Fucking idiots

Fucking idiots

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Thanks to you I won't feel so bad about my country

What amazes me about these depressing post-commie shitholes is that Poland is only barely more comfy than the garbage heap that are Ukraine, Moldova etc. And that's after having been the largest recipient of EU gibsmedat for decades. It's like everything communism has touched is cursed to be ugly anf poor for the next x centuries

Same shit government for 25 years would do that to you.
They just steal money.

pic related

Lol no it doesn't. You were far better off under Yanokovich than now.

It's your fault you idiot. You chimped out. You voted. You lost. You blame others.

>what is the Holodomor
Wonder what that graph would look like if it started in 1900.


I've heard that in the soviet era, all real Ukrainians moved to Moscow and other cities while the government sent all retards, criminals etc to live in Ukraine, and that's why Ukraine has an IQ 10 points lower than any other country in the region, the lowest GDP per capita on the continent and their number one export is prostitutes.

holodomor is a hoax

All citizens iof ex-Russian Empire suffered from hunger, not just buthurt hohols. Thats the fact.

More interesting is other thing, when they finally received independence, they also received all of the Soviets best legacy: scientific, industries, nuclear plants.

And they wasted everything. Amongst all of the ex-Soviet states they are the absolute failure. Even central asians are not that bad, because they had not things Ukranians had.

They are poorer then niggers now. How is that even possible?

Without Crimea 2016 data put them at 42 million.

lots of pork

It takes one to know one, get rekt by rakes.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Balkanfags, are you even trying?

Ukraine has been a place where criminals run to for centuries.

all white countries have a negative birthrate

What fucking country is that?

looks like ukraine turned white only in 90s

Are you retarded?
Basically whereveer dirty Rossososiyan vailoks went, there is poverty and misery.
So go somewhere else than Europe with your retard "derzhava".
We don't want your dirty hands here, you Russofascist scum

We've found the hohol diaspora

the worst

You have not read what i wrote, right? Why amongst all ex-Soviets states Ukraine failed absolutely. Even Belarus is 2x time better. Though there are literally no resources there (unlike Ukraine)?

>We don't want your dirty hands here, you Russofascist scum

Ok, no problem. You are doing very well by yourselves, our troops are not needed yet. Pic very related.

France has 2.04

thats still negative, you need 2..1 to stay at the same lvl

I didn't know that hołodomor started in 1950, really made me think.

what do you expect from people without history, national identity or plain simple manners.

Is that bad?

The land of Magog, according to Josephus Flavious (it is funny, how hashem.net jews try to place Magog into Iran for their ideological reasons)...

If there was something wrong on USSR, it was mainly the Ukrainian jewish leaders like Chrushchev and Brezhnev...

And also need to say, that homeland of Ashkenazi jews - the Khazaria, is at and arround Ukraine and when it fell, the Khazars moved first to Ukraine and from there to the rest of Europe...

((And if Ashkenazi can be genetically linked to Levant, it is because they are turkic tribe and turks as Osmans infested the Levant some centuries ago... This - Osman's is the only Ashkenazi genetic footprint in Levant))

You moron, its saying that a second one is happening right now. I don't give a shit about Ukraine but I have enough brains to understand a simple metaphor. No wonder people make jokes about stupid polacks.

> idiots
How would you like that:
> Russians are guilty before us, because commies killed Russians during Korenizatoin.

not a country

> MaloRussians in the territory of modern "ukraine" suffered from hunger, not anti-Russian hohols. Thats the fact.

holodomor is a hoax

population of ukraine (ukranians)

23kk in 1926
298kk in 1939 (less because lots of hohols turned out to be russians and called themselves ukranian to get welfare in times of korenizatsiya)
37kk in 1959

and so on

It`s not even that much of a hoax. Commies killed MaloRussians during Korenization.

> Lustration was a joke.
> Commies actuvely blame Russians for all of their own sins.
> commie:> I need to back up my claims? How could Russians be also guilty. > oh yeah, HEY GUYS REMEMBER THAT 10 GORILLIONS? THAT WAS RUSSIANS KILLING YOU, TOTALLY, MY FATHER well... he have... seen how Russians did it... here it`s also written in your history book now. Study well.

thanks ((((ukraine)))) for making my country only non-country #2

> killing of MaloRussians, GreatRussians and BeloRussians was not happening at all
t. commie, that stayed in Russia

> this.
You pathetic baltic scum. It is because of your country and people like you that the world is heading towards nuclear catastrophy. Always bitching about russians, but once you got out of "their" union, you jumped into another, this time german. How is that any better? You little prick, if you are that butt hurt, how about protecting your country on your own for a change? You are just weak little pussies who need somebody else to protect them... how does it feel being someone else's bitch, so that you can keep the privilege for hating russkies? Is it worth it?

I agree. Your country is only slightly more of a country then Ukraine. At least Belgium invented a tasty waffle and contributed something to the world. The laughable idea of Ukraine contributed nothing. I hope it gets annexed by Russia and Poland soon so we can just forget it ever happened.

Belgium also gave the world the Congo, in its current boarders as well! And damn near got rid of the niggers there, if only parliament didn't be a faggot to Leopold

>(Ukraine) received all of the Soviets best legacy: scientific, industries, nuclear plants.
>(Ukraine is) poorer then niggers now. How is that even possible?

GDP (nominal) per capita according to United Nations in 2015:

>Russia, Brazil and China
#67 Russia $9243
#75 Brazil 8528
#76 China $8109

#91 South Africa $5773
#96 Jamaica $5106
#102 Angola $4740
#103 Namibia $4,674
#123 Swaziland $3212
#131 Nigeria $2714

#140 Ukraine $2022

How the fuck its possible that now Ukraine is worse than Niggers !? !? !?

can't wait for my trip to eastern europe this summer. Going to come back with a bride. Ukrainian women must be desperate.


Given the way the (((soviets))) treated ukranians this is no surprise

there are no soviets there for pretty long time, why do they live shittier than under soviet rule?

How does it feel to be a serf for your jewish aristocracy?

Delete this!

I thought Ukraine was second world tier

Faroe Islands have higher

Literally everything of value the baltics have was built by Russians.

The reason you're poor as shit is the same reason South Africa became a shithole after the apartheid - native subhuman spartniggers took over and pissed everything away.

You need to use PPP to adjust for purchasing power.

>Russia, Brazil and China
#52 Russia 26,109
#81 China 15,424
#84 Brazil 15,211

>Niggers and Ukraine
#93 South Africa 13,179
#99 Namibia 11,756
#109 Swaziland 9,768
#112 Jamaica 8,974
#116 Ukraine 8,230
#123 Angola 6,844
#130 Nigeria 5,930

Still pretty fucking bad though.

ps native french citizens only has 1,7 the rest are foreign born...

>Holodomor is a hoax

well, they already are second Albania: poverty stricken and under NATO umbrella

ahead of schedule and under budget

Build and industrialize their country for them?

Burger education strikes again.

Just a little bit longer.
They will take Britain's place in EU, infa 100%

Baltics went form Soviet industry hub to John McCain's meme for trolling Russia.

Greatest fall from grace of all time?

Have you been to Poland recently?

Stop making Americans look so retarded.

Eesti on imeline maa.

poland and ukraine are nowhere near at the same level you moron.

This even applies to eastern Germany.

They are in the BRD for 27 years now and still don't manage to be competitive and rely on gibsmedat.

second albania without the bunkers

East Germans are really good at optics.

>fucking hohol diaspora
>says the russian diaspora

You do know that you already tried some pro-EU government 2008? Orange Revolution? You are currently just repeating your mistakes.
Do we really have to educate you on the politics of your own country?

Learn from your mistake and try to be independent instead of "muh, Russia, help us" or "muh, EU, help us".
Instead of trying to get money from other country, you should try to make your own!



While starving then to death

Fucking Russians did a second Holodomor and nobody even knows of it!

>negative birthrate

Post better quality leaf cuck

Neocon's regime change happened.

They started a trade war with Russia which is their biggest trade partner, their economy went to shit. Happens to every country that Americans ''free''.

Sup Forums гoвopит o 60 тpиллиoнaх yбитых вo вpeмя гoлoдoмopa. cтapшee кoммyняцкoe пoкoлeниe гoвopилo мнe o мaкcимyм 1 миллиoнe yмepших вo вpeмя гoлoдa, и вooбщe винoвaты oни. Гдe пpaвдa?

в apхивaх

нo из двyх пepeчиcлeнных я cкopee дoвepюcь cтapпepaм кoтopыe хoть кaкoe-тo oтнoшeниe имeют к этoмy и их здpaвoмy cмыcлy

Этo кaким жe дoлбoeбoм нaдo быть, чтoбы вepить кoммyнякaм, чья блядcкaя идeoлoгия пocтpoeнa нa лжи? Cтиpaй штaны.

нy yж лyчшe вepить тeбe, пaн eбaный хoхoл

>implying there's any reason to feel bad about it

Paccлaбьcя, caлo, и мoги нa pyccкoм в кoнцe кoнцoв, я зaдaл вoпpoc, a нe yтвepждeниe.

pycckkn xd

What did you mean by this?