Do people actually take the "Rothschild owns all the central banks" and central banks are an international Jewish...

Do people actually take the "Rothschild owns all the central banks" and central banks are an international Jewish conspiracy facebook meme seriously here?

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huh.. it's almost like it doesn't say who owns the fed or anything...

really activated my almond milk

don't know about anywhere else but the RBNZ in New Zealand sends all profits to the crown

The Fed is owned by private banks which are required to become members by law. You can see a list of some the members on some the regional banks websites.

Hundreds of members for just one regional bank and not even the biggest of them.

Huh it's almost like you're intentionally casting this argument in a different light and setting up a strawman to argue against.

Whoah I guess I'm a #cruzmissile now.

I have no idea what you mean. The fact of the matter is the fed is owned by many many banks who are required to join in order to engage in certain kinds of commerce and the vast majority of revenue the Fed makes is paid directly to the US government.


Yeah it's almost like they don't post their revenues publicly, it's almost like they're a privately owned bank. It's almost like there hasn't been 7 trillion dollars of tax payer money that's gone missing through them since 2002. It's almost like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about


bogs will rule the world

>proves banks are legit with data from the banks.


Did you even look in the OP? The figures are right there with the website where you can go and get them. Their shareholders got a whole 1.6 billion paid to them last year in total out of over 116bn in revenue.

>proves banks are not legit with?

Oh wow only 1.6 billion of taxpayer money holy shit I'm btfo guess I"m a cruzmissile now.

Fuckin retard bong kys.

who cares about owning some numbers when you can control the money supply itself?

it isn't fucking revenue by the way. You can't eliminate debt if it costs more money to eliminate the fucking debt you shill motherfucker.

obviously not a biased source, right? you fucking shill retard.

>it's an americuck gets triggered by facts and resorts to 3rd grade name-calling episode.

The real point to consider why would you only take $1.6bn out of $116 if you owned the central bank? Surely $1.6bn is going to be a fairly meagre amount divided by the thousands of banks that are members.

Yeah man haha only 1.6 billion in taxpayer money go to private jewish bankers haha Sup Forums btfo haha lol rekt.

how does this prove in the negative though?

still privately owned

your point about membership etc basically just points out how much private and " individual " interest play a part in the managing of the nations money as opposed to the benefit of the whole

What point are you attempting to make here? The Federal Reserve makes revenues from interest. They make this from both private companies and the government. The majority of the interest taken from government is paid back to the government.

Yeah lol haha just forget about the 7 trillion we lost of tax payer money haha according to our statistics it all went back to the government lol haha Sup Forums btfo!

Seriously though who even makes these threads?

The private owners have no say in the operation of the bank at a policy level at all really. The Board of Govenors has a majority in all votes on policy choices and the members of the Board of Govenors of the Federal Reserve are selected by the President and then confirmed by the Senate.


OP seems surprised that the controlling interest holders in the modern age of information technology try to spread everything out instead of sticking a flashing neon sign with the family name on everything that they can get a hold of

merely servants

It's silly, but the central bank system is still evil jewish shit made to benefit them and kill the middle class

Money is the carrot hanging from a stick for plebs, not to be confused with influence in its purest form. Control of the money supply, and the rules it sets economically and politically are more than enough. The numbers and paper are the scam. Also there are plenty more involved in banking than just the Rothschilds.

Stop being a dipshit


Oh man you got me lol haha rekt

Yes, fucktard tinfoil hats still believe the Rothschilds are relevant.

Control and direction of policy at the Federal Reserve can be in a very direct way determined by the President though. The President certainly has more influence over it than anyone else in the world. Right now Trump could put 2 new members onto the Board of Governors where they get 14 year terms.

you fucking english kike. it doesn't matter what the fuck the fed pays to the government. they print the worthless money then lend it to the usa. say the fed prints $10 and charges the usa 20%. the government now owes the fed $12 but the fed only printed $10. so what happens? the government pays off the fed by giving them gold and treasury bonds. it's the most kike shit ever conceived

they run to charters of operation, directorship is essentially a caretaker position,

to really effect any change to the operation of money in the U.S the president would need to completely re write those charters from the word go or alternatively just give the responsibility of printing interest free money back to the government itself, I think 2 already did that, hey guys what's the names of those two presidents that tried that ? they lived long and happy lives yes?

No politician wants to be the one that shuts off the spigot, we'll have to wait and see how ballsy Trump is. Most politicians in general know little about banking other than we must inflate away the debt. The reason it sounds moronic is because you believe it's all one master plan, but it's mostly about retaining the status quo as necessary. Then you get the lessers coming in looking for political opportunities to carry out geopolitical goals or for personal gain. I personally don't believe most of the banking families micro-manage, but that's not to say they don't have their own political ideas.

people don't like the fact that the federal reserve had an income of 116bn dollars to begin with. conspiracy theorist believe if the United States could print money without owing usury they would benefit greatly.

So the banks fuck us and we should be happy one jew family isnt running it?

They're all jews fucking all of us OP you dumb nigger.

>USA government gives interest from the fed to local banks to lend to you. They charge interest on it making money. The fed makes money by printing USA currency and charging EVERYONE .

What exactly are you trying to say? The Board of Governors is involved in all decisions involving operation of monetary policy, they decide how to set reserve requirements and the discount rate. As part of the FOMC where they are 7 out of 12 members they also have the majority vote on open market operations and thus influence interest rates and inflation.

Which spigot? The amount of profit being made from running central banks is relatively small compared to profit to be made elsewhere in the worldwide banking industry if we are going to accept the figures given in OP at all.

Not since the 1940s.

>Which spigot?

This isn't about profit, it's about keeping the blood running through the economy so it doesn't die completely. You don't seem to know much about this topic. Learn about monetary policy if you're genuinely interested. Start with the fed funds rate and how interest rates work.

Is this supposed to show that lowering interest rates is a good way to stop recessions?

I know a lot about the topic. Allowing the economy function well through effective operation of monetary policy is hardly a devious jewish scheme though is it. That is something beneficial to everyone. So I assume when you referred to a spigot you must have meant some other method of making money.

I'm saying that as caretakers they oversee the function of the federal reserve system, but that the system itself does not change, the effect it creates is merely managed. Added to which the influence of interest rates and inflation that are indeed part of this system management are generally not to the benefit of anybody outside that federal reserve system.

It promotes investment by reducing the value of saving money. Banks are less likely to hold their reserve if it can be refilled cheaply by the federal reserve. When fed fund goes low interest rates follow because banks can make more loaning that money out. All of the investment stimulates growth by introducing that new money into the economy, but it comes at a price. Credit cycles end and the wealth from poor investments come crashing down. Low interest rates simply make the crash worse and it's moronic how low interest rates globally have gone post 2008. The whole thing should have come down then, but was instead put on life support. This is also the main culprit behind the wealth inequality people love to bitch about, because the value of labor can't keep up with the necessary inflation to pretend we aren't economically dead.

Next lesson is quantitative easing.

in crayon this time

>system is debt based by virtue of interest charged on money production

>a debt system of banking will eventually eat itself but can with the control of inflation and interest be " juiced up " for a time and prolonged and at times almost collapsed

>keeping it going isn't "allowing the economy to function well " it is allowing the continued amassing of debt and through debt control of physical and material wealth

>would you like to cart a wheelbarrow of million dollar bills down to the bakery to get half a loaf of bread?

>the influence of interest rates and inflation that are indeed part of this system management are generally not to the benefit of anybody outside that federal reserve system.

How do you figure that to be the case?

The point I was making is that when the rescission ends the interest rate has been significantly lowered. If anything that graph makes it appear like the fed did a good job in killing off recessions using the interest rate.


Because outside of individuals that just happened to have money in the right places and property done the right way, it never has before. Just because the advertisements tell you that banks work to keep interest rates low for customers doesn't mean they give a fuck, its a necessary part of the balancing act that is steadily netting them billions worldwide

So does it not matter that the Fed gives back the interest it charges to the government?

Honestly that is kind of what I felt like reading your post. The average person is unaware of how monetary policy and the economy functions though so I can understand the condescending tone.

What are you even talking about? It is much more pervasive than interest rates on deposits at consumer banking institutions. Increases in the interest rate making saving more attractive for example influencing employment negatively. Choosing to raise the interest rate by 0.5% or 1% could greatly effect the lives of millions of US citizens beneficially or otherwise.

And who are the primary share holders for those banks

Well there are thousands of them so good luck looking into them all. There is a list here though so why don't you get going?

How do you not see a cow being milked as you type ?

Are you agreeing with me or disagreeing or just gave up? It is factually true that decisions made at the fed influence millions of lives. If the fed lowers interest rates and then I manage to get a job after years of being a NEET I am going to count that as a great benefit to someone outside the reserve system and a very plausible thing that could happen to many.

Who really owns these securities?

To whom and by whom is the interest paid?

Is this a way to hide hyperinflation already?

I still think they should pay taxes on profits

>Who really owns these securities?
The Fed owns around 12%-15% of them the rest are owned by other government organisations and foreign countries.
>To whom and by whom is the interest paid?
The interest is paid by the US Treasury to whoever is holding the security.

>16 billion in dividends for one year
yeah they're totally not milking us.

>the trap requires a phd to articulate


No, OP, nobody believes that one single Jew controls all of that. However, this strawman of the argument against the Rothschild isn't what is the claim. I've seen the "Iran NK central bank" point, it isn't valid. But this does not undermine the power Mayer Amschel Rothschild historically held, and how Jews are over-represented in the finance fields. Krugmans sucking off Bernakes, who eat out Yellens.