What would a country with an average IQ of 130 look like?


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White or yellow

even kek approves

I hear Sup Forums harp about IQ all the time. The difference, they claim, between an African and European/Asian level of civilization is an average IQ gap of two standard deviations. Imagine if another race existed on Earth that were to Europeans what Europeans were to Africans.

dude it would be like...more advanced...


Pure autism
Everyone needs glasses
Low test is an epidemic
Nobody procreates

Look up some other dysgenic functions of a high IQ.

>What would a country with an average IQ of 130 look like?


Or more autistic and in risk of being hijacked by jews.

Idiots are good because they follow their instinct and human nature.

A Jew can tell a high IQ Swede:

>You should have sex with men, because it is more progressive.

To which the Swede will reply

>Solid argument, my bignosed friend! I will become a homosexual now.

Whereas an idiot would reply to the same question with

>Naw man, fuck dat. I like pussy and I am gonna continue liking pussy. I don't give two shits about your 'arguments', "ethics" and "facts". I want pussy.



But the real answer is Australia, which is white AND yellow.

>I hear Sup Forums harp about IQ all the time. The difference, they claim, between an African and European/Asian level of civilization is an average IQ gap of two standard deviations.
Yes - that difference is an empirical fact.

You can argue about the validity of IQ tests or supposed 'cultural bias' or whatever but the 2SD difference between White&EastAsian IQ averages and Black African IQ average is undeniable.

it would be degenerate as fuck, because when people are smart they tend to be able to provide enough to sustain themselves and even more. im guessing it would succumb to outside influence quickly, and inevitably the stupid neighbours will start war. only a stern defense policy, which will be laughed at could prevent this, but sooner or later it will be neglected for a small ammount of time and it could cause that countrys crash

Obviously, but it's an interesting thought experiment. If i were an isolated sub saharan African i don't think i would have been able to independently conceive of the accomplishments of European society.

The average IQ of Nazi Europe would have still been around 105 or so unless they implemented some insane eugenics policy or hacked the human genome.




if you take the leaders of any european country the IQ would be similar.

>if you take the leaders of any european country the IQ would be similar.
lol no

pretty autistic desu senpai



Like Israel

like a bunch of self absorbed weirdos lol :P

>Imagine if another race existed on Earth that were to Europeans what Europeans were to Africans.
They would have eradicated us all. That's how we know they don't exist.

How large population OP? Because you need a few million people to get all the infrastructure for a large project going. A country with 1 billion and an average of 100 will have a lot of 130 iq people and all the farmers, janitors, builders etc so support them.


*tilts brimmed hat*

How do you do, fellow intellectuals?

Wait until we colonise Mars and you'll find out. Low-IQ normies not allowed.

Lel. The nigger culture is so destructive that immigrant niggers actually use less welfare.

>jag ska bli statsminister



Wtf, är ju en massa grejer han inte har svetsat klart.

What about these guys?

working as intended


It would be great until the majority agree the goal should be to help others, and the nigger pilgrimage would shortly ruin everything.

Tänk va mycket nya jobb sossarna har skapat. Socialism fungerar!

Probably not that much better. A person with 130 IQ is barely above average intelligence.

I don't think you see true difference around 150+. As someone with 160 IQ I can barely communicate with the "above average" person.

>who are (((they)))

I found this on Quora. Don't know how accurate it is, but it's interesting nonetheless:

>Until recently, the only gene or domain that we knew to be highly correlated to IQ scores was DUF1220. Not only does the copy number of this gene domain correlate with human IQ scores, but it has also been shown to have a very high correlation coefficient when matched to the cognitive skills of non-human primates. Neanderthals have 350 copies of it, whereas we average only 278. If we judge from non-human primates, we should estimate a neanderthal advantage of around +15 IQ points, but if we judge them as humans it gets trickier. If we take neanderthals as humans then the CON2 subtype of DUF1220 is far more predictive than CON1 (see DUF1220 copy number is linearly associated with increased cognitive function as measured by total IQ and mathematical aptitude scores). Unfortunately, our current neanderthal genome data is not of sufficient quality to differentiate the two, but assuming they have the same ratio of the two to modern humans, then we may expect they have a +25 IQ point advantage.


Ashkenazi Jews rank at about 115 and already have disproportionate representation in the sciences. 130 would be a blowout.


Israel without the brownies.

Everyone is 160 IQ, 7 inch dick, 200 cm height, athletic sex god on the internet Knut. Dont you know?

Its accurate.Also neanderthals had on average +300 cubic cm more brain mass. They went extinct because Homo Sapiens were reproducing much faster. As time went on more Neanderthals reproduced with Sapiens and they slowly blended

That's most probably because you suffer from autism, not because of high IQ.

Coruscant is a degenerate shithole though

There is, it's called "the elites"

Probably entirely degenerate; i.e. masochistic, nihilistic, perpetually decadent and degenerate. They would invariably and for obvious reasons import low IQ laborers and the stratification would become stark.

The people who established the "cerebral state" would only have to wait a few generations to witness the precipitous decay of their labor as its populous loses their impetus and purpose, replacing fulfillment with hedonism and organic relationships with escapism and materialism.

I also assume that because of such degeneracy their society could succumb to another force that would be inherently antithetical to their project of maintaining a high national IQ, or the importation of women for the men who will be left without the luxury. Decadent women don't adhere to monogamy, which causes conflict among men for whom, per the ubiquitous Pareto principle, are left high and dry. The 80% of men in the society who're left celibate will most likely seek elsewhere for women who will give them the time, which means importing women who've low IQs and come from bad cultures. Funnily enough, in a society where the IQ isn't 130 there would be mass social strife and pathology, even violence, among men if monogamy wasn't adhered to, but I assume these men will have an aversion to violence. Regardless, no civilization has stood in the face of nonmonogamy and survived.

So basically modern society in 3x fast forward, hurling towards their demise.

good goy

I seriously don't think anyone with high IQ would literally fuck up the world surrounding them, that's nigger tier "reasoning".

You've been tricked like

U forgetting the jews

look at mensa

its full of lazy fucks

Now, doesn't this remind you of anything?

Because success is more than one number.


Ultra-lite socialist federation of highly independent states.

With that sort of IQ you gain immense bargaining power and the ability to create value out of virtually nothing.

They don't care about fucking up the world since they live seperately anyway. The world is their playground.

Best case scenario: Nature's finest predators, and instrument of God's perfect wrath on the weakness of mankind.
Worst case scenario: A bunch of lisping swindlers enslaving everyone in stupid cults.

>I seriously don't think anyone with high IQ would literally fuck up the world surrounding them, that's nigger tier "reasoning".

Elites never fuck up anything, yet the intelligentsia have been the catalysts of societal decay since time immemorial.

It's relativism and their ability to circuitously justify patently absurd ideas.

When a 100 IQ social conservative sees diversity he thinks "this is causing issues, not good." When a 115 IQ Marxist college student sees diversity they think "Omg! (insert justification only a high IQ person could muster up for immigrant crime). This could work! I better get to work on immediately combating human nature!"

Greece was mostly great because of the shitload of slaves they had. As well as a few wise men. The vast majority of Greeks were drunk husbands who drank and partied all day.

You are a moron. In almost any case the person with 115 IQ will be smarter and more accurate on matters where one has to measure reality. A person with 100 IQ is more likely to be in delusion. Fuck off goy.

>immigrant household

The real question is why it's so easy for people who can't sustain themselves to become US citizens, while I'm stuck in some bullshit 8 year process and had to prove 10000 times that I have an education, stable job, high income, sufficient wealth and excellent knowledge about US history and law.

We can only hope that Trump gets rid of birthright citizenship and prioritizes immigrants who don't instantly leech off the welfare state.

Libertarian paradise

>high IQ is correlated with correctness on social issues



Einstein was a fucking socialist and Oppenheimer was an out-and-out commie

The elite strata in any society is always invariably degenerate, globalistic, and nihilistic -- they always value that which does not comport with human nature and the destruction in the wake of their ideas, from Rome to the USSR, is always egregious.

The idea that IQ helps people navigate social issues is fallacious and correct only insofar as the human brain is free of biases and parasitizing ideology. But this is not the case. It's like saying that people with better coordination will be better at building with lego blocks -- which is theoretically true, but not if the highly coordinated individuals have no hands.

Sorry but you're still nigger tier "thinking" here, you're not seeing further than immediate.

Makes me think of these niggers fucking up a generator for the oil inside it. The sacrifice of long term comfort for immediate pleasure. there's nothing intelligent in doing that, it's the polar opposite.

>Elites never fuck up anything
They constantly fuck up and the only reason they don't hang on ropes is because they secured places of power to protect them. By intelligence? No, by deception. Deception takes intelligence you say? Then I guess all these african shitskin scamers are on par with the whites!

Face it, you're being lied to and refuse to see the reality that you've been tricked by literal savages (kikes included). You live in deny like libtards do.

I agree with you I just started off that post shitty; if you keep reading you'll realize I detest elites and am lambasting their perennial incompetence and hubris

>When a 100 IQ social conservative sees diversity he thinks "this is causing issues, not good." When a 115 IQ Marxist college student sees diversity they think "Omg! (insert justification only a high IQ person could muster up for immigrant crime). This could work! I better get to work on immediately combating human nature!"

It doesn't take a high IQ to justify immigrant crime retard.

It's not really a fair comparison. Our immigrant African population consists either of Somali shitnigs or cream we've skimmed from the top of Africa. For example, Nigerian immigrants are more educated and have higher IQs on average than white Americans. That's not indicative of Nigerians being more intelligent than whites, just an effect of having a sensible immigration policy applied to Nigeria and taking in only their best. Unfortunately, we don't apply the same standards to every country equally.

I've also heard it said quite a few times that a lot of the African immigrants here detest American blacks.

The average IQ in a country is 100.

If you mean what would a country of people look like that have an average IQ of 130 compared to americans, then the answer would be 'the majority of white countries in the world +japan'

a society with an average IQ of 130 would be highly autistic and non functional.
source> autism riddled 135+ IQ person

What part of "they live seperately" do you not understand, you retarded faggot?

That is not how it works. The average IQ for the entire worlds population is 100. That average may rise slightly, then tests will be adjusted accordingly to ensure 100 remains the average.

dis tb.h f.am

Yet if you look at the data it is always social conservatives who score average to below average on IQ tests, whereas liberals score around 110 and libertarians 115 depending on whomever's study you're sourcing.

There is a clear pattern of social conservatives having their intuitions unmuddled and their beliefs distilled to represent most purely human nature.

Do you really think it is an accident that all the elites in the West believe in asinine theories like egalitarianism and globalism, both of which require a high degree of circuitous cognition to justify? Especially in the face of overwhelming evidence that their beliefs are utterly wrong.

It's a simple case of IQ acting as a bulwark towards becoming disinfected from pathological ideology.

I bet part of your autism is vastly overrating your own IQ, just like every other Sup Forums fag

It would look white.

It's called human farming.

Keep your positions of power stable.

Just because this involves nations constantly collapsing doesn't mean it isn't stable.

What happens when the white world collapses?

If we don't start a fourth reich the chinks will.

It would be a self sufficient, independent, automated Mars colony with a massive army and advanced technology to thwart any Earth invasion. The people would purse science, art, philosophy and such and would build impressive structures to honor those who trough their valor, ingenuity, and self sacrifice had made this possible and are continuing to do so for the betterment of the human race. This is how I view it but sadly it might never happen if we spread to that planet without getting rid of degeneracy and general cancer that is happening in everything from politics to science. But none can take away my dreams can they?

>A person with 130 IQ is barely above average intelligence.

That's like adding six inches to your nation's average height and saying a person with that height is barely above average in height.


white as fuck


Like shit because no one would do practical work

If anything, I tend to vastly overate my autism. This isn't a dick measuring contest, I'm just being honest. I've been friends with a genius, and I am not one myself. I simply have a fast processor and large hard drive, my RAM is pretty shit

what part of "you can't live separately indefinitely" don't you understand, faggot?

holup, you're skipping the fundamentals to make your blatant sophism "work".



>A person with 130 IQ is barely above average intelligence.
Lol is this bait?

if you killed 97.5% of your population and the only ones left were the absolute best of the best and then those best BECAME the remainder of the population without regression to the mean leading to a super kurtose curve.

Not only would there be a lot more 160 IQ people, your dumbest person at 100 IQ is WAY less likely to commit crime. The place would be virtually crime free.

Since motivational factors would naturally start making competition select the strongest of the smartest. You'd basically have the entire country operate like the top brass of the most innovative, productive and profitable companies in the world.

Think about it, there would be so much abundance because even farmers would have the genius to innovate wildly.

Pursuing a democracy might actually be a good idea under those conditions. Given the average persons involvement in politics, if IQ reached 130. most of the population would have an intricate understanding of the constitution and foundations of philosophy before leaving highschool.

EVERY SINGLE UNIVERSITY WOULD BE HARVARD QUALITY. and the prestigious top universities would be where Harvard professors have their wet dreams about teaching but are literally just barely smart enough to attend as students

What the fuck is small about this?

I believe it would collapse or import less intelligent people.


There is a noticeable difference between a person of 100 IQ and 130, once you engage in a deeper level of conversation. the 100 IQ person would not be able to keep up. There is also a noticeable difference between 130 and 140+. consider a pc running some software. The 100 IQ person is running it at minimum specs, graphics on low and frame rate drops. at 130, you are running on medium settings smoothly, can run on high with frame drops. At 160 you would be running at full specs, everything turned up with silky smooth frame rate.

You are mistaken.

Religious superstition is tier 1 intelligence (below average to average)
Materialism is tier two (average to above average)
Transcendentalism is tier three (above average all the way to genius tier)

There are studies on worldview and intelligence.

Smart people are more likely to be empathic and productive but the empathy of smart people is not limited to liberal proclivities. smart people afterall can see beyond the vice of subjectivism. Therefore with empathy as a base, logic can be used to scaffold to areas where empathy cannot and to provide structure which would guarantee overall a very "equal" society.

we would be very similar to the scandanavian countries. Great social services, no crime and lots of business optimism. Otherwise like taiwan, immensely rich, highly dignified business practice and no crime.

almost everything would be gamified but in a "non-serious" fashion and most elements of life would be modular (outside of pieces/ tech made complete and separate due to their artistic brilliance).

Given that the rest of the world would be retarded compared to it, it would need some strict as fuck isolationast practice and enough nuclear warheads to be a superpower (otherwise other nations would just conquer it).


Yes they can. Groups of high IQ people will never live in the same ranks of lower IQ people. Otherwise then, you know, they wouldn't be high IQ.

It has jack shit to do with IQ and ranks, it's demographics and geography. You can't keep a closed society clean forever. It's not like you weren't living in a world where it happens right now ffs.

>look at mensa
>its full of lazy fucks

I suppose some truly intelligent people give a shit about mensa, but smart people who are not stunted in their development could not care less about mensa.

Some smart people are dipshits, but many are highly functional in many ways. The autistic weirdos are a small subset of intelligent people.

Well adjusted intelligent people fit in, and are found everywhere. They might not stand out like spergers do, but if you actually deal with a smart person (and you are intelligent yourself), it's usually obvious that they are above average.