Communism general

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.


Other urls found in this thread:

Hello comrade

Both taxation and private property are theft.
Taxation is theft because taxes take other peoples labor.
Private property is theft because you didnt create the land, so you shouldnt be able to own it.Mutualism is the only economic system that respects the NAP.All other economic systems are immoral.The best form of goverment would be minarchist mutualism because mutualism is the best economic sytstem and minimal goverment is necessary to protect freedom.

A communist economic system would be characterized by advanced productive technology that enables material abundance, which in turn would enable the free distribution of most or all economic output and the holding of the means of producing this output in common. In this respect communism is differentiated from socialism, which, out of economic necessity, restricts access to articles of consumption and services based on one's contribution.

Hi comrade

who will do emergency 24hr plumbing under communism?

Someone doesn't understand economics very well (or post-scarcity, for that matter).

wow this fancy infograph really made me tihnk, comrade! if only it was i who was in power instead of stalin or mao, then it would have been the good communism much like how this very accurate and informative infograph explains it to all of our fellow 15 year old comrades

keep fighting the good fight good sir

why, the people in the gulags of course

>scientific labor
>vanguard controlled factories

So comrades I have this sweet helicopter any one want to take a tour?



You're doing God's work OP. These threads have value.

Have you guys actually managed to convert anyone on this board since you set up shop here? I can respect you for being persistent at least

They do provide plenty of laughs, I'll give him that.






Communism can't exist without advance technology.

They probably recruited a few Bernouts, but that's nothing to be proud of

>when the discord raid starts

>I'm a communist. I intend to fuck this system up.

just fuck my society up comrade

there's a reason the communist manifesto is 2 dollars on amazon, try to wrap your brain around that one

Communism is a lie

I know, that's why we must protect and invest in science and technology so much in the socialist phase.

Fuck off Socialist Alternative


I wonder how much commies would be willing to pay for their manifesto? What if we hiked up the price of goods for molotov cocktails, manifestos, and clubs and bats right before they went on a riot, then used the ensuing riot to have our private military companies and militias get some training exercises in. Truly, the ingenious of the entrepreneurs knows no bounds.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, a decisive turning point in world history, where for the first time working people established their own system of democratic rule through the “Soviets,” literally councils of workers, soldiers and peasants. Their goal was to root out feudal and capitalist oppression and thereby help lay the basis for an egalitarian, international socialist order.
The revolution began in February with the overthrow of the Tsar. The moderate “provisional government” which was then established did not, however, proceed to take any serious measures for land reform, to end the war or to address any of the other central issues which had brought on the revolutionary upheaval. The inevitable crisis led to the rapid growth of the revolutionary Bolshevik party, rooted in the urban working-class, which promised “bread, peace and land.” In October, the Soviets led by the Bolsheviks took power, beginning of the second phase of the revolution.

Communism can't survive through war, famine, or natural disasters. It's so fragile.

Then why does it always fail?
You're welcome in a free market to go create a workers collective with your lefty buddies at anytime. Don't impose your shit on the rest of society and force us to surrender our property. Do you even own any assets?

It's a lie by the Zionists to create an illusion of alternative. Communism will NEVER work because of Humanism.

If ever there were a post perfectly designed to be a combination of fallacies and misunderstandings so egregious as to give people a nosebleed just from reading it, this is that post.

every red i have ever seen seems to have his own game plan that has it all figured out. maybe communism is such a consistent failure because it only attracts people inflated egos that want to just have power over something

>beginning of the second phase of the revolution.
aka total failure

You didn't answer the question user. You are perfectly free to form your own coops, communes, and socialist enclaves in a capitalist system, so long as you don't try to violently force your views on the unwilling. But, because you rarely respect the rights of others, it is simply self defense when we take you on a helicopter ride.

I have read marx ama

Have you actually studied this time period? More then 10 million people died due to the policies of the Bolsheviks in Lenin's time alone. Look up a little something called "War Communism". Communism in it's 'purest form' in the history of the Soviet Union before they were forced to switch to State Socialism with the New Economic Plan. If you look at the stats from that time it demonstrates how destructive Communism really is.

Moreover, the October Revolution was not a popular revolution from the bottom up, honey. The first revolution that deposed the Tsar certainly was but nobody asked for the Bolsheviks to sweep in at gunpoint with the help of rogue sailors.

>expecting gommies to be intellectually honest

Free Shit for everyone! What could go wrong?

All you can use is big words m8. And you think you represent the working people when you act like this? Nothing's stopping you from putting some capital together and starting your own business structured as a coop.

In October, the Soviets led by the Bolsheviks took power, beginning of the second phase of the revolution.
The revolutionary government kept their promise of “bread, peace, and land” by withdrawing from the slaughterhouse of World War I, taking control of the banks and giving the land to the peasantry. It was the most progressive government in modern history. Through the elected soviets, workers participated in the decisions of the day. For example, it proclaimed its goal to be the liberation of women and took many concrete steps in this direction despite the challenges posed by the country’s backwardness. It was also the first in the world to decriminalize homosexuality and strike out all laws against consensual sexual activity.
The leadership of the revolution, particularly Lenin and Trotsky, did not see the Russian Revolution as the beginning of “socialism in one country” given the country’s low level of economic development but rather the opening salvo of a world revolution. This was no pipe dream as Western capitalism was facing collapse due to the disastrous effects of the war.

Fucking hang yourself and kill your family before your cancerous opinions can spread.

I literally hate you, I don't agree with most political opinions, but I hate you with all of what I consider myself. I wish you to die and burn in hell of all eternity if such a place exists. Communism is the biggest cancer on Earth and I want you to die miserable deaths, you worthless, useful idiots.


Well said Nordic brother


The peasantry despised the Bolsheviks and you know it. They became little more then cattle to be exploited directly by the state, you cockpiece

Heil Hitler comrados!

get the fuck out of here you commie swine, you people need to be exterminated

The Bolsheviks launched the Communist International (Comintern) in 1919 to bring together the millions of workers and young people rallying to support the Russian Revolution and rejecting the social democratic parties who had betrayed the working class by supporting the war. In the United States, the Socialist Party which had a significant base, split with the majority of approximately 70,000 coming out in support of the Comintern and going on to create the Communist Party.

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>Communism general Anonymous (ID: CNMHb0U7) 02/05/17(Sun)00:04:37 No.111129393▶
> Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Right on Sven!


are u ok

I've been shitposting in these commie gen threads but here's a serious question. In the next gommunist country will the "transitional government" work to preserve traditional values, a homogenous and productive population, and a fertility rate above replacement?

>More then 10 million people died due to the policies of the Bolsheviks in Lenin's time alone
Lenin was an asshole but 10 million seems too high a toll to attribute to him.

The Russian Revolution was followed by similar working class upheavals in a series of countries, most importantly Germany, over the next few years. These did not, tragically, lead to another decisive anti-capitalist breakthrough because of the lack of the type of tested and authoritative leadership provided by the Bolsheviks in Russia. If they had succeeded, humanity could have avoided many of the horrors of the 20th century, including Hitler coming to power, the Holocaust, World War II and the current carnage in the Middle East. We might be living in the beginnings of a global socialist society.

I leave Sup Forums for a month and when I come back the board is filled with cuckunism shill threads.

Communism doesn't work, it didnt work for Lenin, It didnt work for Stalin, it didnt work for Venezuela, It caused the USSR to fracture.

Its a flawed ideology pushed by liberal cucks who lack the ability to contribute to normal society so they try to make it so they are entitled to the labor of others.

Do us all a favor OP and hang yourself.

The Bolsheviks were the real criminals, especially after Lenin died. They tortured, expelled, and murdered hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of other socialists, communists, and social democrats.

Don't worry, these are for us to laugh at only. No one takes them seriously.

Remember to sage!


Sven, we just loosened your standard government issue Swedecuck cock cage from a 10 to an 8. Keep up the good work


It might be asked what this has to do with 21st century America, a vastly different society to Russia 1917 where the vast majority of the population were peasants tied to the land? The simple answer is the continued domination of capitalism.
As the political earthquake of 2016 demonstrated, tens of millions of people have lost all faith in the institutions of capitalism. Millions, especially young people, now express support for socialism and rallied to Bernie Sanders historic campaign. But in the absence of a left alternative in the general election, the door was opened to a grotesque right populist who presented himself as the defender of the “forgotten men and women” and went on to defeat Hillary Clinton, the candidate of the status quo.

It didn't work for eastern europe. I was born there and trust me id didn't work. And is not working for China either or Vietnam. Democracy is good if everyone works hard to educated themselves which they don't . For lazy people the best is monarchy, imperialism, kingship .

Keep it at a 10 my man, this place deserves to be glassed, just give me a heads up before the warheads go off so I can find a vantage point worthy of my built up laughter.

Go suck a refugees cock, fucking feminazi.

Jason Unruhe DEBUNKED.

“The liberal order itself is also to blame. The global economy has delivered too many of its benefits to the richest: in America, the proportion of after-tax income going to the top 1% doubled.”
They are right. The question is as Lenin said long ago: “What is to be done?” Despite the many differences between 1917 and now, we say humanity needs to change course and return along the path that the workers of Petrograd began laying out 100 years ago.

>The simple answer is the continued domination of capitalism.
Heck yeah, this guy gets it. We've won, and we're here to stay. Capitalism just gets stronger and stronger as time goes on.

In America, a good 2/3 of the top 1% started poor/middle class. Don't know what kind of fucked up system you have over there.

You mean terrorist scum like soc-revs, or traitors like mensheviks, or even maybe fucking Kronstadt sailors and Makhno

They deserved some bullets in head

Over the last century, capitalism has repeatedly revealed its worst tendencies: instability and inequality. Instances of instability include the Great Depression (1929-1941) and the Great Recession since 2008, plus eleven "downturns" in the US between those two global collapses. Each time, millions lost jobs, misery soared, poverty worsened and massive resources were wasted. Leaders promised that their "reforms" would prevent such instability from recurring. Those promises were not kept. Reforms did not work or did not endure. The system was, and remains, the problem.

Inequality likewise proved to be an inherent trend of capitalism. Only occasionally and temporarily did opposition from its victims stop or reverse it. Income and wealth inequalities have worsened in almost every capitalist country since at least the 1970s. Today we have returned to the huge 19th-century-sized gaps between the richest 1 percent and everyone else. Rescuing the "disappearing middle class" has become every aspiring politician's slogan. Extreme inequality infects all of society as corporations and the rich, to protect their positions, buy the politicians, mass media and other cultural forms that are for sale.

Seriously, copy-pasted threads should be banned.


Spain has never really had true capitalism like America has, so they've never seen the kind of prosperity and freedom it has brought us.

Man doesn't have the mental or emotional capacity to run a large group of people [company] but knows how to build things. He wants to build things as that is what he can do and wants to do. Other man is too frail to build but can manage a large group of people. He manages people because the is what he can do and wants to do. Both men profit from working together the first man can build and not manage and the other man can manage and not build.

>>wanting to be a 9AM to 9AM slavecuck instead of a 9AM to 5PM wagecuck

man builds because his only object of material value is his labor power

These economic downturns were caused by the government, and worsened by the so called reform efforts. Government is not the solution, it is the problem."

>If they had succeeded, humanity could have avoided many of the horrors of the 20th century, including Hitler coming to power, the Holocaust, World War II and the current carnage in the Middle East. We might be living in the beginnings of a global socialist society.
Are you implying that the Soviets weren't part of many of those horrors before Stalin died, and even somewhat afterward?

Which part of the Eastern Bloc did you live in?

You are only worth what you are.
If you can build you are worth a builder
If you can manage you are worth a manager
Some people are fine with building you know.

Forgot to mention, don't read some of those before bed, especially the Rainiai Massacre, the prisoner massacres, and the Nazino Affair.


First and totally FREE public education system, which achieved the highest rates of literacy in history in the 15 Soviet republics. Moreover, Soviet schools offered free food for students, so the work-life balance is made much easier than today in the capitalist countries. Even kindergartens were also free.

First FREE and universal health care system, which increased the life expectancy of the Soviets, less than 40 years in 1917, to reach Western levels in 80 (70 years). The achievements of hunger eradication and health systems can also compare with the average height of the Soviets in 1917 (1,60 m) to 1980 (1,80 m). This health system discovered painless childbirth and performed the first organ transplant.

Between 1945 and 1964, the Soviet national income grew by 570%, compared to 55% in the USA (and remember that the USSR was not a Marshal Plan to help the country)

Invention of evening studies so that workers could build careers.

First country in history where abortion was legal and free (since 1920)

First country in history to achieve an unemployment rate at 0%

Equality policies, one of the first countries to adopt women's suffrage

First woman in history to hold a position in a government (Aleksandra Kollontai)

But you see comrade those are LIES published by the CAPITALISTS meant to keep the people REACTIONARY and prevent the enivitbake spread of COMMUNISM
>0.02 Shekels have been deposited in my kikeaccount



>Citation Needed

>First country in history where abortion was legal and free
You guys have really started to wear your genocides with pride

>First country in history to achieve an unemployment rate at 0%
I thought the whole point of your communist utopia was to create a society where almost no one had to work. Are you telling me you were so evil that you forced even the crippled to work in your factories?

>First FREE and universal health care system
Where you had to bribe the doctor if you wanted quality care

>Between 1945 and 1964, the Soviet national income grew by 570%, compared to 55% in the USA
And then you collapsed in on yourselves, because it turns out using what amounts to slave labor and 60 million corpses to build your country is not a great long-term strategy.

These soviet achievements were built on mass industrialization with wage-paid proletarians. You might as well be shilling for capitalism


This stupid pinko Spaniard can't even refute all of the arguments presented by the other posters.

All he does is bump the thread like a sheep.

Fucking pathetic. Its like he creates this thread every fucking time to bait everyone without defending his belief.


true, you know what they say, the 34th time is the charm



>what a communist looks like

It is possible that he is controlled opposition, purposely making commies look like autistic idiots, in which case congratulations to him.