Why do white supremacists choose to idolize the Nazis instead of the British Empire?

Why do white supremacists choose to idolize the Nazis instead of the British Empire?

>killed 60 million white people
>destroyed the concept of nationalism in europe
>3rd reich lasted 12 years (my Passat is 13)
>Hitler was genuinely a nutcase and believed in crazy "WE WUZ" indo-european conspiracies
>Hitler decided to continue the war just to punish his own people for losing
>you immediately lose all credibility if you reveal to have sympathies for the Nazis
>modern germans are cucked

British Empire
>added hundreds of millions of white people to the world
>BTFO out of entire continents of non-whites
>lasted hundreds of years
>gave us tons of major intellectual discoveries
>their colonies were the only ones from Europe to actually go on to become successful
>spread european culture and language throughout the entire world to the point where it will never completely disappear
>modern British are based (brexit)

Other urls found in this thread:


I like both tb.h

Because the empire wasn't THAT racist. The brits didn't go around genociding people as you can see by india, north america, and australia consisting of higher populations of NIGGERS then they had before.

I have hundreds of post cards from the 1800s thanks to my great grandfather collecting them, and they all say shit like
"Wishing you well from this far flung region of the Empire" with an image of an Elephant and its handlers.

Because Anglo.

This is true. Brits>Nazis.

All of what you said about the nazis is bluepilled history written for you by kikes. Research real history and change your narrative to match reality. Hitler did nothing wrong. And neither did the British Empire.

This is a fine post. Thanks for the morning red pill, opie

t. american; irish english scandinavian blood

Be cause you then went full Jew cocksucker and betrayed your own race in favor of white genocide and are now a sad pointless collection of islands that will look like Syria in a few years.

You were the knife that killed its own future


Hitler was a fucking idiot who thought he could win a war against the entire world. also it's a fucking fact that he made Nazis research bullshit like European Occultism and other crazy nonsense that could only be thought up by a meth addict.

he ruined the world for whites and it's a fucking embarrassment "white supremacists" idolize this idiot.

whether it be 100 or 6 million. causing nonstop war and death is every bit of doing something wrong.


Get out kike

Who declared war on whom in WW2?

Who taught you all that? Your rabbi?

This desu.

At least we went to war, made peace, opened trade routes, colonised, industrialised, and reformed over hundreds of years.

Hitler wanted it all in a decade and bit off more than he could chew.

Invading a country constitutes a declaration of war.

So Germany.

Britain and France declared war on Germany. Google it.

Germany didn't invade Britain you cuck

Germany invaded Poland, you idiot.


All Hitler wanted to do was secure a future for the German people. He knew if they surrendered, everything he loved would be murdered and raped, which they were.

It's not his fault he couldn't defeat the entire world. Don't worry, the jews have thoroughly enriched every white country with enough diversity that something like this will never happen again.

So did the Soviet union.

The Anglo model is what has lead to the current weak position of the West. And the current position is seen as the raison d'etre of the Anglo world. Diversity, tolerance and all that. The Anglo model is tied up in all that.
In that sense, the Anglo model has been discredited, at least in the eyes of racial nationalists.

So did the USSR, yet they became our allies.

Yes. And your question was, "who started WWII".

The answer is Germany.

the british empire has been the most antiwhite force on the planet

Indeed. But that was nearly 2 weeks afterwards.

Declaring war on both the Soviets and Germany would have only made them allied against Britain & France, which would have been suicide. Do you think the British government did not realise that Hitler or Stalin would eventually betray one or the other?

I'm not the same guy. Just passing a shit poster. Stealing (yous)


An undignified, slow death from cultural Alzheimer's is just less sexy than going out with a bang that nearly blew the doors off history

Nazism is the James Dean of ideology

It was Britain and France who turned a minor tertitorial dispute in Eastern Europe into a world war. All Germany did was occupy its old territories from WW1, which had majority German populations and had been German since the Ice Age. The USSR on the other hand invaded the Polish part of Poland, slaughtered the entire officer elite and civil service. And yet they were Allies.

You can't really argue this honestly. Britain was the most based empire of all time next to Rome.

Anglo Pride World Wide.


Brits were bloodthirsty evil supremacists that wanted to destroy themselves with everyone else for jews

Nazis were just trying to secure a future for their people and coexist peacefully

You assholes started WW2 under the pretense of keeping Poland free from oppression. Guess what? You fucking failed. Not only was Poland occupied by a totalitarian, genocidal regime when the war ended, but so was half of Europe. And it only cost 50 million lives.

Good going.

Thank you, Britain!

>killed 60 million white people
>60 million white people
>white people

The conflict between the Allies didn't start till summer 1940, nearly a year after the USSR had invaded Poland. The war wasn't about Poland. It was about Germany, because the Jews wanted war against Germany and paid to make it happen, in Britain, France, and in America. Jews were already in absolute control of the USSR. That's why they became our allies, even though their crimes were far worse than anything Germany was accused of.


Both are shit. Anglos and Germons are anticatholic mongrels, why should you idolize any of them


Tell me who the good guys were here, Axis or Allies. This is Pat Buchanan, President Reagan's chief advisor.

>For it was Polish defiance of Adolf Hitler's demand to negotiate the return of Danzig, a German town put under Polish control after World War I, that gave birth to the Hitler-Stalin Pact, which led to Katyn.

>After the German invasion on Sept. 1, 1939, ignited the war, Joseph Stalin attacked Poland from the east on Sept. 17, capturing much of the Polish officer corps.

>In April 1940, on Stalin's order, the Soviet Secret Police, the NKVD, murdered virtually the entire leadership of the nation, including 8,000 officers and near twice that number of intellectuals and civilian leaders. Some 4,000 were shot with their hands tied behind their backs in Katyn Forest.

>The Germans unearthed the bodies in 1943 and invited the Red Cross in to examine the site. Through newspapers found on the corpses, the date of the atrocity was fixed as more than a year before the German Army invaded the Soviet Union.

>When Polish patriots, whose sons had flown with the Royal Air Force in the Battle of Britain, went to Winston Churchill to demand that he get answers from Stalin about the atrocity, he brushed them off.

>"There is no sense prowling around the three-year-old graves of Smolensk," said the Great Man.

>At Stalin's request, Churchill bullied the Poles into acceding to Soviet annexation of all the Polish land Stalin had been awarded for signing his pact with Hitler.

>At the Nuremberg trials, the Russian delegation, led by Andrei Vishinsky, the prosecutor who did Stalin's dirty work in the purge trials, charged the Germans with the massacre.

>This presented a problem for the Americans and British who knew the truth. They finessed the issue by leaving the charge unresolved.

>Katyn and 'The Good War' by Pat Buchanan

you get called racist if you say you like the british empire

>The British Grenadiers
Every time, makes me feel patriotic as fuck.

Because the British Empire dismantled itself like the good goy it was and is now an irrelevant piece of dry rock on the outskirts of Europe. The Reich went down fighting at least.


But let's sweep the crimes of USSR under the rug, that started with the killing of 10,000 polish, and ended with the murder of millions, because they were our allies fighting the big bad Nazi empire that was going to take over the world. Let's forget how many times Hitler called for peace, including before the war and after taking control of France.

Just like in ww1 Germany was set up by the globalist who were trying to first create their league of Nations and get Jews into Israel, both failed attempts so they had to do another world war to try again.

Why couldn't Poland and Germany work out their differences and ally together?

Would Poland have been able to hold the Russian lines on their own with German support? Would it have made a difference in the outcome?

The British Empire model was quite disjointed and doesn't evoke the sense of discipline necessary to peel us back from dire times we are in now. I do, however, love the British Empire. Perhaps I like it more than any institution ever created. I love the John Company and their manipulative ways. I loved the ways the regulars dealt with the dervishes in Sudan. I love Cecil Rhodes and his iron fist over the diamond industry. I think what keeps us from the true support is that Nathan Rothschild still pulled the strings. You're right, though. The British Empire was fucking awesome.

Maybe Poland and Germany couldn't work out their differences because ethnic Germans, especially in Danzig, were being murdered and fucked with on a daily basis by roving gangs of polish militia who raided their houses daily searching for guns.

>Churchill's War by David Irving

>Churchill was financed during the "wilderness years" between 1930 and 1939 by a slush fund emanating from a secret pressure group known as the Focus. The Focus was financed by a slush fund set up by some of London's wealthiest businessmen -- principally, businessmen organized by the Board of Jewish Deputies in England, whose chairman was a man called Sir Bernard Waley Cohen. Further details of Churchill's financing by the Czechs, as well as the facts of Churchill's financial rescue by a wealthy banker of Austro-Jewish origins, Sir Henry Strakosch, who emerged out of the woodwork of the City of London. When Churchill was bankrupted overnight in the American stock market crash of 1937-1938, it was Strakosch who was instrumental in setting up the central banks of South Africa and India, who bought up all Churchill's debts. When Strakosch died in 1943, the details of his will, published in the London Times, included a bequest of £20,000 to the then Prime Minister, eliminating the entire debt.

>doesn't evoke the sense of discipline necessary to peel us back from dire times

what the fuck? the british empire soldier is the fucking definition of discipline. imagine defending against endless waves of zulu kangz, armed only with shitty muskets, and not giving an inch.

Because Poland started killing and raping ethnic Germans.

Churchill forced Hitler's hand.

This would be a good point unless Brits fought many wars against fellow white man.

Life for white ppl would've been better if hitler never existed.

The limeys softened over time, as limes are wont to do. The Zulu conflict of the early 19th century was such an easy victory. All of it was easy for them. They were the strongest naval power on earth and funded private companies with their own private armies going against precolonial mud people who may have been comparitively strong when compared to other powers in the Natal region, but realistically stood no chance. That's not to say they weren't awesome, but it doesn't require the level of cohesion you're suggesting. If there's one conflict in SA that I would say evokes the ruthlessness of the British it was the 2nd Boer War. Kitchener fucked Kruger right out of his gold fields and imprisoned the women and children to make it happen.

We didn't do it overtly, because we knew it would give other countries the moral high ground to start a war.

I wish Churchill could see what UK looks like today and how much his victory cost for the country.

Life for white people would be exactly the same, except the USSR would still exist and occupy the whole of Europe.

>He thinks it's Nazism that made WWII the most significant part of history.

It's the fact that the British Empire lost power after WWII that made WWII significant; which lead to the turning of power to America, who - as quickly as they obtained it - turned it over to the globalists.

>mfw OP is actually right

But I still like the whole style/esoteric/paganist/traditionalist side of Nazism.
So I guess the reason why Nazis are more reverred by WS is because they are way more spectacular than the British ever were.

No, it's because it's Nazis did everything in plain sight - we did the same as the Nazis, but we were more subtle, thus the idiots in the primitive nationalist groups follow the Nazis, whilst the true nationalists powers respect the British Empire (which still exists) as the One True Power.

Because the british royals are dark occultist cannibals,whereas Hitler cared for hjis people and was not a vicious dark occult retard.

The UK was sucking at the dick of the globalists long before it got to America so don't start with that crap.

>post yfw British Empire is restored in your lifetime, kebab removed from the premises and European nations and the States partition China like in the good old times

Dude you do realize your royals eat your kids right?

Take the green pill, the occult exists and the royals are one of the top level people who abuse it.

>(which still exists) as the One True Power.

Then how come everything's gone to shit as soon as you clambered the power ladder?

Our Empire may have spanned the world, but that does not mean we wanted the destruction of tradition, race and nation - unlike you!

Life for everyone would have been so much better if the French Revolution had never occured.

>France would probably still be a monarchy
>A lot of more Europeans
>No WW1
>No WW2
>Europa dominates the world
>Non-whites, degenerates and atheists BTFO
>Feminism never existed

We'd be colonising stars by now. And do it with style.

They're your royals too, friend. You're still the Queens bitch.

I answer to no man or woman, and I'd slice a police man or military man's nuts off for daring to exercise authority over me.

As far as the British Empire was anglo it was a good thing overall. But Jews financed the British Empire from the beginning and in the end paid our government to destroy Germany, thus precipitating the downfall of Western civilisation. The processes that led to leftist (Jewish) dominated West today were already underway in the Weimar Republic and USSR. So far Hitler and Germany were the only ones who tried to stop them and were destroyed for it.

America should never have gotten involved in your fucking British wars ever. The mistake was ever getting in bed with your country and catching this horrible disease we have now. We got it from you. Your greedy fucking bankers just couldn't let our country be free and caused our fucking civil war. So America had to pay for a problem that Britain couldn't control.

>I'd slice a police man or military man's nuts off for daring to exercise authority over me

The leaf strikes again.

I blame tanks and cool uniforms. Really these fucking uniforms man.

You're right. You should have never got involved. But your greed, and temptation got the better of you. And now, your greed and temptation has ruined everything.

Nothing wrong with the jews, as long as you keep them under your heel and let them think they're in charge.
The jews have great skill and intellect - attributes that could made to good use for the race, as long as we hone those attributes.

Furthermore, Germans were a pain - an unnecessary pain.
It was inevitable that they had to be stopped.

>respecting people who would enslave you

What is wrong with you morons?

>Nothing wrong with the jews, as long as you keep them under your heel and let them think they're in charge

This is literally the same strategy they implement toward the goyim.

And - what's wrong with 'outjewing' the jew?
You give to much credit to the jews. They're not as intelligent as you think.

>Nothing wrong with the jews

>In 1995, a new blind trust, known as the Labour Leader Office Fund, was set up by Mr Blair's friend Michael (now Lord) (((Levy))). It has been estimated that £2.5 million was raised. This allowed Mr Blair to run the biggest Opposition office in history.

>Labour 'sent out search parties for immigrants', Lord (((Mandelson))) admits

>Immigration Minister Barbara (((Roche))) is alleged in the book to have taken extraordinary steps to increase net migration, going above and beyond even that requested by Mr. Blair. Another civil servant remarked of Ms. Roche’s personal mission at the ministry: “It was clear that Roche wanted more immigrants to come to Britain. She didn’t see her job as controlling entry into Britain, but by looking at the wider picture in a "holistic way" she wanted us to see the benefit of a multicultural society”.

>The programme's producer Martin (((Rosenbaum))) said: "What we show is there is an English backlash but also self-doubt about England's identity. Home Secretary Jack (((Straw))) is worried that nationalism will manifest itself in violence and wants a positive English identity created which will beat off the unpleasant side."

>British MP Charges ‘Jewish Cabal’ Is Guiding Tony Blair

>Labour Friends of Israel in the House

But the damn well tried.

>It was inevitable that they had to be stopped.
If you're a Jew or brainwashed by Jewish propaganda.

I love Britain, I support my mother and her children and I believe our ties should be much closer in almost every aspect of relations.

Together we can make the EU shit itself and be viewed with respect and dignity by other major world powers.

>killed 60 million white people
Boy, those numbers still keep growing every year.

Hitler actually liked the British. He did not want to go to war with them, but Churchill was a faggot.

Well, as I was saying, the Americans gave the jews too much power. Our one mistake was trusting the yanks.

This never happened when we were in charge, because we could handle them.

>This is what NSDAP cucks believe.

A good number of those were your own, fucking idiot.

>Nothing wrong with the jews

>Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85%

>Winston Churchill exposes forces behind Communism

The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:

Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW

The Council of the People’s Commissars:

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW

>Occultism is stupid because I don't have any fucking clue what it is

Enjoy your Kike nailed to a stick fairy tale

Hitler was an occultist because Hitler was a genius. Are you smart enough to attempt what he attempted? No. Here is the quick rundown

>You are a stupid normie fag, and think occultism is stupid

>Hitler was smart enough to take on the world in war, and he was an occultist

BTFO normie

Occultism is history that you will never understand

Don't bother. That faggot has his nose up too high to see the facts.

The real redpill is realizing that the Nazis were a false flag and that Hitler was a jewish plant. The jews were jealous of the British and destroyed them using the Nazis.

>This is what NSDAP cucks believe.
It's not subject to belief. It's a fact that Jews and Jews alone are responsible for mass immigration and multiculturalism, not jyst in the UK, but everywhere the have a lobby.

And you have ears full of too much propaganda that you can't hear the truth.

>Hitler was smart enough to take on the world in war


Let me know how long your run for the world title goes.

No. That's the most retarded theory ever.

THIS is the most retarded theory ever

Sorry my bad

Redpilled brits are the best. Hitler did nothing wrong