Why do you like Donald Trump, user?

>why do you like Donald Trump, user?

What do you say? I was asked this today and I didn't know what to say and it was embarrassing. She then started talking about the South Dakota Pipeline and how we've been racist to Native Americans and that there's no economic freedom for them because they're stuck on reservations.

I didn't know what to say, pol. I autismed out and just cut the conversation. I feel so fucking stupid.

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I don't, I just thought he was the lesser of two evils

Just grab her by the pussy next time OP.

She knows that I voted for him and that I fully support him. I just couldn't articulate the words why. I just get nervous discussing politics with someone on the complete opposite end. (She's a leftist dyke in an open relationship pursuing a career in music)

>She's a leftist dyke in an open relationship pursuing a career in music
So she is a barista at Starbucks. I honestly wouldn't worry about her political beliefs

Oh golly #madampresident

>barista at Starbucks
It's funny because you're 100% correct. She just acts so condescending towards me every time politics is brought up. Is there a book or something that I can read to get better at discussing politics with people?
I'm no shill, user.

>She then started talking about the South Dakota Pipeline and how

She is evil. Stay away.

I'm all for it, but please expand on that.

> Caring about womens' political opinions
If you aren't smart enough to intuitively be able to convince the idealistic lefty ones it's pretty much hopeless for you user. Women follow competent men.

my god how autistic are you?

> I take a more conservative stance on political issues. The natives at the south dakota pipeline sold their land to the government, but are simply regretting that decision. They don't have the right to be protesting on the private land that they sold. plain and simple

Say it with confidence with unbroken eye contact. Works 100% of the time for me

>She then started talking about the South Dakota Pipeline and how we've been racist to Native Americans and that there's no economic freedom for them because they're stuck on reservations.
That's horseshit. They can move to America if they want.

Also, define "we". Did you do anything? Did she do anything? No? Then "we" doesn't apply.

Apparently you are fucking stupid lol. If you don't even know why you support him, and the list of reasons to is fucking endless, then you should be embarrassed. Wow.

the best way to get better at talking about politics is to talk about politics. it's easy

respond with the fact native americans who choose to stay on the reserves and not prosper in our society is their fault from the economic side, im 25% native and my full blood grandma decided to leave the reserves because theyre all shit and the western world is superior to make a decent living

This. also, step out of the Sup Forums echo chamber and listen to some leftist podcasts or YouTube channels, Dave Rubin is a decent center-left step, and he has some good guests. Also, take that political compass test and read some shit by people in the same square as you. Sowell and Ron Paul were my go tos.

>can't answer a question that simple

So you formed an opinion based on nothing and now you're trying to backtrack to think of a reason why you would have that opinion? How dumb are you?

"Why do you like Donald Trump?"

Because the MSM tells me I should not. Seriously, if CNN came on tomorrow and started round the clock telling me how awesome Trump was, it would be like the end of the Chimpokomon episode of South Park.

i literally always say i voted for Trump and manage to bring up fair and honest points without sounding like an autistic LARPing Nazi. You guys are faggots if you don't stand up for your own views

100% this. I literally didn't even know he was running until January 2016, when suddenly everyone and their mom was talking about how Hitler was running for president. Checked out the fake news: sure enough, Hitler is running for president.

If the mainstream is absolutely all in, if the entire global establishment is 100% against something, that's usually a good indicator that you should support it.

>I guess I have mixed feelings on him, I'm not super political

It's that easy.

if a hot girl (who isn't a bright hair, nose piecrd dyke) asks you why you like Trump, tell her that he's the best choice to protect women and children/native americans from Islamofascism/terrorism. Then redpill her on how Islamic countries oppress women. Bassically, just give her a glimpse of your nationalism. Remember, women love strength and conviction in what they believe, but they hate bigotry and inability to change.


why do you care then

The natives were offered money in exchange for the pipeline running across their bit of desert. They rejected it and it was moved off their land and they are kicking up a fuss over it.

Environmental concerns are nullified since there is already 3 pipes running under the river already. A new one is going to do far less harm than old ones

Because he isnt the establishment and was able to take out all his political opponents with a style I could not understand.

Because he was the only one willing to reinforce the borders at a time when asshole were trying to make open borders main stream.

Also fuck the indians If I did not have to work I would have an education as soon as possible.

Stop trying to redpill these bitches.
If "He was better than Shillary" then you dodged a bullet not hooking up.

Tell her democrat women are a huge turnoff.

"this comes after a lifetime of learning and experience, ive studied politics, history, and ideologies more than you can imagine and i simply dont feel like taking all the time it would take to try and convince you. just know three things:
1. you've been mostly lied to about the way the world is.
2. you've been completely lied to about the way the world should be.
3. there are a lot of really bad people in the world who pretend to be really good people and act like they have YOUR best interest in mind, when, in actuality, they are as selfish as it gets.
If you wanna know what someone really believes, dont worry about what they say, instead pay attention to how they act. and be willing to listen to anyone who is willing to talk to you, because odds are, they know something you don't. which can be very good or very bad."

Sauce, quick

Daddy does shit you don't like but its always in your best interest.

I like the "America first" idea. It sounds a little selfish, but I do think American politicians should have helping Americans as their first priority. Trump is straightforward and I like that.

I also like the fact that he is against illegal immigration and offshoring jobs. Both of those things directly hurt the working class to help big business. So when Trump says he's against them, that's a real commitment to the working class. The democrats on the other hand are in favor of the 1% over everyone else on these topics.

No TPP is good. Being friends with Russia sounds nice. We should try to stop getting involved in foreign wars and one good way to do that is to work with Russia and Assad to crush ISIS then stop starting new wars in the Middle East.

Trump has said some things which are objectionable. Other comments are just silly or sound like he is unprepared. On balance though, on the big issues, Trump is right about what's important. That's why I support him as a candidate. Now I'm just hoping he can deliver on his promises and do a good job to make America great again.

Don't talk to people like that. She'll be in for a rude awakening in a few years

They're not confined to reservations - they can live anywhere in the US they want.


After being exposed to the idea of globalism and watching it unfold, removing the sovereignty of several European nations while flooded them with dangerous economic migrants to line the pockets of the elite, I've realized more than ever that nationalism is the way, and we must step in that direction now while we can. He wants to protect Americans by keeping out Mexican illegals and Muslim terrorists, neither of which are in the name of racism but nationalism, to get the great american people back into their own workforce and improve the country from the inside out. He's bringing back jobs. Before he entered office he got Canada to its knees on issues like NAFTA and TPP. He went to Mexico and got their president to agree that the wall is beneficial to them somehow. He's against barbaric practices like abortion; who should be able to kill someone, their own child no less, because it would otherwise inconvenience them? He repealed Obamacare, a mandatory health insurance scam that was breaking citizens who were already covered on a plan THEY chose. He's working on relations with Russia to help end the conflicts, and eliminate Islamic terrorism. Yes, it's Islamic terrorism. I know you're going to throw a 'not all' at me, but it's true. He's fulfilling his promises and even helped keep the OCE in congress, he's actually representing the people. We're now winning the culture war and we're going to keep winning until we're tired of winning and even then we won't be able to stop. MAGA, slut.

then i fug her :DDD

Yeah but they won't get as many gibs then, you colonial racist


why the fuck did you post an unrelated picture of a qt blonde then you retard?

>I didn't know what to say
Share blue faggot detected.

It's very tolerant and virtuous of you to attempt to work out your differences with those in the far left. I'd personally like to take both you and your friend on a moonlit helicopter ride off the Chilean coast. The nightly air is great for civil political discussion.

I have a hard leftie gf who lived in NY for over a decade or so.

Just argue why we need all nations to adopt nationalism, as it's the only means by which global cultural diversity can be sustained (and racial diversity but enter this point at a much later date in the process). From here, you can acknowledge that everything Trump is doing pushes the global political pendulum back towards Nationalism, and this is ultimately a good thing for all nations and societies - i.e. that they learn self determinism and self sufficiency rather than becoming reliant on handouts and/or rationings from the global banking empires that are pushing globalism so hard.

pic releated.

>moonlit helicopter ride off the Chilean coast
>he nightly air is great for civil political discussion.

B...but what happens when they hit the water?

Women in a relationship generally will come around and adapt to the man's points of view over time in order to avoid conflict and become more ideologically similar to them, I wonder why that is.

Pic also related.

whats the story with this pic, did he choke her out, why is he choking her? who is he? who is she? she looks pregnant, is she pregnant?

Listen to Ben Shapiro's podcast. Stefan Molyneux as well.

I mean jesus fuck, you have to represent.