Redpill me on the n-word and why can't whites say it

Redpill me on the n-word and why can't whites say it.


Shutup nigger.

You can say just stop being a pussy

The red-pill is not giving a shit. Demanding equality is for pussies.


What if I identify as a black man while being another ethnicity? Ever thought of that you fucking racist.


The nigger is a hominid that cannot be mentally classified as a human or person as they are controlled by their simian impulses like mindless puppets all the time impairing their abillity to use their intelligence that is on with a human 11 year old. The negro is a very strange primate as it lacks forethought, empathy and the ability to think in what ifs meaning it is not human it is below the mental threshold of even a chimp or a gorilla who all possess the mental attributes I listed above making them abysmal failure of a homind species.

The nigger has spent around 60,000 years in Sub Saharan Africa and has done nothing but live like a wild animal a truely wild animal, the only primate like trait of niggers is their tribal social groups but because niggers have no empathy this means they can quickly kill off eachother leading to mass social dysfunction(literally every african civil war/basketball american gang violence). It is truely bewildering as how this species is still alive seeing how self destructive it is. While the chimp has already reached the stone age in technology using stone tools, the nigger is still stuck in the stone age in terms of technology or even below the stone age if that even makes sense. While monkeys can coexist with eachother peacefully, the negriods cannot they cant do something that literally almost every animal on this planet can do they are a biological anomaly of incredible proportions a species given every single mental trait to kill itself and yet somehow this was an advantage in ancient Sub Saharan Africa isnt nature just cruel?

All the negro does is eat, shit, fuck and sleep like an animal not even a monkey but something like a lizard thats how primitive their behavior is. While they have many stupid jungle cultures that is basically the limits of their brain power they still dont do anything else with their brains beside come up wih hedonistic nonsensical customs

im a pan-racial so im allowed

The Nigger has no understanding of "life." Like a small child killing their first goldfish because they decided they wanted to take it out of the bowl and take it for a walk... they're are not evolved enough to understand the very concept that actions may lead to death.

The ape does not understand that "the future" even exists. Their entire mental process, what little there is, exists only in "now." They cannot plan for the future. It is a concept they do not understand. Niggers will regularly blow their entire month's welfare by day two, then complain they are hungry on the street begging for more. They know only muhdik, muhcrack, and muhgibs.

The nigger does not need a reason to nig. They quite regularly beat and kill others (of their own tribe and of others) for "disrespeck." Be it not bumming them a cigarette, or stepping on their shoes. Sometimes they just kill out of boredom. The chimp has no motive. (It's actually part of the reason it's so hard to charge a chimp with "hate crimes" in this country. You can easily argue that your client is just a nigger, and thus does not have the forethought to have malice. It's just an animal being an animal... impulsive and violent.)

Niggers make up the majority of prisoners. They don't get raped. They are the ones doing most of the raping. Killing a white person will make you a celebrity in prison. They'll be among their tribe, getting free food, free sex, free entertainment, all paid for by the state. They get to lift in the gym, watch TV, play monkeyball, and be fed three times a day. No nigger fears a soft American prison.

Foreigners honestly have no ability to even understand how terrifying the American nigger is. It's something you have to experience to truly grasp how animal-like these people really are. The memes are all real, but they hardly do justice to describe the Jane Austen bullshit any white person living near these chimps has to deal with.

Came here to post that.

there are a lot of n-words, just say nigger to avoid confusion

Make Nigger Nigger Again!

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>tfw transnigger



I would never call a black man the n-word.
And by n-word, I mean "neighbor."

I'm white but people call me black all the time (As in "hey blackie only niggers hand those tree air freshners from their mirror"). So if race is a social construct I have the right to say "nigger"

Words don't exist in a vacuum without context.
Saying you can't say a word because that word is inherently offensive is to completely ignore the actual meaning all tools of language like irony ,sarcasm, etc. that can change it. Censorship essentially.




>Can I say the N-Word?
>Options: "Yes"

That's it

why is an indian woman walking me through this?

Fuck you nigger


The words of Whites are like deathly magicks unto the inferior man. They man undergo paralysis, convulsions, or even die should they hear an inopportune phrase.

No such phrase has yet been found which affects Whites, however.


fug off abdul

Since we are no longer "allowed" to determine social class based on appearances, we are beginning to assign social classes to the languages and dialects we speak.

Only blacks can say nigger because only people of the black social class are allowed to use that language.

Very scientific, you should teach

I just have to say that that flow chart is so fucking stupid a nigger must have made it

How can whitebois even compete?

Actually according to recent studies, The white variant of the word nigger is "cuck"

fuck off potatonigger

Nigger please. I say it around niggers on purpose just to set them off. Then I call them racist for thinking that they are allowed to say it but I cant.

I'm white and use it regularly in public and casual conversation for no reason other than I can. Not using it doesn't make anyone less of a nigger.

It is white variant of black phrase "Uncle Tom".

file this under things that never happened


So is it OK for me to say it if I exchange the -er with -ro

but we can say nigger. I said nigger 5 times already this morning.


They tried to "take back" the word, but in the process made it more offensive than ever. Nigger logic

White neckbeards jack off on eachother while pretending to discuss politics.

Mmmuh freedoms of speachs

Ok I'll never say "the N-Word" ever again.
>tfw I prefer nigger anyway
