To All Those Who Say Blacks are Inferior

>"I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence."

>"Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground."

>"No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck."

>"It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake."

When was the last time you wrote or said anything so eloquent? Did you teach yourself to read and write while enslaved? Did you ever rise out of slavery to become one of the nation's most prominent orators and intellectuals? Have you ever even published a book?

No? Well, then please explain then how you're superior to the black man known as Frederick Douglass.

>inb4 "im not a niggur xD"

>What is normal distribution

>meaningless platitudes liberals think are "deep"
Get outta here

Every distribution has outliers. Doesn't change anything else.

>teach yourself to read and write

JFC you've never even read his shit have you?

I hate niggers and I'm glad I rarely see them in my state

>the English language, and how people speak, has changed and even degraded over the years. Really mumbos my jumbo


Trump hired this guy?


he sounds like a redditor lol

As much as i admire and quote Frederick Douglass, he was a gigantic pussy cuck. His good friend, the white antislavery fighter John Brown asked both Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman to join him on his armed insurrection raid against the armory of Harper's Ferry Virginia.

Douglass was too much of a pussy to actually fight against slavery. He preferred the soft handed lazy nigger comfort of the north hiding behind those who would fight.

After the raid failed because the freed niggers refused to pick up the rifles and fight for their freedom, I like to think in his final moments as his sons were killed and he was wounded and captured, John Brown finally realized the truth about the eternal groid.

Frederick Douglass and booker t Washington are the only historical blacks that are worth mentioning in American history. It's sad that they would be considered uncle toms by liberals today

dat nigger had a white father

No idea who that faggot is.

This eloquent nigger and MLK were both Republicans, right?

half white.

I made 58 posts that made more sense than that just today, and this nigga wants a lifetime achievement award for these shitty lines?

>just b urself :)


You're conflating eloquence with the changes and simplifications that have occurred in English. These thoughts in and of themselves aren't ground-breaking. You're just impressed by a thesaurus.

John Brown was hung for treason. He led an armed raid against a weapons armory in Virginia, he freed all of the slaves on a plantation and tried to arm them with the captured rifles to start an insurrection.

The nigger slaves told John Brown they preferred to live as slaves on their knees, than to stand on their feet and fight and possibly die.

It is pottery for how niggers truly are.

We tried to enslave the native Americans, they preferred to fight to the death than to live as slaves. As do most free men. But not the groid. The groid is happy and content to live as a slave. It is why they vote Democrat. Live on the democrat free handouts table scrap gibs plantation.

im not a niggur xD

Frederick Douglass must have been that one-in -a-billion nigger.

Don't delude yourself into thinking that he's the norm.