WTF? Assange threatening release of 9/11 if FBI does not release Vault 7 info on Hillary? Explain this to me, Sup Forums

WTF? Assange threatening release of 9/11 if FBI does not release Vault 7 info on Hillary? Explain this to me, Sup Forums

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the basic gestalt is that file 7 is on the 7th floor.

expose the jews pls



>its a post about a tweet about a reddit post episode



absolutely legit.

They're going to expose the pedophiles and 9/11? Awesome



check the news. events have already started.

This is megaton huge.

Just imagine all the shit the FBI has on Hillary Clinton.




/end all caps

ive been on pol all evening :3

Goddammit he's right.

Praise Kek.

so that's what vault7 meant



where they send people who don't rewind VHS rentals

holy shit. it's fucking happening.

here's your rundown: stop shitposting, faggot.

i don't want to point out exactly what it is because i dont want to make enemies of a god.

But it's a church. and pgate.

Holy shit I never thought it would actually happen

I sincerely hope a lot of truth does come out, but really, how many times have we heard this kind of thing?

This could all be teamwork as well. Perhaps Wikileaks is 'helping' the FBI by forcing their hand on Clinton, whilst the higher ups don't want to move on her, by threatening to release far more damaging information that would affect the USA.

>'Welp boss looks like we have to arrest Clinton, else the whole country will go into civil war over the 9/11.'

>'Ok Johnson, bring er in.'

What if it is true that Hillary did actually try to leave the country today?

Vault 7 is a massive seed vault in the frigid somewhere. It's purpose is to keep our autistic selves from destroying ALL life by accident.
The seeds would be able to replant life after we fuck up, and we will.

But vault 7 has an edgy spoopy name so pol popped a thousand boners and rolled numbers for an autistic anime amphibian to come up with the best (read:stupidest) sounding conspiracy.

And now you faggots are rallying under it with fake news.

I used to come here just for fun and started to redpill but this really is an autistic circle jerk.

So now i just shitpost.

I remember a weird post FBIanon made, he was talking about not being able to take out Hillary until they were ready, he compared it to taking out a building in New York or something, you kill your target but you take out a lot of people, anyone remember?
He could have been hinting at 9/11

>tfw you believe in larping
Do you also not go innawoods anymore because of /x/ skinwalker LARPS?

The waters around 9/11 so muddy and it's so old now nobody cares. If Mossad went up and officially announced it, no one would really care
>vault 7
What's that ?

What is this

nice spacing

Trips if 9/11 is about to be exposed.

There's tons of "Vault 7s" out there, user, not just the seed storage.

Like I have a "vault 7" for jewelry at my local bank - I have a vault and it's numbered 7.

wikileaks may be controlled by the fbi and still on our side.

assange may be alive but not free and it could still be a good situation.

That said, assange is an aussie/world hero.

Assange is already dead or compromised. No joke Wikileaks is not reliable anymore, this is shilling to convince us that Wikileaks is /our guy/ so every piece of info released we believe without question. Be skeptical guys.
6 released so far, what's in vault7?

FBI Vault 7. YIKES ::O


Obviously the good stuff.


If it's worse than 9/11 secrets...

Probably child porn / murder related stuff. Pedo island. Other demonic evil shit.

Asange must really feel passionately about this if he's willing to blow one of his most powerful insurance files on it. The crimes committed by her must have shocked and disgusted him so much that he's now willing to put everything on the line, including his most valuable piece of insurance.

Let's also remember that Clinton wanted to drone strike kill him, so there's that too.

Yup royal commission went swimmingly. Interesting timing to say the least.

Assange is dead
this is fake news
nothing to see here

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs -In contact with aliens -Possess psychic-like abilities -Control france with an iron but fair fist -Own castles & banks globally -Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line -Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city) -Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth -First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies -both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51 -Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them -They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world -You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now -The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land? -They learned fluent French in under a week -Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff -The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society -In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.


Eu is going to fall and it will not be clean fall.

Just like i said:Pol's/x/ tier autistic circle jerk

maybe, maybe not.

either way, movements are happening right now.

>6 released so far, what's in vault7?

the redpill america needs to finally take as a whole




>screencap of a tweet about a plebbit post
>no link or actual source
I fucking hate nu-Sup Forums


What did kek mean by this?

it'd be funny if wikileaks released bogandoff stuff

The only """movement""" happening is the liberal left's curbstomp of the alt-right. While the left stands fir their justice, the alt-right cowers on a cantonese knitting forum

Nice shilling and half truths.

vault 7 is more than a seed goes hand in hand with the doomsday vault.

He got 9/11d


I wish this would happen

Burn the heretic, you're no fun

you are a shill for sure, we are winning so hard right now that the left can't stand up or type straight.

trump is president, btw.

Whether we get 9/11 or Clinton stuff... We're gonna get stuff
Take heart and be merry

>hand in hand with doomsday vault
No shit sherlock, an unstable species like ours needs more safety vaults than those to protect the planet.

The only vault i care about is the one where scientists create super viruses for shits n giggles

This. Release us from this pain already.

Add to that Iran releasing info about US supporting ISIS, brought to them among other by dutch Shell guy.

3 buildings fell
>nothing to see here goy!

i thought he was dead... wtf?

convince Assange with what? Why would he give a fuck about anything Kerry would say?

>i have no argument but I'll call you a shill for a default win

Praise, I fucking believe

A fascist movement. How can a facist be a fascist if they don't do anything? We aren't doing anything to invoke this. Just a ton of butthurt.

Skinwalker LARPS are less credible than FBIanon LARPS

Lord Kek certainly delivers.

Assange is dead and replaced. Wikileaks does not threaten. Wikileaks has no reason to threaten. Wikileaks does only one thing, it receive information from whistleblowers and publishes it. It does not threaten to publish it, it does not make conditions, it just do it. This twitter account is not Wikileaks. Wikileaks was compromised as of October 2016 and Assange is MIA.

You seem to be actively be trying to discredit this story. That will make everyone look twice as hard at it. If you feel like it is all a fabrication, why are you working so hard to discredit it? A normal person would just walk away or hide the thread. I'm more curious about your motives than the story itself.

>fascists caling other peopl fascists

So many fucking off by 4's, many such cases, sad


UN is much likely to fall before EU, US or Germany. It lengths hangs on a thread.

naw, no matter how tough we talk, the US will still prop that shit up.

>normal person
>browsing pol
I think you ought to have your answer
>why do homophobes pop into fag threats to express their distaste of homosex
>a normal person would just walk away
>clearly they have some ulterior motive
Literally an autistic circle jerk

none of that is worse than if it turned out 9/11 was actually orchestrated by mossad and the cia. fuck off, kike

Another slide thread.

1 post by this i.d.

And you guys don't stop falling for these.

I'll take what are assumptions

It must be if Asange is willing to bet it all

Also KYS

We are not white supremacists. White supremacists pretty much don't exist.

We don't think white people are superior, we just want to be left alone and to stop our countries being wiped out.

you say you're not a shill but you don't even know who's forum this is. You seem to be lost.

Assange was black-bagged. Beyond that it's hard to say if he's dead or not. They got him Oct 17th
Timeline attached. The LARP is a cover to keep the useful idiots yapping.

>calls me a shill
Takes one to know one

I thought Assange was kill?

just to add to this, we're not even really racists. we just got called it for disagreeing with the crazy left. in the end we don't care what you call us, we entertain free thought and speech.

lesson to be learned here: if you call everyone who disagrees with you a nazi now too, people will stop caring about that word as well.

Back to Wikileaks is compromised.

sorry for replying to the shill guys. i won't do it anymore. at least the thread got some bumps :)

Sure thing shill.

Shills always come from canada. No leaf can ever be trusted. Leafs are the enemies of freedom.

can i get a badsic gestalt on vault 7 and hillarys involvement?

I'm with the Aussie on this.

I'm not a white supremecist. I do think its horrible to see all white societies forced to "become diverse" which is just a new way of saying genetically assimilated to the global mean.

I don't really regard America as a white country. I just want other white countries to be allowed to live in peace. Just like I want for any country; national determination and soverignty is the right of those lands.

>needs more safety vaults than those to protect the planet.

the doomsday vaults is where the elite jews go when they unleash those super viruses on you/us you retarded good goy

realz dealz buddy

>sorry guys
Fucking betastralia


but the real assange is on record saying 9/11 conspiracy theories are bull. seemed pretty forceful about it, too. claimed 9/11 conspiracy theorists were damaging.

(unless that was a chess move a decade in advance)

The picture of Vault7 is probably the root of the Twin Towers, filled with explosives.