Street wars are coming. What are you doing to prepare yourself?

Street wars are coming. What are you doing to prepare yourself?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Learns how to fight.
>Still calls the cops after getting punched once.

How is this not a violation of harassment and bullying policy? They are literally creating a club to illegally beat up people they don't like.

To beat a liberal? 1400 calories a day, I guess.

I do stretches to try and suck my own dick.
I can almost touch it.

>teaching Fat or skelly lefties to wrestle


>people with guns
>veterans and cops trained to kill

I wish them luck

Lol you think liberals ever intend to follow their own rules?

Guess they want to get zim zam flim flamd

Why they used fucking white male as model? That's racist

Start learning how to fight 17 years ago

Yfw the instructor is just taking advantage of the political climate and basically making a buck out of these libshits

Do they feel threatened?

In reality, it's democrats that bully and threaten people who support Trump.

They feel as if they are the real americans. If they are, then they must represent real american values I guess. But to them, real American values are pretending terrorism and child trafficking don't exist and to accept everyone freely while crime rate increases. Real American values to them, is to marginalize white people and ignore them when they are victims of crimes caused by minorities.

These are a Democrat's true American values.

how fucking insane are these people

I bet they train Aikido

Really activates my cashews

>What are you doing to prepare yourself?


I'm unathletic and spend most of my time acting like a tough guy on the internet.

Fuck central Florida. Nothing here but whiny white kids, amusement parks and shopping centers.

Wow look at the bigot assuming genders

The left always project. Always

This was one of of the rules based nigga Thomas Sowel talked about 35 years ago

They claim they fear right wing violence because they are expecting violence form themselves

>What are you doing to prepare yourself?

>Ok class, our first lesson is..fake it to make it
>Now, Kevin come here, grab my arm
>Now see, the Republican is now physically assaulting me under article 5 section 23, Paragraph 6
>Just to this small twist here to break free and fall to the ground, make to scream really loud "Ahhh he broke my arm! I'm being assaulted!". Make sure to roll around a bit to make it really look like you're in pain
>That's when Sam here records the encounter to post on youtube. Make sure you put a catchy title so it can be on the news
>Now two more of you perform the "sweep" pick up Kevin and pull him away before anyone can realize what's really happening and claim you're calling the cops
>Good, now we're going to practice how to run away when the cops really show up and the famous "Hit him from behind" and run away technique.

>shooping abs


Someone infiltrate this shit and take incognito pics of all the faggots who attend this beta cockfestival

he didn't even get the first rule of that shitty movie right

Maybe they should learn how to use a fucking gun for when an actual nazi responds to their punch with a bullet.

nobody on Sup Forums has never advocated for ideological violence

when I said GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW it was just a prank

Do they think the war is gonna consist of fistfights like The Warriors or some shit? It's 2017 for fuck sakes

>how to quickly pull out your phone to call the cops when you got punched into the face after failing to suckerpunch some unsuspecting peacefull and civilized people from behind

Silly rational human person! Rules are for people who disagree with you! That way they can't fight back!

you get banned from UFC for assaulting people, get a bad fame and end up in jail if you use martial arts for other stuff than self defense

>leftist fight club
>scratches and love taps

lol. Bring it, fags.

>Not merely talking about fight club but writing an article about it


He's right you know.

More respectable than say Taekwondo

Rip nazifags.

>Street wars
Joke's on them, I never leave the house!

Your move, leftists

Insane enough that I'm pretty sure if you inflated a Hitler and floated it off to sea, they would jump in after it in a fit of rage and drown.



LOL. I'll stick to my advice I got in Taekwondo as a child. If you're outnumbered, run. If not, grab the testicles, twist, pull, discard, and run.


>implying i'm not used to dodging fists

What is this toxic masculinity

>a symbol of patriarchy, oppression of women, and senseless masculine violence

These misogynists need to cut it out NOW

What do they do, learn how to take down wastebins?

I go to UCF, just got back from the gym. Thankfully I'm somewhat shielded from all the sjw crap since I'm taking STEM courses. Most I've seen is like 30 people at the student union protesting (sitting down with signs) the travel ban and calling trump a fascist. I feel like the problem here is much worse than it appears from the outside though.

>going to a gun fight with only your fists

I love how they tacitly admit that absent fucking white males they wouldn't stand a chance.

Is this a "you cringe you lose" thread?


It would be great to get in those clubs pretending to be a libcuck so you could kick the asses of a lot of libcucks.
Similar to this scene but replace the nazi tattoos for pepe and memes.

Sounds kinda fascist excluding people by beliefs.

So how many Jews have you gassed this week my fellow fascists?

These are fools and neck beards and widely frowned upon by the Sup Forums community who actually care about their society.

They didn't create an institution in real life to actively train people to fight their ideological opponents, in fact there is widespread consensus to be peaceful toward the left wing.

How do you figure that? I put that steven seagall LARPing at the bottom tier of martial arts. Taekwondo practicioners learn to do crazy kicks and flips.

were republicans going out of their way to beat down leftist students??

what's all this emphasis on violence all of a sudden?

>What are you doing to prepare yourself?

Get a realistic looking toy gun made before that dumb bright color law, aim it at them, and watch them run away like a bitch.

>americnas attempting chimp out
You guys are like a baby, watch this!

Oh shit here they come

>punches a republican
>gets shot because they forget we live in freedomland

Flag checks out. Canacuck winning again.

do these idiots know that some states have stand your ground laws?

Nazis watch out!

getting concussions will give you brain damage and lower intelligence. These guys are just beating themselves up

Oh, I didn't know that you spoke for all of Sup Forums

who needs bravery when you have a gun?

This. And i bet all my Shekels that none of these faggots just look in any way like the Guy on the photo of the Article

>trying this in Florida, The Gunshine State

FACT: Floridians are the most powerful race in the world.

is this our call to start project mayhem

Kneeing people in the balls is not a respectable fight-style.

>know how to fight
>lift and run everyday
>carry a CCW
yeah whatever give me a reason

>tfw i got a bb Beretta that's full metal with a little plastic on grip and it's all black
>have shaved down the logo and coated over shaved area
>can't tell if it's fake or real unless you inspect it very closely

I think i'm good.

but they gotta show on twitter how cool they are and score beta points

this is now a Florida thread


Ill just shoot them.

t. Out of shape 31 year old.


planning on going to that college; however this has made me question that decision. Should I go somewhere else or go there and start the "Knights of National Socialism"?

I'm not a thug so I don't foresee a time when I will need to beat up people in the streets. I own a couple guns for home defense, but I might start carrying one if I'm to be set upon by leftist thugs on my way home from work. Nothing about me is overtly conservative, but just the simple fact that I am white and successful is probably enough for them to deem me a Nazi, as they proved that night in Berkeley. Truly we live in dark times when honest, hard working people are forced to arm themselves out of fear of political violence and police do nothing to protect the people.


>Drumpfkins watch out

>tfw I made this meme
feels good

Left wing fighters
No green text
My aisle when


I don't know how things work in Norway, but there are more guns in the United States than people. I'm not about to instigate a gun fight while shooting pellets.

>Putting America flag duct tape on my aluminum baseball bat

They're better than New Yorkers or Californians, at least.


fuck man I can smell the tranny fanny farts from here

Grab AK, go innawoods.

Are they trying to look stupid on purpose?

Eh, Republicans are still the gun-toters. No worries, lads.

Viva la Publix!

Those rules that the liberals made don't apply to liberals! Only to conservatives

When was the last time Sup Forums assaulted political opponents en mass? I would love to see one of those riots in a city with the right to carry guns in public.
>Dumbass leftist punches someone for having a different opinion
>Gets shot
>Big trial for the guy who was assaulted
>Leftists try to make themselves seem like victims
>Leftist gets sent to prison for assault, gun carrier is found not guilty

yeah dude take your money elsewhere

An armed society is a polite society.

The whole idea of running around beating people up is retarded, if everyone has a gun then they're going to think about the consequences of initiating force on another person a lot harder.

The idea of dying for an ideology really weeds out a lot of people.


Kek has granted you a wonderful talent, user.

Isnt what the alt right does?
So far antifa is winning.
Online alt right say they are alpha but reality says otherwise.
But badass they are learning to fight

This guy gets it.

"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."
-Mike Tyson

Theoretically learning how to kick someone's ass really doesn't matter. If you don't know how to take punishment you won't make it in a fight.


Doesn't that mean since they are trained they have greater responsibility if a fight happens?

Because they are fully trained to fight and if they go over board they can't be like "I never raised my hands in my life and no clue how to fight"?


This can't be real, yet I can't see any pixels that indicate a shop...