What a disgusting group of ideologies. Terrible flag designs too. Sad!

What a disgusting group of ideologies. Terrible flag designs too. Sad!

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wtf is "queer anarchism"?

Fuck you're dumb, trump actually supports large portions of anarcho-capitalism.

He's all for getting rid of KIKE regulations that stifle the free market like minimum wage, which makes it more profitable for companies to get overseas labor instead of hiring americans.

Anarcho-communism is my dream ideology. Zizek is my irl ideology. I vote NDP out of necessity.

this flag is dope


Hippty hopity get off my property

Where did you get that image OP?


Big talk coming from A FUCKING LEAF


loled audibly


I kind of like green anarchism, But I like the idea of small self sufficient communities not affected by big corporations and and too big government.

Basically old-school small town america. Thats not to say cities dont have their place; but a semblance of balance would be cool.

Freedom to rape so long as you keep it gay.

I was once an anarchist. A legit anarchist, not an edgy teen. Literally an antifa member before it was cool (about 7-8 years ago).

Am now a fascist (non-extreme). Ask me anything.

Declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization

It already has about 40,000 signatures, only 10,000 more are needed.


>he unironically supports deregulating kike corporations and kike banks
You have to go back
enjoy your polluted water

How come a Canadian got the largest get of all time?
How did they do it?

I agree capitalism is disgusting.

don't lump in ancap with the other idiots. it's the political arm of hard sci-fi. it's smarts and shit. too smarts 4 u.

The flag designs suck because they were made by Jews, just like the ideologies themselves, to attack natsoc, the only government ideology which has truly freed a people from jewry and threatened international jewry.

Ancap is the most kosher ideology in existence

We should have a socialist government for whites in Europe, and all nonwhites should be banned from Europe
Scandinavia was the best place to live on earth before they imported niggers

Is it possible to be an anarchist past the age of 25?

they just have to make it gayer, dont they

that totally changes everything! I LIEK SHELL FISH!

Anarcho-capitalism is the most based ideology there is, user.

It's not technically possible to be an anarchist at all if you think about it

Anarcho Primitivism is for fags

Depends on the type of anarchism. Anarcho-capitalism probably only gets more likely as you grow older and richer and the government takes bigger and bigger bites out of your salary with few benefits in return.

I have to admit I'd love to sell heroin to child soldier kindergarteners to protect my property

Why do people think that we suddenly turn into Trevor from GTA the second somebody stops pointing a gun at our heads?

>Ask me anything
You aren't interesting. No one cares.

Why wouldn't you

This, pol isn't here to validate you

I advocate for anarcho-capitalism because it allows for degenerates like you to sink to the bottom of society instead of being a waste of taxpayer dollars with your welfare checks. People want what's best for them and their families, and if they see you giving heroin to their kids they're gonna blow your head off. Heck, I'd do it even if it was violating the NAP, it's not like the courts are gonna give a harsh sentence to the guy who saved the kids from the drug dealing pedophile.

Ancap is a system made for narcissistic monsters who don't care about family and the enviroment
Racial socialism is the best system for a white community

Socialism is about the most degenerate system there is user. An all encompassing nanny state taking what you own, encouraging weakness and dependence on the government, breathing down your neck telling you what is and isn't good for your business, family, and livelihood.



user, if we privatized social security and disbanded the Federal Reserve 90% of America's economic problems would be gone.

What would disbanding the Fed do to solve economic problems?

So a society where fellow whites work together to build a lovely nation for all whites, is degenerate in your opinion?

>can't even paranthesise correctly
Get the fuck back to where you came from you corporatist cocksucker

>sheep fucking midget retard talking about socialism being good

everything checks out here

when we go into recession you can actually save money and it gets more valuable

Both taxation and private property are theft.
Taxation is theft because taxes take other peoples labor.
Private property is theft because you didnt create the land, so you shouldnt be able to own it.Mutualism is the only economic system that respects the NAP.All other economic systems are immoral.The best form of goverment would be minarchist mutualism because mutualism is the best economic sytstem and minimal goverment is necessary to protect freedom.

ad hominem

Basically, banks hand out loans to people with the assumption that these people will then give the money back with interest. The Federal Reserve (which you should know is actually a private institution) hands out loans to these banks. The Federal Reserve is able to do this because they get money printed directly by the government. So the banks are able to give loans to people who won't pay back, with the knowledge that the Federal Reserve will back them up should they fail as a business, so there is zero risk for the banks. Combine this with rising inflation from the Federal Reserve constantly asking for more money to be printed, and bailouts insuring that it is literally impossible for any major business to fail, and you have a recipe for a failed economy.

You can already form such a society in an anarcho-capitalist country, you just have to have people on board with the idea. You can form your coops, communes, and socialist enclaves to your hearts desire in an anarcho-capitalist society, so long as you don't violently force your views on others or attempt to instill a government on the unwilling.

I actually want a government so my national parks and drinking water are protected from money obssessed opportunists
Most people have appreciation for the enviroment unlike low iq drones like you

i'm reading max stirner and i guess anarcho capitalism is something similar to what he's talking about

how would a system like that even function? there is ultimately going to be some power structure. order in the chaos. how would you enforce mutual respect of one another's free will? what if my free will is to take your shit and force you to work for me?

if we all just work under contracts, who is enforcing these contracts? why should i care if this body punishes me? who would stop me if i tried to pay them off or threaten them? if there is oversight for the people who enforce contracts, wouldn't there be a similar problem? repeat that forever and ever upwards. there would ultimately be SOMEONE who has the power to say yes or no. and wouldn't they be a king or a president or a chairman? so what did we really change?

There would be parks and drinking water in an ancap society. But, unlike our current system, the parks wouldn't be closed down because the government can't decide where to set the debt ceiling, and the water wouldn't have lead poisoning killing everybody.

>somebody not getting land is the same as being deprived

Fucking degenerates.. sullying my beloved 13 Royal Logistics Corps DZ flash.

So do you suggest that nobody operates monetary policy as a tool instead? Or that some other body would be better at doing it maybe? Moral hazard is an issue, shit businesses should be allowed to fail, but inflation has remained fairly low for a while despite the increases in money supply.

You didnt create land so you cant have private property, you can only have personal property

Anarcho Capitalist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOLOLOLOLOLOL
So apparently CAPITAL can exist without the State? What will decide it's value then? Gold? YEAH RIGHT

you're an idiot for a marxist. Land enclosure created the concept of owning land(Hobsbawn_), read REAL Marxist shit, get past the manifesto


Well, that's a tough question, because ultimately the only way in an anarcho-capitalist society for someone to use a certain monetary system, is to convince those people that they should use your money instead of other peoples money, and then convince the businesses that the money you're offering is any good. Maybe something like bitcoin takes off (although I'm think bitcoin is mostly just memes at this point), or maybe we decide to go back to the gold or silver standard. Maybe some other digital currency comes up, or maybe we keep a system similar to the current one. This much is certain, if you fail, you'll fail and someone else will take your place in the market, as it should be.

but what about
egoist anarchism
and anarcho-nationalism?

not an argument, sheep fucker.

And you're right that inflation hasn't been a huge issue lately, the biggest worry is that the government will wig out and cause hyper-inflation, which is definitely a big issue when it happens.

>egoist anarchism
>and anarcho-nationalism
None of these mean anything, they're all just people needing to be special snowflakes with their leftist anarchisms. There's basically only 3 real types of anarchism, anarcho-communism, anarcho-capitalism, and mutualism.

I know but it's fun to talk about ideologies that aren't real