It will happen in your lifetime

It will happen in your lifetime.

Other urls found in this thread:,_1976

not if the wall does its job

And how to you wall up hundreds of kilometers of mountains?

By then blue will represent the American Reich Party with red as the commies

only if commiefornia secedes and the lone star state gets refugees from there

It already has happened before.

OP is actually brain dead guys. This must be his retarded sister.


too many rural and suburban retards

Texas has been trending blue for some time and even without migration as a factor, spics outbreed whites. Notice how even though the US average went more red last november texas still managed to go bluer. What a shit state desu

Fuck off leaf some us here aren't a country of cowards who chose to pussy out of their fight form independence.

No it won't. They're going back.

I love this meme

it already did. Texas was liberal up until the 90's. You're probably 12 so you don't know.

Are you fucking retarded, or were you in a coma for the past 18 months? The democrats have fallen apart, and every day the rioting and other childish behavior push "moderate" democrats into the loving arms of the GOP.



By sheer force of goddamn will, you fucking rat. Real talk, we need to murder Canadians when we annex them. Just purge the whole damn thing of people. Weak willed faggots on all sides, one side wants to interfere with us, the other wants to lick our boots and live under a heel. Useless meat in the way of a better peopl, slaughter every Maple.


It will be a fence in some parts.


I was actually surprised that my college town went red. And the student government went hard on getting students to register, too. Haven't seen any hillary shit, heard people talking about Trump in a good way after the election. Felt gud

Not if I can't help it

what the fuck happened to Utah? Didn't that independent get like 30% there? Did he fuck it up?

Yeah pretty much. Evan McMullin practically won that state. The statistics are skewed on that one. It's still a right wing state.

The Hillary campaign spent millions trying to flip Texas. Just wasn't happening.

Jesus, why is Hawaii so cucked? Is it because there are no white people there?

Go to "Government and Politics" > "Politics"> look at the chart

Nice try moron, this election wasn't even close to making Texas blue, also, the percentage of Democrat votes has been the same as precious years

nah i'm from Texas, our hispanics aren't like california or NY hispanics. Our last 3 governors and senators got at least 40% of the hispanic vote.

All ran on tougher borders and cracking down on illegals, especially Greg Abbott and he got 44% of the latino vote.

Whites are already a minority of births there. Too late.
> Mormons
> Right Wing
LOL they're just socially conservative cucks. Whites in Texas are more actually Right Wing.

didnt even need to check the flag

Yeah the majority of the population is Japanese, and not the good uncucked native Japanese type.


The wall actually hurts Texas, Mexicans like Trump. They are traditional and conservative.

The real issue is the leftist/liberals coming from CA. They save up and move into our cities with ease because avg rent is half the cost but the same quality.

Every city also has a niggertown, usually pockets of degeneracy. Of which vote blue unknowingly. The good blacks that live with conservatives on the suburbs vote red though.

wanna bet?

probably. but by the time it happens the rust belt states, except illinois, will all be safe red.

Texas is more likely to secede and go on a conquering spree than it is to turn blue. Of all US states, Texas could stand alone.

> California doesn't have nuclear reprocessing and armor bases.
> New York doesn't have the factories anymore.

>leaf doesn't know about the hoover dam
A wall is nothing compared to that effort.

>Texas has been trending blue for some time
This is patently false
Look at the actual voting and results.
We're getting more Republican, not less.
The only reason trump didn't make bigger gains in Texas isn't the illegals, it's cause Houston has an increasing black population ever since katrina. But Trump is poised to pick up more black votes in round 2.
Other than that, the various other officials are the reddest we've ever been.
Turn 10% of black voters Republican and solve the illegal issue and dems will just give up.
Cali is more likely to go red in 2020 than texas is to go blue by 2036

> Mexicans like Trump. They are traditional and conservative
Gonna need to back that up friend

Another question, why is Massachusetts the only liberal state other than California that got much more liberal? I get that all the faggots are moving to California to be amongst each other, and the spics are having massive amounts of children in California. However, I'm not sure how to explain Massachusetts being so different from places like Washington or New York.

>flying off the handle because you didn't know Southern Texas is a geographical mess

You think we're saying Texans will vote blue. We're saying Mexicans & Californians will flood Texas for the cheap housing and then vote blue.


The DNC has no future in America

Hillary Clinton made sure of it

Notice how every state except 5 had a red shift.
And every red state with a blue shift is basically states who had large conservatives abstaining from voting.

A better way of putting is that Hispanics are MORE conservative than blacks. Like 8% of blacks vote republican, like 20-30% of hispanics vote republican.

Social conservatives are the only real conservatives you degenerate. That is unless you really think anyone gives a shit about your daddy's stock portfolio.

> Turn 10% of the black voters Republican
LOL never going to happen

If this ever happens and stays blue you can pretty much say goodbye to the GOP

I think any state with a large minority population is going to lean Dem, especially in an eleciton as contentious as this.

Just imagine how Puerto Rico or Guam would vote if they could. It would be two new D.C.s or Hawaiis.

Wyoming is so based

really makes you think

I'm a Mestizo but most government/voting purposes I am "white" or considered "white".

Many Mestizo's that I know also have the same "white" ID on most things.

With that being said, I have no other evidence other than anecdotes.

Clearly it's illegal voting in Texas...

Social Conservatism is for fags when not paired with nationalism and ethnic-cultural awareness. Just look at how opposed the Mormons were to Trump because of their support of a path to citizenship for illegals and how supportive they are of illegals in general, Utah's getting more and more Polynesians, etc. and becoming cucked.
> Hispanics are MORE conservative than blacks
And Stalin killed less people than Mao, it still doesn't change the fact that they're overwhelmingly massive government, pro-third worldist dick suckers.

All trump has to do is get the murder rate down in inner cities and they'll hail him as a messiah.

Naw its more likely the democrats are replaced by the green party or nationalist socialist party with Bernie

Yeah, Californians are moving to Texas in mass numbers. The same thing is happening to Atlanta. There's a risk that all the Tumblrinas moving to Atlanta could eventually turn Georgia blue. Texans and Georgians need to grab their guns and scare away those fuckers.

The funny thing about this is that Trump is scaring the illegals to Canada

Texas has a good bit of voter fraud
It's just not the illegals, it's vote stealing/double voting

>spineless leaf
>parroting cucked idealogy

How many sandniggers fucked your girlfriend today?

Jokes on you, I'm dying tomorrow.

We did have ICE near one of our polling stations, they did seem to be cracking down on a fair amount, but further south idk how it was.

You have no proof of this. Blacks and non-whites (or at least Mestizos/Hispanics, the only other nonwhite group that matters) nationally will literally never vote Republican and you have no precedent to even remotely think that they will.


>California was red with white males
I think I see the final solution for an all red map now.

>introduce rabies into the local bat population in Austin
>America's largest bat colony begins to terrorize Texas's largest commie colony
Really though, how do we drive the liberal menace from our state?

It did happen in my life time.,_1976

Then we'll flip New Hampshire, Maine, Minnesota and Nevada red and the Dems will get BTFO again

Family of over 80 Mestizos vote Red/Republican.

From what I know even in the further relatives they voted red as well.

> Flipping Nevada red
> While it becomes White minority
Hmm really makes you think

wow I'm a terminal cancer victim thanks for the microaggression asshole

Just openly support Trump, most of them don't know what to do when you fight back. They are use to getting their way.

History did exist before the 1960s.

FDR got 71% of the black vote for his reelection.

All the GOP would need to do is become the liberal party again.

California is by far the most cucked state, it's reaching Canada levels fast

Texas is a white minority as well my friend. Whites vote in higher percentages than any other ethnic group

> All the GOP would need to do is become the liberal party again
So literally change everything about it then? WTF, what's even the point of being or supporting Republicans then if you only supported them because they weren't liberal but conservative? That's like saying that to appeal to Communists that Fascists should become Communist.

nah, the average Commiefornian will turn conservative just by being in Texas for a decade. Once you're out of that liberal shithole you go red.

Not for long, it will turn blue, and Nevada is already leaning blue now because whites there don't vote as a bloc like in Texas so it will shift quicker.

>New Hampshire & Maine
Pretty little shit states desu
State with highest Swedish population that voted for Mondale
Overrun with Latinos

By the way is it even sure right now if Trump will keep the rust belt coalition in coming elections?

It really on depends on how Trump does... if he fucks up it's going to move a lot of people out of the Republican party, but considering the current state of the Dem.s most people will probably just not vote, or vote 3rd party.

Because most rational people support goals and ideologies, not party names and particular people.

Some people ask why the Democrats or Republicans always vote down their party lines. They always argue that their respective parties never fulfill their promises and to "give the other side a chance".

They never seem to understand that the other party often offers them nothing at all or, even worse, diametrically oppose core beliefs they hold.

Trump was 1.5% away from winning Minnesota

Shitposted this during the elections. fun times desu.

>State with highest Swedish population that voted for Mondale
This actually has a good chance, Trump actually came pretty close, without Somalis and nonwhites he would have won
> Because most rational people support goals and ideologies, not party names and particular people
I literally do not support the ideology of liberalism, if the Republicans come to embrace it more than it is meaningless, I don't care if in the future doesn't become a one-party state but the Republicans keep moving Left anyway, that's essentially the same thing with the Leftists just holding a stick in front of them.

You realize if texas turns blue, but michigan and Pennsylvania stay red, its a wash, right?

My post was about blacks

It's a much safer bet to make atm that Texas will reliably turn blue than any of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, or possibly even Ohio will reliably all be red states into the future.

Texans won't shut the fuck up about how great they are with their cowboys and their music and their guns.

If Texas goes blue, somewhere else is going to turn so red it goes infra.
Both parties too

What shit are you on?
The Commiefornian moves to Austin, which is California-lite. Being in Texas doesn't make you turn conservative, otherwise, Dallas and Houston wouldn't be the shithole it is today.
I know plenty of people who turned liberal after being in Texas. Texas doesn't have any magical powers that turn people into gun-loving patriots.

>I don't support liberalism

Of course you don't, and you likely never will. Most people are like you on either side of the aisle. The key to winning has always been incentivizing your base to actually come out to vote. Swing voters are largely a myth.

Pic related you stupid fucking leaf.

Our last governor race was a landslide
2nd biggest in Texas history.
There's no evidence to suggest it'll go blue any time soon.
Texas hispanics aren't even as divisive as other groups. They're more 40/60 r/d.
It's basically just inner cities shifting it. Even satellite cities over half a million people instantly go red.

Austin is as liberal as California and Dallas and Houston and pretty much all major Texas metros voted blue, and substantially so.

i didnt know republican and democrat would switch again

Doing my job. Outbreeding the white "men" is so easy.

with mother fucking TNT

What's the point of building the wall? Wouldn't it be cheaper to punish people hiring illegals or give the mexicans a legal way to work? I mean, otherwise it's going to keep being an issue. If you hire mexicans to be builders, farmers, fruit pickers etc. - a ladder is not a technology they are unfamiliar with.

Nothing worse than a liberal Texan. Holy shit, those people are insufferable.

I wish it wasn't just ongoing. Why are they dragging their feet?