
Anyone here has fuck you money?
That must be the ultimate redpill.Nothing to desire.Nothing more to live for.

If you have a problem with money I believe I have a salution

I own a liquor store. No restrictions on markup (s) in the state I live. I profit in 1 month the median annual salary of my neighbors/friends.

I build rental properties with some of my profits and exclusively rent to students attending the Culinary Institute of America, Marist students are awful. So are Vassar kids.

Renting this unit out on the 1st to a BPS student, paying 2 years rent in advance with his parents in 45 minutes actually. Have to meet them down the road at the property here in a bit

I'm the chairman of a fairly substantial corporation. BECAUSE of my position, I'm unable to express my true opinions on various sensitive topics. Money has restrained my life more than anything.

Students are mostly good tenants right?

should have gone to medical school like mummy told you to, rajesh.

I have way more money than I need, even though I don't work. I don't have any responsability and all my needs are taken care of.

Like you said, I have no earthly desires and nothing more to live for. I am free.

My only goal now is moksha.

Their rent is always on time, or paid in advance. Culinary students don't have the free time to destroy my properties the way other students do. Their curriculum and testing schedule is insanely full and stringent.

I had to learn the hard way, renting to other students from surrounding Universities.

I always get great food from these tenants as well.

Yes. It's nice.

Yeah but things are changing. Still, doing business with opinionated Europeans is especially painful.

Same. Living on welfare and saving 100-200 € every month.

what are your goals?

he's happy so long as he can go to the old man sauna every week.

I'm afraid I don't have any, although I would love to have some ambition & drive. I've been trying to figure out what to do with my life for the past year or two or whether it's worth living at all, but I keep running in circles in my mind without arriving to any real conclusion.

In the meantime I've been keeping myself healthy and spending the days on the internet. Not very fulfilling, but oh well.

Well that is not far from truth.

imo, there are two purposes to life:

the first one is the "earthly" purpose. It is to share your gift. To find your gift is the meaning of life and to share it is the purpose. That is, if you want to get involved in earthly matters.

The second one is liberation of the individual soul. It is the ultimate spiritual goal and requires a certain process of detachement from certain aspects of existence. It is the ultimate goal and attaining it means the end of reincarnations in the phenomenal world (actually, there is some debate as to wether the liberation is eternal or simply extremely long, as in billions of years).

Voilà. The two goals of life, the earthly one and the one related to the beyond.

We have the same situation, but its honestly not so bad. Only thing I feel bad about is living on tax money but what the heck - they give tax money to even most retarded things and institutes.

I tried to get into an art school while back and didn't get in but even if I was there I would just be doing the same - living on taxpayers money while going to unproductive "school" that is completely payed by taxpayers money, teached by some burn-out hippies who enjoys huge salary payed by taxpayers money

Lets make Finland okay again. Lets vote Kokoomus and kick some ass.

Only if you vote for this guy, he might have just what it takes to give power back to people and manse

What does "gift" mean in this context though? Are you suggesting that each individual has an innate special talent or ability that is capable of bringing its bearer & the people around him joy and purpose. I find that kind of view a bit too romanticized for my liking. Each one of us is of course capable of impacting the world in positive ways, should we so desire.

I agree. The interesting thing is that even as someone living on unemployment benefits you're still paying taxes. Basically it's the government taxating itself.

Just having any job doesn't automatically mean you're contributing to the society around you. What kind of value does someone filling Excel sheets for a private company 8 hours a day provide? It could be argued that just creating and sharing mediocre art for free on the internet has larger net benefit for the well being of humanity than most individual jobs.

If you didn't earn it then you don't deserve it Pajeet.
NEETs are (((lizardman))) tier and Indians are are just Pakis that went east instead of west when that dumb cunt who resides on your worthless currency rebelled against HM QE2.
Kill yourself you worthless cow worshipping cunt.

>No restrictions on markup (s) in the state I live.

What state?

I truly enjoy working though. I don't have any friends and not much interests me. Going to work is something I look forward to. I save most of my money because many equals security to me.

What kind of work do you do?

having money is nice
making money (huge amounts) by either honing a skill or luck or just hard work is incredibly amazing
few natural things compare to the ecstasy you feel when you actually create value out of nothing
here where I come from, people frown upon "greedy capitalists", its in their culture to look down on the mercants if u will
I learned however that there is nothing amoral about loving to make money, its actually really healthy and will directly improve your mental and physical well-being
Thats why you see all these mental college kids in their mid 20s rioting on campuses. They never earned their own money and miss this very essential insight into how all the value around them was created.

I think working for private companies always contributes in form of taxes, even if the jobs are ones that could be replaced by computer programs soon.

Worse thing is the institutes which center around unemployed. For example, I went for unemployment center and there were not two but three old ladies who couldn't even use internet properly "working on my case" and getting big salary for that. They didn't help me at all, they just said that I would be great telemarketer. Fuck that. I don't need three old ladies getting payed by taxpayers money to tell me I could be a telemarketer. I suggested that I could come and work for unemployment office but they said I needed to be "Bachelor of Business Administration" to work them. And I remind you that these old ladies could barely use a printer

Corporate tax.

by gift I mean what you are best at. Your talent.
If and how you use it is another question.

The real secret is there is no purpose. All you can do is try and enjoy the ride.

Nice mate, well done

>Anyone here has fuck you money?
Yes, Literally don't give a fuck about anything materialistic what i don't use in meaningful way to make my life comfy.

Internet, PC, food, water, a comfy place to sleep and that's it.

There is no such thing as Fuck you money in India son.


topkek. I did some career test in as a teenager and the results suggested that I should become an animal dealer.

Ah. What you're best at is mostly a matter of time and effort though. I was musically retarded as a child and after over a decade of practicing I can now compose/produce & play several instruments at expert level. Instead of looking at what you're naturally good at, perhaps the better attitude would be finding activities which you would enjoy becoming great at.


This is the difficult part.
