How do you make it through college without being intellectually dishonest?

How do you make it through college without being intellectually dishonest?

pic related, my assignment right now. I am tempted beyond temptation to drop a fat red pill on my classmates. God damn it Sup Forums, I don't want to lie, but I don't want to get kicked out either.

Major in physics like me

Or alternatively major in math. which is my other major, as I double major.

Claim that assignment offends your religion, culture and sexuality and that you refuse to complete it.

Be clever about it. First talk about all the things people are racist about with say blacks. Talk about Iq, crime etc, and then at the end do a argument about correlation vs causation not claiming anything about race.

Do a presentation where you completely reverse everything you believe in. Tell them all about how you believe that intelligence is completely environmental and how black Egyptians built the Pyramids. And if they question the Pyramid thing, call them racist

Just argue well we should teach about correlation vs causation without mention race again.

I would cite the general argument from Chesterton's Everlasting Man and say that our similarities are largely uninteresting, what is interesting is just how different humans can be from each other.

Also say that while Linnaeus' distinctions are arbitrary in some respects, they are at least an honest attempt to draw attention to differences, as opposed to affirmative action buckets

Call race "affirmative action buckets" a lot, drives them nuts

Oh shit this is good.

To continue the thought a bit, if making the distinction between "races" was completely pointless and had no value, we would immediately recognize that affirmative action based on the same categorization of "races" is discriminatory and similarly without value

Double useless, why not take women's studies too?


If we didn't have flags this post would still out you as a european

leave your cancerous US university and find one where they dont force you to participate in leftist propaganda courses

Look at anything physical anthropology related, red-pilled to the max. They will tell you every scientific difference between the races

Gen Eds were a way of making it so that even if you tried to major in something redpilled, they designed it so that you were forced to brainwash yourself.
Be careful OP. It's a dangerous game.

Don't lie, it's time for people to stand up for their beliefs. Fuck the bullying the left does in academia, if people don't fight back it'll just get worse

Say that acknowledging differences will help put everyone on equal footing and not pussyfooting around it.

The think I learned in college is to play within the perameter of the curriculum. You're not going to college to drop knowledge bombs, you're going to college because it's a hoop that needs to be jumped.

You know it's a hoop, and you know you get points for jumping through the hoop.

There are no points for doing anything else that isn't jumping through the hoop.

Just jump through the hoop and leave it behind you when you're done.

Similarities don't matter, differences do.

Take any hard science or science in general that studies living things.

For your current assignment, simply state that the environment shapes the biological functions of people, this also includes neurological development and growth as that is as just as biologically affected by the environment

Tolerance can only be conditioned in people, once self-preservation is on the line, the Limbic system takes over with fight or flight being the highest priority.

For the last question, simply use any medical data that exists to show biological disparities. You can't insist all are equal when there are diseases or varients thereof that originated with one group. (See the Litany of Jewish Genetic diseases as an example of how people are biologically different)

People, no matter the race, are more similar than they're dissimilar. That's a fact. It doesn't stop me from hating niggers and gypsies though.

The goal is to win at all costs.
There is nothing intellectually dishonest in doing what needs to be done.
The only issue is if your own moral compass becomes fucked, and what needs to be done becomes enslave the population.

If you're paying for this education yourself, you've already failed.

Just fucking do the assignment. Nothing good is going to come out of the time you waste trying to take on a professor for writing a retarded question. It's not worth your time.


This. You'll just be wasting your time OP

I'm too distracted by the fact that we employ people who don't know how to spell a fucking name as educators.

Tell your prof you don't know who Linneaus is or why he's taking credit for Linnaeus's work.

and it doesn't stop me from knowing limeys are outdated

sure we're starting with the browns and the blacks

we'll come for you soon enough

and tuition money, remember OP you are paying for a degree not an education.

drop class. major in computer science so you still have a job after the robots take over.

Pickup trucks and motorcycles are more similar than different.

Where abouts? I'm also double majoring in math and physics

Be fucking man and post Dylan Roofs manifesto as the answer to this question.

Here's an actual way of dealing with this. Do what I did.

Adopt their viewpoint knowingly and fully aware for the duration of the course. Invest in figuring out what rhetoric, tactics and patterns they use. Employ them in your final assignment. Also know that, for your contradictory views to be "right", you must somehow refute the existing rhetoric or prove it wrong. Work on this in your own spare time.

This way, not only will you be moving towards a degree, but you'll also learn how to deal with lefty trash.

Don't even bother trying to 'redpill' them, they're too far gone. Associating on a friendly level is always cool though.

Source: uni dude in the final year (Education - English language). All my teachers and fellow students are absolute far-left indoctrinated trash. There's one or two conservatives in my classes.