Sweden immigration problem

Hey swedes, are there really immigration problems in your country?
do you have an article who proves it?
im from Denmark, and we dont hear alot about you guys

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I can't change. Why do I keep coming back here. I'm not a child but I was in tears. I'm hideous short and probably brain damaged/ retarded.


Check out fria tider or avpixlat.

We have an Achmed problem. The only real solution is to kick out all the Achmeds.

They can't be integrated btw --- assuming you want to integrate them.


Watch this and think again, the media said "we should start thinking about possibly ban fireworks"

Just cross the bridge over to Malmö you stupid shit

I don't know how it is in Sweden, but in Denmark it is mostly the people with low education and who lives at the countryside, who wants to deport all the muslims.
Is it the same in Sweden?

sweden has so big problems you can play the latest incident game. was this week free of incidents or did something happen?

>says Germany

The arabs must be one of the most stupid people out there and on the same level as the jews, considering their shared semitic blood.

They want to live in a complete chaotic world and then just share their emotions to everyone by acting helpless and crying.

Semitic blood must be boiled and it will be.


Germany is equally bad problems + muh Hitler guilt.

swedish guy has balls! that is uncommon these days

>people with low education and who lives at the countryside, who wants to deport all the muslims.
Is it the same in Sweden?

at least the ones who are vocal about it. Im sure there are plenty of educated people who want to do the same but dont want to lose their jobs and/or friends.

last time swedes were able to quote rapes from just days ago, I didn't mean to taunt just provide proofs for bluepill idiots like OP.

Denmark, listen to me my Friend.

Blow up the Öresund-bridge if you want to live.

Here is a dump of some derkas being derkas the latest weeks:


thankfully it's basically contained to the ghettos where there's 99% shitskins

contrary to belief the bulk of immigrants (atleast second generations and their parents) are actually decent people getting educations and jobs and can function in society, atleast in my experience.

i lived near malmö for 10 weeks. a few redpilled swedes told me not to go to certain areas otherwise i'd get robbed in muslim ghettos

Thank you!

In Denmark the media ignore your problems.. The only reason i have heard about it, is because of Sup Forums

born and raised in sweden, with 0 connections to islam whatsoever (ahtiest)

p-pls can i stay?

Australian reporter once went there, immediately upon arrival they signalled hostility and thugs started to attack them

Define "immigration problem" to me. For those that loves immigration, they don't see anything with immigrants as "problems" but instead as obstacles.

As I see it, 25% of our population is non-Swedish and that's a HUGE mistake. No matter if there is extra crime or anything like that, and yes, there is extra crime and just awful bullshit that I'm tired of.

Source for the image

If I get a somali gf will she throw grenades at me when she gets mad?

State your race and ethnicity and country of origin.

that was in rinkeby outside stockholm. another immigrant shithole.

pale white skin only expection is brown nipples.
born and raised in sweden.

oh, you are right

the district looks like a french ban lieu

iranier är lugna i min bok. väldigt integrerade och har bra arbetsmoral.

based åke bengtsson

KD, SD och M regering when???


I will give you the final and last scenario for what will happen to any non-nordic walking in Scandinavia when the shit hits the senpai:

You have to understand that if we nordics eventually get so mad and angry at all the immigrants, then you have to understand that our rage will never stop, it will continue until the last pigment of darkness has been purged from Scandinavia.

But, sure, you can stay, you can live happily and help us Swedes here in Sweden. You can create your own iranian-swedish organization, but as I said, it will not last forever.

Our ancestors have already showed the world what we are capable of.

>"Från nordmännens raseri, bevare oss gud"

Iranians are the best behaving middle eastern peoples. I guess you can stay if you don't commit any crimes, are silent about your origins and behave exactly like an Ethnic Swede.

Go to these sites for daily redpills:

www [dot] friatider [dot] se/
www [dot] motgift [dot] nu/
ingridochconrad [dot] se/ (If you can listen to Swedish)
www [dot] nordfront [dot] se/
nyheteridag [dot] se/
avpixlat [dot] info/

Someone should make a link aggregator that automatically publishes the news from all of these sites.

*f a m, not senpai.

I bet some Swede would reply but their mouths are full of black cocks so they can't talk right now, call later when rapefugees are asleep. Usually after all the raping.

no, she will throw one of her 10 children at you

tack för varning, kommer förmodlingen färga mitt hår & ögon så jag passar in. Vettefan vad jag ska göra angående förhuden dock.

varningen* helvete....

I might be able to see a few non-whites around on an intellectual plane. But when my viking instincts kicks in, I won't be able to hold myself back.

Bra idé. Angående din lill-Achmed kommer ändå ingen att titta på den förutom din fru, så det borde inte vara några problem.

Om någon kommer på dig på ett badhus eller dylikt kan du påstå att du är från Amerika.

You have to go back.

>mfw looking across sundet in comfy coastal nordsjælland

Iranians are top tier awesome, and Aryan, also caucasian and totally enlightened peoples not different at all from individuals from Europa main.

Your Jewish media is responsible. Jews took down Sweden and Jew Merkel and Jew Shulz are taking down the EU. Jews are now taking down Canada through Trudeau. Jews tried the same with Hillary in America, but Trump won. Our Jewish media is still pushing for more criminal immigrants.

thanks former ally, when the regime falls in Iran i hope they can solve their differences and bond like they used to back in the days

this picture triggers me
>SU has a vital need to create a buffer zone near Leningrad to protect itself from possible attacks
>suggest Finland a great (for them) deal to exchange some territory with Finland being the yuuge benefactor
>they deny because Hitler
>SU wars them
>after some time despite big mistakes at the start, war start going okay for commies
>suggest peace treaty, demanding more territory than proposed in an initial deal
>they deny hoping for UK/Sweden to help them
>wait for spring, get even more rekt, send prime minister to Moscow begging for peace
Yes, Stalin totally did begged on knees for peace, good thing Fins were gratious enough to have mercy on him.

If this is true, then thank you for the info.

Hvad fanden var det lige du sagde omkring mig, din lille tæve? Du skal lige have at vide at jeg graduerede i toppen af fromandskorpset, og jeg har været involveret i adskillige hemmelige angreb på Al-Quaeda, og jeg har over trehundrede bekræftede drab. Jeg er trænet i guerilla krigsforelse, og jeg er den bedste snigskytte i hele Forsvaret. For mig er du ikke andet end bare endnu en skydeskive. Jeg vil satanedme udrydde dig på en måde, som aldrig for er blevet set på denne jord, mærk mine fucking ord. Tror du virkelig du kan slippe afsted med at sige sådan noget lort til mig over internettet? Tro om igen, skiderik. Mens vi snakker så er jeg i gang med at kontakte mit hemmelige netværk af spioner rundt om i Danmark og din IP-adresse spores lige nu, så gor dig klar på stormen, maddike. Stormen der udrydder den ynkelige lille ting du kalder dit liv. Du er fandme dod, knægt. Jeg kan være hvor som helst, når som helst, og jeg kan dræbe dig på over syvhundrede måder, og det er bare med mine bare hænder. Ikke blot er jeg trænet i ubevæbnet kamp i udforlig grad, men jeg har også adgang til hele den danske flådes arsenal og jeg vil bruge det i dets fulde omfang til at vaske din elendige rov af kontinentet, din lille skid. Hvis bare du havde vidst hvad for en ugudelig straf din lille ”smarte” kommentar ville bringe ned over hovedet på dig, så havde du måske holdt din fucking kæft. Men du kunne ikke, du gjorde det ikke, og nu betaler du så prisen, din satans kraftidiot. Jeg vil skide raseri over det hele på dig og du vil drukne i det. Du er fucking dod, sonnike.

Jag förstår fan inte ett ord av vad du säger, men du sa förmodligen något om Sverige! Så, nä nu jävlar!!

Vad i helvete sa du precis om Swärje, din lilla danskjävel? Jag ska tala om för dig att jag gick ut som kursetta på Kustjägarkompaniet och jag har deltagit i flertalet hemliga räder mot Danmark och jag har över 300 bekräftade nedkämpade danskjävlar. Jag är tränad i gorillakrigsföring och jag är den främsta krypskytten i hela Försvarsmakten. Du är inte mer för mig än ytterligare en måltavla. Jag ska utplåna dig med en precision som sällan skådats i Skandinavien, sanna mina jävla ord. Tror du att du kan komma undan med att säga sån skit om Sverige genom Internet? Tänk om, danskjävel. Medan vi talar kontaktar jag mitt hemliga nätverk av spioner över hela Sverige och din IP-adress blir spårad just nu så det är bäst för dig att du förbereder dig för stormen, danskjävel. Stormen som utplånar det patetiska lilla ting du kallar ditt liv. Du är helt jävla död, danskjävel. Jag kan befinna mig varsomhelst, närsomhelst och jag kan döda dig på över sjuhundra sätt och det är enbart med mina bara händer. Jag är inte bara utförligt utbildad i obeväpnad närstrid, utan jag har även tillgång till hela Svea Rikes amfibiekårs arsenal och jag kommer använda den till dess fulla omfattning i syfte att utplåna ditt sorgliga arsle från Skandinaviens yta, din lilla danskjävel. Om du bara hade haft en aning om den oheliga vedergällning din lilla "fyndiga" kommentar skulle dra ner över dig så hade du kanske knipit din jävla käft. Men det kunde du inte ha haft, det gjorde du inte och nu betalar du priset, din förbannade danskjävel. Jag ska skita vrede över dig och du kommer drunkna i det. Du är helt jävla död, danskjävel.

>t. svenskerlort
How long have you been waiting to post this?

I have posted it 700 times before and that is just with my fingers.

>are there really immigration problems in your country

>do you have an article who proves it
Plenty. (See , just to name a few) But I also live here so I don't really need an article to prove it.

Actually I find the opposite to be true. People who have been more exposed to Ahmeds tend to be more aware of what's going on. Rich people who live in predominately white areas are usually lefties and people who live isolated by the countryside often don't really care. I don't have any statistics to back this up but that's my experience.

inb4 säkerhetspolisen knackar på och arresterar dig för att posta episka jagjags

>innanförefyra jag sitter redan i polisbilen

hahaha ebin pasta

dræbe jer selv

fan säger du danskjävel?

Hold kæft, din... din... SVENSKER!

The white man's eternal tendency to cuck out in the face of obsequious flattery rears its ugly head once again.
This country is not for "integrated, pro-swede, goodboy" housemonkies. It's for Swedes and if you can't tell the difference between a Swede or someone who can eventually become a Swede (or whose offspring might) and a non-Swede, I would have no compunctions about throwing you in an incinerator aswell.
Actual national unity does not come from shallow notions of integration. Identity goes deeper than that. Introducing racial strangers is the same as introducing cracks in the foundation of your house, or pouring an "acceptably tiny amount" of piss (mudblood) into your water reservoir (genepool).

Just ask yourself if you want to see your sister produce mutts with an iranian, leaving a Swedish man out in the cold or having to resort to a non-Swedish woman.

If tempers eventually run hot enough to expel all invaders and crack down on the kike/cuck nationwreckers, we would be idiots to pull any punches or soften any stance because then we'll have started giving ground before even having carried out the purification.

The Nordic Resistance Movement has a good stance on repatriation, as with most other things. They only accept europeans, with a preference for NW Euros, if I recall.

This. Its fucking disgusting whats happening in Canada. I'm just glad were not in Europe - wed have every fucking refugee imaginable in our country right now no questions asked. Its cocked as shit right now, but we have relatively strict immigration despite what is stated. Still going to shit real quick. Crime - particularly rape - is on the rise and only going to get worse with more mudslimes added. I honestly feel for sweden. They are our hockey bros and they wont even play in a generation or two due to fucking immigrant fucks and the goddamn jews.

>www [dot] motgift [dot] nu/
>ingridochconrad [dot] se/ (If you can listen to Swedish)
>www [dot] nordfront [dot] se/

10/10 god tier

>when your sole purpose was not to let Sweden become a world power

>I won't be able to hold myself back.
-the swede said while thinking of raping Jamals fartbox in the future race war.