Time Travel Barron Bannon


It's like the fantastic four. Bannon IS Cable.

Maybe possible, assuming that Barron only grows another 4 inches in the next 8ish years of his adolescence. Definitely has some key features that are similar.

>Pence is a time traveler
>Trump is also a time traveler/john titor
>Trump/titor in possession of Tesla's notes
>Tesla is Hitler
>Hitler looks just like Barron as a child
>Barron is actually Bannon's child
>Bannon/Barron - they couldn't have made it more obvious
>Barron is literally the son of Hitler, being raised by a time traveling John Titor using his father's notes

>tfw I made the original timetravel screenshot
What have you done for the meme war, Sup Forums?

Following digits confirms it

Lol I this wasn't the picture I posted. What did kek mean by this?

Double digits confirm even if the reference is technically wrong.

Trump confirmed cucked by Bannon


sure it wasn't

REMINDER that Trump's father literally owned technology that nobody has seen before that belonged to Nikola Tesla. Rumor is it was a rudementory time machine.

How do the bogs fit into this theory?

How did Bannon become a madman? Where did everything go so right?

The only thing they gave in common is their hair you faglord. Ears, eyes, mouth, nose all completely different.

The bogs changed their physical appearance to blur the traces of their travels because with ages they would look exactly like very well known historical figures.

Oh, I just thought maybe Trump's thing is watch Melania get fucked by other men.

Time travel is not possible, OP.

Dimension traveling is, however.

Anyone that is a "time" traveler is just someone from a different dimension with a different timeline.

>Time travel is not possible

You're time traveling RIGHT NOW

she is Russian. Russians only express joy for a very short time frame. Do not apply western values to her YOU FUCKING CULTRUAL MARXIST! THIS CIS SCUM HATES FOREIGN CULTURE! REEEE!

Neger, pu-lease.

We both know what type of time traveling i meant.

Of course, no worries.
Still hope some theories are wrong and faster than light traveling will be possible some day but I guess even WHEN we'd be not around to witness it.

*if not when

oh my fuck

Oh wow, two white guys of comparable genetic stock look similar. Stop the goddamn presses.


Meh, i wouldn't really count on many theories being proved wrong.

Imagine if time traveling to the past (in your own dimension) was possible:

People would constantly come from the future to fix their mistakes, thus influencing whatever they did or not when they made their mistake.

That would result in drastic changes, causing chain reactions etc etc. fucking everything up and even leading to the implosion of our dimension.

In short: The butterfly effect.

And believe me, you don't want to live trough that.

barron > bannon > boggan

Could someone give me a quick rundown on who these two are?

idk man, to be honest your second pic makes even less sense than your first one.

Bananorran has come.

>Nyan elebin


I just had the same thought just a few hrs or so ago holy shit
