Pol btfo forever

Pol btfo forever

But in all seriousness we can't let her get the missile codes.

I notice you guys haven't been back to the moon in a long time

Congrats to her. She is probably more intelligent than 99% of people here.

Pole bee tee eff oh

It's over racists.

A white girl with similar qualifications would be unemployed.

That's not her fault, though, her feats are quite impressive.

Why do people of color have the "ha, told you so" mentality when they achieve something above average?

Thanks affirmative action

Because they are all way below average

This is only exceptional when a black person does it.

>reading books and memorizing terms = intelligence


It really shows how much of an inferiority complex they have when they keep shilling outliers on social media.

Is that supposed to be good?, I don't know how all American grades work, because I've seen shit like A, A+, 3.9 GPA, etc.....

But In my country a 5.0 is the equivalent of an F-, or the same as 5/10, or fail a course.

because they don't realise that it was white education that got them there

Because they're convinced white people are thinking about them being inferior every second of every day.

As long as she's not an illegal immigrant, I'm fine with this.

>nigger working for NASA is news

That says it all

Token nigger gets token position in a organisation built on nazi technology

>Working for the government
Poor financial decision.

>bell curves and statistical distributions exist
it would be really nice if nazis OR SJWs could figure this out

Its impossible to get a 5.0 in college, you can only get a 4.0.

she is white.

wtf i love ghettos now

>I notice you guys haven't been back to the moon in a long time

I notice you guys haven't been to the moon.

Bell curve. Learn it.

She should get a better haircut or a wig

Yeah keep telling yourself that, Mr Insecurity

Im expecting an image of her like this in the future. Then, /pol will forever know who is kang.

looks like my friends girlfriend

>a black American woman (who most likely worked hard) has achieved something
>ergo, by proxy, all black people are complicit to her achievement
I've said this before, but the WE WUZ KANGZ shit and stuff like this stems from a deeply rooted inferiority complex.

Aight cuz, nah mean. We gotsa tha send sum ride on Jupitor. Put sum 24s on dat shiiiieeeet

thinking there isn't an exception to every thing end your self you low iq autistic low test faggot. saudi kid who learned english alone at the age of 10 ask me anything Sup Forums.

>yet to graduate

fake news

I noticed obama cancelled all our missions

5.0 is really good in burgerland. Something like the best average grade you can get.

being admitted to mit speaks to her favor, but she's also 22, so she didn't skip grades
probably better than you

I don't know where they're getting 5.0 from. A 4.0 is straight A's.

>people of color
Niggers, you stupid fag.
Use the politically correct terms.

>only show exceptional minorities
>never show exceptional or even top tier whites
>never provide opportunities to exceptional or top tier whites
>begin to also take away opportunities from asians
>rub all of this in people's faces
>"pol btfo"

Been there, done that.
So.. when are you going?

Deebly rooted? So deep that if you have any black person you meet take an iq test, you'll be shocked what they score. Shocked. It all makes sense when you see that iq score.

5.0 GPA is like the highest mathematically possible grade anyone could ever achieve in American university

good for her. its even harder for her to achieve what she did because the black community tries to pull other blacks down. shes a great role model

People do get jobs with NASA right out of undergrad. They also recruit interns/co-ops. Of course not being black and from MIT means 99% of those hardworking people will not get written up in whatever libshit clickbait factory delivered this particular morsel.

You do some kind of special nerd class and you can get a 5.0.

I don't remember what it was called, I haven't done school in forever.

sending humans places is p.dumb and expensive

Ah, the wonders of Affirmative Action...

I wonder if her 5.0 gpa and working at NASA has anything to do with her skin color.

It's literally called "bell" curve, not rectangle curve. And you dumb nigger are on the far left end.

NASA needs cafeteria ladies too

thinking they need niggers to go back the moon kek end your life leaf.

>a university
>fucking MIT
>giving out a 5.0

lol no

colleges don't do that.

that retarded shit only flies in high school.

MIT is on a 8.0 scale lmao

Dog years?

>When da affirmative action kick in

>tfw grew up in Houston and had a mech engineer nerd dad who took me to the space center museum and I saw this multiple times first hand during the 90s

I still have hope for this great country because I know what it was and it was amazing.

'secretary of getting the fucking coffee and being a stupid slave monkey'

Inferiority complex.

Ok, prove to me how this is not an outlier? Or is reflective glory only ok when the left does it?

So she's like one in 6 million. That's nice, but it doesn't change certain facts.

OP is a gay nigger

They should recruit the niggers and send them to the sun.

The fact that were taking apart ICBM's to figure out the engineering because the current crop of 'engineers' are complete retards really shows.

>one black girl goes to NASA

>doesnt accomplish anything of note

>white people responsible for every major accomplishment in history

>no credit

seems fair



one intelligent black does not cancel out the rest

Yeah nigger's aren't good at math, I guess I wouldn't be either if I didn't know the difference between a 4 and 5

only in high school. I've never heard of a college that gives above 4.0

Why does hitlers number keep going up? I thought it was 6 million is what I was taught

>one nigress is acing it, meaning all niggers are acing it
alternative facts were a mistake.

why doesn't she go to africa and make a difference?

Where are her published works?
Can we read her thesis?

Bitch im a racist you're preaching to the choir. Im a male coal burner who has shot over 300 rap music videos God damn it because I was so ridiculously blue pilled and genuinely kind hearted. I know that sounds retarded. But, knowing what I know, I guaruntee you, guaruntee, that this is complete bullshit. This girl is not Werner Braun. Literally just memorizing shit and getting affirmative actiones. Probably has a 110 iq which is God like to niggers.

Breaking News: Outliers Exist.

Pic related: the average

Now that you mention it, they wouldn't. The whole point of getting above a 4.0 is impressing colleges.

>When an ongoing subject, such as thesis, is completed, take the sum of the units of J grade received in prior terms and apply the final grade to the total.
For a Masters level thesis a maximum of 24 units is used in the calculation; doctoral level thesis units are not included in the calculation.
A repeated subject counts in your GPA each time you take it.
Freshmen do not have a GPA for their first semester (including IAP) since the grade of P is not included in the calculation. In the second semester, grades of A, B, and C are used to calculate the freshman GPA.
Grades used in the calculation are weighted as follows: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, F=0, O=0. To calculate a GPA, total all the units of "A" level work and multiply this number by 5. Total all units of "B" level work and multiply by 4 and so on. Add the results and divide by the total number of units. If the hundredth place is 5 or above, the tenth place rounds up (for example, 4.75 becomes 4.8). If the hundredth place is 4 or below, the tenth place does not round up (for example, 4.74 becomes 4.7).

oh wait nevermind MIT is special and they just add 1 to all of their GPAs and round up. pathetic. Currently an aero astro major. Internships and coops at NASA are only some godlike position to people who don't work in the industry. kind of like how all the elon musk worshippers think SpaceX is some dream job

What is affirmative action?
MIT is not exempt from it, right

Cool anecdote Jamal why don't you bring it to the white house?

that woman is 22 years old? i thought black don't crack, she looks 40

they need to stop focussing on race, that is a great personal achievement for her

Today I learned black people drink wine

*former make coal burner. Make coal burner with female coal.


There are tons of people at organizations like NASA who are yet to graduate uni with a 5.0 GPA
That's literally what NASA runs on

>Why does hitlers number keep going up? I thought it was 6 million is what I was taught

The amount of dead Jews is equal or greater to the number needed to make you shut up and do whatever a Jew tells you to do.

silly tyrone, that's wine not malt liquor.

OP completely BTFO!

it's ok, user, she'll let you mow her lawn

You are stuck in the 90's early 00's narrative.

11 millions is more accurate because holohoaxer will claim it's lower and be bigot to not say 6.

it's 11 gorillion jews you white genocider.i t's just kikes being kikes man there milking it hard to get that sweat goyims shekels

"Exception makes it true!"
one in a 10000 must mean that all the 10k niggers are smart!

thanks Canabro

MIT has a unique 5.0 GPA scale (meaning elsewhere shes just a 4.0 straight A student)

literally nothing special considering all races are created equally right???

>Sup Forums captures yet another gold medal in mental gymnastics at the retard olympics

Maybe they add 1.0 to your GPA if you're a nigger

So what? Who gives a fuck about an internship??? You can even work for the NSA or CIA when you're a minor or in college. It's called an INTERNSHIP.

>Activities and Societies: National Beta Club
What is this?

Because she's got white blood