RIP Critical thinking. We knew you well

RIP Critical thinking. We knew you well.

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Good try Shareblue. Fuck off.

Hey David Brock

Stop fucking kids you sick fuck

he is thinking critically, no other usa president ever did that of the media it seems

Man these CTR posts are annoying. It's always the same. A twitter cap and a single sentence OP devoid of meaning.

this is where the left died, this tweet. this will win over so many people. he wrote this in such a calm, presidential manner.

the white house says cnn are liars. the people believe cnn are liars. cnn are liars. we all know cnn are liars.

cnn says cnn aren't liars. pretty sure the whitehouse knows best.

>anything that doesn't go my way is fake

Is he twelve or something?

CTRRRRR nerd virgin :)

Is he retarded?

>Anything that doesn't go my way is racist and has ties to Russia

What are they, twelve?


He's right, though.

>Hand over the presidency Dahnald!

lol it works. wow.

also sage.

Not fooling anyone OP

Sure, the white house knows best. They do all the polls and stuff.

Oh wait? They don't? It's just Trump himself being ignorant of every source of information?


>Still spouting the CTR meme

Shouldn't you be in school kiddo?

Also, just a tip: worshiping another man makes you a cuck.


Josh Dolin

Adrienne Watson

Amanda Karpay

Elizabeth Shapell

Matt McClure

Rebecca Charen

Benjamin Fischbein

Burns Strider

Ellie Cohen

Elizabeth Price

Johan Newman

Benjamin Williams

Caryn Lenhoff

Daniel Wessel

Karla Towle

Kathleen Kennedy

point is the white house is more trustable than CNN. If the white house says CNN is fake news, then CNN is fake news and you know it.

i bet you're anti-science too.


Given CNN's current ratings, the people already know CNN are liars

Drumpf lost the popular vote!

He's absolutely factually correct you fucking faggot/jew

Whether it's true or not, after telling Americans that no one wanted trump for 16 months, and that he only had a less than 2% chance of being elected only to blow Hillary out, most supporters don't trust any major news/polling stats anyway.

He's correct. Throughout the primaries and the general, and even now that the race is won, more people support the ban than opposite it. All this talk of his approval dropping because he implemented the policy people want is purely psyops. Both to get him to back off the issue, to rile up the left, and to try and program opinions into people's heads. We're fighting fire with fire here. Rational arguments don't work when the other side is fabricating information and spinning shit 24/7.

Oh it's another Trump tweets something absolutely retarded and the circlejerk echo-chamber safe space board bends over backwards trying to justify it episode.


He needs to chill and take a night off. Also get rid of Kushner who's as healthy to keep around as Rasputin

>I call my OWN shots
alpha as fuck

Because (((polls))) were so honest about brexit, trump, and the patriots? How bout you go gas yourself kike.



i get jokes


You do realize that being on your knees and worshiping Trump on daily basis makes you a cuck, right? It's sad to watch desu

no. it means we're the winning team. :)

Because the president is elected to be the Critical Thinker in Chief.
He was elected to do exactly what he's been doing.
The polls are all fake. You haven't been paying attention.
Are you still waiting for the Hilldawg Frawg landslide the polls said was going to happen?









>any shred of critical thinking

Pick one lel

Isn't trump twitter a bait-fest at this point in time?


okay lads this isn't funny anymore

Funny that you mention that I might be anti science, I'm studying Physics at the moment and have taken classes in science philosophy. My last essay was about the importance of having sience counseling to guide Trump as it seems he is totally ignorant of scientifically proven occurences like global warming.

That being said, if Trump would claim that CNN is biased and would provide decent evidence while doing so there would be nothing wrong with this tweet. However, this tweet does something completely different. It accuses a whole lot of news news sources of being fake news, without providing any evidence. If you are so pro-science you would know that it is always important to specify what you are talking about (which news source?) and to provide evidence.

Honestly he just seems like a child who can't take the fact that people dislike him and I think that tweets like these show that he is actually dangerous, especially regarding the position that he is in.

Yeah the wall you're paying out of your taxes, enjoy Tyrone.

oh that science comment hurt you huh? :)

the evidence is in front of your face every day. The white house says CNN is fake news, because CNN is fake news.

you can have your conspiracy theories about CNN secretly being legit news but that's all it is now. you alone with your conspiracy theory that the white house has confirmed isn't true.

This is a CTR shill thread

Replying without a bump

Want a proof that CNN is fake news ? Check their articles since july 2015. They released a fake article against Trump (the leak that was bullshit). They are a bunch of cunts that must go bankrupt

They lied all throughout the elections so why should he believe them now. Fuck'em they stopped being journalists the second they started shilling

Trump is now Supreme Leader tier.

it's obvoulsy a shitpost attempting to trigger this same asinine response from leftist libtards like yourself so that he can then in turn call them out on their hypocrisy by reminding them that whenever something doesn't go their way it's either Russia's fault or Julian Assange or The Patriarchy, etc.

Provided the tweet is even real of course.

also the polls they release have all been fake, election polls were fake and trump said this so trump actually did provide scientific evidence for his claim.

People use the pro-science argument on global warming just to give a little hook into a excuse to faggotry.

Uh no, that comment didn't hurt me. I'm sorry for you that you can get hurt over the internet by a stranger but for most people it doesn't work this way. I was merely providing you with some background knowledge because you accused me of being anti science.

Furthermore, you seem to have not even read my comment because I said that I think it might be possible that CNN provides fake news. All I was saying is that a tweet like this does not contain any evidence or specification as to which news source he is actually talking about and is therefore deplorable.

I hope you will read my comment this time and provide me with a well structured argument. Would be appreciated but I doubt you could do it.

Nice try CTRBLUE

>scientifically proven occurences like global warming.
>global fucking warming
Oh, you mean

""""""""climate change"""""""""

keep up with the latest scientific trends, senpai

I was merely

and maybe spend some time off of the internet for a bit, try to touch a girl or something.

I already said that I believe CNN might provide fake news.

The point of my last comment was that Trump's tweet does not specify which news source he is talking about or which evidence he has for accusing these news sources of providing fake polls. This makes his comment outright deplorable and the fact that people believe things like this without evidence or so is actually dangerous in my opinion.

that's what happen when you think you got rich because of your own work and not because of your parents

more like (((((((climate change)))))))
Climate change is real and part of a natural process that occurs because of earth's orbit (think Ice Age), it's the implicit ((((man made)))) part about climate change that is absolute bullshit.

>tfw the earth is just going to keep heating up and there's absolutely nothing we can do to stop it

Who are these people

I'm sorry for using the wrong words in your opinion but it doesn't really prove anything.

Why did they change the words, senpai? I thought the Earth was getting WARMER and WARMER. I thought New York and New Orleans are supposed to be underwater now? Why are all the well-known megalomaniacs who drive the global warming narrative still not selling any of their hundreds of millions of property and assets in low sea-level regions? Surely, if they believe that the sea level is rising, they wouldn't continually invest in property on low-sea levels?

really maeks u dink

It's a shame that you can't think of a good counterargument and instead resort to just insulting me.

Part of the essay I talked about earlier was indeed about the danger of the fact that most trump voters don't even have evidence for their points and I think you proved that really well. I do wonder, how can you think you proved your point by insulting me.

By the way, if you keep just insulting people as your last resort it will show your own insecurities. I'm not saying this to insult you, just so you know.

>m-muh source

even all the jews who write for this site have given up on the (((climate change))) hoax bullshit. Might want to follow suit, senpai, if you're a "man of science".

Thanks for ending your argument with "really meaks you dink" because it really empowers the stupidity of it.

They're with good women.

fantastic non-argument, as expected from a moron who pretends he's a physics major.

Look, I could go on about why your arguments don't make sense but I have better things to do than to try and prove to someone that global warming is real in 2017.

Try reading the source that you proposed critically, maybe it will help you.

I will give you an easy start, take the second point in your article. Don't you think that scientists have found out different ways of finding out the earth's temperatures in ancient times yet? Maybe try looking up sedimentary layers (strata) in the context of paleontology for how scientists do this.

The science says that manmade CO2 has an insignificant influence on energy/heat in the atmosphere, and as more CO2 is added it has a logarithmic less effect per amount added, soon to be or already at it's saturation levels where it doesn't matter how much more you add. Also earth's history does not show a correlation with much higher CO2 levels and temperature trends.

Nice attempt at digressing, though. Paleontology doesn't contribute much to the global warming discussion, nor does it provide any meaningful context - we're talking about man-made global warming.

That tweet is not real. How stupid do you think we are?

I was only using paleontology to support a point and you said paleontology doesn't have anything to do with global warming so the point is not valid? That is flawed reasoning in a way that I hope you understand yourself as well.

I'm sorry, I would really like to have this discussion with you but honestly I would have to keep on explaining what I actually meant because you don't seem to understand (or read?) my comments. I was rather amazed at the stupidity of your last comment and the apparent inability to read an article or other people's comments.