The last US elections prove that Democracy isn't working

(no, this isn't anti-trump post ya dimwit, now read it)

You see, Socrates said voting is a skill to be taught, not some kind of gamble or a game, as it puts the country's future at stake, means only the educated and the informed should vote

Take the US's last elections for example.
>Popular vote
>Trump: 62,985,105
>Hillary: 65,853,625

65 million fucking people? are they insane? look this could've been pardoned in a world with no internet or TV (since information can't be spread effectively)

But we now live in a world where information could be spread faster than you could say "Hillary is corrupt"

So the whole point is, despite Hillary being a publicly corrupt warmonger, 65 million fucking people chose to vote for her, Despite Wikileaks and 9999 other websites spreading evidence of her corruption, and without the electoral college, she would've been in office and the US would've been at war with Russia now

Wikileaks literally shilled their evidence and documents all over the internet but 65 million people voted for Crooked H, the hell happened? how could they vote for her despite the information existing right infront of their eyes? 65 million uninformed people is WAAAY too much; are Americans fucking retarded?

Other urls found in this thread:

america was never intended to be a democracy. The founders were correct about it.

You do realize America and China are the only two countries with less than 3 parties

Most people are in fact retarded, Americans are just very vocal about it

libertarian greens democrat republican and independents.

As long as the (((media))) is gaslighting the population, the idea of democracy is a joke.

>most people are retarded

Even Babilonians realized this when they built the first civilization. Did you think you stumbled into some kind of discovery?

That's a pretty nifty flag

>loving democracy



It's true, Democracy doesn't work, which is why the United States isn't a Democracy, it's a Republic. Dirty Turk.

This is honestly quite a good bait thread.

i think he means real parties.

I'll take the bait but you aren't getting a (you)
>Hillary had as many votes cast for her as Obama did
>Nobody likes Hillary
>Blacks didn't turn out as heavy for Hillary
>Latinos didn't turn out as heavy for Hillary
>The white vote was split harder than it was for Obama
This is how you know it was rigged.

You are incorrect yourself. Hillary was literally one of the most hated politicians in America. The trick was that her opponent was Trump. Now, how come that there were two shitty alternatives?

Probably because the particular American democracy is flawed and can barely be called so.

Good thing we live in a republic

i never implied in my post that socrates liked democracy

>"nobody likes hillary"
>"hillary was one of the most hated politicians"
>24/24 i'm with her propaganda on every website on the internet
>every democrat and his mother calling trump a racist fascist and thinking hillary will save them

Yep. Registering the dead to vote Democrat, bussing people across state lines where voter IDs aren't required, illegal immigrants voting for her out of fear of Trump and other shady tactics led to her getting the popular vote.

Thankfully, Hillary and the Dems were pants-on-head retarded this election season and tried bolstering their voter count in deep blue states rather than focusing on key battleground states, which is like playing team deathmatch in a game of capture the flag.

Politically irrelevant
Even more politically irrelevant
Not actually a political party

>How could Americans vote for the candidate they didn't deem a danger to society
I don't think it's that ludicrous, especially for people on the left, she was our only choice. That is part of the brokenness of the system.

Democracy is a farce i've been saying this for years but did you listen? No, you could have listened but you didn't. Now pay the price

You had Bernie and Hillary's crew literally stole the nomination from him.

fucc off moron
stick to being an idiot about your own country
>Registering the dead to vote Democrat, bussing people across state lines where voter IDs aren't required, illegal immigrants voting for her out of fear of Trump and other shady tactics led to her getting the popular vote.
prove any of this
Okay so I should've voted for a disaster in spite? I'm not a vengeful retard like the rest of you

Not going to waste my time linking various sources. Just look up James O'Keefe's "Rigging The Election" series on YouTube, where he speaks to unsuspecting Democrats who admit to using those tactics.

Project Veritas showed instances of this before and on election day.
But you'll say something like "oh that was only a few people"

You could've protest voted for the hot gilf.

Plato said democracy is the worst form of government. That's all you need to know.

>>Registering the dead to vote Democrat, bussing people across state lines where voter IDs aren't required, illegal immigrants voting for her out of fear of Trump and other shady tactics led to her getting the popular vote.
>prove any of this
Didn't you watch the... fuck, Rigging The Election (?) videos where they filmed people admitting that crap?

It's not something I was taught by anyone at school.
For most westerners, this will be brand new knowledge and depending on how deeply indoctrinated they are, it will be hard for them to swallow when they find out.

>he can't tell the difference between a turkish and tunisian flag

>voting is a skill to be taught

teach me, Sup Forums

>some types of roaches are preferable to others

It takes 1-4 generations for a change to completely transform society. Older people have less flexible mind sets. The change you expect is coming in Gen Z. From here on this internet will rule as you hope. But the past oligarchy still has money so we have to wait for that overhang to run out.

I live in MA so my vote didn't matter and I weighed my options but what's cooler saying I voted green or for the first woman president
of course she didn't win
I wasn't even allowed by my friends to rub in how unelectable she was they were extremely butthurt
>Bernie can still win tho
I will not look up your gay youtube conspiracies
If there were any ANY truth to it wouldn't just be in the corners of the internet clickbaiting retards. But instead it's just your guy lying, being a tremendous pissbaby about not getting a landslide victory and only winning because of the EC

>means only the educated and the informed should vote

so remove from non land owners the ability to vote and the result would be the same, you can't expect people to vote for a criminal just because you told them to on television

>voting based on what sounds cooler
Alright so you're just a fucking retard. Opinions disregarded.

>he hell happened?

did you see the results from the investigation in Michigan? every precinct that carried Clinton had 5 times the amount of votes allocated

Mexico only has one

>I wasn't even allowed by my friends to rub in how unelectable she was they were extremely butthurt

throw it in their faces and offer hope that the Kennedy girl will get in soon hopefully on a revised republican ticket

republicans can't be all bad if they freed the slaves right?

Only half of the voters actualy voted. It's like that in most "democracies" around the world. It means people don't care and others know it does not even matter. Globalists are in charge.

>Bragging about voting for a woman because shes a woman

Wee lad why are you so sexist

Democracy is a flawed idea you keep stuck in your head because you're too fucking dumb to consider anything else.

A good leaf

Oh sweetie, The U.S. isn't a democracy and neither is Europe. Go back to shitstainastan.

>If there were any ANY truth to it wouldn't just be in the corners of the internet clickbaiting retards.

Well, several people from the DNC and democrat super PACs were fired after the videos aired. Scott Foval, and Donna Brazille, and a few others. It was also on the news and a few public statements had to be made disavowing the people who were filmed.

>murican educayshun

I think Democracy is fine. Just don't have a two-party system, it's retarded.

majority voted for trump
20mil illegals, anchorbabies, and bussed union fuks

Does Java work? In theory yes.
Does Java work when it runs out of memory?

Does Democracy work? In theory yes.
Does Democracy work when it runs out of welfare?

Don't blame the "system" for not working, blame the 7 Million + who voted for third party candidates.

NO candidate got the MAJORITY of the popular vote. If we had an election under your scenario there could be a three way race and everyone gets a third of the vote except for one 33-33-34.
34% popular vote doesn't seem very fair, that's why we have the electoral college.

>I will not look up your gay youtube conspiracies

That's where the proof is you idiot. If you ask for proof, but refuse it when we give it to you, I don't know what to say. If you can't handle the video, these articles confirm what happened after they were released.

>NO candidate got the MAJORITY
Also we wont mention the potential for those that voted illegally