Sup Forums undoubtedly and irredeemably BTFO

Sup Forums undoubtedly and irredeemably BTFO


The kid on the right wasn't dead though

he's already dead so who cares?

Not true.

kid on the right "died" BECAUSE of open borders

the left image should be an aborted fetus
that one looks too alive

It was staged.

Rapefugees shouldn't be going to the west. They should stay home trying to fix their country destroyed by Obama.

yeah, they moved his body, but he was dead

If liberals stopped the boats when they first came, he wouldn't have been tossed overboard

>we have this thread every day

Pick one kike.

cool story op
Hey remember Elian Gonzalez?

Fuck both. Sup Forums isnt one person

Everyone shut up and look at this hot new gif I found.


Change captions to:

You don't have the right to kill babies nor do you have the responsibility to care for children you didn't create, especially if the people it belongs to are your enemy.

Lefties kill more baby fetuses a day than Poseidon kills boat people a year.

>implying I care about abortion

So to be logically consistent conservatives should adopt every single vaby in the world to save them from abortion according to this meme.

Either that or their reasoning behind supporting abortion is "it's not my problem".


The left, everybody.


Ones in the USA and the other is not my fucking problem because he's not a us citizen

They ought to be trying to move the one on the far right.

>kid dies because europe opens its borders
>we should open them more!

Thanks for the kek.

>vote for the party that wants to import brown people that will live nowhere near my white suburb
>why cant everyone be generous like me

Switch round the pics and change "not my problem" to "Their body, my choice" and youd have a pretty good conservative/anti-Liberal meme

>you don't like flushing children down the toilet

>that means that you must personally accept this child from 4500 miles away (along with his entire 15+ person family) into your country and care.


Liberals BTFO.

>Oppose parents killing unborn children through abortion
>Oppose parents killing born children through loading them onto a shoddy, overloaded raft and going out to open sea

Perfectly consistent

wtf I love abortion now

>take a fucking kid over the sea in the equivalent of a rubber
It's not that I don't care, it's the parent's fault.

And couldn't this be avoided if the father didn't want to be here asap for new teeth?

To the globalists pushing the image if that kid, if you care about him so much maybe you should stop fucking up the world by funding terrorist uprisings against middle eastern governments and creating wars in their countries, and then expecting us to clean up your mess.