Trump needs to get his priorities in order

Trump needs to get his priorities in order...

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The difference? Mexico's gonna pay for it.

Or shills just need to get out of Sup Forums, but that's just my opinion.

Soldiers get enough gibs. If they can't make it on what they already get it's a them problem.

A worthwhile investment that will free up jobs and resources spent of illegals thus allowing us to spend more money on our vets

both of these things are happening

Get out the illegals, illegal drugs, and freeloaders FIRST

Then we can take care of people.

Or solve a long term problem so a short term problem will be easier to solve.

>send the beaners home
>plenty of space available to house veterans

The money we won't have to spend on the brownies coming over will more than pay for the wall and vets.

Why not both?


>why don't you ignore the reason that we don't have money to spend on the homeless?

Stopping illegal immigration is a net positive for the country due to their insane cost of staying here. Getting them out gives us money to spend on the homeless vets.

>stopping the flow of millions of scum into the country, preventing untold numbers of rape, murder, crime, and further damaging the racial makeup of America
>vs helping a handful of people

Stopping latin american trash from entering the country is more important. Not to mention we have programs already in place designed to help homeless, veterans, and homeless veterans.


You should all be banned for replying to a bait thread. Mods please clean up Sup Forums.

>Homeless "veterans"
Most of those beggars are also liars. Keeping MS-13 out is a much better investment.

Or the wall cam be comprised of living spaces for homeless veterans which will act as the real life night's watch for THE WALL!

>rather than patch a hole in your bucket, why don't you just pour in more water?

Who do you think is gonna do the building?

Homeless veterans.

I saged, don't worry.

We have houses, they just need jobs to afford those houses, jobs like building a wall.

The VA has more than enough money to take care of the veterans, the organization is just a complete shit hole.

This should be near the top of his list of things to fix as far as MAGA goes tho.

Veterans are eligible for the VA home loan. They can just up and buy a house for $0 down. It's more likely that they are homeless due to mental illness just like the rest of the homeless population. This pic should focus on mental illness, not just vets

t. veteran

What's that, you wrote a comment, made a little thread, you uploaded some images to Sup Forums? Well, let me take this opportunity to congratulate you, the monkey learned a trick! Look at you, uploading comments. You're already spewing your vile filth all over the computer, huh? Congratulations! You must have an IQ in the double digits!

Here's a little piece of advice, slick.The next time you're gonna unload your jealousies and inadequacies online. Next time you're gonna go on the computer (mommy and daddy bought you a new computer!), you're going to unload your jealousy and inadequacies on somebody else, on a stranger? Just make sure you don't pick Sam Geno, the son of the Papa Geno Pizza empire. I've bought people like you. I've destroyed people like you. It's nothing for me to call up my father, and have every pizza jockey in the nation have a photo of you, right above their oven. Thinking about you, my personal army of pizza makers.

They'll put sauce on you. They'll lay you out. Swing you around in the air just like in the old movies. Then they'll destroy you. Piece by piece. Piece by delicious piece. Cheesy piece by cheesy crusty piece. They'll destroy you.

That's option one. Option two is you can apologize to me. Just say you're sorry. Takes a big man to apologize, don't it? Humble yourself before a god, a pizza god?
Anyway. That's about it. Go fuck yourself.

Duck my dick faggot

The US spends billions every day.

Also, why is a wall dumb?

He can do both. Thanks to not giving 700 billion to Iran.

The country must be secured before it can be restored, nigger.

>trump builds wall
>provides temporary jobs for the underserved working class
>meanwhile convinces employers to return to the USA
>as the wall project finishes other infrastructure projects starts
>by his sixth/seventh year the manufacturing industry is back in america
>starts skill training so the people who will be laid off from finished construction project can make a decent living
>being a tradesperson is once again a reasonable way to earn an honest job
>the working class has no more reasons to revolt
this better works out or we will live through America's second civil war


It cost a lot more than $20 fucking billion to process and take care of 11% of Mexico. American cucks have no foresight. It is one of the main reason as to why they are cucks, aside from the low-T and all that other unfortunate shit.

Your boss..."man" David Brock needs to get HIS priorities in order...

he should be spending those millions of $$$ on getting his loose-booty-ass smuggled into an off the map villa in some Cambodian jungle rather than paying you fucks in an impotent attempt to stage a soft-soup via a
>people's revolt
against Trump...


...and then, he is going down on some serious RICO shit!

>pic related (and just a small tiny lil' smidge of how fucked that fag really is!)

All of those companies just bounce their payments to each other through
>Boner Group (thanks FBI user!)
and that is VERY illegal.

The stupid faggot didn't even bother changing phone #'s for all his """businesses""" either.

DNC is going up in fucking flames very soon.


And how much does he give to Israel, you fucking shill

He's giving the Veterans jobs building a wall that Mexico is paying for so they can afford housing.

After years of homelessness under Obama, Trumps getting the job of fighting homelessness done ahead of schedule and under budget.

>Liberals not understanding how to help people without using handouts.
>Liberals not understanding veterans want the dignity of a new job after ending their military careers, not pity money.
>Liberals not paying attention on Trumps promises to improve Veterans healthcare through the VA after liberals rejected reforms, and prioritized other groups for healthcare spending.

You can house Veterans on and along the wall. They earn their benefits guarding the border, get free housing, and perform the various general upkeep jobs.

>liberals only care about vetrans when using them to get what they want

instead of making vetrans homeless and jobless, why dont we build a wall to keep all the forigners taking their jobs and benefits?

Okay, let me summerize about a dozen posts in the last thread.

A wall is the most idiotic and ineffective way to secure our southern border.

Yes, we do want to secure our southern border since the cartels are making a killing smuggling drugs.

Oh, and illegal immigrants. Sure, they end up abused by the cartels too.

Better ideas would be monitoring stations and drone patrols. Pic related.

You want a physical barrier? Fine, put down some barbed wire. It's about as effective and way cheaper.

Why? Because mexican cartels dig tunnels. Hell, El Chapo is famous for them. At least with monitoring stations we have seismographs to listen for them.

Most homeless vets are not vets, and probably not homeless.

Don't be fooled

>occupy democrats
Oh so now they care about veterans? Really makes you think

Yes, barbed wire is totally equally as effective as a solid wall

that's. .... brilliant

also OP, first priority is to get yourself safe, then feed yourself. You don't worry about hottdogs if someone is trying to cut off your head. Fix the threat, then get shelter


Fuck that. Just lay cluster mines along the border.


>Pay homeless vet's to build the wall.
What seems to be the problem here?

I think we can all agree on this at least

How can you get past such a barrier with monitoring stations with seismographs!

Truly, the only way to get past such a barrier is to dig a tunnel, so surely monitoring stations with seismographs are a great investment

Trump should invest in drones that the next administration can simply stop using, that stop illegal immigration using coordinated patrols the democrats don't fund and actively interfere with. It's not like, the democrats would actually encourage illegal immigration for political gain right?

Building a permanent wall people have to dig under, climb over, or fly over will have no significant effect on the viability of illegal immigration.

I disagree.

Of the top of my head I can name three things wrong with that idea.

Still prefer it to the wall.

>we do want to secure our southern border since the cartels are making a killing smuggling drugs.
you don't want a wall because some dudes are making money, you want the wall because those men are violent bad hombres peddling illegal substances and fostering street gangs in your country

How about building 20 billion worth of houses on the boarder for vets.


There is zero difference in security between a wall that can be defeated with pic related, and one that can be defeated using a tunnel or ultralight.

Really we should just get rid of customs and start using the honor system for immigration. It's so unavoidable, trying to stop illegal immigration is irrational.

because the wall pays for itself? net positives?

ty meme images

They can live in the wall

>Paying for wall


Am I the only one who reads this "twenty dollars billion" every fucking time?

Now you care about vets?
Weren't they all baby killing mercenaries when they earned their veteran status?

The problem with homeless isn't a lack of physical housing or buildings. It's the mental health issues that cause them to be homeless. Many are ejected from shelters not because of space, but because they're so disruptive and unsafe.

You say that like the wall is going to have any effect.

>helping junkies who will spend all of the $10-100 in their dirty pockets on drugs
Yeah no

how about he spends 30billion on both and cuts welfare to niggers by 60 billion?


okay, how about we take some of the $300b from the money we spend on illegal immigrants and use that for the wall?


Reminder that you're bitching about less than 1% of the budget,

Reminder that we spend over 3 trillion on gibs already.
>muh 20 billion

Reminder that sheltered Yankees have no right to bitch about the Mexican border states wanting to defend themselves.

Illegal immigrants rent low-income apartments. There is a finite amount of low income apartments due to them being older, and all newer apartments tending to be higher income. All newer housing is more expensive, and what low income housing exists is often bought up by illegal immigrants skilled enough, usually in construction or as small business owners (landscaping) to make the required payments to purchase these older, low cost homes. Like the apartments there is a finite amount due to them being old, and new homes being too expensive. If illegals were deported, or at least the amount of illegal immigrants entering the US was halted, housing costs for low end, low income housing would fall due to decreased market demand. This would make housing more affordable for US citizens, namely veterans who are either on low incomes or are homeless.

Checkmate atheists.

>The democrats are the ones pushing for amnesty and making government-assisted living a normal thing for poor people and niggers all while pushing for a higher and higher minimum wage, free trade, and labor unions, which forces manufacturers to leave for cheaper shores
>It is successful business owners who are to blame for the government subsidizing poverty and allowing them to use illegal immigrants

Fuck, I'm stumped

>reposting faceberg flotsam
>false dilemma

The cool thing about monitoring stations is that you don't need to reveal where they are while still having cameras on the border.

Anybody can think of ways of dealing with a wall but when you don't see how border patrols keep finding you you can't counter it. Drones often fly at altitudes you can't see with the naked eye so that too will be more difficult to counter than a wall.

The difference is about a couple trillion dollars.

Really, do you think Mexico will ever pay for that wall?

So why will mexico pay for the wall?

It won't have a choice.

Agreed, gasing the kikes such as you & Soros is much more needed than bowing to the israeli kikes as he is doing.

>Pay for wall
>Economic crash

Choose 1.

Why spend millions on refugees and illegal immigrants when you can spend it on housing for homeless veterans?

That will free up more money. Have you forgot we spend, from the most conservative estimates, 80 -140 billion a year on pacos.

drumpf is finished

impeach now

predatory trade deals
halting of remitances

lol u see tho trump isnt spending 20 billion on a wall

mexico is

>Build wall
>Time it takes to cross border increased
>Drone spots wetback
>Border patrol has longer period of time to respond


>The difference is about a couple trillion dollars.

This wall will save 100 trillion dollars, 5x the US GDP, every year. You = BTFO.


The value of this wall is that it isn't susceptable to political changes. Obama took two terms to even get Obamacare started because he couldn't comprimise with his own party when he had a supermajority, and it ultimately got cancelled, making it a waste of time of money objectively. The democrats, knowing this is objectively true, simply blame the republicans for not seeing through Obamas vision, and ignore the fact the healthcare coverage ended up costing way more than expected and fairly poor people with sub 30k incomes were having significant cuts to coverage at the same price. Nah, is republicans fault.

Trump has the foresight, unlike Obama, to get the wall started right away, and to not use an approach that will be money down the toilet in 4 years. Most cost-comparisons ignore the fact that there are literal traitors in the US which will look the other way as immigrants flood in. Wall significantly mitigates the traitor problem, and there is enough support for it for the wall to stay up.

The wall is the right approach for the situation. It's an effective way to limit immigration in a country where traitors undermine border controls.

we spend 120 billion a year on taco healthcare and thats just healthcare thats not including all the other free shit they get. Imagine kicking them all out and then spending 120 billion dollars a year now and forever on special programs for actual americans.

Because that is an entirely unrelated issue. Instead of eating that cake, why don't you drive to Florida?

>remove illegals
>put veterans in their gubment housing

why not cut negroid welfare and do both?

>Military 609.3 Billion

HUH!? How the hell does it cost that much, unless we are building fleets of starships and mecha.

let's look back at the last 8 years of financial decisions of obama with scrunity. Why did we print 3T dollars, and our money supply is at 4T, from 1T, all during his presidency. Where did that newly printed money all go? GoGoogleGo! Now watch this thread vanish.