Have Neonazis / White Supremacist ever pulled a Terrorist Attack?

Is the "White far-right terrorism" a meme or reality?

>Miami New Times: "On a rural compound just 11 miles from Disney World, Marcus Faella and his followers spent years stockpiling weapons and food, erecting barbed wire, and conducting elaborate paramilitary drills. Their goal, according to federal agents: igniting a 'race war' in Central Florida."

>They wanted to attack Disney World and kill interacial couples and foreigners


Other urls found in this thread:


There is no way the two on the right are white.


Alan Harrison Berg (January 1, 1934 – June 18, 1984) was an American attorney and talk radio show host in Denver, Colorado. Berg was known for his largely liberal, outspoken viewpoints and confrontational interview style.

On the evening of June 18, 1984, Berg was fatally shot in the driveway of his Denver home by members of the white nationalist group The Order. His provocative talk show sought to flush out "the anti-Semitism latent in the area's conservative population". He succeeded in provoking members of The Order to engage him in conversations on this talk show and his "often-abrasive on-air persona" ignited the anger of The Order.[1][2] Subsequently, members of The Order involved in the killing were identified as being part of a group planning to kill prominent Jews.[3] Ultimately, two members of The Order, David Lane and Bruce Pierce, were convicted for their involvement in the case, though neither of homicide.

what a tragedey

Are these men the champions of the White Race?

Top kek
Peckerwood fuckers

Id say theres definately alot of violent white people on both sides Antifa on left and a buncha white ppl that would if someone organized them and race division became deep enough. People really need to come together.. Its not good to have a country completely divided while every country you compete against is united.


>it's another spics believe they are white episode


the one in the middle must have been of german descent

>Is the "White far-right terrorism" a meme or reality?

it exists.

it's extremely rare, but when it happens the media pounce on it and keep it in the news cycle for years, so many people think that there is some huge network of murderous nazis who pull off attacks and assassinations on a weekly basis.

That wouldn't have worked anyway.

Looks like some fed false flag shit

The purpose of terrorism is to trigger a harsh crackdown from a government against a minority or political group, in order to radicalize that minority or political group further.

Now please tell me, what the fuck would inviting a crackdown on whites (a political and cultural crackdown) do for their cause when there is already a nationalist president? This reeks of a false flag.

Oklahoma City Bombing is their greatest achievement

Generally they're irrelevant fuck ups though

A successful equivalent to terrorist goals of radicalization for whites would be Milo giving that speech that incited antifa to attack whites violently, or getting Trump in democratically which incited rioters to smash up businesses and block roads.

This attack would just radicalize nonwhites and jews further and soften whites, so it has the exact opposite effect that terrorism is used for.

I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.

Neonazis regularly set up shit but because they often do it in an organized group, they get caught by FBI on that shit.
It's why Dylan Roof and lone-wolf shooters are able to do what they do: no one else knows their intentions, there's no meta-data between individuals to suggest intention. They just do it and it's stopped after the fact.

Same thing goes for Muslim attacks on US soil: more often perpetrated by individuals who get radicalized from propaganda than people who had any actual contact with ISIS or Al Qaeda

It's a reality, there are shitty people of all types willing to do shitty things. The kicker here that will really activate your almonds is we are able to have programs and ways to identify and stop them so they happen very very rarely. This is something we are having trouble doing with other threats because stopping tragedy is racist and bigoted because it might hurt someones feelings. This is the problem.

Weird how these guys always get caught before they do anything but, mohammed can kill 49 faggots in a night club.

Why are "white supremacists" always mongrels on the fence between white and mexican?

That guy in the middle looks part shitskin haha

He looks a lot whiter in this pic though

Smells hard like false flag

Feds plant an agent who comes up with the whole plan.

Tells them to get ready, then FBI busts in and CNN get their scoop headline.

Disney World, really? Could it be more obvious boogeyman right wing story?

Breivik still beat him though, 69 shot dead and 8 killed with his bomb vs 49 shot dead in the nightclub

does it matter?



White people in florida? lol they're just cubans.

False flag for sure it's certainly well timed to align with the mosque shooting


Sup Forums celebrates them all the time.

Look at Anders Breivik,Dylann Roof, Frazier Glenn Miller, Wade Michael Page among others who get regular accolades from here.

Timmy was deeply involved in pornography

Not White Supremacy

Yes I have seen a few of these lame busts in the news over the months. Last one was with some group named the "crusaders"

the government wants to stop white terror attacks so ppl wont go left. They will also manufacture and allow muslim and antifa terrorism, because it send people to the right.

The government doesn't care if you die. you are nothing but sheep to them.

Looks like Jeb in the thumbnail.