Republicans vote to allow mentally ill people get guns

The republican house voted to allow mentally ill people who are incapable of managing their own affairs own a gun.

I hope no one here is stupid enough to support this

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The left has been buying guns for ages now, user.

mentally ill according to who? if we let the government classify people as 'crazy' they could just call right wingers crazy etc.

furthermore, just because you have a mental illness doesn't mean you don't have a right to self defense. it's unconstitutional.

Weapons should be FREE FOR ALL
That mentally ill guy needs his Miniguns to protect himself.



How else can Trump voters get guns?

Good fucking riddance that shit was invasive as fuck

Are you mentally ill?

Dude, u want the weapons industry to crash or something?

Are you?

Ya, Im sure the old fucks who are retarded and cant do their taxes are going to be the ones who shoot people
Why didnt they ban niggers guns

california needs help too

This law was never about preventing deaths it was about disarming vets


Get out kike

This. Everyone has rights. Liberals want to restrict retard rights just because they are retarded? Filthy goy bigots.


nobody forces a gun seller to sell guns to crazy people. if you don't want crazy people to have guns, there's something you can do: don't sell them guns.

most gun stores would not sell to someone who is visibly nuts.

>The republican house voted to allow mentally ill people who are incapable of managing their own affairs own a gun.
Holy SHIT!! They want to allow Liberals to own guns now??????


No they want to disarm vets by claiming they have debilitating conditions because they were afraid of an uprising, and they rightly should have been

Good, I think gun bans should be done on an individual basis.

Pretty much this.
Any gun store and refuse sale for whatever reason they want

saying "you're not sane enough to own a gun" is basically saying "you're not sane enough not to kill someone" in which case they are so mentally ill they shouldn't be allowed out into the public

same with criminals, if you are so dangerous you cant be allowed a gun because you'll commit crimes then why are you out of prison?

IT WAS done on an individual basis.
The banned people we are talking about here have severe mental illnesses which include schizophrenia and down syndrome.

they cannot be trusted with a fucking deadly weapon, that's like letting a blind man drive


If you really want to do something the state cant stop u.
But the state also during the Obama years were calling everyone european crazy

>Be 18
>girlfriend breaks up with me
>dad dies two days later
>can't handle losing both of them at the same time
>try to kill myself like an angsty faggot
>spend a few days in a psych ward after I get stitched up
>be 25 now
>not suicidal at all
>Democrats insured I'd never be allowed to buy a gun for the rest of my life because I over reacted once when I was still basically a kid

Yeah fuck off OP this is a good thing.

>>they cannot be trusted with a fucking deadly weapon, that's like letting a blind man drive

that's not for you to decide. that's your opinion.

you don't seem to grasp that the US is a constitutional nation where basic human freedoms are enshrined and inviolable. we have chosen freedom over safety. yes, it's dangerous. yes, shit happens sometimes. yes, it's worth it.

No gun store is going to sell to someone schizophrenic.
And it was not in a individual basis you fucking jew shill


The people banned here are not people with suicidal tendencies.

It's about much worse mental illnesses such as schizophrenia

this this this this this

all it takes is for you to have said you wanted to kill yourself 5 years ago they will say you are mentally unfit and take away your human right

i dont give a fuck how mentally ill someone is , they as a human have the right to defend themselves...


>No gun store will do everything they can to make more profit

You are being intellectually dishonest here


This. Also this background check did not prevent our guy roof from getting a weapon and killing 8 niggers. Checkmate liberals

who defines what qualifies as "mentally ill"?
protip: it's a bunch of marxist cronies. (((psychologists))) and (((psychiatrists))) are polizicized to hell and back.

I agree with you that some people shouldn't own firearms however, it may be, not all people of a certain illness behave the same way. Actually writing that last sentence made me have an epiphany.

People with mental illnesses behave similarly according to their diagnosis.

If a diagnosed illness makes one more prone to committing gun crimes than all people with that illness should be barred from owning guns.

To add to the pool of people who don't deserve 2nd amendment rights are people with criminal records.

But what are we going to do, go door to door with a doctor and a police officer testing every person?

These new Trump policies is filled with a lot of grey area. I think its because of all the people with grey hair still in office.

i know you're a jew and can't understand, but no, if you look fucking crazy, the gun store won't sell to you. it's not worth it.

The government are not the ones who classify people as crazy you idiots, they are relying on diagnosis made by psychiatrists

It is shocking to me that i really have to explain this

>much worse mental illnesses such as schizophrenia

whos schizophrenic and who determines it?

maybe you believe in some odd conspiracy theories so they call you a crazy schizophrenic nut case and take away your human right

the only people who IMO you can say cant buy a weapon are proven mass shooters who have previously murdered another person with a weapon

When the first post, is also the best post.

Except for the fact that if you were committed to a mental health facility for any reason you are banned from buying guns.
That wasn't a hypothetical story, that was my real fucking life bro.
I have had one of my basic rights as an American restricted for the better part of 10 years because I chose to hurt myself in a moment of extreme mental anguish.
This change in the law has given me my rights back


Would you give a gun to a severely schizophrenic person living in your neighborhood?

Because that's what republicans are doing right now.

Fuck this kike dude.
You don't gotta justify yourself to him

The ban did not include EVERY mentally ill person. it only included 75,000 people who were severely mentally ill

>made by psychiatrists

psychiatrists shouldnt have the power to take away human rights either.

if you havnt committed a crime you should be able to have a weapon.

doesnt matter who you are... or how different you are from everybody else

youre allowed to be schizophrenic

Severally mentally ill according to who?

Please stop posting mommy here

Oh no, cops can now go to the psychologist and keep their guns.


fixed that for you

You could read the article and see for yourself that his claim is wrong.

The ban was not on EVERY mentally ill person, it was specifically on 75,000 severely mentally ill people

there can be no guarantee that psychiatrists are impartial.

there is no constitutional provision for denying anyone weapons.

it can not be done.

no, i wouldn't. but i'm an individual. i can do whatever. the government is different. the government can not make a law saying '(((crazy))) people can't have guns.'

that is what freedom means. that is what the USA is about.

Gun owners arent shrinks burger

According to psychiatrists.

Are you retarded or something that you needed to ask this question?

You don't live here you jew shit you don't fucking know what was happening.

Delusional schizophrenics have God-given the right to own nukes.

this is about gun grabbing not about preventing people from buying guns

I can't tell if you're trying to call me a liar or are just retarded.

Its better that they have guns than votes

user, stop being a republican apologist, it makes you look stupid.

We both know you are not actually in favor of allowing insane people who cannot retionalize own a gun


As a crazy person who loves guns, this is good news.


Schizophrenic people should own nukes guys, they have THE RIGHT to own it. let's make republicans confirm this

He is because he knows no fucking gun clerk is gonna sell to someone mentally unstable enough to be wearing it on the fucking outside you dumb fucking kike



love you

psychiatrists are jews

they kept me in a mental hospital against my will for 2 weeks for "psychosis" because i was fasting and apparently fasting is psychosis and youre not allowed to be under 100 lbs

and they pumped me with shots and pills against my will for not even doing a crime

this shit is fucked up i live in america even if i wanted to starve myself i should have the freedom to do it

these people think you can deny human rights because they say you are a damage to yourself and use this as their justification to do ANYTHING

These doctors and psychiatrists are the most satanic jews on the planet, i do not forgive them t

no, this is the american constitution, and the heart of american political philsophy.

freedom is dangerous.

no, i don't want crazy people to have guns. BUT WHAT I WANT DOESN'T MATTER.

you do not comprehend what freedom means. i don't want crazy people to have guns, and the only thing i can do about it is NOT GIVE THEM GUNS PERSONALLY.

I think it's kind unfair and not to mention probably unconstitutional to deny the mentally ill their 2nd Amendment rights.

Should they be denied their right to vote as well? Let's just lump them in with felons while we're denying their other rights.

You generally have to have a pretty convincing reason to deny a citizen of Constitutional rights. And the Supreme Court would probably agree that a slightly higher probability that they could maybe commit a crime doesn't cut it.

Not to mention, would this law have even prevented the Jared Lougnes, Dylann Roofs, Elliot Rogers, etc. of the world from getting guns? Many of these nutjobs are undiagnosed (they're crazy, but not so crazy that they can't actually sort of function in society) or use their parents or relatives guns.

>No gun store will maximize profits

nice logic there m8, that's totally how capitalism works

That's a flat out lie famry.

Care to quote the text of the law for us instead of pushing flat out lying headlines?

Hillary would have labeled conservatives mentally ill and taken their guns away.

He's right though, look at the protesters. I wouldn't trust them with anything more sharp than a butter knife, but they are Americans so they can buy a fucking gun if they want

This is America you fucking kike, guns sell themselves.

lol That's one way to stop the riots I guess.

Its like this is your first time here or something

Good, if you have depression or anxiety why should that stop you from buying a gun, really.

This sounds really bad, but to restrict the mentally ill from buying guns, we have to define mental illness, and the left will see to it that that A LOT MORE PEOPLE are defined as mentally ill.

let the states decide on their own what constitutes a prohibited person. having the federal government define certain labels as disqualifying you from owning a gun will be arbitrary and retarded. How do you database everyone's medical record. is it even legal. what about undiagnosed pedophile schizophrenics who show up as fine


The 2nd amendment talks about gun regulation:

"he Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.""


What "regulated" means user?


"We oppose this rule because it advances and reinforces the harmful stereotype that people with mental disabilities, a vast and diverse group of citizens, are violent. There is no data to support a connection between the need for a representative payee to manage one's Social Security disability benefits and a propensity toward gun violence. The rule further demonstrates the damaging phenomenon of "spread," or the perception that a disabled individual with one area of impairment automatically has additional, negative and unrelated attributes. Here, the rule automatically conflates one disability-related characteristic, that is, difficulty managing money, with the inability to safely possess a firearm.

The rule includes no meaningful due process protections prior to the SSA's transmittal of names to the NICS database. The determination by SSA line staff that a beneficiary needs a representative payee to manage their money benefit is simply not an "adjudication" in any ordinary meaning of the word. Nor is it a determination that the person "[l]acks the mental capacity to contract or manage his own affairs" as required by the NICS.

...[R]egulation of firearms and individual gun ownership or use must be consistent with civil liberties principles, such as due process, equal protection, freedom from unlawful searches, and privacy. All individuals have the right to be judged on the basis of their individual capabilities, not the characteristics and capabilities that are sometimes attributed (often mistakenly) to any group or class to which they belong. A disability should not constitute grounds for the automatic per se denial of any right or privilege, including gun ownership."

I think that if a licensed medical professional says you are a danger to yourself or others, you get a checkmark on your record that causes background check failure

You should meet a real paranoid schizophrenic who believes their neighbour is trying to poison them, and that aliens communicating through the tv soley to harass .

This was intended to make sure that elderly people who come down with typical elderly problems (alzheimer's, dementia, senility) have their guns confiscated so that they cannot be passed down to their children.

>This tired argument yet again
Is your next post gonna be about how the constitution is outdated and should be rewritten? Really, how much is soros paying you to shitpost here?


it means in working order.

not 'governmental regulations'.

you fucking kike.

what do you not understand about freedom being dangerous and we as a society accepting the consequences of freedom?

and why are you even in this thread? what do you care? fuck off to a thread about isreal or jews. this does not concern you.

We both know that this is not what the ruling is about.

Stop pretending it's not about maximizing profits to the gun lobby, and please stop pretending you want people with schizophrenia own a gun

Like those gun hoarders, they're mentally ill.


some people don't even believe that 'psychopaths' exist.

the government can't take a stance one way or another, because it must be impartial.

the more guns, the "safer" burgers are


What other type of regulations apply in the law, aside from government regulations?

The answer is none. they specifically talk about gun regulation here

Hey look at this old guy who is so decrepit that he can't do math well anymore. Let's make sure he can't defend his life with firearms that makes sense.

it's not about profits. the profits from schizos buying guns are basically nonexistent and probably negative in total effect.

believe it or not, some people have principles higher than money, kike.

I'd say well regulated means properly armed as well as functional.
properly armed as in armed enough to fuck over the government that becomes tyrannical (it's shady already infringed because we can't own everything the military has even if retardedly expensive)

It makes sense if you're banking on people's deaths outside hospital care.