I got diagnosed with asbergers syndrom and ADD when I was 8 years old, never gave it much thought

I got diagnosed with asbergers syndrom and ADD when I was 8 years old, never gave it much thought.

Is there any redpill's on these kind of diagnoses?

you have ass burgers and ADHD? are you sure? those are radically different. it's like being able to to stare at a rifle scope for 20 hours and having to do the cha cha every five minutes simultaneously.

my god user, your doctor is a hack-and i know this because i'm a hack who's calling him a hack, so just imagine the hackery involved!

Its real, but irrelevant

basically we're more retarded than we think.

ADD isn't hyper active related ADHD is. Or yes ADD makes your brain hyper active but not your body.


embrace your maleness

You don't have ADD, you just have braindead careless parents like all swedes and your mom was too busy trying to be a man to raise you.
Cant speak on the autism, that's probably all relative anyways

ADD and ADHD are the same thing, sadly. Anyone who tells you different is an internet article.

the redpill is that it is brain inflammation and can be managed through diet.

It's a huge deal you get to work on this ASAP because the problems can become permanent.

CBD oil it has non psychoactive components found in cannabis. You can go to a doctor and ask for that kind of treatment and it is very promising I can assure just do the research. They are finding new things about by the year.

he's got ADHD. I'm afraid we've already been sold to a galactic slaver and he's already been rejected by cute gamer girls for his horrid presentation.

only the power of love can help us now!

Well I was born with decent looks so even tho i'm odd I get girls. But crazy really do attract crazy.

>I got diagnosed with asbergers syndrom and ADD when I was 8 years old, never gave it much thought.

It's real as hell, don't use it as a crutch and just live normally. Trying to hide your abnormality will only make it worse and could lead to a major life implosion like I did for myself.

Autism speaks

I was diagnosed with ADHD and PDD-NOS when I was 7ish
Not sure if OT really meant something
Took Ritalin twice a day until I was 16 and then just stopped, can't say I notice a difference
Now I drink coffee
I think I lack empathy but really that's it

its just a nice way of telling you that you are a bit dimwitted

I also have Asperger's. The red pill is that we're superior genetically. Most people want to have Asperger's once they know what it is, but will pretend like they don't.

Plus, you might be able to claim financial support.

I have these as well.
My life is fucked up

sucks to your asbar

>any redpill
There's an orange pill called adderall and it's the greatest thing that man has ever invented. Basically 6 hour coke.

Well I have a masters degree in physics and astronomy, so I don't think im that dimwitted

>believing an internet article vs anonymous croat?

this is perhaps the hardest problem ive faced this year

Pro tip: if you put bleach in your asshole the autism causing parasites will die and be shat out.

you don't have either. you had shit parents who didn't want to spend enough time with you. they didn't realize that kids are fucking full of energy and have to have an outlet. you can't have kids and expect to just still sit in front of the computer or tv all evening any more. i'm sorry they did that to you. but you're normal.

kys autist

I have ADD but medicine helped me get through engineering school. I do just fine now

You act like an asshole/dick to other people without knowing it. People may think your behavior is off-putting, rude, or abnormal.

PROTIP: Don't admit to anyone that you're autistic/sperg. There is a stigma attached to it (at least in the United States)

You can't focus your attention onto a particular thing for extended periods of time. You get distracted easily.