Vice has some "news"

They're always looking for the brand new affairs.

Other urls found in this thread:

damn who is this in the pic?

>directly linking to sjw clickbait

Are they fucking serious, brah?

Thanks for the semon demon I really like latex. Beyond that no one cares.


>"Sup Forums: The Dark Part of the Internet"
Bitch doesn't even have her style setting on Tomorrow what's she on about?




stop giving them ad-rev, you shill. use an archive for fucks sake

what nonsense.

>van explodes

this is pretty good

Sup Forums is fucking dead. You fucking pepe spammers ruined it and turned it into a meme harvesting bulletin board.

OP probably works for vice

>stop giving them pennies you guise, spend 5 mins of your time archiving it!



I'm gonna need some tomato ketchup on this pic now

>op pic
Scary thing is this pic seems like it was taken in the 90s or something. I mean, a corded phone wired onto the wall like that? Is this some user taking pics of his gf at his grandparent's house?

Sup Forums died but it did not die
It sacrificed itself so that somthing new could come through it.

ironpill hasn't been around for ~2 years

>mfw there are people who use Photon


>Iron pill

How far behind are they on their memes?


>Vice keeps doing articles on maymays
Are people actually interested in this shit?

>to be continued...

>linking directly to vice
>not archiving
>expecting not to have you thread saged to death
you chose poorly

the news/entertainment industry is incredibly cutthroat and is dominated by progressives
upper-class progressive society is increasingly repressed, they're almost puritanical
so Sup Forums has become one of the last creative places on the internet, and people venture here then write about their endeavors like it's some kind of safari

Those comics were written in 2014 why are they writing about them right now?

Finally, people are getting on the same page as me :)

thank you user. Feels not so lonely anymore.

your mom

>Those comics were written in 2014 why are they writing about them right now?

because someone found them and said, "hahaha oh wow, this shit is great! and since i work for an internet zine with literally zero publication standards, I can just make an article about it and get paid!"

is it 2012 right now?

Post 4 and stop being a faggot


El Reeve was aware of this and fascinated by it when she was on the Daily Shoah a few months ago. Ghoul claimed he was the author. Why'd it take her so long to write an article? Is she that low on material?

How fucking new are you? The creator quit making them that's all there is for the backstory.


are they going to write an article about the green pill?

They don't care about any of that shit. They only care about the "Super mean and bad alt right!"

How about you give me the news on that ass

>a while back I browsing Sup Forums, the dark heart of the Internet, a hive of anti-semitic memes

This site isn't secret, why does she make it out to be?

i knew they'd eventually do a write up on this. the episode of the daily shoah where they allowed a vice "journalist" to interview them revealed that one of the boys was the original author.

She's the co-author of this article.


>iron pill meme
We 2015 now? Gosh, MSM can't keep up.

This is her here, getting wet on camera from Richard Spencer.

Holy shit the video in the link is hilarious.

>looks like some ottermode shit to me

I'm sure. Was it Elle Reeves? That bitch has been on the "alt-right beat" for a while. Her interview with Spencer was such fucking trash.

They were just fucking with her. I guess it is possible that he was telling the truth, but they were just fucking with her in the first part of that interview because they didn't want to talk about memes.

>a "report" about the iron-pill in 2017
>Deep Web

Does anyone else feel really embarrassed for them?

>the yiddish term for gentiles

I like how their explanation just stops there.

Yeah it's her.

>This anonymously authored internet artifact offers a revealing glimpse into the motivations and philosophies of the alt-right. But mostly, it’s just weird. So please, come along and follow us… into the DEEP NET.

Hajhahahahaha, publicly available forums are THE DEEP NET

more like the NEET DEP amirite?

Once again the jews got it all wrong again.

And so it was.
I stopped watching when she offered the well thought out quip that a million neck beards are living vicariously through him.
After seeing the turn out at hwndu it's clear that no, pretty normal people support him.
yeah. "so what can you tell me about pepe?" she's such a half wit and will never write for the new york times

>mfw I use photon

Wow. Not going to click it and read retarded shit but that's a surprising piece of dumb fuckery. The deep net. Is that like a synonym for any place that has objectionable content to her?

Idk, the art style of drawn people is kind of close to counter signal memes for fashy goys, which is Ghoul. Entirely believable that Ghoul is the iron pill author

won't click that shit

The deep net to women is anywhere outside of instagram, twitter, and facebook

For some reason that phone wire makes me so sad.

It may very well be. I just wouldn't use that statement as real proof. They took credit for creating pepe and other stuff too if I remember correctly.

kek yeah. I really try to limit my use of memes to purely a bantzing context, but fucking normies man. If it doesn't have an app for their iphone it's a great mystery that must be explored with caution lest they slip from the deep net to the dark web.

Yeah that's kinda out of place...

He should have said "Brother" or some shit.

>Remove Gommunism

Good lord.

Wait, is this based on actual events?

do you need a quick rundown?

I always think the same thing when I hear this pudgy dork use "Comrades" all the time

some post a tl:dr

i aint giving them any clicks and sanchez is to stupid to use archive link

Vice is a drug smuggling front that somehow convinced Murdoch to give them hundreds of millions of dollars.

Welcome to 5 years ago, Vice

fucking slowpokes

anyone listen to other good podcasts? I'm a fan of most of TRS' stuff and have just started to get into some of angry frogs content but still find myself wanting more

i'll take the bullet on this one. brb

If it involves the """alt-right"""

This is neoliberalism essentially trying to name the Jew. The same traps, the same fallacies as all the people who give in to the all powerful Jew meme in terms of the patterns. Horribly misinformed and without a notion of their own bewilderment.

The realities are much more subtle and subversion-based. Despite all the irony and post-irony that went into the memes this election cycle, which is why our memetics were effective and fun or thought provoking to normal faggots, it basically was occult warfare.

They have little notion of what's down this rabbit hole. I hope they chase their curiosity.

So she can sound not-worthless.

It's pretty hilarious how they pretend they uncovered some kind of sinister secret hiding on the DEEP WEB.

Naw that's an intercom... Still old tech though most likely just an old house

I love how the alt-right label the media invented is now giving them a perfect excuse to just take all this shit that was previously disjointed and lump it together under the "alt-right" moniker so that it could look like a genuine expose of some secret underground community when there really is no such thing as a single, organized, unified "alt-right"

But boy isn't it sure convenient for the media that there is now!

Now they can browse Sup Forums and Sup Forums and make informative exposes on our shitposts

So this is the future

some cunt with a mtg reference for a name made a shitty video that entices you to travel with her into the deep net. She then goes on to say how she discovered the iron pill through a friend of a friend who had liked Ghouls meme page, counter signal memes for fashy goy. She then drones on about the alt right,trump, disenchanted white guys that are contrarian and shit.
The part I found most interesting was how she described us as racist and antisemitic, as though those aren't the same thing and that we somehow give a shit about the jewish religion.

thank you mate.

sorry that you dont get that time back that you spend reading the shit that this cunt produced.

Man, I loved green pill. A time where Sup Forums wasn't that populated and underage.

meh it was a vidya that only took 3 minutes. it was as low energy and ignorant as you'd expect from a shit tier journalist trying to make a name for herself by covering guys that trade pictures of frogs for a laugh

these comics are gay as fucking shit./

>mfw you use photon

>success of his face

Not that face

mfw i don't know what photon is nor why it is bad

>a cringy ""journalist"" covers an even cringier ""webcomic""


And you're a fucking flaming faggot what else is new?

>directly linking to sjw clickbait

Is this Elizabeth Shue??

Haven't we been doing iron pill comics for like 4 or 5 years now?

>Sup Forums is deepnet

vice is trying to make Sup Forums go mainstream. clever fuckers.

Mia Malkova

no, its mia malkova.

that was really cringe