What the fuck Bongs?

What the fuck Bongs?

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just so fucking sad

london is filth

Where's the muslim one?

Allahu Akbar!

>Where's the muslim one?

in ur moms vagina lmao

Can we purge London already?

We should build a wall around it and turn it into a prison like in escape from new york

California too!

Megacities when? I wanna be a judge.

uhmmm HELLO? So all WOMYN wear SKIRTS? That's like pretty much sexism ok? Not funny this is patriarchy at 2017????

We're not stopping you.

What does this stupid shit achieve exactly? Reminding us all to get fucking?
I really hate what London has become, we need to end this kike shit once and for all

trans-people confirmed forever alone

what is this?
smash these fucking things.

u must be fucking kidding me; no fucking way that this is real

where abouts is this senpai i aint seen any around london

i honestly dont care about fags that much but i really don't understand this desire to celebrate it and shove it down people's throats. why do people love fags so much?

Your tax dollars at work

Obvious bait is obvious
Not real, move on

be aware of the gay menace in your own country. they might seem harmless as individuals but the way it's promoted and celebrated is sinister.


You can start sucking my dick now bitch.

it is real. i remember an article about it. it's temporary though, probably gone now

I'm confused, where is this happening?
when I was last arrested at a pelican crossing for carrying a dangerous spoon the lights were standard.

Because it's "progressive" and "tolerant". We'd rather be nice than point out the bullshit that there is no such thing as any other sex than male or female, period. Anything is delusion. If you can't prove it empirically it does not exist. Trans are mentally ill and pointing that out offends so now the government can step in and subjugate us with laws, in effect having more power over us.

>Where's the muslim one?
The one on the left. Just imagine that the bottom sign is a prepubescent boy, that makes it halal.

Better yet, why aren't the muslims bashings things into pieces?

Austria was first... SAD!

>He types lmao

Hold on, let me grab something.
I need to brace myself from the wind of you laughing at your own joke.

>why do people love fags so much?
It's a religious issue. According to gnostic teachings homosex is the purest expression of love as it's inherently non-procreative. Gnostics hate babies and life.

I get it gay people exist, Why do I have to be reminded of this all the time

>these cameras checking you out

damn austribros. liberalism really is dead in your country

*gets on knees*

whats the problem with that?

It's obnoxious


Self identify as a woman for 3 seconds every time the light goes green



>dimitri calls
>"sides is kill"
>me "no"

The red light is at the top..