The ULTIMATE redpill.. ready?

The Jews fucking figured it out, goys! They are pantheists who realized that there isn't really any point to anything, so why not have a little fun?!?

Am I the only one who's taken the ULTIMATE redpill?

I mean for some of us it's obvious: Everything IS all there is! You, me, the screen you're staring at, the stars, and everything in between is ALL THE SAME "THING". It's pretty obvious, right? Read the Kybalion, it does a better job explaining it. Or maybe try some Alan Watts, Albery Pike, or Krishnamurti. Seriously, this shit is SO SIMPLE!

The Kaballah ultimately points to the the same thing as Zen, Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Freemasonry (at the 33rd degree), Babylonian Paganism, Theosophy, Atheistic Satanism, Christianity... I AM GOD. WE ARE GOD. EVERYTHING IS GOD. EVERYTHING IS. I AM, NOTHING FOLLOWS.

If it all doesn't matter then why not chose to have a little fun? Like, why not enslave the unenlightened sheep and live in absolute luxury? Why not? Who's it going to hurt? Them? Who are "they"?

The Jews fucking figured it out guys!!

HAHAHAHAHA illuminati recruit me NOW, I WANT IN!!!

Other urls found in this thread:

it hurts everyone, factually. you create a stagnant system where the intelligent are bullied out of innovation. Tesla, Terry Davis, etc. The brilliant die unheard.

>these are the same Jews who cancelled Jodorowsky's Dune

They get no sympathy

Okay. Answer these three simple questions:
1) How did the Metatron come to be?
2) What lies in KETER?
3) What is the next Current?

Why is innovation necessary? If the enlightened can live exactly the lives they want, why not just do that. Fuck everything else.


here manic user, some russian propaganda.

Everyone knows the ultimate redpill is farting in the shower. The steam amplifies the aroma and you are literally standing there in pure bliss, absorbing fully digested knowledge of how the world really works.

this is not the big enchilada

You're staring into the abyss, OP. There IS a point to everything. That point has nothing to do with your carnal whims.

Hahahahahaha Hillary Clinton BTFO again!!!! Say it with me, MADAM SECRETARY!!!! BITCH, AHAHAHAHA

so fucking glad that wall is coming

i literally dont want to talk or look at you

>Mexican intellectuals

Just because I mention Kabbalah doesn't mean I buy it. I prefer to strip away conditions, as is done in Zen.

All of your questions are inconsequential, but I'll entertain anyway.

1. It didn't.
2. Nothing. Everything. Neither. Both. Everything in-between and out-between. I could go on.
3. Unknowable. I am not the object of my own knowledge.

How'd I do?

The enlightened want to live in a world with innovation and advancement, beaner. Who would want to live a life where there's no improvement?
actually this desu

Tell me, oh wise sage, what then is the point?

Not a "spic" or a "beaner", as if that matters.

>Just because I mention Kabbalah doesn't mean I buy it.
>IE I'm an illiterate bean pie

What do you mean by 'how did the Metatron come to be? I've had an interesting experience in the past regarding Metatron, but dont quite understand.

Fools bounty for the truly adept.

oh im sorry i thought that was a mexican flag oh wait it is, so i guess that makes you a fucking beaner

Fuck off with your hippy-dippy bullshit

the ultimate redpill is the bogpill

not possible to live in Mexico as an expat I guess, eh?

The bogpill is yellow though

Typical spineless spick. Probably part of the cartel lmao XDDD




you should kill yourself, ascend to higher dimensions.

Yes, of course there is no ultimate point to anything. But that doesn't mean you should lay down and be complacent, and let yourself drown in nihilism.


See?" I am god, you are god, we are all gods. All is and nothing is". You are just throwing meaninglessness on what is already meaningless. This will not take you too far.

It is nice that you understand that you are simply a manifestation of the universe trying to understand itself. But you are doing a pretty bad job at it.

> why not enslave the unenlightened sheep and live in absolute luxury? Why not? Who's it going to hurt? Them? Who are "they"?

They are you, and you are the only one going to be hurt. Manipulation, deception, and greed may give you a sense of power, but that is illusory. They only entrap you further and further into suffering, bitterness, lack of self-understanding.

Think about it. You will find the truth within you.

It's not possible to kill oneself. It's possible to observe others dying though.

1/3. Failed to pass.
There isn't anything to 'buy' or not 'buy' in Kabbalah. It's simply the best system for charting and explaining the metaphysical, hence why every system developed over the past ~300 years has used it as the foundation.

Simple answer? Elevated-state of human existence, the next step in evolution of consciousness. A God from Man.

What's wrong with nihilism?

Why do we always have to be heading "somewhere" or doing "something"?

It's all a choice of perspective, and I chose for it to be meaningless. Not that I'm going to go around killing people or something because I understand the property of causality, but seriously who gives a shit?

I don't buy it because I've chosen a less complicated narrative. Not saying I'm right or anything, just that's the choice I've made.

So what are the answers in your estimation?

He already explained. Because when you hurt others you are not only hurting them, which should be reason enough not to hurt others, but you are also hurting yourself AND God!

But it's really nothing, so who care?

your "Ultimate Red Pill' is known as Solipsism and Nihilism. You are a little late to that party homie.

Pantheism isn't quite solipsism. Nihilism is a choice I've made. Try harder.

> What's wrong with nihilism?

It's not stable. No one can remain a true nihilist and keep his sanity for a long time. I say that from experience and from reading about others' experiences doing it.

Give it a try. Take it to the limits, and see how unhappy and mentally unstable you will be in a few months or years. Worst of all, you will probably learn very little from it.

Where's the fun in that, finding the answers is the best part. I'll point where to start reading though:
1) Book of Enoch (Vol.II specifically) & the Enochian System of John Dee

2) Crowley probably went the deepest into explaining the Sephirots, but the truth is there is no clear answer and there can never be. Keter is in-fathomable. So your answer is correct.

3) The Kaos Journals go pretty 'deep' into Currents. When you read up on the shift to the 156 in the '80s and then see Chaos literally begin to reign over the past 10 years, it's eerie.

Nihilistic asshole, no one is going to "recruit" you. God is an alien and they don't want you to meet him.

Already been there. This is half-LARPing.. I'm bored.

solipsism is for faaaaaags

Thanks breh!

Fucking idiot you think this is for anything other than my own retarded entertainment?

Wtf i love jews now

You are looking at The ALL backwards. It is everything more than it is nothing. The meaning of it all is that IT IS IT ALL! You are not harming nothing you are harming everything when you do harm, including yourself. That is how everything being unified and as one works.


I am looking at it the way I CHOSE to, nothing else.

I could easily argue that YOU are looking at it backwards.

Such is the existential paradox.

You come off as really desperate and insecure, hence your need to say "none of it matters anyways." See how far that get's you in life. Wonder why Jews have the highest rates of mental instability? Because they think like you do.

Yeah, that's basically the point of Luciferianism, it's the antithesis of religions that tell us to be humble and submit to "god." The reason they want Luciferianism is they want it all, no limits, all the time, everywhere and don't give a fuck about anyone or anything that dies, they want absolute control on every level, but the other religions don't allow that and preach for respecting people in one way or another which is why they hate them, and Christianity is the religion most specifically designed to go against the Lucifer doctrine.

Kek wills it, OP is a fag.

You are the one asking why it would be bad to harm others, I'm explaining why it would be, best of luck in your solipsism friend.

That is a bitch of a get tho.

Kayne: One spic should not have all that powah!

Not super sure but this might be a little shallow. Jesus (Yeshua) was a pantheist.

Man its a shame all this occult stuff is bullshit. E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy was aesthetic as hell and there's no real world analogue.

sorry you lost me at your nationality

fucking digits man.

Is there a practical use to the kaballah like there is a practical use to Buddhist awareness meditation (like improving inhibition)?

This is the final pill. Congratulations.

Kabbalah isn't really a system like much of Buddhism. Or well, it is; but the Jews still hide a lot of it. Most of what we know about Kabbalah from the Zohar is more like Philosophical/Metaphysical treatise. So if that's something that seems interesting to you, then it's worth a read. It's probably one of the most in depth and congruent ways of explaining Us, Life, God, Existence, the Soul, etc...

As for Occultism in general, yeah it has a lot of practical use. A lot of the same practices you find in Buddhism but a lot more open as to how one can go 'deep'. As long as you don't fuck around with Tulpa and 'Summoning', giving yourself schizophrenia in the process. It's productive.

That's just dark lucifarianism OP. They beleive earth is a prison they are stuck in and wish to rule in it. The problem is they have figured out how to get massive amounts of people to enforce their will over the rest of the populace in an attempt to bypass the karmic repercussions personally and the worst part is people buy into it

what makes you so sure you're right? how do you know karma is nonexistent and you won't be reincarnated as a nigger due to your actions?

So ... what you're saying is ... Aloha Snakbar.

Well, if you say so.

>Mexican intellectual

Karma doesn't work that way. But the way it actually works is the reason I'm not an asshole in real life.

LOL. Doesn't matter does it? The subjective "I" which I'm experiencing wont know the difference.


I would disagree. The point I'm making is they are not personally fighting the wars as soldiers and killing. They are not police caging their fellow man for laws created by a government. The people personally doing these acts to others are the ones that will directly have to deal with the consequences of that. Now the fact that they have created a culture in the world that divides people internally and use it to control and divide the world would have its cost but that is much less than the people commuting violence and caging others in the name of authority and passing off their personal responsibility for their actions

Makes more sense.

As far as I understand it they have a very well developed understanding of the way the universe works and practice their lives in accordance. They feed the world half truths and misdirection to destroy people and their ability to find an understanding of the nature of the world. If the populace is too stupid to figure it out and falls into their trap then one could argue they are no better than animals and treating them as such isn't really a bad thing. It makes sense that they call them the dead as spiritually they are

>spic autism

You've completely missed the point and you have no idea what you're talking about.

TRUTH IS: This IS a simulation. Hard fucking evidence nearly A HUNDRED years ago with Quantum Mechanics double slit experiment. It's completely possible to have mother nature show some of her tricks with some quantum mechanics experiments. EZPZ actually. Fuck this billion dollar CERN shit.

First things first:
Thomas Campbell - My Big TOE

This is not a deterministic objective reality. This is a PROBABLE simulated reality. It is a DIGITAL VIRTUAL reality. You are merely experiencing a data stream at a very fine resolution, and very very fast Delta-T. Quantum mechanics gives amazing evidence. Why havn't physicsts been able to interpret the double slit experiment for nearly a hundred years? It SHATTERS their materialistic newtonian viewpoints and that is SCARY for them.

Tom has a set of 12 experiments coming out which will show beyond a shadow of a doubt this is a calculated simulated digital reality, for there is no other way these experiments can work without it being so.

What does this mean practically?

1st: A simulation CANNOT by logic and ration, simulate itself. Which means this entire universe is being simulated outside of this universe, therefore scientifically proving a higher power

2nd: The computer, and the experiencer is consciousness itself. We are conscious. We are consciousness. We are the simulator and the computer. We are all netted. We are not separate from each other much like partitioned pieces of a hard drive are not separate from the entire hard drive as a whole.

3rd: This means the most PROFITABLE and ENTROPY REDUCING way of interacting is Big L Love, that means unconditional caring and compassion for "OTHER". That means NO EGO. This is by logic and rationale, the most logical means of interaction in a netted social system where we are ALL pieces of the same consciousness.

If you have the time, watch this:


And if you want something quicker, watch this:


If one suffers all suffer
The double slit is very interesting and proves consciousness affects matter in the world for sure. It should be interesting to see how the scientific theory's of the simulated universe develop. It is basicly proof of "as above so below" in the manner that the universe operates

You on the right track mane!
Far out!!!!

What should "I" do then? Is it possible to be put into the equivalent of a piece of software being put into a robot?

As in could I be put outide of the simulation?

read The Holographic Universe

Be careful to not fall into left brain imbalance user. This is what I speak of in respect to the half truths put into the world to misdirect from the truth.
Right brain=determinism and the beleif that god has pre determined everything and you have no free will, your just going through the experience he has payed out for you.
Left brain=Pure logic and solipsism/scientism that leads to the beleif that we are dead chemical reactions or simulations that are living a fake life that doesn't actually exist.
These are two sides of the same coin in terms of the mind and both can strip away a persons free will and imagination and focus their view of the world down through a very small and limited lens.



top fucking kek hernandez

Megatron be a mench n shiet

>why not enslave the unenlightened sheep and live in absolute luxury?

Because if all that there is is the creator, to hurt someone else is to hurt yourself, to help someone else is to help all

You're giving pantheism a bad image with your ignorance

what a disgusting sentiment
checks out

>Everyone knows the ultimate redpill is farting in the shower. The steam amplifies the aroma and you are literally standing there in pure bliss, absorbing fully digested knowledge of how the world really works.
Only correct answer itt

Don't do drugs kids.

Good job

Here's a treat: 8=8

>everything is one
>therefore nothing matters

That's a pretty big leap of logic. Care to explain? Wouldn't that mean everything matters even more because it's all interconnected?

Christianity is the one true religion

Sorry hombre, stop with the philosophy. You have plenty of time to ponder the meaning of life after you build that wall.
>and just like that, the wall got 10ft higher

just look at these /x/ brainlets high-fiveing each other. mediocre entertainment at most
>muh double slit experiment is mystical shit
this is what brainlets that never passed college believes