Randomly tweets this an hour ago

>randomly tweets this an hour ago
What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


He does it every few weeks. Morale boosting if you will.

He just reminding you. It defines him, and it defines America

it means that Soros, Rockefeller, neocons, and all the other faggots should seek refuge in Papua New Guinea ASAP

He watched this

If I had to guess, and I'm no expert, I would say he wants to make America great again.

>The Tweet That Saved America

I lean forward and whisper it into the ear of my victims while I rape them from behind

Give me a quick Trumpdown?

it's not to remind us, it's to remind THEM.


This is his nuke launch code (case sensitive).

He's losing his fucking mind.

How far off is Trump from going full Gary Busey?

He tweets this as a hint that he has successfully done something. Let's wait and see I guess.

Pizzagate/pedogate arrests happening?

Progressive Tourettes. Sad!


it all makes sense now

Bannon lets him have so many tweets per day and a happy meal if he signs a certain number of orders. He was a good boy so he got to tweet more than usual today.

its like Deus Vult!

Trump runs on Patriotism, sometimes he builds up too much and has to let some out, posting MAGA on twitter is an outlet for him.

Recently people have reported that late at night near the whitehouse, you can see Trump screeching like an eagle while wearing nothing but an American flag. Some say this is Trump building patriotism energy to sign his next action.

he meant by that is make all autistic weeaboos great again

just seeing how mad you libs still are is hilarious

Trump needs to make a gestapo like organization

Greetings shill! What's it like making these posts all day, only to get called out every time?

Must be frustrating.

The FBI you mean?


he's going to order a nuclear strike on washington dc while he sits at the top of trump tower, playing a violin

Holy fuck when the freak on the right smiles his eyes become slit portals to hell

Exactly what he said.

Hopefully it means the investigation begins around the Clinton Foundation and it's connections to Saudi Arabia or to any foreign country.

Also, renewing the weekly morale buff.

You'll see soon enough.

Nah, something a little stronger with less governing rules and no judicial or legislative oversight of any kind

He is trying to use twitter to sore up his support among the "silent" or nowadays not so silent majority.

It will fail. Silicon Valley is algorithmically strangling his access to his base and to the wider world, while simultaneously promoting and advertising his opponents and castigators. The algorithms are reestablishing the the media's control of the narrative.

Trump's greatest mistake will be his reliance on "Net Neutrality".

He has done something terrible. He was on the edge and when he thought a bullet through the skull might be the only answer he remembered the promise. The deal he struck with us, the people. He remembered our dreams and our collective positive and white future. He got out of the darkness and got out his unsecured android phone and pushed the buttons etched into his spine.


And thus, it was.

Retaliation for today's judgment. Retribution shall be shift, expedited by the histrionics of white immigrant sycophants.

He just loves memes too much

It means oppress all the minorities, women, LGBTqiasfwawa, muslims, and disabled. I'm literally shaking right now. I hope MSM makes a slanderous article about this.

Meme magic?


My god it's not wonder we have hitler in office. when will this fucker get impeached?

my guess would be the pedophile arrests

It's his autism twitching again.

Fun fact: did you know that Trump doesn't have any actual friends, as in buddies going back to early life with whom he would sit down to share a drink and a laugh.

This shit exists, but you won't read it in the news.

basically some super rich dude is making america great again and basically hes a meme now

His rural and suburban supporters have very short attention spans, so every once in a while he has to tweet something retarded like this to keep them focused.

>Hitler wanted to help his country
>TRUMP wanted to help his country
>Hitler drank water
>TRUMP drinks water
If this doesn't boggle your mind then I don't know what would.

delete this now!



He's giving us the signal.

At least he is not spotted in has pants trying to get a pizza.



This. It also means Cartel-Land will be invaded and cleansed out of bad hombres. Also that Iran is ready to release information on spirit cookers (the whole "ballistics" shit was just dog and pony show for the pleb globalists who are dreaming about Oded Yinon or whatever the fuck) and BTFO them.

Oh and let me also put some gets up for Sweden getting glassed.

He likes pissing off liberals.



>Hitler used LUGENPRESSE to silence media
>Trupe uses FAKE NEWS to silence media
>Hitler focused on an outside threat of jews to drive home his heavy handed nationalism
>Trump focuses on an outside threat of muslims / mexicans to drive home his heavy handed populism
>Hitler used "Deutschland uber alles" germany over everything
>Trump uses America first

Like do you want me to go on? They both intersect in populist reactionary leaders. But Trump is not a nazi and is in a way different position. But saying he doesn't have any strong similarities is absurd.

*teleports behind you in 4 dimensions*
wat do

It's the dog whistle we've been waiting for, I've been keeping my rope in the happening drawer

Fucking lost it

Could someone give me quick rundown and Trog pill me

He forgot to make it say


8 stands for the next 8 years of prosperity.

It defines my dick in ur mom

Wore my MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN / TRUMP / PENCE tshirt in London today.

An American guy on the tube said "dude are you even American? why the fuck would you wear that?" and I said "a thousand years" and he didn't understand.

I'd say he did it in response to the judge halting his immigration ban. He just wanted to remind his followers that he won't let that get in the way of protecting America.

that's some Grade A autism there, user

what the fuck are those commas in this image they are fucking pissing me off tbvh

he just finished metal gear rising again

senator armstrong role play

>Papua New Guinea
You know better than this. Nauru is where they go.

Trump does not actually drink water.

Water is a substance used for mind control when it has fluorine. The rich and powerful are aware of that and avoid drinking it at all costs.

I mean, he does drink water I guess, but not the same water as you and me, it's one without fluorine

fluorine has been proven to decrease brain power

Yeah... unfortunately he will only fix the economy like hitler, but he wont gas 7 grollebel juices

It's a dog whistle. He wants us to firebomb businesses which employ illegals.

He probably green lighted some actions against......Italian Food

The final solution was final. Hitler just wanted to peacefully deport them at the beginning but nobody really wanted to take them. So you never know.

> he thinks you can fix the economy without gassing juice

He's slowly going mad, like a Roman emperor.

He's baiting liberals.
This way he's always in the news.

Trump doesn't drink water, he drinks liquid red pill.

It's his catchphrase, it's about all he has.

We have avoided Rome's fate...we haven't even started winning yet...either you are for AMERICA or you are for Pedo Loving Globalists....where do you stand?

Barron is the one who invented it though, Trump is just a pawn following his orders. Kid is the whole mastermind of the presidential race, and also the mastermind of Drumpf's policies.

This one right here supports Satanic Pedo's!!!

But I'm Christian!

Well, protestant, so some of pol will say I am not a "true Christian", but still

Trump has the IQ of an excellent used car salesman, get ready for 4 more years of this retardation.

This one supports Satanic Pedos too....I bet you tell the best bed time stories to your kids....

I thought the true faith was Judaism? Or was it Islam?

I love you too!

If the used car salesman is excellent and is able to sell cars that are obviously junk then maybe you're not giving him enough credit.

God bless you user!


Release valve.

This mantra loops in his head 24/7 and sometimes it becomes so powerful he has to let a little bit of it out or else it overwhelms him.

Really shows you how good he is for America.

Intelligence is a hard quality to quantify and there are multiple types of it.

I'm not sure that america needs a leader with the same type of intelligence that makes for a good used car salesman

>It's a catchphrase

No it's his personal obsession.

He's determined to MAGA.

For those Pedo loving people here who continue to support the failed Obama/Soros/Clinton agenda......I only want to remind you that there are borders directly north and directly south....you CAN leave the country. Or are you pussies?

Why'd you wear that in London of all places? That festering shithole is practically the lion's den.

We have the best determination!!!


i have randomly excitable autism - the post

The same as hare krishna hare hare

just a mantra you see

but one that will be important in times to come