Is he the last chance to save Serbia or is he just a regular shill?

Is he the last chance to save Serbia or is he just a regular shill?
Is he the dankest memer to enter the National Assembly with pulling out Bajaga from his sleeve?
Also general Serbian politics thread, I don't know what does Sup Forums think about them

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He doesn't have a chance, it's going to come down to Vuk Jeremic and whoever SNS nominates (probably Vucic).

And seeing as how Jeremic has the most advanced and aggressive campaign right now...


I'm voting for Bosko. Radule is ok, but he has no stance on anything except fighting partocracy.

Also most of their voters are young liberals (drugosrbijanci), and I can't stand them.

Radulovic is not a candidate. They will support Jeremic or Jankovic after SNS comes out with their candidate.

He never said he was going to be a candidate, he'll either support Jeremic or Jankovic

>with pulling out Bajaga from his sleeve?

I have literally never seen something as severely autistic as that little show. This guy needs to start working full-time as a Reddit mod or something.

As opposed to them you like the ZVEZDA LE youngsters that vote for Dveri? Genuinely not trying to provoke, but they can also be seen as a very annoying and stupid bunch


Well, ok I get your point, but Dveri have a lot of family people and traditional patriots voting for them. Most of turbo-folk nationalist are for that fat blob Seselj.

Tbh, i would like Dveri and DJB to go into a coalition one day based on their anti-corruption policies, but they are too different at the moment.

Who knows, in 5 or 6 years, when Vucic's downfall inevitably comes, maybe they will find a way to cooperate.

I'll take the ZVEZDA LE idiots over cucks who support a guy who is fine with the EU any day of the week, fampai.

Well, they probably will, Dveri is growing in ratings and DJB is considerably growing in ratings, and the only parties I can think of that DJB could cooperate with are Dveri or DS, maybe some offshots like SDS, and that's it.

So you're against the "turbo-folk" nationalists, but you are supporting a guy who doesn't think the separation of the Church and the state is a good idea.

commie, liberal, refugee, shill - wow, great politician

>citation needed

This was shown during a football match today. Funny thing is that the supporters who showed the banner have 2 Kosovar players in their team.

kosovar wtf is this ?


I didn't know you cared for Kosovo and Serbia. It might be some diaspora fags though.
Thank you anyway.

As a diaspora fag I never cared for Serbian politics. However I do still have citizenship. Who should I cast my vote for if I still can?

Well, it doesn't matter that much for presidential elections, but consider voting for Dveri when parliamentary elections swing by.
It is the only red-pilled party.

Radule is streaming right now on Facebook and I think on YouTube, talking about the last election being stolen

The only Serb politician I liked in the past 15 years was Kostunica. The man was red pilled about the EU, wars, Kosovo, economy etc.

Now it's literal globalist shills like Vucic and Jeremic.

you cant have both, you have to chose:

republika srpska or kosovo

Why not Cedomir Jovanovic?

Srpska easy

Getting Kosovo would create another Macedonia situation.

Why would they even want a hostile Albanian minority free to move around the country. 20℅ of Parliament breeding like rats. Trying to change the flag, anthem etc.

mrs nazad na redit u usta te jebem

Koga ti podrzavas?

Nikoga. Desnjacke partije su retardirani nacionalisti i navijaci a levicarske partije su klasicni liberalni cuckovi.

Nije mi jasno kako ovaj lik moze da podrzava jednu od najliberalnijih partija u Srbiji. Je l' nije video sta se desilo ostalim zemljama koje su birale levicarske partije?

Nisu ni desnicari bolji ali nikada ne bih glasao za ovog idiota.

Mada vidim da ovaj lik shilluje Radulov Fejsbuk i Jutjub kanal. Verovatno je placen da radi ovo.


najbolje je ko svica

nacionalisticku unutrasnju politiku, neutralnu vanjsku politiku

postojece partije u nasim drzavama nemaju takav poredak

>dankest memer
batice to je 9gag tier mislim da je chill ali je definitivno socijalista ...ako si procitao njegov program....da on je chill

Jebiga. Ni ja nemam neku dobru opciju ovdje u kanadi. Zelim pomoci ovim Anglo-Saxonima ali jebiga opcije su katastrofalne.

Btw which one of you is the medical school student in Belgrade who's from the states? I know you're on pol all the time dude I need to ask a question.

Oni imaju direktnu demokratiju gde gradjani glasaju direktno za bitne stvari.

To je mnogo bolje nego da vladajuca partija odlucuje.


Je l' u Kanadi stvarno mozes da odes u zatvor ako ne koristis ispravne zamenice za polove? (gender pronouns).

kek but at least alex drops red pils sometimes

Ne jos ali nismo daleko. Dolaze sad zakoni protic islamofobnih izjava. Neki he poviknuo juce NE islamizacija Kanade I sad ide u sud da vidi ako ce dobti 7 godina.

Uskoro ni ja necu moci ovde da pisem ista.

i remember when he made a statement with something like

i like gender equality and feminism, i have two daughters and i would like them both to be successful businesswomen and politicians one day

literally Serbian Trudeau

Pa je l' to Kanadjani podrzavaju?

Je l' situacija tamo stvarno toliko losa kao sto na Sup Forums-u kazu ?

Situacija je jos gora od sto Sup Forums kaze.

Jedini razlog sto imamo mira je points sistem koji ne da da ljudi udju ako nemaju fakultet i nisu bogati. Ali novi Somlaski ministar za imigraciju ce to ukinuti.

Je bezim odavde uskoro i razmisljam se vratiti tamo. Zato trazim onog amerikanca na Beogradskom mediciskom faksu.

Beograd je pun mladih hipstera i cuckova.

Nije ni blizu lose kao Kanada i Svedska ali se oseca talas liberalizma sa Zapada.

Bolje se preseli u neku juznu drzavu u Americi. Ima dosta posla u Teksasu i Floridi na primer.

Iskreno nezanimaju me pare.

Zelim da imam prestizni i pametni posao i da pomognem svom narodu da se bori protiv ovog talasa liberalizma. Nesto tipa Kodreanua iz Rumunije.

Sta mi vredi raditi kao rob cijeli dan u juznoj Americi? Sta cu da radim sa tim parama?

Zelim veliku porodicu i mir. Ne velike aute i kuce.