Would you kill a surrendering enemy?

Would you kill a surrendering enemy?

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I would kill people in general

Depends on the nature of the war, but probably not. All these guys have mothers who want to see them again etc, just not really worth it if just capturing them will end their combat careers.

start with yourself

Depends if they're communists.

if they're german and they've been killing my friends for a while? probably.

Depends who the enemy is.
A commie? Fuck no.

Only the krauts.

Fuck yes*


If they fired on an killed some of us a week or two ago, maybe.
>kill as much as you can
>oh shit we're losing sorry guys we give up treat us well and feed us :^)

what movie is that from? reminds me of BoB of Saving private ryan

Why would I fight in some jews war?

Only if the enemy combatants are muzzies or niggers.

It depends on the enemy.

If they were European, no. Anyone else is a coin toss.

>Would you kill a surrendering enemy?

So ? If those guys surrender, would you spare them ?

No. That's cowardice on the grandest of scales. WWII jap shit.

the one in the middle could be hiding a gun, or a grenade

shoot 'em

Depends on if the enemy is white or a plague unto this planet.

No. You're insane if you think some grunts have any saying in what their orders are.


As long as they're not a commie then sure, they can live.

Well maybe, i mean if they are germans, which burned my city, or isis scum, then yes.

Sage threads from the mentally ill

2/10 for making me reply.

this. shooting airmen who have bailed is a no-no but others are fair game

Why is this spammed? Why this? Is this David Brock's idea of an olive branch? Is it a psychological test?

only if white

Only if I know their side takes prisoners.

>fighting nazis or people similar in look and culture?

>fighting ooga booga people in the Congo or sand niggers?
if the situation calls for it



did he just kill 3 of my friends, he ran out of bullets and now hes surrendering? no, id shoot the fuck.

If he surrendered without firing a bullet, then yes.

Them and the local civilians.
Everybody alive needs resources that your people need.
If it walks, shoot it



Only if they were British

Depends on if I thought I could capture them without being overpowered.



Entering a battle means you are prepared to die if you lose. If they wanted to keep their lives they shouldn't have taken arms in the first place.
Taking mercy upon the enemies can be viewed as a weakness and a gateway to many other problems.

How many times do you have to make this thread?


no. they might have important information
also we cant lower ourself to communist animals level

>that flag

You will never have this problem.

> he fought for his country until all out
You can't condemn this

It's only logical to kill surrendering ISIS
If you capture them they just calm down for a couple years then go back to beheading kids in the back of pickups for luls

Executing nazis is dumb though because nazis made UFOs and cool shit and they are pretty chill

>European/any americas
Depends on the type

If you shot at me first, I'm putting a bullet in your skull whether you surrender or not.

surrendering enemies should be generally treated well, so that more will surrender

What is the context of the war?
Who am I fighting?
Why am I fighting them?
What have they done to lose my mercy?

If it was a begrudged, regretful battle (like Germany vs England in WWII) then yes I would absolutely observe mercy. If it is WWIII and Mohammad has raped tortured and slaughtered innocent people in the name of Snackbar, then no, there would be no mercy. Context is everything.

No, never.

Dying in the battlefield is too glorious of a death. If you really want your enemies to suffer, there's nothing that spells misery like rotting away in an enemy prison camp.

If we're at war they'll be the ones saying sorry.

Yes, as long as they're not black or a commie.

This !
Kill them when they surrender and they will fight to the death. Give them doubt and they will surrender.

Kill the officers and show the grunts that our POW's get treated better than their average citizen. say what you want about traitors but the biggest patriots i've ever met we're poor Europeans that emigrated

If he belongs to unit that violated Geneva conventions, used violence against civils and so on, I'd kill him on spot and report that he resisted.
If I have no capacity to handle him safely, same, kill him on spot.
Otherwise POW regulations should apply.

Your question demands so much context.
1. Male or Female?
2 How Many?
3. Have the killed any of my brothers in arms?
4. Am I hungry?
5. Do I have the capacity to take a hostage without risking my brothers?
6. Has the propaganda machine from my home nation drilled enough hate into me that these people should die, or do they call this a war against ignorance?
7. Do any of my brothers have powerful suggestions to a yes or no, if so what are there reasons.
8. Ad Infinitum...

There are more questions I could suggest, but as many Sup Forumstards generally draw toward use of the false dichotomy there are rarely (if ever) opportunities to considers any of the Dao or Confucianist principles that make questions like these worth answering.

And you will?

I will act in accordance to my orders.

Why kill them if you can put them on a prison cell, make them work for free and in the end they will probably kill themselves anyways


MSM reporters
Career politicians

All of those deserve to die for sedition, surrendering or not.

Someone red pill me on Allied war crimes

If the orders are to, otherwise not, unless I have reason to assume they could still pose danger. I'm not sure I could shoot an unarmed woman or child, though.

Fuck yeah I would kill them, don't even arm me with bullets a bayonet or a kitchen knife will do

Fucking kill them and eat their fucking bodies

This is war son no one said it was gonna be Candyland

No,they're more valuable as prisoners.They might even know crucial information.

Why should I kill some of my compatriots ?

You ever wondered why modern "Germans" nowadays don't look quite as Aryan as they did back in 1940?

they bombed german civilian settlements at night in ww2

Depends, did he surrender as soon as he saw me, or did he try shooting me first and then changed his mind?

No. Never forgive, never forget.

The Jews would but don't tell them I said that. That's a war crime.

Not the Jews killing people. That's nothing new. That's been done for centuries, at least. I meant speaking out agai

Depends on both the enemy and the situation. If it is ISIS scum, probably.

This was an interesting problem for the Luftwaffe.
Since the germans had to fight over the sea or enemy territory, any german pilot that bailed would either be captured or drowned. Meanwhile any british pilot would land, walk back to the airstrip and get in the next machine, ready to kill germans again. This caused an internal argument in the Luftwaffe, as they were losing a battle of attrition but they also had a code of honor that discouraged them from shooting down helpless pilots. In the end pilots on both sides were ordered to kill bailing pilots, but many did not comply with those orders.

Of course.

A soldier needs to return victorious or not at all.

A savage tribe unwilling to be utterly exterminated should not stir shit up with civilized nations capable of doing so.


Have they treated my own surrendering soldiers well? If not, kill them as punishment.
Have they killed any own my own surrendering soldiers? If so, kill them in retaliation.
Have they committed any crimes against local civilians for which they will probably never be tried? If so, kill them to do justice.
Will they be such a drag on supplies that my own soldiers or local civilians will go without food or winter fuel because of them? If so, kill them for practical reasons.
Is there a reason to believe that they have ulterior motives in surrendering, such as infiltration or suicide attacks? If so, kill them just to be safe.

If none of these, let them live and treat them according to minimum standards of international law.


Wars aren't about pointless brutality and wanton violence anymore you dumb faggot. You can't keep a unit's cohesion and functionality up if everyone across the chain of command is just murdering POWs with no regard to international law or concepts of civic engagement with the enemy aka Hearts & Minds.

1944 i think.

Depending on the situation, if I was alone or was with people that didn't care what I did then I'd definitely treat the enemy like shit and fuck with them.
>in b4 edgy

Pic related

Not if they are white.

>kill hundreds of civilians with your bombs
>plane gets fucked
>you bail out
>you somehow aren't fair game

What kind of dumb fucking logic is that?


Airmen who participated in the bombing of civilian targets should be fair game for being tortured for information and/or killed. Risk of the trade. That's the one thing I think Hitler did right.

>killing a warm fuckhole

>regular army
>not a regular army, white
no by default
>not a regular army, non white

if they are communist i will put a 44 in their useless skull

You'll advance quickly in the Fourth Reich, young Deiter

It's your fault they burned your city, Ivan. Considering nobody had the balls to overthrow Stalin.

if it's muslims then yes because they're probably trying to deceive the opposing side.

otherwise no


Depends. Is the Commisar Order in effect yet?

anders brievik?

only the ETERNAL anglo

Oh shi-

>i'm a fucking psychopath that would treat other people like shit but am afraid others will talk badly of me :(

fuck off

>Would you kill a surrendering enemy?

>my side is losing
burn them alive and make sure everybody knows it so that our soldiers won't surrender themselves out of fear for retaliation

>my side is winning
take them in and treat them well, mb even create a lottery with get free and go home ticket so that their soldiers know its ok to french it

ofc after we win they all get an axe

i would kill him too. If he killed imigrants then i would hug that bastard


Are they commies? Yes

Are they cuckservatives? Maybe not

If it was a civilized war between white nations, I'd probably let them surrender because it's a polite war. Dune coons who want all of my kind dead? Execute them wherever you find them

this. bombers are fair game, not fighter planes though

pilots are smart people, if this convinces only 1 stupid foot soldier they have increased their chance of survival.

Are they a jihadist or a commie?


Do they observe fear, and have not just killed any of my comrades?

Probably mercy.