Why do Swedes feel like their country is going in the wrong direction?

Why do Swedes feel like their country is going in the wrong direction?

People has no power.

The problem with this often publicized survey question is that it is so broad and general, that it doesn't illuminate precisely why the respondent feels that way. Depending upon where you place yourself on the political spectrum, you may have very different reasons for answering this in an affirmative manner. That which the right considers to be the right direction, is very likely to be considered to be the wrong direction by the left and vice versa. As such, it is hard to imagine any scenario where western parliamentary democracies in Europe produce this statistic below 40 % at best, as the left, center-left along with the center-right and right pretty much capture half of the the electorate each (with the largest portion being the median voter in the middle). Whether governments are formed through a strong majority rule such as in Great Britain, or through political blocs/coalitions such as in Sweden, doesn't seem to impact the numbers such survey questions produce in the end. Even Germany before the migrant crisis, which has a center-right and center-left government coalition, turned out the same numbers at the time. The statistic, often capitalized upon by both the left and the right when convenient, is completely useless and topical, but to indicate that the political climate in respective country is cynical and apathetic.

they probably noticed the genocide

topkek now that they are forced back to their shithole maybe they can fix it

No idea, everything is peachy desu senpai

i can't read middle eastern what does it say?

> China
> Saudi Arabia
What did they mean by this?

they're protesting donald trump
the guy says donald trump is a retard and the girl says he's a racist

People here can surely read Swedish

>China 90% in the right direction

Yep. Time to ignore that.

God damn France and Mexico are pissed the fuck off.


jeeesus christ. it's a tragedy

Yeah your post is pretty nuanced and I think you're right but still. Fuck Sweden's immigration laws and Swedes should be pissed about it

Who knows? From what I'm told it's a multicultural utopia.

Well if it's what we're told it must be the truth

Wow. Can Le Pen win then?

>>China 90% in the right direction
They undeniably are.

In fairness that's not what it usually looks like.


You can't speak out against the government in either

>commie flags everywhere
jesus christ

Cynicism and apathy are direct results of multiculturalism.

That's somewhat true, but by all accounts life is better for the Chinese people than it has ever been. It's not hard to believe.

>communist flag in lower left
>Brown people in ads in background
>Almost every white person is older than 50
>This image was cherrypicked to make Sweden seem not as bad

so its usually full of commies? that's almost as bad!

Same place

Wtf I love migrants now

Is that why you can't access this place without a proxy?

Only because they're killing Muslim sandniggers. Not because of redpill reasons

It's an event area retard

Literally saw some form of demonstration for FSA the other day when I was there

What? The ones burning it are National Socialists.

The signs both say that they are sitting there begging during one day instead of the gypsie woman that usually sits there begging (We have gypsies begging outside of all stores in Sweden since 3-4 years back when Romania entered the EU). All money they make by begging will be given to the gypsie woman.

Typical liberal cucks.

Oh well then I take it back

Those aren't migrants, the guy in the back is holding the flag of "Nordiska MotstÄndsrörelsen", a national socialist organization.

>say that's not what USUALLY looks like
>post a picture of an UNUSUAL event
>call someone else a retard
don't lash out at me because you suck at communication.

Those are neo-nazi ethnic Swedes.

Sigan votando por el pri culeros

I'm surprised Turks are so negative.

I thought they loved dictatorships?

They have a growing middle class. Families that have never had any sort of wealth in generations are now gaining the capital to take vacations and own luxury items. I'm not saying it's the best country in the world or anything, just that they haven't had anywhere to go but up. You might see their dubious real estate bubble crash and cause some trouble in the near future, though.

This graph explain it all.

Hmm I know a certain someone who is particularly fond of using this graph extensively in every single one of his lectures ;) A very insightful and clever economist and analyst of current world affairs ;)

Mexico is so salty