Will the USA become fascist in the future? It has the perfect foundations...

Will the USA become fascist in the future? It has the perfect foundations, and a civil war is inevitable due to demographics, which will be a good cataclysmic event towards a fascist space-empire. I am talking about Starship trooper tier. It will be much better then Nazi-Germany since it's not just aimed at Germans but it would be a Pan-European / fascist empire for all white races. It would be a natural evolution of what George Washington would've wanted.

>inb4 fascism is leftwing
>inb4 fascism is tyranny

if you believe either of both you don't know what fascism is. Obviously, the US would be more of a libertarian-white nationalist fascist country, where individual liberty and racial conscious will reign, as a virtue of the white race. It won't be like the ''national socialists'' where everything is nationalized. It's more Pinochet style fascism, where the only ones who lose their liberty are commies. It's the final red pill for constitutionalists.

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I love that SMG for some reason, can't recall the name

David Duke on Fascism


Grease gun, I love it as well, slow, controllable rate of fire, simple, extremely rugged design, very cheap.

I don't really like the term civil war. It's more like Emanuel Celler's mercenary tribes against americans.

Molyneux is slowly shifting towards Libertarian Fascism as well.

Cheap shit

*spanish fascism

it's better then making overengineerd, costly guns.

>REEEEEEE! I know about Fascism...ReeeeEeeeE!

The USA is inevitably moving toward fascism as the executive branch consolidates authority primarily at the expense of the legislature. Furthermore, the increasing significance of the bureaucracy seemed an unstoppable trend.

Trump may be able to slow this, but I doubt that he'll be able to stop a U.S. fascism. You thought a fascist Germany was trouble, wait until the U.S. under the next Obama decides it wants your land...

You don't know what fascism is. Socialism =/= fascism.

Fascism -> White nationalist, hierarchy, free-markets, authoritarian-liberty (as in, commies get thrown out of helicopters.)

I like individual rights though

I see more of a Octavian (Augustus Caesar) takeover of the U.S. Oh yes, it *will* be redpilled and angry as fuck.

Perfectly compatible with fascism. Individual rights are a virtue of the white race and only the white race can maintain individual rights, and only fascism can maintain the white race.


Fascism is outdated. It's as outdated as marxism was in 1930s Europe. Modern information and automation doesn't allow for a straightforward domination by a central government, it just doesn't work anymore.

Russia is postfascist. They maintain all the facades of normal social democratic society, but keep all the outlets in check and play everyone against each other to ensure that a very singular elite maintains control. And that's what America is rapidly moving towards.

Same shit. It's like Authoritarian-liberty, mccarthyism, USA-ideals ingrained into every white citizen, only that way it can be maintained

>Will the USA become fascist in the future?
That's currently the biggest threat America faces is a 100 years March towards fascism.
> . It would be a natural evolution of what George Washington would've wanted.
It would be the exact opposite of what America was founded as.
Everything this nation was built upon was having the government do almost nothing.
The only thing more diametrically opposed to American foundations than fascism is Socialism.

Only fascism can maintain the white race, only the white race can maintain US ideals.

How can we make sure they will be protected? Couldn't a dictator just outlaw them?

It's another we need to remove individual rights to save individual rights argument.

Protip if individual rights are protected at the individual level they aren't protected as individual rights.

The dictator (hint: Trump) would obvious be patriotic US citizen who wants to maintain it

Authoritarian Libertarianism.

>Only fascism can maintain the white race, only the white race can maintain US ideals.
This claim is made yet fascism is a "white" idea and has been being used to dismantle American ideals as much as other collectivist ideologies have been over the last century and a half.

Hell this claim was made by faggots like Hamilton and Adams who put into law the alien and seditions act with the same claims against "the French" and that act was one of the most antiamerican things ever put into law.

You simply don't save yourself though suicide

Yes, Trump will be forced to implement martial law if all those protests continue.

So then how would we make sure that a new dictator wouldn't take over that would A. Be completely incompetent, or B. Someone who is not patriotic and sees his power as a way to just consolidate power and abuse it?

I know, that's the charm

the empire would last a few hundred years at most . Just enough to take us out into outer space so the white race continues to live. Most likely Trump's spouse and grandchildren would take over, until an inevitable collapse 200 years or so but that doesn't matter

You don't.
That's the great philosophical wisdom of the last near 300 years. Something damn near everyone has been tirelessly trying to fight against thanks to the pervasiveness of libido dominandi

The first amendment would have to be abolished first which would also require destruction of the American idea which would hurt the foundation of fascism in America.

Speech can be controlled but if it cannot be silenced it will be hard for anything to happen. America really had some of the best minds in the world create it.

Much more likely that we'll see something similar to an Augustus style roman empire, where the values of democracy and representation are preached, but where branches outside of the executive are entirely devoid of any real authority and mocked for their degeneracy.
Democratic values are far too ingrained in the public for us to accept an openly dictatorial leader.