How do I refute this Sup Forums

How do I refute someone when they say:

"We are all humans" or "we are all the same."

I need comprehensive and EFFECTIVE tactics that I can rely on while debating an emotional child, A.K.A Liberal.

Other urls found in this thread:

We are all humans is objectively correct. Race however, cannot be denied.


Dual inheritance theory

what civilized qualities do blacks have that you identify with?

>I need comprehensive and EFFECTIVE tactics that I can rely on while debating an emotional child, A.K.A Liberal
Ahem, "why don't you believe in evolution?"

With this

Did different people build similar or different societies throughout history? How about similar people?

>We are all the same
>diversity is our strength

It's not on the same level of abstraction as humans, but something similar to this would be the answer.
Go with a picture with different kinds of sharks or something.

>How do I refute someone when they say

if you try to refute that by saying some races are more advanced than others you will immediately be labeled a racist nazi. there is no winning argument when people aren't willing to listen to unpopular opinions.

aboriginals aren't human though

they have been completely isolated from humanity that they are of a different primitive human evolutionary line.

Ask them why every single other animal has many different sub species abd classifications but for some reason Australian abbos and Norwegians are part of the same species/sub species.

If they believe in evolution then they have to accept that different people living in different climates will be different

Or you know, dogs which are all the same species.

If humans are all the same, then how can diversity be our strength?

State any and all medical data, bone marrow incompatibility of biracial children, predispositions to disease and so forth.

They would have to refute decades of medical research to prove their point.

I don't know if it's "civilized" but they've got tribalism perfected. No other race loves themselves as much as blacks do.

We cannot. We must stop our racism.

The last one isn't actually a human... right?

then why are they trying to get into white countries if we are all the same?

Are white countries the best?
That means we aren't the same

Niggers aren't human you fucking nicaraguan

Why even try explaining anything to them? They will simply ignore any points you make and get progressively angrier at you for having an opinion different than theirs until they are literally shaking. Just cease all communication and walk away.

>that cuck carrying three Mexican kids while his manwife holds a sign

Modern science proves that there are 4 different races of humans, all the data is here, scientists just can't say the obvious, but DNA results show several different race types of humans

In May 2010, the project released a draft of their report on the sequenced Neanderthal genome. Contradicting the results discovered while examining mitochondrial DNA, they demonstrated a range of genetic contribution to non-African modern humans ranging from 1% to 4%.

Through whole-genome sequencing, a 2010 draft sequence of the Neanderthal genome revealed that Neanderthals shared more alleles with Eurasian populations (e.g. French, Han Chinese, and Papua New Guinean) than with Sub-Saharan African populations (e.g. Yoruba and San).[2] According to the study, the observed excess of genetic similarity is best explained by recent gene flow from Neanderthals to modern humans after the migration out of Africa.[2] The proportion of Neanderthal-derived ancestry was estimated to be 1–4% of the Eurasian genome.[2] In 2013, the same team of researchers revised the proportion to an estimated 1.5–2.1%.[3] They also found that the Neanderthal component in non-African modern humans was more related to the Mezmaiskaya Neanderthal (Caucasus) than to the Altai Neanderthal (Siberia) or the Vindija Neanderthals (Croatia).[3] In the modern human population, at least those of East Asians and Europeans, the total introgressed Neanderthal DNA found spans about 20% of the Neanderthal genome.[4]

Probably, this "animal sub species" talk will label you as racist and "people are not animals". It's better if you insist on differences in cultures

We are all humans.
Not all humans are necessarily people.

In 2011, after finding three candidate regions with introgression by searching for unusual patterns of variations—indicating a different origin—in 61 non-coding regions from two hunter-gatherers (Biaka Pygmies and San, shown significant for admixture in the data) and one West African agricultural group (Mandinka, shown not significant for admixture in the data), researchers concluded that roughly 2% of the genetic material found in some Sub-Saharan African populations was inserted into the human genome approximately 35,000 years ago from archaic hominins that broke away from the modern human lineage around 700,000 years ago.[40]

In 2012, researchers studied high-coverage whole-genome sequences of fifteen Sub-Saharan hunter-gatherer males from three groups—five Pygmies (three Baka, a Bedzan, and a Bakola) from Cameroon, five Hadza from Tanzania, and five Sandawe from Tanzania—finding signs that the ancestors of the hunter-gatherers interbred with one or more archaic human populations,[39] probably over 40,000 years ago.[41] They also found that the median time of the most recent common ancestor of the fifteen test subjects with the putative introgressive haplotypes was 1.2–1.3 mya.[39]

all dogs are dogs, just different breeds
we really are all human.... just different breeds
and just like dogs, some breeds have higher IQs then others
this isn't a debate, its a fact of life
and anyone that disagrees is a kike nigger faggot ctr shill

>We are all humans

So what?

Jeffrey Dahmer was a human too. Would you invite him round for a sleepover with your kids?

Not sure I understand the "argument" here. What do libtards think saying this achieves?

Shakespeare had Shylock say, "If you prick me, do I not bleed," but the character was a shifty, conniving, subhuman Jew throughout the whole play.

"We're all human" is meaningless nonsense.

By examining haplotypes of the DYS44 segment in a sample of 6092 X-chromosomes. Specifically, haplotype B006, which is the closest to the ancestral one, is common outside Africa but virtually absent in sub-Saharan Africa.

But we are animals, we share most of our DNA with other life on this planet. We carry the genes for regeneration that are active in Zebrafish but muted in us.

Intelligence is genetic and heritable.
Differences in intelligence between ethnic groups are due to genetics alone.
Better education will not change differences in group intelligence, they'll always remain.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.

The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.

IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration

Humanity is a sterile biological conception used for classification. It tells us little else than two organisms of that human species generate viable offspring. It doesn't address variation within the species.

All wars and conflict come from some form of us against them mentality. The world is a dangerous place and we need to be realists but notions of cultural or racial superiority do nothing to make the world safer.

That's good. A goldfish and a great white shark.

>We are all fish




ted bundy was human


If they believe in evolution they cannot deny that humans make adaptations for their environment. Our skin is proof of it. Those adaptations have produced wildly different cultures and modes of thought.

If were all the same why do whites not have sickle cell etc.


>"We are all humans"
What's your point?
>"we are all the same."
No we aren't.

Keep it short and simple.

Rapists are human, pedophile are humans, mass murderer are humans. Once you've called someone a human being you've actually said the least amount of things you could say to characterize it. It's the most generic descriptor of a person you could ever use, and not sustainable relationship is actually ever established on the basis of people being merely human, for then we would simply have this relationship with everyone on earth.

Consider, as an example, the intricacies of selecting a proper roommate or a girlfriend or a partner or an employee. Have these selection decision ever been taken on the basis of the mere humanity of the persons considered, or was there perhaps other, more particular factors that were relevant in order to chose the right person?

We're all birds.

>the one on the right
We wuz shoe polish n sheeit!

Do you have the pic which shows that two visually identical jackals are not the same species, but an abbo and a swede are?

but birds can't be BLACK'D and viceversa

Do you know where the word cuck comes from?

Why do whites spend so much effort focusing so much on the differences between themselves and blacks?


>pic related
These are all dogs.

All dogs are dogs. Never the less the differences between types of dogs are great. Some are stronger, smarter, faster, bigger, smaller, slower etc

Me on the left.

So blacks are smarter, stronger and less tame?


Anatomically, we are practically the same. That's where it ends.

Hitler was a human too - we're ALL human. Why ppl so mean 2 him :(


You can't.
We are all the same species, we can reproduce and have children who can reproduce.
Why do you want to say we are not?

Pitbulls and border collies are both dogs. They also share common ancestory more recently that Sub-Saharan's and Germanics. How bow dah?


I love schnauzers, they have the most rectangular of heads. Good puppers.

>black fucks black a black pops out
>asian fucks an asian an asian pops out
>abo fucks an abo an abo pops out
>white fucks a white and a white pops out
>have a mixed couple and child will be a mix of the two parents

Dog breeds is a better analogy.

What do you want to say? It's a platitude, there's nothing to say about it.

Mallard ducks frequently "race mix" with other ducks. The reason mallards and other ducks don't go extinct by this is because the hybrids can't easily communicate or attract ducks of either parent and because some hybrids are sterile.



This desu.

Race exists whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

"There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."
James Watson, Nobel Scientist, Co-Discoverer of DNA double helix shape.

They're wild, that's about it.

There are many breeds of domesticated dogs that would rip the living shit out of a wolf, so I'm not sure what your point is.

Congoids would be considered a different species, a cousin.
Only if examined by a "man from mars"

The moment he discovered that science is a hate crime.

Memorize everything

Some cultures are better than others. Would they rather live in Somalia or Saudi Arabia? Why are western nations so successful? Give them the red pill on how race is the biggest determinant of crime (even when accounting for poverty and education)

Link them to my WE WUZ folder. I got enough shit in there to make a nigger want to put on a KKK robe.

>forgot to mention he was 79 years old when he said this
Also, one man can not speak for science, just like one user can't speak for Sup Forums.


Are you implying terriers are not good puppers???


“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state as we may hope, than the Caucasian and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”
― Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man

>but thanks for checking us


It's real, but not a justification for social Darwinism unless you're morally corrupt

>want to go to college who isn't retarded liberal and has good students
>full of Asians

All dogs are dogs too, but some are different breeds with different physical and behavioral traits.


They didn't change much from the original nomads that wandered up the coast and found aussie.
They are literally proto-niggers. They are the original humanoid that spawned the Negro, the Negro is the creature that humans branched from.

OP the fag should take rabies as pet

Social Darwinism is going to happen regardless of anything you do.

quads of truth

It's actually disgusting how modern day scientists plug their fingers in their ears and chant "racist racist racist" when anyone chooses to investigate if, maybe, just maybe by some miracle, there could be a chance that people who look RADICALLY different to one-another based on their genetics, and exhibit different social behavior could actually have some tangible differences.

This closet book burning mentality is why I hate liberals more than Islamic terrorists. At least ISIS is honest.

can you show how he is wrong then smart goy?

It already has before and It will in the future. I'm well aware people don't need to morally justify themselves.

All life shares a common ancestor. Therefore, categorization is never without a degree of vagueness. But it is common sense that humanity, as it spread throughout the globe, evolved into phenotypically distinct sub-species or "races".

A polar bear and brown bear can get together and say we are all bears. They can even interbreed.

They are however not all they same. Their drastically different habitats lead to different evolutionary adaptations in phenotype, behavior, and abilities.

Humans are the same way. Outside of Africa interbreeding with Neanderthals etc. while in Africa they bred with older hominid species.

Nothing is the same.

He went on to say that although he hoped everyone was equal, “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true.”

It's a pretty stupid thing to say considering the source; he himself puts so much stock in IQ tests. The problem should not be the "black" employees but the "stupid" employees.

The number of Whites in America with

Hell even look at the Snowshoe Rabbit as another more solid example, if you take a lifeform out of an environment where it thrived and put it into another, that new environment could be completely detrimental to it's survival.

Literally any stats you pull show the same bullshit.

how could you let me down trap lord


And all dogs are dogs doesnt mean you treat a chihuahua the same as rockwiller

Even when the variables are equal across the board save for race.

>So it makes no sense to discriminate based on facial structure and skin color when you would be able to discriminate much more accurately based on test scores or some other metric.

I agree.

Ostracizing all research into the subject and acting like there is no difference at all, spouting bullshit mantras such as "race is a social construct" because of muh feels is actually fucking ridiculous though, don't you think?

It's certainly not the way to end racism, maybe in 50 years when America is a burning wreck people will look back and realize that.

Race exists; the problem is defining it. The lines we use to divide races are purely social constructs.

We arbitrarily define race based on skin color and facial structure, rather than the true magnitude of genetic differences. When you consider the ENTIRE genome, rather than the genes that code for the attributes that even idiots can see, it can occur that two people with different "races" end up genetically closer than two people within the same race.

More concretely, take a nog with a 140 IQ and an white with a 140 IQ -- they'll be far more alike and get along much better than the 140 IQ white and another white with an 80 IQ. Yet people consider the two "whites" the "same" because they appear more similar.

All plants are plants. But some are healthy to eat and some poison you.

Saying all humans are identical is like saying so for all plants.