

kek, your next shitpost will be somewhere from iran, best korea or chayna.

pack your shit sonny, you're about to dance on drumpfs tune.

There are a couole regions in Russia that where a majority of the population are Ukrainian. Does that mean those regions belong to Ukraine? No. Just becuase a majority of people are something, that doesn't mean it belongs to them.

It's the EU scum who did this to you. They were either malicious or negligent. They should have known Russia would not tolerate foreign influence on their border. Now that they caused this, they're just silently waiting, hoping for it to stop while they get flooded with refugees.

Neverminding the recent geopolitical incident surrounding your country Ukraine but what did your country ever actually do for us that would warrant undying loyalty and protection? Honest question.

>inb4 I hope you find your firstborn son with a Geiger counter

hohol hohol go away, you're a nigger and you're gay!

The Ottomans belong to the Queen

> people like mccain and clinton and biden

What did you think would happen???
You only have yourselves to blame for siding with those evil fucking snakes, and now you and your loved ones will pay for it.

No sympathy from me.

happened on kosovo

>siding with america is bad
remembered for the future

California is like 80% ethnic mexican

We are not the world police.

shh that comes later.

I just realized that there could be Russians and Ukrainians who could argue with each other on this board one day and be shooting at each other the next.

Fuck you; we Bush levels of cozy with Russia now.

Fake news. Were technical mods initiated by Obama to more specifically target those he wished to punish.

You fail again, CTR.

yes you are

Sounds like Ukraine should stop trying to be a cuckold puppet state.
>Hurr Russia is controlling us
>Fuck you Russia, we will do what the US says now
>Hurr the US is controlling us
Why not try to be neutral for a change and only go for policies that benefit you instead of trying to be a pawn in the cold war?

because neutral countries get invaded by russia

That is like saying because a majoirity of people in Quebec speak French, and are of French ancestry, that France has a claim to the region. They don;t.

Fuck You

What does Ukraine have to offer??

Fucking nothing

Russia is our new friend

Wow, this is the first time I hear this. Not sure if Putin propaganda or Western propaganda.

Bro, congress doesn't have an army. You got rused hard.

Why don't European countries help Ukraine? Why is it up to America?

Russia is helping kill ISIS

What is Ukraine doing besides whining like little babies?

Ukraine is Russia's prize for helping take out ISIS

Especially since they caused this mess. Bloody EU with their nonsense

Ukraine is rightful Russia clay.

Not our problem , maney the EU can help you

Who saw that coming

Trump will get impeached for conspiring with Russia soon


you started it you faggots

No answer for me Ukraine? Thought so.

>remembered for the future

You have no future, sorry to burst your bubble. Your people willingly chose to dance with the devil and get down on both knees and suck globalist jew cock, and as soon as that cock ejaculated all over your countrymen's faces, the globalists turned their backs on you, as they have done time and time and time again. Darkness is coming my friend.

lol, you sold you're country to the US for $5bn and a few candies. Now, they've got no need of you, I'd prepare yourself for sucking a LOT of Russian dick in the future. Fucking idiots.

Mummy will not spare the rod on you.

see I actually agree with you, but the American Empire camp royally discredited themselves by supporting a bunch of radical terrorist seperatists in the Balkans 20 years ago. Now when they screech about how the Crimea annexation was "unlawful" they look like big-league hypocrites. (Which, of course, they are.)

listen Ukrain, we love you but the fact of the matter is that you're ex-USSR and border Russia. You need to lay the fuck low. We're not getting in a nuclear war for you. Sorry.

>people like mccain and clinton and biden and said
holy shit, if you had faith in these pedo commie retards and actually believed them, Putin can't annex soon enough

which ones? can i get a cheap russian ak now or what?

You shouldnt have sucked EU dick hohol

>this has taught me to never trust an American

as if we all collectively decided to fuck you over.
our government and our people are two separate entities.

>trusting america

You realize that our foreign policy is completely schizophrenic due to the dipshits we elect to power.

Next time you shouldn't rely on Uncle Sam and Mutti Merkel to save your ass

says the country being invaded by Russia

>allying with a democratic nation
This is what you get. You should have settled your issues with Russia before the American election year.

lulz, look at 20th century history
trust america...

It's your fucking fault.
Look at Yugoslavia

>get invaded

>so shit at war they can't even defend themselves


This post is rich with irony even if technically accurate.

Ouch. I almost feel bad for them but then I remember how they couldn't roll on the floor and kill themselves fast enough when Soros and the State Dpt. threw some loose change on the floor.

>believed lying warmonger scum like McCain and Nuland

This is the problem you face when Americans show up to selflessly help

There's no hope for you Ukrainian bro. Send us all your women so they can be safe.

Ask your weak-ass grand parents who liberated them. Who brought them chocolate and cigarettes when they were starving.

the Nazis?


Ukraine has done ______ for the United States.

The best part is he's implying they wouldn't even fight for their independence unless America came and did all the heavy lifting for them.
Sorry but that's not how FREEDOM works, bucko.

>give up your nukes to Russia
>practically eliminate your military
>have a Soros funded revolution
>pieces of your country start breaking off and joining Russia
>America pls help :(

we gave you 1/3 of the soviet nuclear arsenal in return for a deal to protect us

>This post is rich with irony even if technically accurate.
how so ?

we gave america our nukes, not russia, it was a deal in the 1990s