Defend this bitch. Your retarded 'God-Emperor' nominated her, so she must be the best, right?

Defend this bitch. Your retarded 'God-Emperor' nominated her, so she must be the best, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Best GILF for the job.

People honestly think that public education is unsalvagable and that they just need to destroy it and let rural and inner city kids grow up illiterate.

We'd have the dumbest populace in the industrialized world in a generation. It'd be idiocracy for about 40% of the country or more.

It doesn't help that the system she wants to replace it with are mostly religious schools and if her own charter schools are any guide to go by, they're fucking awful and even worse than the public schools.

Thats one hell of an ip swap homeskillet

I'm American, I live in a rural state, and know that if we had DeVos, the next generation in my state wouldn't even learn to fucking read, before you say "homeschool" most people have to have both parents working full time jobs.

I don't know if she is, all I want is to bust up the teachers unions and stop the reckless spending that hasn't yielded any results, if she can do that, I'm on board, but I'm not convinced yet.

problem is she'll do more than bust up teacher's unions. She'll just plain bust up public schooling, defunding them all by giving vouchers.. well, what if theres not a private charter school in your rural area because there's not enough "customers"?

Well then I guess you'd better hope you have a parent who can stay home and teach you shit, and hopefully they know up to calculus and keep up to date with sciences. Otherwise you're not going anywhere.

Our public education system is tenured single mothers peddling kike propaganda on the taxpayer's dime. It literally can't get any worse.

The Department of Education shouldn't even exist. I wouldn't care if Trump appointed a horse to run that shithouse.

>low income families should have 0 way to have their children attend college.

>so she must be the best, right?

she's Erik Prince's sister
she can't be all that bad

So the DoE is the only platform that exists that offers financial support to broke families?

My state does all the attainable scholarships.

The DOE are where most grants and loans come from yes, particularly subsidized loans.

Low income families won't be able to qualify for private loans.


>(((the sciences)))

Oy gevalt, what will the goyim do without their (((science)))?

We should obviously do nothing about our shitty schools and let our shitty teachers unions pick who should be in charge

I'm at the point where I think literally anyone off the street would be an improvement.

trump only nominated her so he can get favors from her brother

How can you fuck it up more than it is?

I mean really. We just had a prop here last election in San Diego to allow spanish spoken classrooms and not english only. And it fucking passed.


Ah, but the 'best' is subjective.

The best at what? Definitely not the best for you, buddy....

>the system's shitty so let's hire a different shitty person to make it look different shitty

have you seen black twitter lately?

Trump employs hidious women

blacks in inner cities would end up having NO school to go to as well.

But I'm more concerned with Rural America.

I'm in Montana. there are places there where you have a town of like 200 people, and it's 3-4 hours away from any cities of even 10,000 people that'd be large enough to support a for profit private school.

WTF do you do about situations like that if you defund all the public schools?

USA spends more money per student than any other developed nation

Clearly throwing money at public schools isn't working

You start thinking hard about the problems in your community instead of passing the buck to some soulless bureaucrats thousands of miles away and expecting anything less than a corrupt clusterfuck.

She kinda looks like this girl I almost shagged in high school before my autism scared her away. An older version of that girl, naturally

Your tiny community probably isn't going to be able to teach the kids what they need to know to be able to get into college on their own.

There's more that they need to know than just Jesus, Jethro.

idiocracy? why are you using a film name with no meaning in the english language in a sentence?

Yeah I agree, most of that is teachers being paid more. They are getting paid close to 50k a year on average with summers off. That gives ample time to moonlight making much more.

I'm all for their going out and making the most you can, but I do believe that their primary job needs to be taken more seriously.

Then there is the uni, where (les jus say) berkley, the average is 200k a year.

I believe there needs to be a stringent oversight on education. Srsly, how many times have you seen someone higher up in the education system on the news getting charged with emezzlement?

>low income families should be able to go 20k in debt getting a liberal arts degree that qualifies them for starbucks work at best

I was saying it'd be a situation like in the movie Idiocracy, where you have a bunch of illiterate morons populating the country.

Join the Army then. Know a whole slew of dudes using that GI bill.

that is the correct use of the movie title, yet the way you used it is irrelevant to anyone outside idiotic american culture. the fact that usa is a nation of idiots is well known and established for a decade now.

I'm tired of privatizing the education system being seen as just a religious issue.

It's about letting a free market determine what's the best way to educate kids, not the government. Don't we want schools competing with each other to see who can make kids the smartest and most successful? Don't we want the ability to pull the kid out of a school if it's not doing good for them? To choose what schools we let them go to? To let parents have the power to vote with their wallets and make sure they're kids are getting a proper education?

Schools being free would mean they're free to innovate, find different ways of teaching. This would give us all more options to find what fits the individual children best. And even ourselves. Freeing schools of government control would free them from the same outdated structures that have been failing us for years now. It's the only way for something new and better to come about.

Sadly I think most people are against it because they're cheapskates and they want their free government babysitting facilities.

Yeah we're a nation of idiots but the system in charge of making us not idiots -- the education system -- is somehow not at fault here and doesn't need to be reformed or gotten rid of.

Eh, I mean myself I did join the Navy, but some people are unable to do that, like they have a minor medical issue that won't disable them but it does disqualify them from enlisting, like flat feet, or, some people just would be really incompatible with military life, or they conscientiously object to violence and don't want to be even indirectly responsible for killing someone. Yeah, they'll go into debt, but if they get a decent degree and a decent job, they'll get out of it, and probably be better off than they would have been if that hadn't been an option.

Look we both agree that that's a shitty decision that some people make but, the opportunity should be there for a low income person to be able to go to school, get a degree in something useful, STEM, business, IT, CS, Medicine, law, etc and get a professional career. Without that option available, they're much less likely to have any social mobility. Being born to poor parents shouldn't mean you're just fucking stuck.

Before you say scholarships, here's a redpill for you, most scholarships actually go to students whos parents can afford to pay. They don't get full rides either, they get small partial scholarships, in order to entice the kid's parents into sending them there and paying for the rest. You give out a full ride to a kid who's parents are broke as fuck, your school doesn't make any money, you give out a $5000 scholarship to a kid who's parents max six figure incomes and not only do they pay the rest of the tuition and boarding and the school makes $15000 off them for tuition and boarding that year, but the parents will probably donate extra money to the school on top, especially if it's their alma mater. Universities are a business anymore and giving scholarships to poor students is a bad moneymaking move.

Well, with the exception of athletic scholarships, those bring in money cause of ticket sales.

>Yeah I agree, most of that is teachers being paid more. They are getting paid close to 50k a year on average with summers off. That gives ample time to moonlight making much more.

Yeah I love how your average liberal or most people love to spout this meme that the education system sucks because teachers aren't being paid more.

So let me get this straight, the system sucks and people are dumb. That would mean the people in charge of making people NOT dumb are FAILING AT THEIR JOBS. So... we should give them MORE money? Fuck no.

The teachers need to take responsibility for not being able to fucking teach. This is what happens when you have a system comprised almost entirely of women. Most of which are probably married to some other, wealthier guy so their job is just side money for them. Something they don't seem to take very seriously at all. Teaching has one of the highest turnover rates.

We hire these young bimbos fresh out of college who are no more mature than the kids they're teaching. Because they're women, they're more prone to pay attention to the more popular, socially accepted kids. They spend more time encouraging the thug-retards who don't give a shit, than the kids who actually want to learn. They teach out of textbooks and have prepackaged material because it's easier for them than having thoughts on the subject and teaching from their own mind. Again, since most women are just their to collect an easy paycheck is it what it looks like.

I could go on about this but I want to note Sup Forums is the only place you can actually say this.

She had bought the THE Education secretary position. NO REFUND!

Look at what a shitty job of educating children in Michigan the "free market" charter schools Betsy DeVos has support.

Private schools are good options for some situations but like I keep hammering, in small rural communities they're not a realistic option.

Ranchers in Montana aren't going to be able to send their kids to private boarding schools and it'll be a 3-4 hour drive to the nearest town large enough to support a private school daily.

The simple fact is that free market works great if there's an immediate profit to be made but for some things where there's NOT an immediate return on investment but they need to be done anyway... the public has to shoulder the burden because private sector doesn't want to lose the money on it.

Spaceflight, Military, Police and Fire, Rural infrastructure and education

These things don't bring in big bucks profit, but they need to be done (yes, even spaceflight. If we want our species to survive indefinitely we're going to have to learn to colonize and terraform or we will inevitably go extinct)

Oh and for the price of one full ride scholarship to a kid with broke parents, you can give 4-5 rich kids partial scholarships to entice them to come spend money at your school. It's a win win for the university. They just get the lower income students on loans instead.

What do Montanans think about guns in school to protect kids from bears?

i just want to see the education industrial complex explode. i experience my nephew (from my half brother who's much older than i) going through five years of obama core and it was horrible. liberals infest most public school systems and turned them into political brainwashing institutes where they care more about creative writing and teaching students how shakespeare could possibly be gay. i'm not fucking kidding. my nephew in eight grade had to write a paper about the possibility of shakespeare being gay for his english class. the entire class did. wood shop, metal, auto, home ec, even a basic electrical classes all gone and replaced with liberal art bullshit at the high school over here. the same very high school i graduated from twelve years ago that offered those very classes. classes that were always quickly filled.

common core didn't fix anything. teachers still taught students to pass the test. i helped my nephew study for his math exam once using his study guide given by the teacher and when he got his test back i remember glancing at it and seeing QUESTIONS directly off the study guide. number for number. and every year they always ask for increases in property taxes, new bonds, expanding bonds, increased funding because its apparently never enough.

all i know is that the charter schools around here have waiting lists from parents wanting to transfer and i hear nothing but praise for them. public education needs to be torn down and redone from scratch. its an absolute failure staffed by bleeding heart liberals that want to teach kids the importance of black heritage over teaching kids how to balance a budget and understanding interest rate. these kids come out thinking their penis is a fucking vagina but can't understand 1.5% interest on a twenty year loan of $250,000. and people wonder why credit debt is fucking insane.

I'd rather have you guys be illiterate patriotic american tradesmen than the "high IQ" pansies that want to destroy their own country.

Montanans think gun free zones are fucking stupid is what we think.

I don't think we have to worry about defending a school from Grizzly bears though...

on a hike or camping trip? Absolutely, never got into bear country without at least a .357 magnum.

We DID have a blackbear get into one of the high schools though, That was funny.

literally this is why trump was elected

Flat feet don't fucking matter nobody gives a shit about your color blindness or whatever other imaginary bullshit you invented to disqualify yourself before even talking to a recruiter. I served with a medic who was missing a fucking pectoral muscle ffs. Incompatible with the military lifestyle is pretty laughable since it's so varied between branches and jobs. There are army people who literally just police food safety in chow halls. Too conscientious of an objector to cook food or be a fuckin chaplains assistant?

Sounds like a bunch of bullshit excuses people use because the other outs are too easy.

She's the best.


Fucking insider lobbyist. Bought her way into a cabinet post.

the education system is a fucking abomination
books should cost not much more than printing price
edition after edition, all changed for no reason other than to keep the price artificially high

lowest common denominator teaching, never teach any useful fucking skills, lots of left wing propaganda bullshit

teachers make way too much money for being incompetent women

>in small rural communities they're not a realistic option.

A free market manages to get food, shelter, water, gas, and just about every other product or service imaginable to rural communities. Why is this different?

You're not using your imagination enough. If there is demand for education in an area, someone will fill that demand and build a school there. It worked like before we had an official education system.

Flat feet can get you disqualified at a MEPS, so can asthma, or clinical depression or anxiety, or hell, being busted for smoking weed (though you can get a waiver if it was only once I think?)

by being incompatible with military lifestyle I mean people who refuse to take orders, they're not going to acclimatize to military life well at all. I had a buddy who tried to join with me but was at the time a self avowed anarchist. You can probably tell just how well boot camp went for him. He got ASMO'ed until they discharged him for "convenience of the government"

The service is a good option, but not for everyone.

She basically wants to adopt a version of the Chilean system which is based on a system drawn up by Freidman (Chicago School), although it has been re-worked by more moderate minds.

Chile's education system is ranked higher than both that of the US and Sweden.

>She'll just plain bust up public schooling, defunding them all by giving vouchers.

Yes, thats exactly what she wants to do.

It works

You realize that in the past this was not a problem?

DoE was only established because of the Civil Rights movement. It has outlived its purpose.

>WTF do you do about situations like that if you defund all the public schools?

Build smaller schools?

>muh idiocracy

Yeah don't even get me started on the college text book racket game.

>teachers make way too much money for being incompetent women

This needs to be said way more often. I didn't say it in my rant above on the subject, but the dumbest girls in my highschool class are now teaching at my highschool and middle school. By dumb I mean, maybe they made good grades but they've always shown a complete and utter lack of intellectual interest or acumen outside of the education system. They're more interested in partying and selfie-taking at the bar than say reading books or learning new skills. That's who we have in charge of teaching kids.

It's different for the same reason you don't have huge shopping malls, sports stadiums, theme parks, and 5 star hotel resorts in those rural communities.. there's not a big enough market/demand for them.

There just won't be enough kids for it to be worth it to anyone who wants to make money off building a charter school, not to mention those rural families are probably too poor to really make it worth their time.

Before public schools? Oh yeah, that's a good system. Dirt floor 1 room school house where the kids weren't even separated by grades, 14 year old being "educated" in the same room as 6 year olds, just how much good "learnin" is that 14 year old going to get?

Hey, don't diss calculus. It was invented by an incel autistic Christian NEET.

Dunno about that.

You have something to debunk this?

>what is a boarding school

Are you referring to Leibniz or Newton? If the latter, I would refer to him instead as a Christian hermeticist, as he was very different from the "freedom ain't free gays are ok with me" Christians of today

Thank you

something those ranchers can't afford, especially when they need their children to help with the farm/ranch.

Why do you think summer vacation is even a thing in the US? So that rural kids could help with agricultural work during the summer.

not to mention, you don't think it's important for parents to have some time raising their kids?

Boarding school means less time together as family, something that's already a problem as it is because of both parents having to work.

holy shit this

>Before public schools? Oh yeah, that's a good system. Dirt floor 1 room school house where the kids weren't even separated by grades, 14 year old being "educated" in the same room as 6 year olds, just how much good "learnin" is that 14 year old going to get?

Well it was better than fucking nothing and those people built the nation you're currently sitting in so it helped.

Maybe smaller schools for less populated areas is something that makes sense. That's why you have a free market, to test things out and see what works.

If there is a demand for it, someone will find a way to fufill that demand. Maybe increased home schooling for those kids. Maybe smaller schools. Someone will find a way to educate those kids but you have to let them have the FREEDOM to do so.

She does not want to defund public schools. The shitty teachers union schools would still get all the funding for each child that goes there but they eould have to be competitive or a private school would open and all the parents would send their kids there and the funding will go with them.

Not true. I was not even a great student and I got offered a full ride scholarship on test scores alone.

Who the fuck cares if she gives a shit about a bunch of brats or she even cares about the monstrosity that is the Education Department?

She's a powerful woman who wasn't on the Trump team last year. With her help, locking down Michigan will be even easier. Plus, getting favors from her brother who owns the biggest PMC in the world isn't too shitty either.

those rural areas that have public schools do have smaller schools, but they at least have a teacher for each grade, even if the class sizes are 6-8 students per class.

But if you try to have them all in the same room same teacher, combining grades, the older students just won't be able to learn properly because the teachers will have to tailor things down for the younger students.

Public schools HAVE been a boon to society. Yes as they currently are they're fucked up thanks to trying to educate niggers and all the things that that leads to like common core.

But the solution isn't to completely dismantle it and end up with a lot of people not having any access to education

Charter schools are public schools idiot.

Charter schools outperform federal schools.

No, the men who had money and went to universities and studied classical liberal arts were the ones who built the nation you are currently sitting in. If people whose education primarily consisted of a few years of being taught in a one-room schoolhouse as a small child and never receiving any education after that were the ones who built this country, it probably would not have lasted a few years before going broke and collapsing in multiple civil wars.

>we need more money for education
We need to teach STEM and other things that actually interest American children, not things that interested their parents or grandparents, or things their parents or grandparents think are important for children to learn. That's where Common Core goes wrong: it teaches boring shit to every kid and no kid anywhere in 2017 cares. Learning to read is great, but I think a kid would have more fun and be more engaged in front of a computer.

And some of those people got their start in small rural school with a dirt floor. Read up on your history.

> reckless spending
> teaching kids how to read and count

K..keep me posted though

Doesn't matter you can look at areas where they push STEM in the students face like scandinavian areas and the populace will still shirk away from it.

School choice has had remarkable results showing great improvements in a child's education.

Works fine in Asia. It's almost like telling kids to shut the fuck up and do their homework is better than telling them shit like "you can be whatever you want".

Yes, but they also had money. If every family in America had enough money to just do it, they would send their child to college. Don't even try to tell me that not every single person would be better off with a high level of education. Shitty education because people are too poor to send their kids to college, and those kids growing up and becoming the maladjusted shits like the permavirgins on this website, is what got this president elected.
>A charter school is a term for a school that receives government funding but operates independently of the established public school system in which it is located, and in some cases are privately owned.[1][2] Charter schools are an example of alternative education and public asset privatization.
>receives government funding but operates independently of the established public school system
>operates independently of the established public school system
>operates independently

I don't know much about Betsy DeVos, but with how much the left is fighting against her she's gotta be good for something.

not lie, trump vote, crash and burn, nuclear codes

Not in Michigan where DeVos has been implementing her "choice" Her charter schools are amoung the worst schools in the state.

Problem is is she wants more bible schools rather than schools that actually teach kids shit.

She's too focused on making America "God's kingdom" rather than giving a shit about whether anyone actually learns anything useful.

We should stop telling them "you can be whatever you want", and be more along the lines of "you can be a valuable part of the world in which you live by pursuing an education in modern occupations like physics or information technology", and drilling into their heads that that is a very, very good thing. Then we should plop them in front of computers for 12 years because anything without a bright screen on it is boring as shit to any child born after the year 2000.



Nice meme, but the operative part of that is "receives government funding". They operate outside of the districts, but there are still various curricular elements required to continue receiving government funding. Charter schools teach the same things as public schools, but can also focus on certain subjects like technology or art. The charter schools I went to were art-oriented.

>not SJW
fine by me. You could put a literal ape in charge of Education and it'd do better than our 'progressive' attitude over the last 8 years

So the 4 old ladies I saw on tv last weekend that were slamming everything Trump had done but shut up and agreed about DeVos were wrong?

Good for fucking up generations of children and making us the most illiterate industrialized country in the world for decades maybe.

You know how many H1B visas we'll have to bring in to fill jobs that require higher education after DeVos dismantles the education system?

American workers simply won't have the necessary qualifications.

Right... because the public school system has been so well for inner city children.

Never thought about it that way.
>Nominate her
>Bro is cool
>Senate blocks her
>Out of Trumps hands, he tried

Not bad, 8D chess right there but I bet you any money a cheap scam like that wouldn't fly with Blackwater guy. Puts Betsy in the spotlight though. Improves her standing at home.
>Presidential Nominee...
It can go either way.

better than no schools at all for those children. They're not going to be able to afford private schools much less even have them available within reasonable driving distance.


Because without the government people can't make schools or figure out how to homeschool, like they did since the beginning of time until about the late 1800s, and the Dept of Education is only 37 years old idiot.

> Don't even try to tell me that not every single person would be better off with a high level of education.

Well yeah maybe they wouldn't. Not everyone in the word needs an education. And there are tons of people who went through the higher education system and regret it because it didn't do anything for them.

More "education" doesn't even lead to one being more actually educated in the current system. It just means more text books and more tests.

>Shitty education because people are too poor to send their kids to college, and those kids growing up and becoming the maladjusted shits like the permavirgins on this website, is what got this president elected.

55% of white males with a college education voted for Trump. Imagine that. What a stupid fucking argument.

>inner city children
Dude are you like, 65? Stop using that outdated shit. Inner city kids are fucking rich since living in the city became trendy and all the young faux-hemians moved in. Poor people live outside the cities in slums and ghettos now. Not sure where you've been to have missed that. The city of Los Angeles, for example, gentrified and most of the gang activity moved out into the rest of the Inland Empire.

yeah again those single room schools where they had all the kids in the community taught by the same teacher simultaneously regardless of age was such a good system. I mean, reading first grade level books until you're in your teens really sounds like quality education.

That's the problem too. It's like a sick joke, we need privatized education but the people championing it are only doing so in the completely most backward, counter-productive way. The whole idea needs to be sold in a secular manner that's appealing to everyone.