Young people may have to work until they are 74

The state pension age could be pushed back yet again and young people may have to work until they are 74, experts are warning.

It may rise by nearly ten years by the 2060s, hitting workers currently in their 20s and future generations, the Office for Budget Responsibility forecasts.

How the fuck is this going to work? majority of 74 year olds are worn out from a life of work already & this will only hold back even more youth from employment.

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Wagecucks btfo

> Implying anyone would want to hire someone over 50
> Implying there will be enough wagecuck jobs anyway

I just hope they give us an easy way out if we want it.

>have problems with youth unemployment
>Keep old people working

Exactly, robots take over more jobs.
You old people keep working.

Because we can't for the pensions retard, why do you think we're importing so many immigrants? To pay for the boomers ridiculous pensions. Stop being lazy, its stopping work that kills when you retire because your body wastes away.

State pension won't exist by the time we hit retirement age.

Before robots it will be Ahmed's and Paco's rape babies that we imported by the zillions getting the wagecuck jobs.

work till your 74, how many are gonna make it to 74 again?

>Implying I am not 29 and already retired.

"have to work", el oh fucking el
People who don't save and grow their money and trust their nanny state to provide for them when they are old deserve to starve by all means.

We should have suicide booths by then so I'm not worried.

>young people may have to work until they are 74
For what purpose? It's easy as shit to save for retirement and retire by your 40s.

This is why people don't trust (((experts))) anymore. They put out utter bullshit non-stop.

what happens to the immigrants when they get old? they want pensions.

what then, keep importing more of them?

Do Americans even have pensions?

Yeah desu I've never understood that. I'm trying to save 20-50k USD by the time I'm 20, although it really depends on if my parents help me with college, or keep throwing money at my sisters.

Hopefully if I can hit that much money, I can have a nice lump sum to retire on.

>its stopping work that kills

Bullshit. I know a guy who has worked his entire life and it's ruined his body. He still has two years to retirement but looks like he should have retired years ago.

People who do an actual hard job their entire life end up with ruined fucking bodied by the time they hit retirement.

This is why pension age was set low in the first place, people generally died before claiming or shortly after from a life of hard work or industrial diseases.

>coming from a Russian

People become shit workers at 60.

If they actually make people work to 74 the economy would crash because every job would be filled by geriatrics that do NOTHING while being paid the most for it while young people piss off to another country without such retarded retirement rules.

It will never happen. Its just click bait to scare you. The logistics of it are impossible without some maracle medical treatment making us still young in our mid 70s and Id be fine with that.

>Getting paid in rubles
I shiggy diggy

Obviously, that's why the foundation that did the estimate advised not to import more immigrants because it was a short term solution that would lead to bigger problems and said the government should just break it to people they're going to have to work later in life and won't receive a lot. Of course the Tories being Tories decided to do both anyway because they're greedy bastards.

This is thanks to Jewish elites robbing you during the housing crisis that they created and caused under the guise of helping the poor when in reality it was usury and greed.

Please continue licking their ass and making excuses for them like the good slaves you are.

Continue to blame whitey. Good slave.

Probably this.

you gotta bend by the legs buddy, bend by the knees your a goner. thank you high school gym. my leg hurt for 3 years though from standing all day putting all my weight on it.

dog bles sogializm :DDdddd
too much imigrants
bud noice pensns :DDDdd

There won't be a state pension in 2060.

Time to forget about these mechanisms of the past. Take care of your own Dam finances, it isn't complicated

>How the fuck is this going to work? majority of 74 year olds are worn out from a life of work already & this will only hold back even more youth from employment.
Anti-aging treatments?

I know a guy that didn't pay any attention to his knees. and hes all fucked up.


It is estimated that 50,000 years ago, humans worked for about 3-4 hours per day.

Current age is 67.

But Netherlands will sell the pension bags from government pensions into one big EU pension money pot. You know what that means? That Dutch citizens will pay for the citizens of Portugal Spain Greece who never made any pension, or barely paid their dues.

That's what will happen. This is one of the reasons why I want to migrate to the US so badly. In the Netherlands YOU MUST pay extra tax just for pension, which you will likely never get if you're young. My government does not deserve my taxes at all considering they are going to fuck me over completely in the future and in the present.

>and young people may have to work until they are 74

Oh what a tragedy. Up until very recently, throughout all human history, if people could work they did. This means the vast majority of all people have worked their entire lives. Retirement is a luxury of the modern world. It's a great luxury, don't get me wrong, but it's one that every one of us must earn in the end. You have an entire lifetime, if you fail to build up a fortune or to maintain your daddies fortune to enable your retirement then you have to keep working. That is the natural way of things.

I don't see any savages in South America crying that have to continue hunting and fishing well into their 70's.

I'll assume you are in your mid-20's for arguments sake. Its 2017 now. I admire your optimism if you think you (or me) will have any semblance of a retirement option in 50 years time, or even more laughable, a pension. The worlds largest economy is snowballing debt; their finance dictates the rest of the world's. The boomer mentality that "everything will be okay, because it was for us" is as naive as it is improbable. If you want a retirement option you can rely on, get an isolated plot of land and work towards self-sustainability.

another guy came real close to serious back problems from sitting the wrong way for 40 years. what ya learn on the job. lol

In california you could retire from state service at 55.

Libs elected jerry brown as governor to support workers rights. He immediately cut pensions and benefits and added 7 years to the retirement age. I work along side people who hardly work and based on being hired 6 months earlier, will collect about 1 million more than me in their lives for no reason.

Fuck that raging gaywad.

people live longer, so no way this can be avoided.

When you're looked down upon while scrubbing (((their))) toilet at 74, remember that your taxed funded them and allowed them to put you in the very position you will be in.

Thats the US m8. It only applies to you.

Ofc... everything for the EU. So is life in an EU country. The world is dark and the future is bleak.

It's not just the US.

It really is and they mistake every successful german name for a Jewish one. Germans were their largest immigrant group. Stands to reason that some people with German seconds names would end up in their power structures.

A few centuries back we rebelled for less. Fuck this 50% and more tax and work until you drop dead nanny state. Everyone should be responsible for their own finances.

75 years jesus christ. And then baby boomers have the nerve to say we have it easy.

Keep telling yourself while your head is in the sand

You dont tell your parents that theirs is the generation that ruined your country? Lol.

You'll have to work at 70 to pay for all the refugees living on welfare.


Iv also said that whites in the US are a negrofied race and good ridance to them. It doesnt make me a jew or part of a conspiracy.

Just stay healthy while your young. All the shit that you consume builds up and makes you shit inside. We're all guilty of this. We just need to take care of ourselves more. It sucks but it's the only choice we have.

Also this.

>We activated women in the workforce
>We imported vast amounts of immigrants during the past 60 years
>People are already working 10-15 years longer then 20 years ago

Every 6 months they come and tell us that we'll have to keep working longer. Something's not right here.

Anyways; I'm going to save up as much money as I can and retire at the age of 50 to do whatever the fuck I want.

Actually I think I managed to sneak into boomer status. Our fertility rate is still good and I have a good job for life, a defined benefits pension and a high quality of life than my parents.

My parents used to have to go hungry and shit outside. I ski in the alps and get a free house due to an early inheritance.

Cut down on the whiskey, you're speaking utter bullshit.
Europe is getting fucked over too by the same (((people))).

Someone has to pay for all those mudslimes

Who knows, anything could happen in the future. We might still be able to work white collar jobs once the robot revolution happens

You're a potatonigger of no consequence not one of the founders of the EU.

Rich people. Some of them are jews. What they have in common is that they are all (((rich))).

They know what is best for you and you are just a unit of labor. I am glad I live in a small republic with low wealth disparity.

>My parents used to have to go hungry

>most retirees I know hunt and fish

Capitalism is cancer.

Your an actual nigger of no consequence. I dont care about your butthurt conspiracies. Everyone takes advantage of you. Not just the jews.

tell me again how many people make it to 74?

>tfw I get to retire at 55 with full pension (35 years of service) and only have 19 years to go.

Seriously. When they were children growing up by Friday the money was gone. On Friday there was no food in the house and they were waiting for my grandad to come home with his wages so they could eat.

He was a brick layer and my grandmother was fully occupied minding 6 children. No money.

About half of males XD

>im going to have to come out of retirement because i ran out of money

>it really depends on if my parents help me with college, or keep throwing money at my sisters.

Your parents will be old some day and they'll need to be taken care of.

If they gave all their money away to your sisters, I guess that means they only want your sisters to worry about them when they're old.

Don't give them any credit just because they changed your fucking diapers. When you have a kid, you're SUPPOSED to change their fucking diapers, if you don't want to change diapers, then don't have fucking kids. Simple.

These fucks all want to force you to exist in this nightmare Hell-world against your will AND your best interests, but they'll change your diapers for a couple years so they can say you owe them something.

They probably voted for ALL the politicians that stole your future and sold your country out to fucking China.

>State gets to decide when you get pensions after paying into the system by force for your entire working life.

Kill yourself commie

>Your an
The English should starve you again.

State funded pension my friend. 401k niggers BTFO.

You're no different than me in that context then.
You're not that special.

>my best come back is your writing style on a cuck fetishist message board

lmfao at your life, nigger. No wonder the (((Jews))) own you.

The solution is quite simple. Scrap it and get rid of the ponzi scheme that is social security and let people have the extra money to save on their own. Then we won't have to worry about the age constantly getting raised.

The difference is that our rich are not that rich and because we are a small republic our politicians actually have to answer to us occasionally.

that is a bummer, we always had food, but everybody worked all the time.

>not saving up for retirement all ready
>wanting to work past 50

Women wernt allowed to work once they were married. The children of course got jobs when they were able to.

Sure thing.
Stay in your fantasy.

I think my politicians do their best to Jew money into our hands and away from the EU. Thats as much as I can ask of them.

And who was behind your potatonigger housing crisis? Stop pretending. You have more owners than any American does.

I never heard that there is going to be an eu pension. This seems absolutely retarded. I doubt anyone in this be richer countries wants that. Please provide source.

Except that chinese wageslaves (the ones with the "do not kill yourself" clause in their contracts) are replaced by robots.

Lawyers are replaced by AIs and if you study economics it is a good way to be replaced by an algorithm.
I got a friend in IT who is automating workflows and he tells me that none of the buisness people want to work with his department, because they already now that they are getting replaced.

As it should be. Life expectancy grows by 1.5 years with every decade it passes.

What caused our housing crises was the knock on effects of your American economic crash. Our banks suddenly found themselves with no one to borrow from to weather the economic storm.

>More owners than an american does
I cant be drafted
I am not spied on
I am not locked up at the rates you are
I dont fear that Jews rule my life
It would be unnaceptable for a cop to shoot me (they dont even carry guns lol)

The list goes on.

How do you know how long will your life last? Let's say you retire at 60 with just enough savings to live 20 years, but you just happen to stay alive just another 60 years.

>Oh what a tragedy. Up until very recently, throughout all human history, if people could work they did. This means the vast majority of all people have worked their entire lives. Retirement is a luxury of the modern world. It's a great luxury, don't get me wrong, but it's one that every one of us must earn in the end. You have an entire lifetime, if you fail to build up a fortune or to maintain your daddies fortune to enable your retirement then you have to keep working. That is the natural way of things.

Yet we're told this by the boomers as they retire on gold plated pensions at the age of 65...

But we're "the slack ones"

Like a docile beast.
Irish are truly niggers.

My advice to everyone in this thread that is thinking of investing in buying a house is to keep an eye on immigration policy, fertility rates and house prices.

When fertility is stable, immigration is reduced of stopped and house prices are level, SELL and never go back to housing.

Where did you find this?
Also I thought that immigration was supposed to protect us against this. Hmmmm

Move in with you kids and let them take care of you like you took care of them.
Or go the traditional route and never have your son's move out, they eventually have their wife move in and when they have kids and their parents retire, they become the head of the household.

Reality is most people die before they get all the money they put in. Moving into your own home and ss/retirement plans are just Jewish trickery to get more money.

>Has never met a person with a broken body because they worked hard labor their entire life.

I met a 70 year old woman at my old job who had two fucked up knees with almost no cartilage. Had multiple surgeries. She had a year to retirement and was holding out for the money. She also told me how she had a prolapsed vagina once because she strained while picking up and picked up wrong her entire life.

My father worked a physicaly demanding job his entire life. He could not close his hand into a fist and could barely move his fingers because he had arthritis so bad.

It's not "laziness" that kills.
Fat asses can't walk because of the immense weight that grinds their cartilage to nothing and weight that hurts their own body. They have to body of someone 30 years older.
It's wear on the body that kills you retard.

daily reminder that state ponzi schemes aka solidarity aka single-payer healthcare and PAYG pension systems are all going to fail during user's lifetime

hedge against by having your own company or a side gig on the black market, invest wisely and know your legislation

there's a reason plebs bear the biggest burden and that reason is they are the most numerous, most locked-in, powerless and most inert

live till 74. you made my morning.

Yeah the immigrants are quite fertile in the host cucktries. And then you will have to work till 90 just to pay their welfare (because who are you lying to think those parasites will ever work) instead of doing something against the juden.

Not many here. We dont give them cash and apartments. We give them camps and food.

They dont come. Ahahahaha.

Austrians are short legged, hick accented, wannabe Bavarians.

>I am not spied on
You are and your programs are more invasive than in America

>I dont fear that Jews rule my life
yet they do

>they dont even carry guns
you're bragging about being stripped of the right to defend yourself but it's okay because your cops don't carry guns

UK news.

I don't mean you since youre irrelevant. I mean the actual first world countries where the big population is. And after the islamisation of the anglo youre next.