Why are musicians, artists and celebrities always left-wing?


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Maybe if there wasn't a fifth column in both instances there wouldn't be a response to it.

>when youre sick of complacence now

becuz they live in their own cut off world

tool fell off after lateralus

Because most never actually worked a regular job.

So you didn't like a whole ONE album?

Because that is the fashionable thing to do.

>some literal who metal singer is left-wing
>all musicians are left wing


name a more irrelevant band

because, for most of them, it's their job to understand empathy

You want to end the left? Here's how:
There is a redpill NUKE sitting on YouTube RIGHT NOW.

Brendan Maclean - House of Air

Embed this in every children's forum and watch the left crumble.

why does he have tits now?

ive disliked maynard since he refused to make a new album because he's a little cunt. maybe they'll replace him


Same reason the military is typically right-wing. People and institutions adopt the ideology that best promotes their interests, in their evaluation.

I thought there was some lawsuit going on that took years to resolve?

wtf i love tool now

that could also be occurring but from what i understand maynard has always disliked being in tool but for some reason (money) still tours around with them

>Why are musicians, artists and celebrities always left-wing?

Because of who owns all of the media companies.


It's no surprise that Maynard has shit opinions. This is the faggot that gleefully takes every opportunity to bash his fans for being embarrassing when they're the ONLY reason he gets to live the life he currently does and the only reason for his success.

For someone who's such an edgy little misanthrope he sure is laying it on thick on his fucking high chair. Fucking clown.

are they? It seems a lot of Metal/Country/Hard Rock bands are rather conservative.

Even Rappers often are.

>Because of who owns all of the media companies.

There is PLENTY of right wing musicians and entertainers...

Mainstream media won't hire them, talk about them, or even acknowledge their existence.

Mainstream Entertainment is a psyop, man.

The capitalists?

Tool have a bunch of amazingly mind-blowing songs.

One album is like a decade's worth of Tool

Hahahaaha holy shit Maynard went full libtard


name a more aptly named band

Most """artists""" are lazy low life who never got a job.
Here in France they have a special status where they leech like crazy of welfare: they work 2-3 months a year and they get an "indemnity" from the state for the 9 or 10 remaining months where they basically get 1400$ a month for doing absolutely nothing ! And of course they have free healthcare and all.
Not really surprising that they are leftist scums.

Now a handful of them are not a complete failure and manage to become famous and rich but they keep somewhat the idea that the rest of the population must slave for them.

via Scott Adams' twitter


All the record labels are owned by jews

kinda funny coming from a guy who sang about wanting california washed away

that guy
IDK about him and that military BG

Because their success is dependent on plebs favour. Simple.

What a shame. I always thought tool were more right leaning. Guess I was wrong

>the left have usually been the majority but the shift to the right is obviously happening.

Because they don't fucking work

They tend to hide any right wing opinions they have. If they leak out, they always apologize right away.

they've always been contrarian anti-establisment.
The cynic says that the majority of their target demographic voted against Trump anyway, so no point disrupting ticket sales.

>politically influentual
not for 40 years

what a fuckin fag....

most established artists are probably leftists, but there are a lot of redpilled musicians in the underground. in fact, you have to hide it if you want to make a living out of music/art/whatever.

Fucking Maynard. He must have been

>The capitalists?

Does it LOOK like the media companies are shilling for capitalism?

Because to be creative is to think, and to be right-wing is to follow.

Low IQ and a low tolerance toward the effects of propaganda

>"Idiocracy is now a documentary"

Yeah we all saw the movie you faggots you're not the first to make that connection and you won't be the last.

>Because that is the fashionable thing to do.
Can we change this fashion?

We need to sway perception of strength away from niggers and shitskins.

We need something like heavy metal again.


Amazing, huh?

What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch?

Owned by kikes

they're not left wing, i doubt they would support their music/art etc being controlled by public

don't know. they are the same people who say they don't want their stuff downloaded for free. they want to keep their money, sounds pretty right to me. I thought the left was all about sharing the wealth and giving things to people who need it.

Tool is unironically my favorite band, they tick all the pretentious boxes i like, but Maynard has always been a an angry libtard manlet, this is not new. What do you expect from a faggot that went to art school?

lol these people are a disgrace

It's not even just that. They don't want it on jukeboxes in bars, pay streaming services.

But it's just Tool. APC and Puscifer are on all those things.

Maynard admitted selling his soul to Satan for his fame.

My gf cried when I informed her that Maynard is going to burn in Hell.

She would leave me but the dick in on point.

She'll eventually swallow the entire pill and I'll have that shit lasered off.

>All the record labels are owned by jews
I think there are ways to make money from music now, without selling your soul to the record labels.

I'm not an expert on this, though, just my pleb opinion.


They are entertainers and they entertain the peoples liberal ideas.



Maynrad has always been a weirdo fag. Tool was so nice in high school thogh :(

Musicians/Singers shouldn't get involved in politics...

see : Lateralus

Metal is never seen as cool partly because behind all of the shouting and powerchords and songs about killing dragons are just a bunch of pasty anti-racist white guys who toe the line without complaint.

In the multiracial world of this TOOL fella, he and people who look like him are almost bottom of the pack. The kids are looking up to and the women are lusting after the rappers and the pop artists and so on, and this TOOL chap is just some white nerd on the fringes, surrounded by equally unappealing white nerds, who for some reason wants to protect the society that he is reject to.

We really should have seen this coming when Trump stormed that beer hall in 2005.

cuz the whole media is owned by jews

not condemning the 6 gorillion? - no record contract and no media coverage

That's great, haven't paid for a Tool album since Aenima. Fuck this prick, he's the very image of pretentious asshole.

Because it makes good business sense to be.

So long as their content isn't overly leftist, people on the right will still enjoy it and buy it, etc. They wont hold their leftist ideologies against them so long as the product itself is quality. And they'll be able to market themselves to the lefties.

If the opposite is true, leftists will outright denounce their content, regardless of the political relevance because they're boners. So you stand to have a smaller audience/less money.

Sure, plenty of artists are leftys on principle, but Im sure plenty of them secretly just dont want to rock the boat.

Also artists have a superiority complex. They think they're better, smarter, more enlightened than everyone else, and currently, the moral high ground and pretension comes with leftist ideals.

He did that shit in the 90s, idiot.

>how gives a fuck what he thinks


tool used to be cool, now they're just fools, go back to school, they rule the stool of cruel jackassed mules eating gruel on yule, you'll make me shake with rage like a ghoul.

can't make their jewish overlords angery

Because such sentiments are actively fostered there. And dissent is not tolerated.

They have literally become like the Nazis themselves, and now accuse those they don't like of the very same thing. Would be funny if it wasn't so fucking scary.

because guess who runs the media
funny thing is 100 years ago most artists tend to lean very right wing, many of them actually being antisemits

I don't think they are, same goes for celebrities.

The oldest celebs at the height of their career are pro trump.

I think its because younger musician's masters and handlers are pro left wing, so they must please them to keep their funding and publication going.

>trying to figure out all the hidden meanings and shit in tool songs with your best friend
>reading some obscure books on hermeticism because it indicates the band members are into that
>finding out that danny is a freemason
>scouring forums for hours and hours, arguing autistically with other autists
Good times.

Metallica made good music in the 80s and even early 90s.
Tool never made good music despite what subhuman hipsters claim.

Also, fuck captcha. God damn I'm having a rough start to my day...
>pic related

>compares Donald Trump to the rise of Hitler

I hope so...

Are you trying to tell me you don't love 10 minute songs that don't go anywhere?

Maynard was raped as a child I hope he is not using the elite rings to feed his demons.

the general thing is that people with money want to keep it
people losing money, like a guy who hasn't seen relevance since his edgy apc/tool days nearly an entire decade ago, will use this as an opportunity to try and re-establish a rapport with people

it's sad, but what can you do. for every hasbeen fading away into obscurity there's 2 or more wannabe journalists who'll gleefully take their opinion

Tool never made good music despite what subhuman hipsters claim.

ssoooooooooooo hiiiiiiiiiiiigh

Lateralus transcends politics and realms.
I do not blame Maynard because he hasn't been based in reality for a long time.

Every Tool song is the same as their last song

>oldest celebs
>height of their career
>are pro Trump
>maynard is nearly 50
you're so wrong so many ways it's almost funny, but it's sad.

I read a quote somewhere from one of the other members of Tool, saying that if Tool was an instrumental band they would've have released 20 albums by now.
I like maynards work, but you'd have to be an idiot to take his advice politically.

this homos views matter to you? youtu.be/ZrwRuI5btcA

Convenient how he didn't compare Hillary to anyone. Really makes me think.

playing it safe in the public face.

Maynard has always spewed your typical edgy left-wing stuff that makes fun of Christians and le silly Republicans, he's still stuck in that 90s mindset, he hasn't progressed and he's old now, out of touch with the current generation. Good thing is that they don't shove politics into their music.
Eleven fucking years since the last album, fucking faggots.

just get cancer pls

Great song

He's not wrong, MAGA kids aren't all that different to the Hitler youth

Because most conservatives are paractical and go into engineering, sciences etc. I've always liked painting and music but I could never bring myself to enroll in an art school because I'll feel like a waste of space. I scored A for business studies but never went after business because I'd feel like a kike. Ended up going for engineering even though physics was my weak point, now im graduating in a months time.

>a band literally made for stoned out leftists with """deep""" lyrics
>the frontman is a psycho
And yet his opinion is still regarded as worthy of an article :^), czechmate Grumpkins.

>PS: If I could punch the fuck out of a band I would go full star platinum on Tool.

But somehow he wants Cali to fall into the sea? just some bullied insecure queer with a decent singing voice.

I'm pretty sure he's always been a full libtard.

every tool bar is the same as the last bar. they've almost literally written a single bar of music in their entire careers