Wired pretends to be journalists, revealing their vast research on the so-called "alt-right"


Completely buys reddit antifafu's narrative without lurking Sup Forums or even any right-wing leddits

Lets antifafu justify their organized doxing because a few lone wolves sent death threats to goobergate

Says "doxxing"

Learned a new phrase from antifa
>The alt-right likes to call it The Meme War
They're onto us!

>“We just fight fire with fire,” he says. “If they send us Pepes with swastikas, we’ll send them some weird shitty photoshop."
One thing they got right.

They sent threats to the wrong people and don't mind!
>“I’ve seen antifascists doxxing, but I’ve never participated,” says SK. To antifa activists though, doxxing is justified by their opponent’s behavior, which in their view, is worse. “The alt-right is just online making death treats to people,” SK says. “It does disturb your peace of mind, but I think death threats are kind of gross.”

>So the Meme War rolls ever on. According to Vysotsky, it’s already happening: “In Wisconsin, a person put up a Nazi flag, and an antifascist published an address online. But because it was a duplex, the address was incorrect,” he says. “The Latino family living there started receiving threats.”

>Some antifascists aren’t bothered by this kind of collateral damage. “People are going to do stupid shit and make the movement look bad,” SK says. “But if you’re fighting against oppression, even if you don’t recognize yourself as antifascist, you’re still a comrade of mine.”


Christ, people take the internet too seriously.


What is media anyway?

It's the entirety of their lives...

So they're also nazis?

Its hilarious that the person who originally put the nazi flag outside their house did so to 'protest' against Trump, because literally hitler.
And a minority got death threats for it


>concerned in any way with actually fighting nazis and not just attacking people who are often unrelated and apolitical
Has Wired ever been right about anything in their entire history?

>According to Vysotsky, it’s already happening: “In Wisconsin, a person put up a Nazi flag, and an antifascist published an address online. But because it was a duplex, the address was incorrect,” he says. “The Latino family living there started receiving threats.”

Ahaha bravo retards


>how to refute your opponent's claims
>get mad, and hit them

Brilliant! Rational discourse and the free exchange of ideas wins again!

I have literally nothing else

You can have nothing else, and also not earnestly rant about posts on the internet like it's a real war.


>they think they can outmeme the masters, the creators of this kind of warfare
They dont even know how it works

How are they wrong? They did their journalistic duty by asking them! The other side just couldn't be reached for comment but don't you mind.

what happened here?

>For every neo-Nazi meme, there is an equal but opposite Nazi punch.
Considering that those retards unironically think that anyone who disagrees with them is literal nazi and the lack of any real creativity, I highly doubt that. At best they physically punching some unrelated people, but what awaits them back home in the internet is the same helpless frustration at every random thing.

>when LARPing goes wrong

i think it was an unskilled leftist troll trying to taunt supporters by dressing as one of us, then a based nigger kicked his ass. See

Based nigger
Also checked

yeah, turns out that if you dress in white robes and say niggers aren't people or whatever he said, people can't always tell you're being ironic.


>non far-left anarchists face a new foe online and IRL

user, haven't you heard?