Quick rundown on the israel/palestine shit?

Quick rundown on the israel/palestine shit?
Did jews just forcibly occupy palestine and call it theirs?

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they attacked the jews with rocks, purely defensive

Jews came into palestine with tanks just so they could have their holy land back?

They say that their tribal god gave it to them, so it's OK.

pretty much. they went through villages massacring little kids. some jewish terrorists even burned their houses down at night. they have initiated every war (1948, 1967) for the sole purpose of stealing more land and they won't stop.

they send rockets at schools, hospitals, they kill hundreds of babies every month and that's just babies we are talking about

people will say oh but their mudslimes but it's a fact that no country has committed the amount of violations Israel has. no country has ever come close in the amount of terror they brought upon people for literally no reason. they will shoot them just for fun


apartheid is real

I hope Iran gets nuclear weapons soon.

jij mist die apartheid zeker of nie boerbro

Yes. Doing the same shit they've been doing since they ignored the UN partition plan which would have made them a real country.

>First New settlers started buying land as early as 1880
>Around 1920 Goyim suddenly decided we are Kaffirs and should be stoned
>Started attacking Jewish settlements, raping people, attacking supply trucks
>Brits were doing jack-shit so we decided to buy weapons, Americans were happy to supply for low low low low price (something about Russia)
>Turns out Goyim are afraid of organized resistance (Who knew)
>Brits Decided they can't handle the shit so they left
>'Native' (there's an immigrant joke here) Arabs decided to call for help from neighbouring countries
>We told them that would sully our relationship.
>They didn't listen, lost.
>Several defence deals were signed with America
>Somewhere around 1990 Goyim decide they were actually ancient Palestinian (NAMES MUCH GOYIM?!) settlers.

jews and muslims prove that they are both impossible to live with.

>6 day war
>Win war
>Occupy the regions after the war
Technically it was ours after the war and we gave it back, while now bibi's government are regreting the dids of izhak rabin and want those lands back.

>Technically it was ours after the war
International law says otherwise, but then again you guys aren't particularly fond of those laws now are you?

>Arabs start a war
>They lose ground
>We take it
>Blood were spilled for those conquered lands
>We need to give them back
Wtf are you talking about?
We aren't the Russians that gave alot of there conquered land back after soldiers spill ther blood for a piece of dirt, a little respect for your soldiers man....

>whine about genocide and how oppressed they are
>genocide some people they don't want to share the land with

lying fucking kikes. you guys went through villages raping and massacring arabs, bombing little kids, hospitals. every month hundreds of little kids die at the hands of you.

you are the real terrorists. you scum initiated every war against the arab countries just to get more land. you'll never get judea and samaria. you'll never get greater israel.

I can't wait for Iran to nuke you

THIS. jews are the only reason the middle east is so destabilized. no country is violating internation law close to them

>Shilling so hard
Where was the nip or the hans to shoot your grandad.
Waste of human semen.

Not a single mention of the Balfour declaration and the Rothschild in this thread.

When did /pol get so bluepilled?

British mandate of Palestine was given to the Jews by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to Rothschild to bow down to his lord and master.


No one here has ever read The Haj by Leon Uris.


what makes it even better
they are not even the real Jews

Most people in real life critical of Israel are either communists or muslim shits

There's no way I'm jumping on the Israel hate bandwagon with that kind of company, I say let Israel keep killing the muslims

It would be a shithole either way. Muslims do live there you know.

we are waking up, now that we know we descend from the Israelites and have accepted Jesus god will punish you fake jews (amalekites) with nuclear war

CIA has said it too. those fake jews will get whats theirs. the bible warns of the Synagogue of Satan

Let me redpill you faggots on this issue, no holocaust denial shit.

After the exodus from the second temple, Jews fled all across the world, many went to Persia, North Africa, India

But a significant amount moved to Europe, especially Eastern-Central Europe which was at the time not significantly populated and did not have a complex and organised society like Romans

These European settled Jews became the ancestors of Ashkenzais, who form the majority of modern Jewish demographics.

Some Jews remained in the Levant and near the land of the ancient Israelites, however they had to convert to other religions to keep themselves alive.

These Jews became the ancestors of Muslim Arabized Jews. Who are the ancestors of the majority of Palestinians.

So in the late 18th and early 19th century. The Jewish people inspired by political movements like the French Revolution, the American Revolution and the British globalized colonization which spawned many new political movements, politcal philosophy and social culture, the Jewish thinkers became to create proposals for Zionism - the establishment of an independent Jewish state.

At the time Israel/Palestine was an Ottoman province so that is a no go place to return to. They had ideas about moving to America, or Africa, or even in Europe.

However all of those plans failed eventually, until British empire colonized the Middle East.

British beady eyed Anglos encouraged foreigners to come to British Palestine to help them control it, like the Ottoman Turks and nearby Egyptian. So the Jews who supported Zionism took advantage of this vaccum and began an organized mass settlement into Israel. They built a few rural villages across British Palestine that evolved into Kibbutz.

Fast forward to WW2, allies beat Germany and the Holocaust was revealed to the world. Lot of sympathies for Jews garnered everywhere, Amercians wanted a US satellite state in the Middle East and East Asia to contain communism.


Fuck Palestine
Fuck Israel

Fuck Palestine for being a bunch of savage mudslimes

Fuck Israel for trying to pretend it's so innocent that it didn't steal the land from the Palestinians and give all the shitty scraps of land to them and pretend they are being fair, and manipulating American politicians into giving free military aid while simultaneously backstabbing the US by stealing technology and selling off to the Chinese, and having the balls the audacity to say that Israel is their land even though the Palestinians occupied it for way longer than the Jews ever did.

I dislike both sides of the conflict but the Israelis are truly the bigger pieces of shit in the equation

P u p p e r

Israeli terror and Arab propaganda convinced Palestinians to run away during the war, then the Israeli's wouldn't let them get back to their homes. Then the Israeli's occupied the land with the Palestinian refugee camps and created an apartheid state. Then the Israeli's occupied the Golan Heights and ethnically cleansed it.

There is no people in the world who more worship the concept of lebensraum by conquest and ethnic cleansing than the jews. The only thing holding them back is that the world's jews need to protect what is left of their WW2 victim status.

> Amercians wanted a US satellite state in the Middle East and East Asia to contain communism.

So this made USA and UK support the establishment of Israel, the ethnic Jewish homeland where they can go off to and not get Holocaust'd. Some Jews remained in Europe and America, but a huge amount did pack up and make Aliyah - "the return to Israel".

They settled along the coasts and near the early Kibbutz settlements and they built farming communities across the desert using modern technology which the Arabs failed to utilise to control the region.

Now the Arabized Muslim Jews - the Palestinians were semi-nomadic just like their Jewish ancestors. They weren't completely nomadic but they have few permanent settlements, so they couldn't hold control over most of British Palestine. Once the Ashkenzais moved in and built permanent agrarian settlements, "Palestianians" lost control completely and they retreated into West Bank where they had the backing of their Arab overlords from across the mountains.

After a thousand or more years of cultural indoctrination, the Ashkenzais became more "European-Germanic-ish" than their ancient Israelite ancestors, while the Palestinians became more "Arab Muslim-ish" than their ancient Israelite ancestors, making them both hate each other for being "alien and not native to this land (un-semitic")

So really, these faggots killing each other are both racial brothers cucked by European and Arab culture.

Link related user.
Not a quick rundown but nonetheless this isn't a simple topic.

>Started buying land
Ask yourself how much h land they bought before they started violently expelling people from the land


Nigga are you real




>Arabs started 67
Not even the leadership at the time agrees with that outright lie
>On 14 April 1971, a report in the Israeli newspaper Al-Hamishmar contained the following statement by Mordecai Bentov, a member of the wartime national government. “The entire story of the danger of extermination was invented in every detail and exaggerated a posteriori to justify the annexation of new Arab territory.”
> In the spring of 1972, General Matetiyahu Peled, Chief of Logistical Command during the war and one of 12 members of Israel’s General Staff, addressed a political literary club in Tel Aviv. He said: “The thesis according to which the danger of genocide hung over us in June 1967, and according to which Israel was fighting for her very physical survival, was nothing but a bluff which was born and bred after the war.”

>In a radio debate Peled also said: “Israel was never in real danger and there was no evidence that Egypt had any intention of attacking Israel.” He added that “Israeli intelligence knew that Egypt was not prepared for war.”
> February 1968, Israeli Chief of Staff Rabin said this: “I do not believe that Nasser wanted war. The two divisions which he sent into Sinai on 14 May would not have been enough to unleash an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it.”

The reason Egypt sent troops to the Sinai is because Israel already tried that shit in 56 and Eisenhower had to put un peacekeeping troops there for ten years. Egypt was already in a conflict in Yemen and those troops were out there under the fear of Israel attacking again since the UN peacekeeping troops were gone. They had absolutely zero offensive intentions or even capability the Pentagon knew it and the Israeli leadership knew it all the Israeli leadership saw was an opportunity to annex land they wanted to both in 56 and 47/48

Seriously you trying to make out the 67 war as defensive is significantly worse than an American still trying to say we went into Iraq because "muh dubya emmm deeeees"

great article on it here


>greater israel
they have to start a war in saudi arabia to gain that shit

Some gay territorial shit nobody cares about but that Jews use to extract even more money from the West

Literally yes. They seceded from Palestine then took it over. Same as what should have happened with the civil war in America

Ah, the eternal victim strikes again!

>you guys went through villages raping and massacring arabs
i'm really failing to see the issue here

all these half truths. the jew has it closest.
>muh zionism
>Muh balfour declaration

It's been so long since I gave a fuck about that kike shit, I can't imagine some kid trying to unpack it by asking Sup Forums

What have you done

>Did jews just forcibly occupy palestine and call it theirs?

They stole Palestine from the Muslims and the Christians. In the 1930s the British Mandate of Palestine had as many Christians as it had Jews.

>forcibly occupy
that is hands down, the PUSSIEST way to say a war. FUcking kill yourself.

Goyim or no I like the way you think

There wasn't a war at first.
Zionist viperine snakes got Britain to issue the Balfour Declaration promising an independent Israel. All while Britons were sending their kids to die, for the benefit of their Zionist handlers.

>T-there is no Jewish conspiracy goy!
Just read pic related and tell me there isn't.

>libtards want a world without borders
>okay sure. No borders for Israel then too.
>no no no the muslims would kill the jews
>okay so borders are a good thing?

If there were no borders that justifies colonisation too

Take a (you)

>Country without boarders is like a house without lock on the door
>OMG that is soo racist you are literally a nazi.

read, read, read something again, and read some more. That's the only way you can do it.

Read about this man in particular.

With how much of an intelligence agency as mossad is, I'm suprised no one ever thinks that the juden would make false flag attacks on their population just to get more control.

Palestinians look like they could easily fall under the "controlled opposition" category pretty easily.