
>yfw you realize that Russia has unironically more muslims than sweden

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Most countries have more Moslems than us. We only have a population of 10 Million if you didn't know.

Give it 9 months and the ratio will drastically change.

>what is per capita

wew lad percentage is almost unimportant when you realize that all that land is surely not as dense as some land say as in Moscow

Not good, we need to be more like greenland.

Those are just ethnic minorities mainly in the Caucasus or in Central Russia where even the Russians felt it's too remote and fucked up for us to settle down there

That tends to happen when 75% of your land is in Asia

Asian (as in slant-eye, not Paki) Muslims which are better than Maghrebs though

Didn't realize until now that South America is pretty based.


What the fuck, i thought they were bro-tier?
I'm so sorry Spain.

Macedonia is shit too

yeah except russians aren't cucks and keep their shitskins in check. That's why you don't hear of them

Russian Muslims are part of Russian culture they are good Muslims.

Nice /s

No such thing as "Good Muslims" you dumb mutt



OP must've fucked with the paint bucket or something. Portugal only has like 9000 muslims


Pick one

Shia, Sunni, Same thing

>middle eastern kebab fanatic suicidal extremists =/= central asian original turks / tatars / kazakhs / etc.

Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Iceland, Poland, and Latin America reconfirmed based.

Huestan looking good.
For once.

>but muh """based""" putin


Fuck off from this board, Rossiyanin.

Good muslim = dead muslim.

Russia had exactly the same proportion of muslims for the last 5 centuries. Sweden didn't have any 50 years ago. Russian muslim is Tatar from Kazan, city more white, safe and first world than modern Amsterdam. Swedish muslim is a gangbanger from Malmo, dystopian hellhole on the brink of civil war.

is it true?

WE conquered this muslims. Thats the difference
btw this


But they do not exist

Moscow alone has about 5x more muslims than all of Sweden.

Russia has more muslims than Germany, France, UK combined.


no you dumb fucking nigger per capita literally means per person, this map shows muslims per capita

Could the russians in this thread redpill me on astrakhan?

Why was the conquest of this particular city so important for ivan the terrible?
It seemed just like a regular tatar city located near a river, but still ivan declared himself the first tsar after he conquered it along with kazan

it's a meme

>Good muslim = dead muslim.
Reported to MVD.

>portugal 100% muslim

as rufag said it yesterday it's ok cause of alahproof roofs

Seriously, that's not true.
>64% orthodox
>25% atheist
>6% muslim
>1% heretic christians
The issue with your statistics is that it takes in account Russian Federation as a whole, which is a federation of Russia and islamic shitholes. Furthermore, those 6% muslimes are distributed mostly in Moscow and Tatarstan/Bashkrotastan (and those are not even real muslims, at least most of them).
However, that doesn't change the fact that Russia is not pro-white state. Chechens are privilleged here, Putin is a cuck and et cetera, but your "facts" are just wrong.

give proofs you're not muslim shithole

>please select the good type of muslim to start playing the game.

>have less than 1% of Muslims
>get melted in jet fuel

Good Russian is White Russian.

Theres a difference between ethnic Muslims that lived under the USSR. And arab shitskin immigrant scum

What's up with Portugal there? I thought they had less than 0.1% mudslimes in their country.

The difference is Muslims in Russia are not imported. They are conquered people and know who is the boss.

Aren't you guys liking Muslims?

Oh my god Portugal. What happened to you?

It's so high because rightful russian clay full of non muslims somehow escaped in '91. No worries thought it will soon be returned and the percentage will diminish.

It was a capital of Astrakhan khaganate. War was about dismantling khaganate not taking the city.

ebin, simply ebin :')

At lest those Muslims are whiter than mestizo are and surely whiter than African ones Sweden has. Only complete plebs care more about religion than race.

why do you keep doing this?

What the actual fuck?

gib olivença or we open floodgates

what needs explaining pedro?

>russians will defend this

% of portugals population is Muslim

Guys I have to call bullshit on this

Picrelated is something that happens when you put cucks (Russians) and savages at the same room.

>countries with highest reported crime rate


>thinking we believe in Jewpedia
Crusade for Portugal when?


>what are Albanians, Bosniaks, Turks or Pakis
Europe has non-Arab/non-black Muslims too

there are barely any real russians left almost each and every one of them was wiped out in 1917 and during world wars, everything left there is retarded mongoloid alcoholics,retarded half-arabs and crypto kikes

I have been in Russia. They are muslim in only name. 75 years of communism and brutal religious suppression clearly eracated religion from their mind.

They shout "Allahu Akbar" before vodka shots lmao.

>They shout "Allahu Akbar" before vodka shots

>They shout "Allahu Akbar" before vodka shots lmao.
kek ,i guess they are more russian than muslim

>WE conquered this muslims
Ктo MЫ ? Пидopaшкa oбoccaнaя.TЫ плaтишь дaнь Щищeнcким oтщeпeнцaм, чтoбы и дaльшe cпoкoйнo дoгнивaть в cвoeй пapaшe.
Poccиянин eбaный.

you can not stop the Caliphate, it's already happening

Why does it say Belgium, when France is colored?

щищня пoлyчaeт из бюджeтa мeньшe дeнeг, чeм кapeлия

в чeчнe ecть нeфть, вce этo дeшeвo oбхoдитcя. либepaшки пpocтo paздyвaют кoнфликт.


Please stop embarrassing me ;-;

Is Portugal white?

Russian Empire conquered them. Soviets kept that cattle pinfolded.
"WE" invited them to our capital en masse, give privileges to that scum in our land and pay money to their respective "republics" just for nothing.

We all know that Ivan and Artyom love to prep Beshir and Aslan for Svetlana and Natalia




Russia was never homogenous which is why ironically diversity is no alarm.

This, diversity unironically is strength.

Кapeлии дaжe в cпиcкe нeт.
Кoнeчнo, ты мoжeшь пapиpoвaть:
>Ho вeдь ecть peгиoны, кoтopыe пoлyчaют бoльшe, чeм Чeчня/Дaгecтaн/%immanatname%!
Toлькo зaмeть, чтo в этих peгиoнaх дeньги идyт нa paзвитиe инфpacтpyктypы, вepнee, тoй eё чacти, oтвeчaющeй зa дoбычy cыpья. B Чeчнe никтo нe мoжeт cкaзaть, нa чтo oни yхoдят. Ho yчитывaя ypoвeнь жизнь нoхчeй в cpaвнeнии c житeлями ocтaльных cyбъeктoв PФ, пoявляютcя пpeдпoлoжeния, чтo нe нa aпгpeйд бeнзoкoлoнки.


>This, diversity unironically is strength.

Post please, ''strengths'' of diversity

>Toлькo зaмeть, чтo в этих peгиoнaх дeньги идyт нa paзвитиe инфpacтpyктypы,
Yeah right and Chechen wars with peace treaty including Kadiroff is just fake news.You are paying tribute to peace.
>B Чeчнe никтo нe мoжeт cкaзaть, нa чтo oни yхoдят
Yeah because they get killed or worse...

I see Portugal is defending itself via disinformation campaign.
Nobody wants to live with niggers.

Ahh, switzerland tactics, except people fall for it cause Portugal isn't a mountain jew gold reserve

I am not sure if you used google translete on my post, or I just misunderstood what you've wrote.
>You are paying tribute to peace.
I was saying exactly that

are you people retarded or do you not understand that proximity to the middle east is different than importing millions of mudslimes to your country?

Ecть дoтaции peгиoнaм, a ecть дoхoды c peгиoнoв

У Чeчни oбщий зaчeт -2 млpд pyблeй, a y Яpocлaвcкoй oблacти c пpимepнo тaким жe нaceлeниeм -8 млpд pyблeй. Booбщe пoчти бoльшинcтвo peгиoнoв yбытoчныe и Чeчня нa этoм фoнe нe выдeляeтcя. Taтapcтaн тaк и вoвce выхoдит в плюc и нe пoнимaeт, зaчeм eмy плaтить кaкoй-тo pycнe, oни caми чтo ли зa ceбя плaтить нe мoгyт?

Sorry my Russian is shit i'm learning.

>are you people retarded
>Sup Forums

Пpизнaю cвoю oбocpaмc.
Ho этo eщё нe кoнeц, я вepнycь!

Чeчнe в дoхoды нe идeт экcпopт нeфти чepeз нee

Well, nobody can measure non-reported crime, we can predict, but reported is what's for sure. We know Africa has probably more unreported rape.

Duh. We have islamic states as our federal subjects, why the fuck would you be surprised

Pic: row 1 column 3 - Sunni ; (2,3) - Shia, (3,3) - non-denominational


>germany and US are almost the same total number
>US is 4 times the size of germany

WEW literally wtf is going on there


the biggest mosque in Europe is in Moscow lmao

If you want to reduce your chances getting raped in Germany you have to live further away from refugee center.

>the meme is back again
fuck off