Liberals I know are all happy about automation

>liberals I know are all happy about automation
>factories firing 90% of their workers and replacing them with machines

how the fuck can anyone cheer for this?

How the fuck are people supposed to live without a job which means no money,

>pic unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:

Most of the people hurt by it are whites, so why the fuck should I care?

>live without a job which means no money
what is welfare?
>dutch education

>less workers
>less need for cheap labor hands
>less migration
>less birthrates
>less kids
>more intelligent generations
>Super Human is born

It's not like brown people work anyway.

lul, automation is inevitable, way of the future. Soon enough even intellectual work will be automated, all humans will do is consume.

It means capitalism is dying.

well hopefully people aren't stupid and vote to implement basic income of some sort

but if people allow themselves to die in the name of progress that is fine too

look at flag
it checks out.

Because it means one of them can write a line of code, trademark it and liscense it out to people and then all of these people can get high paying jobs shitting on white men and leeching off of the code author.

Pic in OP's post very related.

>Somehow a Greek forgets to factor in Welfare

>what is welfare?
not a nice way to live off government scraps, plus being dependant on the state sucks in many ways.

Also who the fuck is gonna pay for it when workers who pay taxes are out of jobs?

>Huffington Post staff

>He thinks women can code worth of shit.

because they're entitled bitches and will riot if they think they'e being cheated.

>>more intelligent generations
more like the opposite idiot.

middle class becomes poor welfare cucks and become dumber.

>less work
>more free time

>more lazy pieces of shit that get triggered by everything for the simple fact that they're bored

right now it looks bad. and it means libs can push for more gibs.

hopefully it will open up new opportunities and gibs won't be handed out. dependency on hand outs sucks.

>what is skilled labour?
O wait I saw your flag only now

>more lazy pieces of shit that get triggered by everything for the simple fact that they're bored

>more memes

Choose a real career at university, and you can fix them when they broke or give maintenance.
Then if you study( or have studied) one of those shit art degree, you are fucked..


beware cappies, your days are numbered.

In a non monetary system where people just look out for each other it would be good as the machines taking jobs just means people can start focussing on other stuff. As long as there is money this will lead to poverty of the workersclass though

They are middle class morons, they never had to work hard for anything.

Liberals dont think, they only consume.

>yay automation
>people dont have to work anymore
>people starve to death
>I dont care, I buy the newest Iphone

They are the reason why communism never worked and never will work. They see only the positive side but ignore the negative implications and consequences

>Implying automation has, or ever cause more job losses than Globalism.
Automation is just smokes and mirrors. " S-sorry goy, you lost your job b-because of advancements in technology, cant fight progress ;^] . It has nothing to do with job outsourcing in Asia, I swear"

The way the system works in Europe even if nothing changes in 3 decades most European nations will fall do to the Pension system being shit.

Add the fact that this will cause more unemployment, higher buisness taxes, more debt, immigrant influx and stupid governaments Europe will collapse in one decade or two.

>skilled labour?
name something and I'll tell you how soon it'll be automated.

>You can fix them when
also gonna be automated mate.

new technology = new jobs
they were talking the same shit when first train was bult

>Automation is just smokes and mirrors
no, it is the biggest tool in the arsenal of the globalist. it will take all jobs without globalists even trying.

Sound engeeniring

>name something and I'll tell you how soon it'll be automated.

Military officers.

This is not some new and unprecedented development. This is exactly what has been happening throughout human history, but more particularly, since the Industrial Revolution.

What do you think machines are for if not to save on human labor? Labor saving capital is the only reason we have the high productivity per capita that allows us to have high living standards.

Throughout history, this has been a disruptive process for which the benefits are spread widely over the population while the harms are concentrated on the wedge of the population whose labour is getting replaced. This is a part of the process. Technology advances, society changes, and there are always those who get fucked by it.

The rest of us will prosper.

That means the state can do whatever the fuck they want with you

Well, Mr. Fish.
>Live without a job which means no money
Liberals would disagree.

so liberals cause chaos instead of creating peace
liberals party when people permanently lose their jobs instead of creating jobs
liberals think its progressive to replace past racism towards black with new racism towards whites and latinos

it´s just pure terrorism what the left is doing. all of them should go to jail as enemies of peace and progression as a nation, all they do is take the nation 200 years backwards into dark times with no safety, income or future

>well hopefully people aren't stupid and vote to implement basic income of some sort

You pretend to pay me, I pretend to work.
A basic income is the communist dream, easy to control and manipulate people.

no, that means



Because we're not afraid of change and entrepreneurship.

Factories closing means a shitload of unemployed people. You really so scared shitless of change that you don't think someone is gonna figure out how to take that labor and profit off of it?

New technologies are good. And mindless labor no longer occupying someone with a mind sounds great. We'll just learn to do new things.

people should be controlled and manipulated

Are you implying that we should turn away from automation and all the benefits of it because MUH JOBS

>Military officers.
AI will soon take over with the knowledge of all previous military officers and historic military events and real-time data combined into one.

Fixed it for ya buddy, no charge

I'm saying we should recognize that this change will have disastrous effects and that we should come up with solutions before the tsunami hits.

I wish leftist journalists at Huffingtonpost would lose their jobs.

Liberals love third world slave labor, brain drain from third world countries and importing third worlders while killing jobs.

Have you noticed how 3rd world countries have a bunch of lazy non working brown people hanging around grand cities built by whites. These grand cities are all in ruins with the little brown people just lazing around in what was once a great city with the newest technology.

Automation induced unemployment is a myth. Fuck off nigger

And how is that going to help low/no skill people from becoming dependent on gibs?
IE. undocumented/ refugees?

you mean the united states?

All you have to do is buy yourself a land. People will always eat and buy food. Especially "ecological" food, thanks to dumb GMO haters.

When automatization will go full, prices will drop.

this is not the same type of automation. with the creation of general purpose A.I., they can have robots do many jobs that are until now exclusive to humans, plus it doesn't require specialized robots per job.

automated vertical farming with kill all that shit

this isn't a terminator movie

you forgot
> muh basic income

And you will be left with a farm to sustain you and your family the the rest of the kike slaves rip each other apart over scraps

look at ALL the tech giants pouring money into general purpose A.I.

also boston dynamics and many others were bought by google.

nope because the products of vertical farms will always be cheaper than what you can produce.

oh no, the 5'4 robot that can't even lean to the side without toppling over is going to kill me, there's no way to stop it, it's not like it has a convenient power cable or anything, woe is me

>being this disconnected from reality

enjoy your short time left in the game

you think they'll let you live without money?

even if you own the land, you'll have to pay taxes or they throw you in jail.

How are you gonna pay increasing taxes when you're farming and no one is buying from you because vertical farms have flooded the market with higher quality and cheaper produce?

instead of posting a reaction pic like a fucking redditor, try to make an argument

Actually in the 60/70's they were all predicting the automation already, but in their thought the wealth acquired thanks to the automation would benefit to the society at an individual scale. They were all thinking that in 2010 peoples would work 5 hours per week, and the retirement would be around 55 for the middle class. Look at it, there is plenty covertures magazines and talkshow with philosophs and engineers, psy, lawyers etc.. all saying this. What they failed to predict, even if Marx proved it with A+B that if the means of production aren't collectivized, the productive force will be always vampirized by the industrials owners of the means of production.
For example a simple secretary, how much more productive she is now that one century ago if you take back from her the windows office suit, the telex, the sattelites coverage, the smartphones, the keyboard, the open worldwideweb, the calculator.... the secretary must be like 5000 or 6000% more efficient nowaday, but their way of living didn't improved much.
So basically, the utopia our parents/grandparents imagined for us would have come true if it wasn't for the greedy jewish mafia and their diabolic use of usury.

why the fucking are you wasting your time doing a job machines can do?

Nothing I say will even matter you are obviously delirious with fear.

PROTIP: When shit collapses, there wont be anyone to collect 'taxes'

They believe that automation will lead to a basic income and a communist style socialist government

By hiring them to do other things.

We should be in the fucking stars by now, this kike world is a joke

you think so lol

pro tip. automation with collapse on the working people, not on government or owners of big corporations.

they will come collect the taxes.

>how the fuck can anyone cheer for this?

How can anyone not cheer for this? Cheaper, better goods.

>muh jobs

Yeah, just look at how all the jobs disappeared following the industrial revolution.

Neo-luddites, primitivists and environmentalits deserve the ovens.

>industrial revolution.
irrelevant because we're talking about robots that have general purpose learning AI. they can eventually do what you do, but better.

Liberals want to move the wealth away from the middle class towards the poor and unemployed. middle class doesn't like this and votes for people like Trump. Therefore the proposed liberal solution is the complete dismantling of the middle class, leaving only the unemployed or minimum wage welfare dependent citizens and a handful of super rich with total control of the entire property market. Whether liberals are doing it out of spite or not is another matter, either way they want less work and more welfare and want the government to print or borrow as much as it needs to support it. Anyone who talks about a "service based economy" as if it's as good as having strong manufacturing and mining industries is deluding themselves. With the exception of finance and medicine all jobs in such a market will be soul crushing, low paid desk jockey positions, medicine won't be properly globalized the way i needs to be to open up enough positions to sustain a middle class. Do you really think the average person from a "manufacturing and resources" based economy like China is going to fly to a Western country for treatment unless the government foots the bill for the flight and most of the treatment? No fucking way. The market won't change size, all that will happen is you lose control of your own manufacturing and a hostile nation will be the backbone of your whole existence.

I can tell you right now: cars, buildings, appliances, energy, natural resources are all vital. Call center workers are not.

Company A: "Haha you got fucked by automation! Learn a real skill useless faggot!"

Company B: "I have more capital than you and am a larger business. I can afford to (phase out all of my crops into vertical farming nodes.)"

Company A: "Oh fuck, my industry is automating and I can't keep up."

Company A: "Help me! My industry has been automated!"

Cut to company B repeating line A.

Replace () with new technology that increases productivity.

Rinse repeat for every industry.


>no one has jobs or any way of making money
>government/corporate monolith still trying to draw blood from a stone
>this 'society' will continue with no collapse or civil unrest


youre obviously addicted to your fear narrative faggot. In your mind its all hopeless so just kill yourself now. Im done with you

this AI you speak of doesn't exist.
An intelligence that can improvise based on circumstantial events that may not be accounted for in education hasn't yet been accomplished. A few researches are trying a few ideas on how to create new behavior by analysing surroundings but other than that, military officers that are machines are a way off.

This also relates back to other skilled jobs.

Automation for skilled labour is a meme, at least until the technology actually exists.
Best companies can do is automated manufacturing as the process is completely repeadative.

>irrelevant because we're talking about robots that have general purpose learning AI. they can eventually do what you do, but better.

Irrelevant because you're talking about shit that doesn't actually exist.

You might as well bring replicators into the equation.

Well if we wanted living standards equal to the 1960s then we probably could get away with only working five hours a week and retiring at 55.

It wasn't the capitialistic class that those 60s academics failed to account for. It was the much simpler fact that in the same way their generation wouldn't want to only have the same living standards as their grandparents, future generations wouldn't just stop working once they'd achieved the living standards of the 1960s.

the moral of the story is: academics are self absorbed idiots.

>but their way of living didn't improved much.
I'm sorry, are you really trying to say that the living standards of the average working haven't improved much? Internet, computers, modern healthcare, cheap international travel - fuck, I could go on at quite some length about how living standards have improved in the last century. If you think things haven't improved much over the last century then just try getting rid of everything you have that was made in the last hundred years.

>replicators are a fantasy
>what is 3d printing

You guys are clueless as to how fast and easily your useless job could be automated by a single company making decent investments in technology.

Construction workers entering the market will be unemployed before they can retire unless they completely retrain and acquire different skill sets to maintain robots.

General purpose AI is likely less than 30 years away. Maybe even sooner for the first functional prototypes.

Oh, and once the genie that is general AI gets out, it is going to take the world faster and more brutally than the industrial revolution on crack. You will be functionally retarded as a company only with humans.

>General purpose AI is likely less than 30 years away. Maybe even sooner for the first functional prototypes.
just like fusion, right? stop masturbating to fantasies of the singularity.

lol you are so fucking delusional

society as we know it collapses in the next 10 years

Lel, there were some faggots like you calling cell phones irrelevant, useless bulky junk when they were first talked about.

Put your hands in your pocket, faggot.

You know nothing, especially the fact that fusion is constantly getting closer, and the hurdles are being chipped away at every other year. The largest hurdle will probably just be enough funding to get the first one started.

>fantasies of the singularity
Singularity is a real event, but probably not in our lifetimes. Much more intelligent people than you believe it could occur.

On the long scale of time, we practically already are experiencing a singularity on Earth. Condense human existence to the timeline of stars and we have basically been shooting up in a straight line on the graph of calculations per second per square meter on Earth.

a simple school teacher 60 years ago in France what able to afford himself a big house, all the commodities, sustaining his wife and his 3/4 kids in average. All alone, and working 35 hours a week.

Nowaday a couple, in the same area, with both of them being school teachers, won't even be able to pay the rent of a shitty 50m2 flat even if they only have to provide for themself and their single castrated cat.

That picture is cringy as fuck

The thin with automation is somebody has to build and develop them.
Those are high skill high vage people. Do you want to be one of those?

Also where does rapefugees fit in

>Lel, there were some faggots like you calling cell phones irrelevant, useless bulky junk when they were first talked about.
a phone is not the same as AI, idiot.

>You know nothing, especially the fact that fusion is constantly getting closer, and the hurdles are being chipped away at every other year. The largest hurdle will probably just be enough funding to get the first one started.
yeah yeah sure, come to me when you're installing the first one in my house.

>Singularity is a real event, but probably not in our lifetimes. Much more intelligent people than you believe it could occur.
oh wow you're so much more intelligent than me, want me to suck your dick?

none of this shit that you talk about is going to happen. go back to your gender studies class you filthy commie.

>Also where does rapefugees fit in

in ur wife Eriksön

>How the fuck are people supposed to live without a job which means no money.

You are asking the wrong question.

How are people to get a job and earn money to buy production?
You have already implied that people need to work, even while the work is being done by a machine. Your solution is already stated in your question and it's wrong.

Why you should ask is:
How can we distribute the production that people want to consume in a fair manner that still rewards hard work, intelligence, ability and daring?

How can we live in a time of unparalleled production and wealth yet still be so poor?

The solution is monetary policy reform. No long should we create money in reply to demand for profit from private banks. Instead we need to create money in reply to our ability to produce and consume.

Take any business. It will take in more in income that it pays out to people; That is wages, benefits and dividends. Any business that doesn't will soon go bankrupt.

Yet if every business had more income than it paid to people the system would stall and money would run out.

What we need to do is create money in reply to the difference between what is given to people and what sales are made. A simple calculation; Income - Money to People = The exact amount of money needed to be created to hold inflation/deflation free value.

This is the basic idea of Social Credit.

When productivity goes up and fewer people make more production the amount of money needed to be created raises. When productivity goes down and more people are working and being paid, the amount of money needed to be created goes down. This is in balance with inflation free money and changes in automation.

This is an average uni in Holland.

>Basic Income
>You will pay for it

I have a STEM friend. He's very intelligent, very liberal and ecstatic about the automization of every industry. He thinks it will make universal basic income happen and then people will all be free to pursue their passions rather than be wage slaves.

No one will work if we give them free shit. The bulk of deadbeat faggots in this country are on government gibs. UBI is the death of society.

Kek, gender studies....

Interesting that you would place me in that class even though I'm STEM and would never touch such a filthy, unscientific subject.

I guess you can always top off the oil of my car or make me a burger when I swing by. I'm not sure what else you will ever be useful for with that kind of attitude.

Liberals love immigrants lowering the value of labor and the taxpayers picking up the tab.

The world's gonna end before we can fully automate. Anyone who doesn't think the world is ending in the next decade is fucking retarded.

Not very many people seem to be thinking of the other side of the automation revolution, which is that we'll get things out of it. Things might become incredibly cheap. The first house printing machine, which just started selling, is only 15000$ and it prints houses. The better ones are expected to be in the 100000$ range. Which is less than the price of house. Eventually, hopefully, that means houses are going to be way cheaper than they are right now. Which is a good thing, if you want a house.

thanks kikes

Society will collapse long before then

This. Just full blown in denial or delusional at this point

sure, i'll throw in free fries when you come in sobbing after your company fires you and gets 10 workers in asia to do your work.

I changed my mind.
I love automation.
Let's dismantle the brick and mortar schools.
We can have maybe 100 teachers that provide videos online. Think of all the money we will save, it will reduce our carbon footprint, give everyone equal access.
We can start with Berkeley, right?

is Sup Forums trying to faint ignorance?

on reddit theres catastrophic thread about automation and need for universal income every month...

probably where most of you picked up all your info
but since liberals are insult here there needs to be pretend that they are acting something stupid

They already do. You think working for money gives you freedom? Humans have been slaves to the government since we no longer sustained ourselves as hunter/gathers or self sufficient farmers.

Who do you think does all the programming? The designing? The engineering? The constant maintenance? Things won't change that much. In fact everyone involved will indeed get smarter.