Congress to abolish the EPA

Tree huggers BTFO! How will they ever recover?


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I hope it passes.

"China 2.0 here we go"

>Trees BTFO! How will they ever recover?
Fixed your typographical error

>Tree huggers BTFO!

no you niggershit this is the correct way to put it

>thinking this will pass the senate

Good. Fuck the epa.

Listen, do I believe in global warming to the degree of Do I agree that we should at least try to not FUBAR the world, yes.

Personally, I think we should at least have some agency for looking into the effects Fukushima is causing/soon to cause us.

>be working class white man from the south
>love to fish
>love to hunt
>"Trump is gonna fix erry thing!GO TRUMP! MAGA"
>Trump wins
>"We won!"
>EPA is abolished
>all the land he used to hunt is fenced off and privatized
>chemicals dumped in the river he used to fish
>can't fish
>can't hunt
>drinking water is polluted
>tfw have to buy bottled water
>tfw have to eat store bought meat now
But hey! at least he got back at those liberals

You dumb niggers, this isn't made to pass so much as it's made to create controversy and have a multi-faceted look into the EPA on what needs cutting and revamping. EPA authorities will scramble to work with the Trump administration when the bill gains enough traction but loses by a fairly small margin in the Senate.

Yes because it is in a companies bet interest to pollute and kill their customers

fucking retard

1: Not going to happen.
2: It would still be worth it to BTFO liberal criminals and cumdrinkers.
3: You are MAD AS FUCK and it's delicious.

I like this one more
>This bill amends the federal criminal code to expand the list of statutory aggravating factors in death penalty determinations to also include the killing or attempted killing of a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or other first responder.
>assault front of an ambulance with your torso, get the death penalty

>I dunno what the Fox River is: The Post

>what is the clean water act?
>what is the clean air act?
>le corporation and le chemical

Go back to Sup Forums you low info faggot

Good. Fuck the EPA. Those fucks deserve everything they are getting.

That's bullshit, I hope it never sees the light of day. I've been to enough protests to know that most cops are garbage and will do anything to provoke you into attacking.

this. most environment protection is through actual legislature, not regulations made up by political appointees with zero oversight

and if you look at the bills being introduced by republicans this year, there's more stuff to protect the environment than to damage it.

What are all the things that the EPA protects you tucking faggot. Go read up on the Love Canal. Companies will pollute if it makes their profit margin bigger. Go live in China, India or fucking Africa and tell me that their air and water are safe to consume. You moron

>I've been to enough protests
hope you like lethal injection antifa :^)

Fucking autocorrect

That is the job of local citizens and local governments to work out, retard. You don't need a federal monolithic agency to fix a local water pollution problem in some little town in hickville. If it's a serious problem, people will complain to the local government and they can threaten to send the company packing.

Except, where does that funding come from to clean up the water/monitor it. Local governments don't have funding to support that, or enjoy paying thousands of more in taxes.

What are local governments? Retard.. It's their job to deal with local companies polluting, not some federal agency who is far-removed from the issue and has a financial incentive to accept bribes.

that already happens anyways

>Job paid for me to get my EPA licenses so I can buy R-410A
>Government disbands EPA
Whatever, wasn't my money.

Where do you think the funding for federal agencies come from? Think long and hard.

At least I'm out fighting to make my country a better place, unlike everyone else who just wants to sit around while Trump fucks them in the ass.

>What are local governments?

Powerless, and easily bought.

>At least I'm out fighting to make my country a better place
lol sure you are. how many millionaires have you killed? you just want an excuse to go out and set fire to trash cans

Are you fucking stupid?

Hope he dissolves more of these agencies while he's at it, cancerous budget tumors is all a lot of them are.

are you? big companies like coca cola, apple, ms, can afford to buy anything they want



You have clearly put zero thought into this. A monolithic federal agency has far more of an incentive to accept bribes than people who actually live in the area and are directly affected by it. To say local governments are powerless tells me that you have zero business experience. Businesses need approval from the local government before they are even allowed to exist. Any business can be shut down with the stroke of a pen if they don't follow local laws\ordinances. Anyone over the age of 12 who doesn't have down syndrome knows this.
I'd rather this one passed first.

>this isn't made to pass so much as it's made to create controversy
I hope it passes anyway lmao

Greens eternally BTFO

including the EPA, which aren't worried about being elected by anyone

>Be white male from PA
>bush is running for president
>he says he's going to bring back jobs
>he wins
>the jobs never come back

>be black
>be in Detroit
>obama said he was going to bring back jobs and make the city vibrant again
>Obama wins
>the jobs don't come back

>Be white male
>trumps says he's going to bring back the jobs

Doesn't this pattern Jimmy your Neutrons?


how does this even happen?

A lot of leftists like to cite the following arguments for the EPA:

>What about plastic pollution in the ocean? Don't you think we need the EPA for that?

>What about the smog in China? How would you prevent that? We'll turn into that if we get rid of the EPA!

>Climate change meme.

Very painfully. Fuck 'em

This is only going to poison the rednecks. Hippie states will pass their own environmental laws.

there are already federal laws for that. I can also guarantee rednecks care more about their actual backyard more than a latte sipping hipster in LA. That is where the rednecks hunt, fish and raise their children. To the hipsters is just pretty pictures on google image search.


EPA is literally a money pit for tax dollars

Holy shit what is that flag??

So you guys really think there are no state laws against pollution?

US Sup Forumsirgins

>Bill to terminate the EPA
>Not the ATF


that one exists too, family.

Oh these are the grandstanding bills that never make it out of committee.

how can you tell the difference?

Seen it before.

Are Federal taxes going to decrease with all the cuts in, 'services'?

trump wasn't president though. I mean I know these grand standing ones exist and all, but who knows

Devil trips, checked