Would you fight for your country?

My answer: No.

Because its worthless to fight for a country with a society that is sucking the dicks of politicians and priests.

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Not for my contry, but for my home.

Agree. I would rather fight against my government than for it.
What's the point of sacrificing your ass for traitors who want you dead anyway?

This poll was poorly worded. When western europeans think of war they think of occupying a middle eastern country and say no. if they asked ''Would you fight for your country in a defensive war?'' the results would be much different.

Of course.

You're just salty that you got the worst score. How much would the score differ you think?

No. The only thing I care about is preserving western culture and genetic legacy. Nations come and go but the blood in people's veins remains the same, unless some fat old hag decides to flood the continent with 3rd world migrants.

What a fucking moron

No, why would I fight for a country that despises me and is actively seeking to destroy me through taxation and immigration?

not for Merkel

If the poll explicitly said defensive war I think ~65-75% of young men would say yes. (In my country)

Of course not. It is moronic to fight for "{{{your}}}" country.
> I am not British born (I live England tho).

Without a doubt. I would also fight for Finland if need be. Both are quite improbable scenarios though.

Agreed !
But if our borders are crossed .. you have 1 option , ak or psl and defend . If you are healthy and refuse to defend your countrie you might get shot by the dick sucking society .With us or against us ! Just ask our ukrainians about this "with or against us" . In ww2 russians were far worst than nazis , ask a history book.
Only women , children and mentaly impared men stay home in case of a war , pick one.
>fucking faget op

Even those ones that fought for Romania during WW2 weren't to respected by the society compared with the veterans from other countries.

For whom to fight if your service is not appreciated?

Besides that, we don't live in the fucking 19th century anymore, if I don't want to fight for my country doesn't mean that I hate my country, I can serve my country by having a job in which I help people (like being a doctor, engineer, firefighter).

Stop being a retard.

only if we fight russia otherwise no

Not until my country fights for me

>Would you fight for your country?

Whoever spawned that survey is fucking retarded.
The question should be "Would you fight for your NATION?"

First I'd shoot for treason, then yes.

finland stronk

europe: land of the cucks.

our country is a shithole yet we have more people willing to fight for it than all you cucks.