Thoughts on psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry?

Thoughts on psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry?

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>Pay someone to play on your concerns and tell you you are messed up

>Pay for drugs that mess you up


Pretty much this.

If you want an interesting history lesson, I recommend the nefarious history of the psychiatric industry. Many people nowadays don't understand that they legitimized themselves via media-promotion rather than science.

"chemical imbalance in the brain" is an unsubstantiated claim used as a medical diagnoses which is the greatest medical malpractice in history as it has killed hundreds of thousands of people via suicide.

t. Neurologist & own leading psychology business that hasn't prescribed a single drug and never had a single suicide from our patients

Adderall is the only good drug. The rest is shit.

Kind of related, but Im worried I have a few mental health issues but because of Sup Forums Im convinced psychology is a jude trick

What do



Dex is soul crushing when you come off it. Not worth it unless you have an iron will.

Too many pills given and it's driven by big pharma.

Psychiatry really needs to stop diagnosing patients incorrectly and stop prescribing meds as a first option.

Industry is industry. They'll always push the latest drug even if it has only 1 study backing its effectiveness by a tiny margin over standard of care.

On only 20mgs a day. Not going over that.

Benzos are dank and making drugs is cool

It's all cancer
You should let the crazy flow

That's all some pretty self-evident stuff desu

Y'all full of shit. Meds have changed my life for the better



Can we all agree that psychedelics probably have actual uses, but zog big pharma suppresses them to make money off copyrighted shit that barely works?

bump my shit up Senpai

my uncle is a therapist, he is also a jew, he married a spic and adopted her two spic daughters.

he told me 15 years of school wasnt worth it. said he knows plumbers who make as much as he does, he told me to get a comfy job with the government

he wants to retire.

ritalin works better with less side effects imo

Does it clear your nose out? Bit random, but I find that amphetamines are good at making you breathe better.

Opt out of the pharma-Jew personally, but get involved professionally. Big $$$

Simplyfing it as "a chemical imbalance in the brain" doesnt sound like something a neuro would say

t. The Pope of Rome and med student

both of them would give me anxiety, which often times would make me overly conscious of my breathing

This would lead to either under breathing or over breathing and getting a headache.

So I guess not.

That's what they were originally meant to do. Levo-methamphetamine is OTC as a nasal decongestant.

I once snorted a bunch of adderall and clogged up my sinuses for a week.
That's because of the fillers though.

Chemical imbalance theory is based on a study from the 70s that has been debunked more times than the wage gap.

>go to doc
>doc give me expensive prescription
>go home use wikipedia
>find alternate medicine available from supermarket
>go to doc to verify
>doc says I can use that instead and don't tell anyone
>never go to that doc again

You are a cow for milking.
Double check with your own research.

I didnt say anything in favor or against

Just saying that calling it "a chemical inbalance" is a mayor simplification, and that im %99.91488 sure you are a wikipedia neurologist

Pure curiosity familia, can you name the drug and the alternative?

Seems like a major dick move

Is healthcare public in straya?

Psychiatry and psychology are wasted career fields and really only for idiots

You obviously aren't in the industry as it's really that simple.

>someone comes into a psychiatrics office claiming they are sad

>you have a chemical imbalance here's some SSRIs

many such cases

>first is genuine blind BS that people actually think holds any more weight than an average joe's opinion
>second is there to profit from it and perpetuate its own income


Is this one of those renowned australian *banters*?
My wifes daughter (male) loved it

To those who agree that psychiatry is BS, where should I go if I "need help" then?

Grow up and get over it you weak piece of shit

call me old school but i think talking to somebody is the best thing. just getting out all the shit i kept to myself felt good to unload. i went on the drug carousel as a teenager and it didn't do me any good. for a couple years after taking a drug called Seroquel i was fucked up, really aggressive and impulsive.
The worst part about the drugs is that the prescriber has you try things out. Nothing is certain. you wind up feeling like a lab rat

Mindful meditation and spiritual practice

Generic kneejerk answer from a simpleton.

Yeah, I was on the carousel as well, from about 11-16. I was considering returning but at this point I'm cognizant enough to know an alternative approach is more viable. I'm not wasting my time going through the process again.

Good psychologist (shop around), a counselor, a friend, invent an imaginary friend to talk to.

Psychology is the 'lets fix your thinking patterns and behaviour' - Psychiatry is 'here's some drugs from our Jewish overlords goy'

Mindfulness and Meditation is also great. I originally thought it was some kind of newage wank that yoga girls and faggots were into - but if you do it properly and not as some virtue signalling fad it can really help.

I just need Trump to shut the fuck up about drug prices till I can get out of $HRTX/$OCUL/$ARLZ

Oh, and psychiatry is for the weak.

Unfit people were dealt with accordingly in old times

The future of medicine, and health care, is in the idea to treat illness at the smallest level, genetically, in order to treat illness, through manipulation of sound, or acoustics/sonic manipulation.

In general managing healthcare can be done relatively cheaply through these methods, but the real sickness society has, is greed in capitalism which tends to create inefficient, costly, and often dangerous or unnecessary procedures, when alternatives are available.

thats good that you won't go back to it. like the aussie said, shop around until you find a good therapist or psychologist that you click with. where its more human than patient and doctor kind of feel. i was lucky to find a really good one. haven't seen her in a long ass time. she kind of red pilled me on the pill thing because i was trying to get her to prescribe bento's ( i was being a dumb teen) and she knew better. she wouldn't give me any drugs cuz she knew i had enough of a brain to get through it. plus she knew i just wanted to get high lol

That's very constructive.

what dude in sparta?

Anytime, friend

The lady I used to see was old as fuck and most likely senile. I do genuinely have to start looking again though. Don't males tend to be better?