Biggest Redpill Ever

Universe is part of the brain of the most gigantic and oldest living being imaginable, so complex in space and time that our early evolutionary primitive brains named "God".

Other urls found in this thread:

Islam is a terrorist idealology.

This is the ultimate red pill, and this fact is just the beginning.


exactly. If you believe in solipsism, the universe is your brain and you are living in it.

so if we all started thinking the same thing could be control this being? maybe we could help it realize it's a faggot and tell it to kill itself

Okay so... What do with life?
Do I even have an actual influence on it?

This, pic related is going on there

So whose brain are we in OP?

The Brahma

How did they get that pic on the right? Computer simulation?

>Humanity will never be able to travel to another star and become an interstellar species


What if the universe is conscious and earth is a conscious creation by our true God (the universe)

not possible wet intelligence depends on reynolds number like effects, not scalable
physis is the dynamics that govern the change in the way a plant grows and is how it knows to take its particular shape among plants

That abortion is a good thing because it kills so many blacks and "minorities "

There is a story:

A raven flies at the mountain and scrapes with his beak twice.

When he has scraped the whole mountain, a second in infinity just passed.

Never trust trees.

Retard, what makes a 'being' is the relative volume and frequency of information transfer. The universe is undeniably less of a 'being' and less of a 'brain' than us, it is not god.
Stop smoking weed and get a job

Shit i forgot to add he arrives every thousand years.

Lol with a camera duh


How exactly would a brain this size function considering it's expanding and signals can't travel faster than light speed? Can you imagine if your neurons could only fire signals at 1 cm/hr?


>OP pic
R. F. O

No other explanations

Who's god? The chances of it being on from any current or past religions are highly unlikely


It would be scalingly less conscious on how far you go out. In your brain, you are highly conscious because the interactions are frequent and many. In your body, you are usually conscious because the interactions are slightly less frequent and slightly fewer. Outside your body, you consider yourself 'aware' but not 'conscious' because the interactions are not only even less frequent and fewer, but since you are interacting with different environments you don't consider it part of your consciousness.
Your consciousness ends where the observable universe ends, where a photon could never reach.
That is true ego death, not dudeweed developing schizoid nonsense like the shit OP is on

funny you say that, there is an user on Sup Forums that hints very much at the ability of the hive mind to create and meme some things into being.


That would be a shit brain because the neuron is apparently exploding in all directions. I suppose God might be dying. Really, besides the superficial similarity in appearance between a depiction of the universe and a stained neuron, there's not much they have in common. For all the cellular activity that takes place within a single neuron, there is really no analogy in the universe which at that large scale seems to be driven largely by gravity and whatever the hell dark energy and dark matter are.

It's almost as though simple mathematical rules seem to model a variety of processes at different scales well. What's interesting is that we've come to a point as a species that we're able to understand the logic that underlies disparate phenomena in a manner that allows us to manipulate them.


>whatever the hell dark energy and dark matter are
Jerry rigs to help current theories hold together.

It's Homer Simpson

That sounds nice because from a base physics point of view, there isn't much to distinguish us from our environments... except that there are. From studies done on patients with brain damage due to stroke or injury or whatever other insult, we can see that consciousness is maintained if most parts of the brain are damaged, but if particular areas of the brainstem are damaged, then consciousness ceases. It does not seem that consciousness is an inherent property to matter based on interactions, but is rather a specific property that emerges out of specific neural modules located in the brainstem.

Yeah, they're just in the model because that's how you make the math work out. At any rate, it doesn't come close to matching the complexity of a neuron.


You need to read up on the ether. Your brain is slower than a computer because it works via neurochemical messaging. A universal mind would be slower due to the limits of functioning at such a size (like an ent) but it would also be much more efficient making it several factors faster than our puny human minds. I would imagine these two variables would meet up somewhere in the middle, making it slow but not as slow as one would think.

Ok I'm scared now. I feel like this is the biggest redpill I've ever taken

Fractals, my nigga

You niggas need to first understand recursion. Then you can understand recursion

That's where you're wrong. At large scales the universe works based on electromagnetism not gravity. Look up plasma universe. The universe is 99% plasma and it's a highly conductive and energetic medium. Much better than the mushy gunk that is our brain. The universe makes a much better electrode than a neuron I'll tell you hwat


Mate, look up fibonacci sequence in nature.

golden spirals, etc...

Its all "just math"

i fuckin laughed

Agreed, consciousness as we know it is definitely limited to the complexity of neuro-chemicals, but there is no real distinction between that which makes up your brain and that which makes up everything else. It is all energy and would all be the same if not for its interactions with the various energy fields.
While atoms are definitely not 'self-aware' in the same way that animals are, I don't see a good reason as to why it must be only humans/animals that have experience.

Do you think that if a computer could run a program that maps a human brain to the atom it would have the same experience that the organic brain would?



}(where my nigga worldtree posting, somebody post some worldtrees, we need a rundown)

If this was true why is this being's brain full of (black) holes? It's like they have mad cow disease or something, and it's shooting their brain full of holes.

That would have to be one gigantic being...

Yes, but the electrochemical messaging still travels at over 100 m/s while neurons themselves are 0.1mm or smaller. The universe is expanding at a rate such that all distances are increasing. Unless the universe is transmitting information faster than light, then this would be prohibitive. It would be like if neurons were all exploding away from each other at over 100 m/s.

Is there any evidence that any of the forces, whether gravity or electromagnetism is organizing in a manner similar to a neuron?

If a computer ran a simulation of the human brain to the atom, then it would have the same experience as an organic brain. Only humans and animals have experience because it is a product of evolution for which conscious experience is a very helpful emergent property for the survival and propagation of a species. I don't accept that sea sponges have anything that could reasonably be called conscious experience.

You're right that there's no real distinction between what makes up an organism versus what makes up its environment on an atomic scale, but that ignores the many scales upon which an organism exists. Foremost, life is a phenomenon in which matter is ordered and not only ordered, but it actively uses energy from the environment to maintain its ordered state. Schrodinger called life "negentropy" because the characteristic of life is that the atoms that make up a living organism act to maintain the atoms in the same organization, and also to replicate to create other ordered arrangements of atoms with the same properties.


Fucking turtles all the way down.

shit, no wonder there is so much empty space

Jews own NASA and used anything they could to make the universe seem so unique and awe-inspiring.
Not a coincidence at all that they are similar

How do we get more canucks like you on Sup Forums? Every other leaf is seemingly just a shitposter of the worst kind.


And we're the zika

I could argue that gravity creates order in our solar system, and in galaxies too. That is cause in terms of it formin orbits and consolidating mass into planets it seems almost like order, rather than entropy. What's happening to our universe at this moment is entropy due to the flow heat death of the universeason and expansion. But also order as well due to the destruction of old stars and the creation of new Solar systems.

The universe isn't expanding bro. Science is RIGGED and anybody who doesn't go along with einstein and his jewish pals is out of a career.

There was no big bang and you're not exploding outwards.

Forces don't organize in a manner similar to a neuron. If you mean to ask if there's evidence that there is communication between galaxies and super clusters...

God is beyond our human realm of understanding

I posted a thread about this shit like 1 month ago ad got 300 + replies faggot


TOOL 46&2



what we call God is just a natural process created a few universes ago. God created souls and meaning in the last universe. and man was created in this universe but not by god. god created the souls which we have

maybe these are connected then...

Science undergoes paradigm changes at least once in a lifetime

Nah we're just existing so that our entropic heat can power some great beings dildo



I believe it.

When I look out at other planets in our solar system I see atoms being orbited by protons.

Within and without.

Everything is infinite. On the biggest and smallest of scales.

Sure, gravity does create order, but it is qualitatively different from the order created by the living processes we categorize as "life". Gravity continues and stars form and explode and die out in a constant manner without any regard for preservation for that order. Life, from the most basic cell, constantly acts to maintain homeostasis, which is to say that it maintains its own internal order and actively uses energy from its environment (increasing entropy in the environment) to do so. More remarkably, it replicates itself to create copies that have the same self-preserving processes.

A clock is also a highly ordered arrangement of matter, but it is not alive. It does nothing to preserve itself. If you add heat to a clock, it does nothing, and may cease to function. If you add heat to a cell, or a more complex organism, it will adjust to maintain internal temperature up until it's ability to do so is exhausted.

Well, then we're operating under different premises, because I'm pretty firmly convinced that the universe is expanding. Can you give a more specific link from that blog because it seems to span a variety of topics, not just what we're talking about.

What you call "meme magic" Is actually called CHIM and we have unknowingly used it to wrestle control of this timeline from the elites who have been hiding its existance so they can remain gods among men

So black people are the dead brain cells of the universe

Dark matter

I also wouldn't describe an inanimate object's experience as 'conscious experience' because the definition of it is a human definition based on the self recurrence of the information contained in the object, thus 'self-awareness or just awareness' is interchangeable with 'consciousness', but since there is information present there must be some sort of experience.

The scaling nature of organisms, as you put it, is what defines our ego (though imo there is no actual border there).
As for 'negative entropy';It is not so much 'order' as in it looks nice, but entropy being the distance between the state its in and the state with the most chemical/electrical interactions occuring, thus information.
A crystal would fit into that idea of ordered and creating more order.

I guess what I'm saying is that the idea of consciousness is not something that is contained to the brain but occurs most 'densely' in the brain because of its information transfers. By that, to OP's point I believe that the universe could be a 'consciousness' but definitely not an ego



No our brains and the universe are fractals you fucking dummy.

Kill yourself

that's what taking mushrooms feels like lmao

no it feels like you lose 20 years of intellectual development and everything is a painting
not worth it unless you are a native shaman

Lets hope our universian overlord doesnt become an alcoholic

I thought we did not know where consciousness was located.

So we know what part of the human to take out to preserve consciousness?

How long until immortality?

The Nordics were right all along.

I've always thought this. Looking at the way our own bodies function is a direct connection to life as we know it. What happens when we have cancer? Our bodies go to war with it. What happens when the earth has a cancer like problem? We go to war with it. I think our life is just a larger scale of what goes on in the human body and WE are a smaller scale of something bigger and so on. There are all kinds of civilizations within our body. The universe is probably just a germ on something much bigger

That's some hippy bullshit OP.
Here's a redpill.
Fascism is a combination of left and right traits making it a form of centrism.
Fascism without radical policies would be the best thing for a society that wanted a secure nation-state.
Because Fascism is a form of centrism it is demonized by (((them))) because we can only be left or right and (((they))) don't want us merely "agreeing to disagree" and "compromising for the greater good".
(((they))) want was to be at each others throats as left and right wing radicals.

I suppose I should say what I mean by consciousness. I don't mean self-awareness. I mean the subjective experience of qualia that I presume we all have. Humans, higher primates, dolphins, and some other animals may have self-awareness, but I would say most animals have consciousness in the sense that they have subjective experiences and perceptions of the world around them with a variety of sensory modalities and not merely an automated sort of response to the environment. Most animals have consciousness but are not self-aware.

Crystals, telegrams, galaxies, clocks, books, the internet, and stars all contain various levels of order and varying levels of information content and transfer, but I would argue that none of them really have consciousness in the sense that they have subjective experiences. While the internet transfers information on such scales and speeds that dwarf the human brain, what matters is not merely that much information is being transferred, but that it is being transferred in an organized manner which produces subjective experience. I suspect that this requires a certain degree of centralized processing that we do not see in the internet, but who knows, maybe the internet as a system is actually experiencing something.

Are you a follower of the law of one my friend?


Hah! I love this story, I'm surprised anyone else on here knows it....

my mother found out i browsed Sup Forums this is her posting

reply "hi mother" or your mother will survive in her sleep tonight

Elaborate, leaf.

The sun is binary star with Sirius. They revolve around each other in 24 000 year cycle with highly elliptical orbits. Furthest distance was around 500AD and they are now falling towards each other. Ancients were aware of this cycle and tought that "golden age" will come when they are near each other.

This also causes the precession of the equinoxes, not wobble on earth axis. Current lunisolar theory is full of holes and cannot explain why precession is accelerating. Sirius and planets in the solar system won't move with precession which invalidates current theory that it's caused locally.

It's just a matter of time when people realize this. Solar system moves trough space at high speed and orbits same center of mass with Sirius. Most of the stars are binary systems just like ours.

Nah, where's the blood

hi mother

checked, mom. Solid first post


>Do drugs
>Destroy universes

yo moms dead

This is the reason why I believe that the subjective experience is an illusion of self-influencing systems like us

Anyways I am too sober to offer anything more, good on you for braving this tier thread based leaf

I simplified things significantly. There is no one spot in which consciousness is located because it's a phenomenon that arises out of the interaction between every part of your brain, but some parts more than others. This means that damaging some parts of the brain produce more profound disorders of consciousness such as coma or persistent vegetative states than do others. Very localized damage to the reticular activating system in the brain system produces far greater deficits than does say a much larger swathe of damage from a hemispheric stroke which can knock out major areas on one side of the brain.

In this case, consciousness does not mean your core personality such that we could remove a particular part of the brain for preservation or for use in some sort of immortal virtual reality simulation technology. What it means is whether or not you have the conscious subjective experience of the environment around you and are able to respond to it in some way. It is more like the difference between non-dreaming sleep and being awake and alert.

>nature follows similar patterns

wow your really onto something

>implying the big bang wasn't him killing self and we are living through his final seconds and the big cooling is him dead